Registered nurse

This paper will be on registered nurse. This paper is about helping you research, learn and write about specific elements of
healthcare worker’s career that you want to pursue.

The required format is APA 6th ed.
New Times Roman, 12-point font
One inch margins
Double spaced
Left justification
No lists, bullets, graphics, tables or pictures
paragraphs only

o Do not use wikipedia
o Use credible sources
o Indicate the exact source of the specific information used in the paper by citing all references on the reference page.
o Only references cited in the paper with in text citations are to be included on the reference page.
o Include a minimum of six different sources of information (books, professional journal articles, electronic sources, websites, etc.).
o No Plagiarism!

 Describe the care/service provided by the healthcare professional, (used correct APA
 Describe the limits of authority and responsibility legislated “scope of practice” for
this health care career. (used correct APA citations)
 Describe the “Code of Ethics” for this health care occupation (used correct APA

 What is the job availability for this profession? (using correct APA citations)
 Growth trends in the field (using correct APA citations)
 Number of jobs advertised locally for example in the Sunday Herald or other
publication (using correct APA citations)
 Is experience required? explain (using correct APA citations)
 Salaries – Entry level and with experience (using correct APA citations)
 Advancement Opportunities, with or without additional education (using correct APA

 Local/State/National Professional Organizations (cost to join as a student) (using
correct APA citations)
 Professional journals with address and cost. (using correct APA citations)
 Are Continuing Educational Units (CEUs) required for this profession? If so how
many and how often (using correct APA citations)
 Describe ways that members of a professional organization can gain continuing education
requirements and earn CEUs (using correct APA citations)

Case Study #1 Article (Coule’s 2013 Article about Focus Groups)

Read the article assigned for this case and analyze the data using two (2) of the theories of knowledge discussed in Coule’s (2013) article referenced above. 
In this instance, please give a brief overview of the study you are proposing; this means providing a synopsis to include an overview, the purpose.
Coule, T. (2013). Theories of knowledge and focus groups in organization and management research. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 8(2), 148-162.
• You are expected to incorporate outside literature sources in your report.
• Be sure to show deep-level analysis and critical thinking in your preparation of the report. You are expected to incorporate outside literature sources in your report.
• Be sure to show deep-level analysis and critical thinking in your preparation of the report.

Country Analysis Report

This report should take the perspective of a consultant presenting to a manager responsible for the expansion of a company’s operations to a new country. The project objective is to develop an understanding of the business culture and the process of doing business in a foreign country. You will pick an industry, provide an overall view of the country’s economy, demographics, culture, etc., and make specific recommendations of how to open the operations in that country (export, license, acquire, alliance, subsidiary). This project is not a term paper in which others’ views are merely summarized. You are an analyst, and so it is your job to integrate relevant information, and form your own opinion and view.

Country: Japan
Industry: Medical Device – Life Alert
Perspective: Consultant

The section that needs to be done is “General Background: Important Events and Country Background”

Interprofessional Collaboration

Planning for our patients during times of transitions (for example: hospital to home, home to rehabilitation facility) involves collaboration with a number of healthcare professionals. Please address the following questions:
How does your facility promote interprofessional collaboration during times of patient transitions?
What is the role of the nurse in patient transitions?
What gaps can you identify in this process related to quality of care? (If you are not currently in practice, please use a previous role or clinical experience in your answers.) -I work in a community hospital in Miami.Planning for our patients during times of transitions (for example: hospital to home, home to rehabilitation facility) involves collaboration with a number of healthcare professionals. Please address the following questions:
How does your facility promote interprofessional collaboration during times of patient transitions?
What is the role of the nurse in patient transitions?
What gaps can you identify in this process related to quality of care? (If you are not currently in practice, please use a previous role or clinical experience in your answers.) -I work in a community hospital in Miami.

Background of cancer and chemotherapy

Paper details
1.) Cancer on the population as a whole in the US– A background about cancer and the effects on the population in the US 2.) Chemotherapy — In general how chemotherapy treatment effects cancer patients (symptoms they have when they are given chemo) as a whole (generalized) 3.) How hard chemotherapy can be on the body THEN attempting to bridge this topic into how it can turn into an inpatient admission or an emergency room visit. a.) WHY does it turn into an inpatient or emergency room visit 4.) Discuss Readmission rates in the US — Generalized Some sites to possibly use? ***

Lufthansa Airlines

5 page paper plus 1 page references. No minimum or maximum on references . Paper is on lufthansa airlines This is for Aviation class (no drop down for this type of class).5 page paper plus 1 page references. No minimum or maximum on references . Paper is on lufthansa airlines This is for Aviation class (no drop down for this type of class).5 page paper plus 1 page references. No minimum or maximum on references . Paper is on lufthansa airlines This is for Aviation class (no drop down for this type of class).5 page paper plus 1 page references. No minimum or maximum on references . Paper is on lufthansa airlines This is for Aviation class (no drop down for this type of class).

Disaster Preparedness

Preparing for disasters, terrorist threats, or communicable disease outbreaks is an important part of public health nursing.
Share an overview of a natural or human-made disaster that has occurred in your area in the last 20 years.
Include a URL and reference to the event. This may be a news article.
Describe how your community was impacted.
Describe lessons learned and changes made to preparedness.

(I choose Hurricane Irma that hit South Florida in 2017. I was actually stuck working at the hospital for this hurricane so I can add a lot of details.)

Please use the text book as a reference along with a an article of the event.

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.

To access textbook:
Password: Winter99

Homestatic imbalance on multiple sclerosis

I need 5 sources from the Conestoga library my pin is: 8203481 and my password is: Cc8203481

I need 5 sources from the Conestoga library my pin is: 8203481 and my password is: Cc8203481

I need 5 sources from the Conestoga library my pin is: 8203481 and my password is: Cc8203481

I need 5 sources from the Conestoga library my pin is: 8203481 and my password is: Cc8203481

I need 5 sources from the Conestoga library my pin is: 8203481 and my password is: Cc8203481

I need 5 sources from the Conestoga library my pin is: 8203481 and my password is: Cc8203481

I need 5 sources from the Conestoga library my pin is: 8203481 and my password is: Cc8203481

Family Law

‘Should all parents automatically have parental responsibility?’

I have attached the module guide and would like the case, academic artciles and journal reading to be used firstly before and in additonal to any further soucre materials. I would like sub headings and double spacing.

I had given thought to the followng:
What is parental responsibility – discuss the theoritical issues (automatic/agreement/by order/gender equality?
psychological, sociaological, biological parenthood, contrast where they differ and whether the legal framework considers them at all?

Herring (2017)

Law – sec 4. CA 1989
– sec 5. CA 1989
– ECHR Article 2
Odievre v France (2004)
– Re H (minors) ( parental responsibility ) (1991)
1. Reality of living as a parent without having parental responsibility. (study or case material)
Most fathers do not have PR.
– Gilmore (2003)
2. Fears of Parental misuse (fathers)
– Re S (A Minor) 1995
3. Right of fathers
– Re R (2011) 2 FLR 1132 (Parental Responsibility)
( Look for a case that demonstrates both sides of this arugement / maybe ECHR)
4. Issues of certainty (under the current law)
Documents to prove parental responsibility, birth certificate, marriage certificates ..
fathers recognised on birth certificates
– Adoption and Children’s Act 2002
offers the protection against the misuse of parental responsibility and promotes certainty in proving who has PR.
-otherwise a father can apply to the courts for PR.
Articles to consider and include where relevant
Eekelaar (1991)
Bainham (2006)
Clifford (2014)
Gimore (2003)
Gilmore, Herring (2009)
Freeman (2008)
Mason (2006)
Reece (2009)
Wallbank (2009)
Need to consider the reforms in the Welfare Reforms Act 2009, Children’s Act 2004 and look at the UN Convention-Rights of the Child article 19.

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Strain Theory Within a Criminological Framework

From the assignment rubric: Use a minimum of 20 sources (15 of these must be scholarly which means they are articles in peer-reviewed journals, law review articles or books from academic presses, the other 5 sources may be government documents (e.g. Court cases, Statutes, Government publications like the UCR, OJJDP Fact Sheets, the FBI Bulletin and other Government reports) or non peer reviewed professional publications like the Journal of the American Bar Association, Corrections Today or Police Chief. While you may cite the popular press (e.g. newspapers) and other “soft” sources (e.g., web pages), they do not count toward your source total. You may, of course, use more scholarly sources and less of the other as long as in total you have at least 20 different sources. You will choose your own topic, but be advised that your paper will be graded according to the following rubric and it is your responsibility to ensure that your selected topic allows you to succeed in each of the core areas identified in the rubric. Technically Sufficient. Project must meet page and source limits discussed above. You must turn in a paper copy or send me a link where I can access it electronically. Topically Appropriate. Student must select a topic that relates to their area of concentration (you must indicate on the title page what your area of concentration is). Paper must demonstrate sophisticated knowledge of your area of concentration appropriate to the Master’s level. [Note for writer: My concentration is TREATMENT & REHABILITATION.] Theory. Paper must demonstrate appropriate understanding of criminological theory. You may not do an a-theoretical project so be sure you consider theory in making a topic selection. If you can’t find an applicable theory, you need a new topic. [Note to writer: the chosen criminological theory is the General Strain Theory.] Research Literacy: Paper must demonstrate an appropriate understanding and use of relevant literature as well as methodological literacy appropriate to a practitioner. You need to identify the most salient current research as well as “classics” with continuing relevance. You need to be able to evaluate and critique the existing literature appropriately.