Engaging Employees in the Change Process

Write a paper of 1,200-1,500 words that discusses how to engage employees in the change process and how to benchmark the progress of a change initiative. Include the following in your paper:

An analysis of the factors used to determine if change is needed in a given organization.
A discussion of how to determine if an organization is structurally ready to support change leading to a culture of continuous learning, improvement, and adaptation.
A critique of several tactics that can be used to engage employees in the change process.
An evaluation of the effects of change on individual, social, financial, and corporate concerns.

Theme of Ivan Ilych

Establish what the theme is and explore how the theme is developed. The best way to discuss how a theme is developed is usually not chronologically by following the plot. That’s plot analysis. Look for ways the theme is revealed (through characters’ dialogue, actions, setting, etc.) and organize your discussion around those points.
**Paper Assignment**
Your paper should be between three and five pages and in proper MLA format.
Your paper should form a strong thesis statement and have supporting body paragraphs.
You should use in-text citations and pull quotes and examples from the selected reading.
You will need to do outside research and have at least THREE sources from DCCC library databases to support your thesis and THREE from your book.
Access for the dccc database:
username: lvital1518
password: Lizziemisty123

Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease

Finish/ fill in the Pathology Table
Definition of the exemplar and the related epidemiology is fully discussed which may include holistic, environmental, stress, or genetic related Integrates findings from all sources into coherent statement regarding what is known about topic/issue including risk factors. Addresses all aspects of the findings.
Explanation of the pathophysiology of the exemplar to include changes in structure and function are discussed in depth.
maladaptations of the system involved.
Lists complete clinical manifestations and potential complications. All relevant laboratory and other diagnostic tests
Demonstrates connection between pathophysiology and clinical manifestation to medical, surgical, and pharmacological as appropriate.

University Medical Center

Your group will select one of the case studies that is of interest to you:
• The Design of a Management Development Program; University Medical Center
Answer this question to go along with the below response:
Describe how the organization successfully addressed the challenge/opportunity by investing in their human capital.
: Week 5 Group Project

Please ensure that the response flows as a continuation of what is already written.

Your group will select one of the case studies that is of interest to you:
• The Design of a Management Development Program; University Medical Center
Answer this question to go along with the below response:
Describe how the organization successfully addressed the challenge/opportunity by investing in their human capital.
: Week 5 Group Project

Please ensure that the response flows as a continuation of what is already written.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Proposal

The methods and experimental design section needs a gantt chart added as described in the document called proposal-pro forma (which I am not sure how to include in my research so i need assistance in that). furthermore, the entire proposal should be checked again to make sure it abides by everything said in the proposal pro forma. the appendices section also needs to be polished aswell i don′t think it is well described. Furthermore, please check the table that I have put regarding the expected results im not sure how put that correctly.

Regarding my proposal, I have had an emailed response from my lecturer and it is below regarding my proposal that needs to be edited.

“I had a quick look at your proposal and overall it looks far better than the draft. So while it could be better, but I think that should do for now. I suggest you to put those subsection title at left side instead of centred as you did, take off those “Paper and stationary” and “Institutional F&A costs” from the costing table. Also, I clearly told you it’s not about equipment as you should assume you have all necessary equipment (that also include cages, because often universities have animal facilities with all necessary stuff in there) it’s about the other stuff you need. Also, how did you get that £3,340 for those “lab supplies and equipment” ? you need to say what do you mean? What supplies?? You can’t just put it there for us to figure out what it is. This is a proposal that you use to get funds from a funding agency, so you need to tell them everything in details.”

The words count won’t change by adding in the table what other stuff you need (tables won’t count in the words count). The other stuff is simply like “mice, buffers, syringes, ….” The real stuff to do your experiment. Yes, that will be good to put a Gantt chart.”

If you need any more clarification please let me know if you believe anything should be added to the appendix 1 section or appendix 2 section please let me know. furthermore, the most important thing is to put a Gantt chart…

Communication Phenomenon

Theory Paper
Length: 5-6 pages (Word document, double-spaced, 1″ margins)

You have two options for this paper:
1.) Analyze an interpersonal relationship using SIT, CMM, SET, or RDT.
2.) Analyze organizational groups or cultures using Groupthink Theory or OCT.

After you have chosen the option, do the following:
Choose a communication phenomenon that fits the assignment. For example, if you chose option 1 you could examine a particular relationship you are in and apply one of the relevant theories to it: Symbolic Interaction Theory, Coordinated Management of Meaning, Social Exchange Theory, or Relational Dialectics Theory. If you chose option 2 you can apply either Groupthink Theory or Organizational Culture Theory to a group situation.

In your paper include the following:
•Introduction- Introduce your topic, theory, and what you will discuss.
-Describe the communication phenomenon.
-Describe the theory.
-Discuss what you observe via the theory you use. Be sure to be specific in your description and provide examples of what you see.
-Discuss your insights, what you learned from your analysis.
-Discuss where you think research in this area should go in the future, given what you see in your analysis.
•Conclusion- In which you summarize the key points of your paper.

-70% Content
-20% Structure
-10% Spelling/Grammar

~~~~See the General Grading Rubric for a Breakdown of the criteria~~~~
-Please Refer to Additional Materials for the file I have attached.

My Thoughts For The Writer:
-You may use any option you would like for the paper. Whatever makes you more comfortable top write the paper.
-As a writer feel free to use your own opinions/ideas etc.
-Please use as many sources as you need. This is written in the Rubric sheet I’ve attached.
-The Paper Details and Rubric Sheet is all the information the professor has provided to me. If you have any questions or concerns about the paper please feel free to contact me anytime day or night.
Thank You!

Early Ambulation in Hip Replacement Patients to prevent DVT’s

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer‐reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.
(Same as previous Qualitative essay, but now with Quantitative references)****

Engaging Employees in the Change Process

Write a paper of 1,200-1,500 words that discusses how to engage employees in the change process and how to benchmark the progress of a change initiative. Include the following in your paper:

An analysis of the factors used to determine if change is needed in a given organization.
A discussion of how to determine if an organization is structurally ready to support change leading to a culture of continuous learning, improvement, and adaptation.
A critique of several tactics that can be used to engage employees in the change process.
An evaluation of the effects of change on individual, social, financial, and corporate concerns.

Critically discuss San Pellegrino’s marketing mix strategy in the context of any ONE national market environment of your choice

Assessment task details and instructions
Read the following case study

Kotler, P. et al (2016) Case Study: San Pellegrino: delighting mineral water consumers, In Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Brady, M., Goodman, M, and T. Hansen (2016) Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, pp. 498-500.

Address the following question:
Critically discuss San Pellegrino’s marketing mix strategy in the context of any ONE national market environment of your choice (100 Marks).

As a guide you should:

(a) Provide a critical discussion of the marketing mix of San Pellegrino in ONE country of your choice through the use of appropriate literature and practitioner sources (50 marks).
(b) Provide a critical discussion of San Pellegrino through the use of the PESTEL typology in ONE specific country of your choice using appropriate literature and practitioner sources (50 marks)

You should draw upon relevant academic as well as practitioner sources to support your points

Do not address the questions (if any) at the bottom of the printed case study.

Please note that you should use the printed case study as a starting point in your analysis, as you are expected to undertake your own desk research to update your understanding of the current corporate context of the company in the case study.
Your work should be in a creative, critical and evaluative manner. Ensure that your arguments are clear and logical and where appropriate include academic sources, i.e. academic journal papers, which add weight to your points raised. Please show in your list of references an appropriate breadth and depth of references relevant to the topic.

Your work must be correctly referenced throughout in the Harvard format.

Your assignment should be word processed and produced in an appropriate academic style. The font should be 12, and be double spaced. The work should be completed on an individual basis

Communication Phenomenon

Theory Paper
Length: 5-6 pages (Word document, double-spaced, 1″ margins)

You have two options for this paper:
1.) Analyze an interpersonal relationship using SIT, CMM, SET, or RDT.
2.) Analyze organizational groups or cultures using Groupthink Theory or OCT.

After you have chosen the option, do the following:
Choose a communication phenomenon that fits the assignment. For example, if you chose option 1 you could examine a particular relationship you are in and apply one of the relevant theories to it: Symbolic Interaction Theory, Coordinated Management of Meaning, Social Exchange Theory, or Relational Dialectics Theory. If you chose option 2 you can apply either Groupthink Theory or Organizational Culture Theory to a group situation.

In your paper include the following:
•Introduction- Introduce your topic, theory, and what you will discuss.
-Describe the communication phenomenon.
-Describe the theory.
-Discuss what you observe via the theory you use. Be sure to be specific in your description and provide examples of what you see.
-Discuss your insights, what you learned from your analysis.
-Discuss where you think research in this area should go in the future, given what you see in your analysis.
•Conclusion- In which you summarize the key points of your paper.

-70% Content
-20% Structure
-10% Spelling/Grammar

~~~~See the General Grading Rubric for a Breakdown of the criteria~~~~
-Please Refer to Additional Materials for the file I have attached.

My Thoughts For The Writer:
-You may use any option you would like for the paper. Whatever makes you more comfortable top write the paper.
-As a writer feel free to use your own opinions/ideas etc.
-Please use as many sources as you need. This is written in the Rubric sheet I’ve attached.
-The Paper Details and Rubric Sheet is all the information the professor has provided to me. If you have any questions or concerns about the paper please feel free to contact me anytime day or night.
Thank You!