Pharmacy Clinical Consult

Clinical consults are formal writing assignments that answer questions posed by other health care professionals. Attached, please find the consult evaluation form (rubric), and an example of a pharmacy consult. My pharmacy consult question specifically is – “Does Lithium have specific drug interactions with sodium channel blockers?” Since Lithium is similar to sodium, is there a dynamic interaction with sodium channel blockers? If possible, I need to find if Lithium has any effect on anesthesia (which is a sodium channel blocker). Please support findings with specific studies that have been done. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you!


1) Take some issue that falls under sexual morality (procreation, contraception, celibacy, marriage, adultery, casual sex, flirting, prostitution, homosexuality, masturbation, seduction, rape, sexual harassment, sadomasochism, pornography, bestiality, and pedophilia) and provide an argument, using at least one of the normative ethical theories we considered, for or against it. If you really want to provide arguments for AND against it, that is fine too. 2) In your reading you will encounter the debate between those who think that, when it comes to sexual morality, consent is enough and those who think consent is not enough. Reflect on this debate, get the facts right, and then and offer your views on the issue. Please provide at least one argument in defense of your position using one of the normative theories we considered.



The document discusses the role of the administration in the process of adoption of Industry 4.0 in the global economy. Industry 4.0 describes the use of a high level of digital automation in business and manufacturing processes. The use of industrial 4.0 has the potential to allow the business and manufacturing industries to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The implementation of industrial technologies 4.0 requires management to undertake an elaborate assessment of organizational capacity in areas such as the skill set and the effects of adopting the technology.
Key Words: Skills – Management – Revolution – Industrial – Administration – Capitalism








Values and assumptions

Values are our guidelines for living and behavior. Each of us has a set of deeply held beliefs about the way the world should be. What do you value? Where do your most important values come from?are these trustworthy sources? Are some of your value preferences more resistant to change than others?why? Explore a value in your core belief system. Tell a story about an experience in your life that shaped your core values. For example, this could be a story about how your parents raised you, about an experience in a school or classroom setting that molded your thinking, or a life experience that caused your values to shift, transform or change from your upbringing or how you have been taught. Reflect on the experience you shared in your story. How have these core beliefs served you in your life? How do you keep sight of your vision, principles, and values in your life and or work? Is there anything you would change about your values and beliefs now? Esaay should be double spaced, and must have a thesis and also a creative title.

What role does music have to play in children’s development and education?

The essay needs to be a 5000 WORD essay critically discussing the role music has to play in children’s development and education. This essay is a Music Psychology essay. Throughout the essay, you would ALWAYS have to provide empirical evidence to support your views and main arguments.
When using empirical evidences within the main arguements, you should provide the in-text citations referencing the empirical evidence with the author’s last name and year of work i.e (Andrews, 2004) and of course, include all the in-text citations in the bibliography at the end.
It is very crucial to start the essay assignment EARLY, as the word count is 5000 words.
Note: Attached is the FURTHER DETAILS of the essay assignment, identifying what needs to be done and what needs to be included, it is important to cautiously read it carefully before starting the assignment.

The Melbourne Banking Crisis of 1892-3

Please refer to The Melbourne Banking Crisis of 1892-3 in Australia and identify the following key issues:
• The nature of banking in colonial Victoria.
• The economic fundamentals of the Victorian economy in the 1880s and 1890s.
• The institutional-failure theory of financial crises.Please refer to The Melbourne Banking Crisis of 1892-3 in Australia and identify the following key issues:
• The nature of banking in colonial Victoria.
• The economic fundamentals of the Victorian economy in the 1880s and 1890s.
• The institutional-failure theory of financial crises.Please refer to The Melbourne Banking Crisis of 1892-3 in Australia and identify the following key issues:
• The nature of banking in colonial Victoria.
• The economic fundamentals of the Victorian economy in the 1880s and 1890s.
• The institutional-failure theory of financial crises.

Write an essay over Suger Creek while answering this prompt: John Mack Faragher in Sugar Creek describes several technologies that changed life in this single community over time. Analyze the most significant changes, including the most important of these technologies, and how they changed life. In particular, describe relationships between community members in the first ten to fifteen years and how those relationships changed due to those technologies.

Write an essay over Suger Creek while answering this prompt:
John Mack Faragher in Sugar Creek describes several technologies that changed life in this single community over time. Analyze the most significant changes, including the most important of these technologies, and how they changed life. In particular, describe relationships between community members in the first ten to fifteen years and how those relationships changed due to those technologies. Include either how this changed the demographics (i.e. makeup) of the community

Use specific evidence and cite all evidence correctly. Do not simply describe the book or the events – analyze it. How and WHY did those technologies change life?

Data Science Personal Statement

The paper should contain:
1.Explain your motivation for undertaking the programme(s)
2.Describe your academic interests, strengths and background relevant to the programme
3. Outline your ambitions and/or research interests
4.Include other relevant information, such as additional reading or research, work or other relevant experiences that have informed your decision to apply for the particular programme(s)
5. Highlight areas of specific interest within the programme(s) you apply

The paper should contain:
1.Explain your motivation for undertaking the programme(s)
2.Describe your academic interests, strengths and background relevant to the programme
3. Outline your ambitions and/or research interests
4.Include other relevant information, such as additional reading or research, work or other relevant experiences that have informed your decision to apply for the particular programme(s)
5. Highlight areas of specific interest within the programme(s) you apply

The Literary Analysis Paper short story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Choose one topic and construct a 3-5 page literary analysis of one short story making certain to employ textual citations. If the citations are from a story in the book, no documentation beyond quotation marks is necessary. Any supporting material or references to stories not in the book must be documented in appropriate MLA format.
Choose one topic:
Literary point of view as significant in the story

Choose one topic and construct a 3-5 page literary analysis of one short story making certain to employ textual citations. If the citations are from a story in the book, no documentation beyond quotation marks is necessary. Any supporting material or references to stories not in the book must be documented in appropriate MLA format.
Choose one topic:
Literary point of view as significant in the story

BYOD adoption/ integration/ deployment

In recent times, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has become one of the most prevalent areas
considered for adoption by IT organisations. When considering BYOD adoption/ integration/
deployment, a full cost-benefit analysis must be considered. You are required to write a research
paper, on the emerging BYOD technology as a potential solution for the Technological University Computing Dept (Students and Staff). The paper should introduce /justify /explain the
problem area, the potential technologies, the key issues/ main challenges and anything else you
believe is relevant to the discussion.
Paper length: max 2500 words

Task assessed in terms of:
Ability to define the area in focus
Technical details / issues
Conclusions drawn
Originality of work
Presentation / organisation of you work
Other student-specified considerations
Paper must be written in your own words and conform to Harvard referencing. You may use
turn-it-in submission link to test your originality before final submission.