Applied Corporate Strategy

The module is assessed (100%) by an individual Strategic Report (maximum 3,000 words) involving an in-depth, strategic analysis of a large organisation. The subject of the report will be decided by the module convenor but students will be able to choose from a list of several examples.

Instructions for assessment

This assignment is focused on the selected organisation, its industry and business environment. By week 2 you will be given a list of organisations (cases) to choose from. Please choose one case (featuring an organisation) for the purposes of this assignment. THE COMPANY IS ZARA- and the case study is: evaluate Zara online strategy!

Formative work in weekly seminars will guide students through analytical techniques and processes required to complete the task.

The Strategic Report should address the following:

1) Carry out external analysis (business environment (PESTLE) and industry(Porter’s Five Forces)) to identify a set of Opportunities and Threats and assess industry attractiveness. (30%)

2) Analyse the resources and key competences of the organisation and identify core competences (key factors that may give the company its competitive advantage)- SWOT. (30%)

3) Choose one strategy that the company implemented recently and evaluate it using SAFe criteria. (30%)

Computer security

I want to get a scientific paper to be published in a journals. The Paper shoud discuss the data manipulation in the cloud, especially private information retrieval and update. Beased on this paper and its findings I could build my Phd proposal and thesis. So, I need the writer to show me his plan of work to put me on the right track where this work will last about three years.I want to get a scientific paper to be published in a journals. The Paper shoud discuss the data manipulation in the cloud, especially private information retrieval and update. Beased on this paper and its findings I could build my Phd proposal and thesis. So, I need the writer to show me his plan of work to put me on the right track where this work will last about three years.

Case study – Topic 38 year old stroke patient with severe deficits. Who’s outcome was extremely poor ( she will never walk again and is unable to talk) she requires guardianship as she is a single female with no supportive family and her children are in foster care due to severe stroke she is unable to care for herself let alone her 3 children.

Case study – Topic 38 year old stroke patient with severe deficits. Who’s outcome was extremely poor ( she will never walk again and is unable to talk) she requires guardianship as she is a single female with no supportive family and her children are in foster care due to severe stroke she is unable to care for herself let alone her 3 children.Case study – Topic 38 year old stroke patient with severe deficits. Who’s outcome was extremely poor ( she will never walk again and is unable to talk) she requires guardianship as she is a single female with no supportive family and her children are in foster care due to severe stroke she is unable to care for herself let alone her 3 children.

forensic and investigative psychology

You are asked to review the Case Study information provided in the assessment folder, based on the Case study information, please answer the following question: o Examine the crime locations (e.g., cluster of offences, times the offences took place). Based on your examination draw some inferences about the likely offender using at least two of the ‘central concepts’ discussed (Criminal Pattern Theory, Circle Theory, Rational Choice Theory, Routine Activity Theory). Please remember to use empirical evidence to support your inferences.  This assignment will assess learning outcomes 1 and 2, so please familiarise yourself with them.  Students should ensure that all inferences made are supported by up to date evidence (e.g., articles from 2006 onwards).  An example of the case study assignment will be reviewed during the Geographical Profiling lecture on 18 March 2019. Students should ensure they review the lecture notes before starting the assignment.


PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN YOU WRITE THE ANSWERS and REMEMBER YOU MUST QUOTE TWICE PER QUESTION, FROM DIFFERENT LOCATIONS IN THE TEXT and I’ve attached all the reading That you need to use and the questions: GRAMMAR AND SPELLING. Write complete sentences that really mean something. Spell words correctly. BE CAREFUL with your writing. Pretend you’re an artist and your essay is a work of art. Or pretend you’re at an exciting new job and this essay is your presentation to your new, successful, extremely well-dressed and attractive co-workers. Spend time with it. Read over it a few times. Make sure it says what you want it to say, and says it correctly. ____ ORGANIZATION. Execute an intentional plan in your essay. THINK about what you should say first, what second. The trick here is to start with something direct and strong… offer the basics, and then move on to whatever’s dependent on something else (something you wrote at the beginning…) ____ ADDRESS THE ENTIRETY OF THE PROMPT. Questions often have sub-questions… make sure you’re addressing everything. If I ask you: “what was your answer to this part of the prompt, here,” you should be able to point at a portion of the text. If you can’t, the work’s incomplete. REMEMBER YOU MUST QUOTE TWICE PER QUESTION, FROM DIFFERENT LOCATIONS IN THE TEXT… THAT FIGURES UNDER THIS HEADING ____ STAY FOCUSED. Many things might be appropriate in a response, but many other things… are not. I don’t mean that you should be “proper” with your speech, etc.—I just mean you should always have the prompt in mind as you write and edit. Anything that’s not related to the prompt should be edited out. ____ SAY THINGS THAT ARE TRUE. There are many ways to answer any given prompt, but it’s still the case that some answers are right, and some aren’t. ____ SHOW ORIGINALITY AND PERSONAL INTELLECTUAL ENGAGEMENT. I really hate reading the same six sentences in slightly varied forms across thirty students’ work. It’s so boring! On the other hand, I am smitten, charmed and happy when it’s clear that a writer really cared about some content. Now I know this may seem difficult in many cases. Maybe you just don’t care about some topic. Nevertheless, a big part of studying, learning and writing is figuring out HOW to care about something. What’s your angle? There’s got to be some way in which this matters to you, even if it’s just that you hate it (whatever “it” may be). Hating something, by the way, is a perfectly valid mode of engaging with it. It’s infinitely superior to not caring.

Jose Montoya and Yusef Komunyakaa compare & contrast

“Compare and contrast two poems that we studied. Look at line, imagery, tone, voice, and themes”

I’m not sure if you want to add this in the essay but I thought it was a good intro that i thought of? ” José Montoya and Yusef Komunyakaa are two poets who share a few things in common. The interesting part is that both men have served in war. Although not the same war but how coincidental is that two men go to war to come out being poets unless that was very common. They each have different kinds of style when it comes to their work. Montoya’s poems weave together English, Spanish, and slang to create authentic conversations with the spanish community. With Komunyakaa’s poetry, his poems weaves together personal narrative, jazz rhythms, and vernacular language to create vivid images of life.”

graduates attribute for work

Task 1: An Action Plan  This task relates to module learning outcome 1 and 3, please familiarise yourself with these outcomes. • The task will involve completing an ‘Action Plan’ reflecting on where you are now, identifying what you want to achieve and setting out the steps for how you plan to get there in relation to future employability or postgraduate study.  You will need to use the action planning section of the Employability Handbook to guide you as well as the materials and practice opportunities provided in the seminars. You will also have the opportunity to submit your action plan for feedback.  The task therefore will engage and develop your skills of reflection, career goal-setting and short- and long-term planning.

Task 2: Covering letter and CV  This task relates primarily to module learning outcome 3, please familiarise yourself with this outcome.  Many graduate job applications and/or postgraduate courses require a Covering Letter and CV as part of the application process. This component of the portfolio requires you to write both a cover letter and CV that is specific to a particular job or course that you will have selected during seminars. • You will have the opportunity in class to ‘job search’ as well as practice and receive detailed guidance and feedback on writing a job-specific Cover Letter and CV.

Task 3: Interview reflection  This task relates primarily to module learning outcome 1 and 3, please familiarise yourself with these outcomes.
 One of the seminar activities will involve role playing a mock interview scenario which will be conducted in small groups. Students will be asked to take on one of three different roles within the group: selection panel (shortlisting), interview panel or interviewee.  The task associated with this activity will be a reflection on the interview process, your role in it and what you have learned for future preparation for interview.  Please note you will not be assessed on the role play element of this activity but only on your reflection afterwards.  This task aims to equip you with very practical skills and preparation techniques for interviewing for graduate jobs and/or postgraduate courses.

Task 4: Work experience reflective log  This task relates to module learning outcome 2, please familiarise yourself with this outcome.  During your workplace experience, or reflecting on previous work experience (undertaken at graduate level), you will be required to keep a reflective diary and log of the work you are doing. These will be submitted as part of your portfolio.  You will be provided with a clear template for the work experience log and should use the Employability Handbook to guide your reflection.  Developing reflective practice skills and attributes will be a key aim of the seminar activities throughout the module. This will equip you very well for working on her own reflective diary and work experience log and we will cover approaches to reflective writing.  A primary aim for this assessment is to support you in identifying the steps you might take in order to enhance your employability skills and attributes. It will also give you the opportunity to reflect on your strengths, and provide some practical ways in which you can transfer the knowledge and skills you are gaining at University into a graduate work place environment.

all information is provided on my student portal on the Canterbury Christ church university


please any formation you also required send me a message plus I need to get this by 3rd so I can go through before submission. if you need my cv you can request for it.

Case Study of A Bangladeshi Bus Driver

My notes :
Bus drivers name is Nasim Akter. He is from Old Town, Bangshal. He drives ENA bus. His route is from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar. He started driving bus when he was 16 years of age. His grandfather, father and Uncles were cooks in Old Town. They used to cook tehari. He sometimes driver UBER as well. He lives in Khilkhet. His driving style is very rough. ENA Poribohon. His nephew took a job as a driver as well. Nasim loves driving a Manual vehicle. He says that the Bus Union is very strong to secure life insurance for him. He holds a Professional Driver’s License. He has a proper License and documents. The drivers get tested for drugs and he got his driving license through BRAC driving. He had cases against him during the H.M. Ershad’s period (The former president of Bangladesh). Now he has no cases against him. He was telling me about accidents, the types of car ful burs when he drove to Sylhet. One should always check tyre pressure and engine oil. He also let in a secret – that he deals in drugs like Yaba and calls it mayabori, 5 tablets costs 700 bangladeshi taka.
This is a case study, Include references from internet, books, academic journals etc.
Case studies are a qualitative strategy in which the researcher explores in depth a program, event, activity, process, or one or more individuals. The cases are bounded by time and activity, and researchers collect detailed information using a variety of data collection procedures over a sustained period of time.
I asked questions to the bus driver. After his consent I started to put questions to him.

Therapeutic Hypothermia


appraise a systematic review or meta-analysis that matches your topic of interest, but if you have not been able to find one, then please find one on a related topic. When using the “PRISMA” checklist this week, you only need to list the page numbers on the PRISMA checklist.

So, what is a systematic review?  In short, this is a type of research wherein the researcher(s) gather all of the published evidence on a given topic or issue, review it, and summarize it.  It is not primary research where an “experiment” is performed and the results are measured.  It’s kind of like a really comprehensive review of literature except that the literature is all based on primary research.  This type of reading is often helpful when you are trying to learn about a specific issue as it summarizes what is known about the issue.  Reading a systematic review may actually help you avoid reading each and every research article about a given topic.  It may also guide you to read specific research reports that will give you more detail.

A meta-analysis is similar in that it will summarize the research that has been done on a topic.  However, in a meta-analysis, the researcher(s) will look at the all of the raw data that was obtained through various individual studies and then convert it so that new statistical analyses can be run on all of the data combined.

Be sure to upload a copy of the article with your PRISMA checklist.


Sorry that i put multiple choice because there was no option to put questions only and the helpline told me to just put multiple choice. This is a case study with 4 questions only (1000 words). I have attached you the case study and highlighted the parts you need to read. Please read through it carefully and answer the questions as the Criteria states. please do what the criteria says.

Sorry that i put multiple choice because there was no option to put questions only and the helpline told me to just put multiple choice.

This is a case study with 4 questions only (1000 words). I have attached you the case study and highlighted the parts you need to read. Please read through it carefully and answer the questions as the Criteria states. please do what the criteria says.
Question 1: (10 marks. Suggested word limit 400 )
Describe the structural and functional changes in the disease process that led to Eleanor’s weight loss? Students answers must be supported by relevant academic references.

Question 2: (5 Marks suggested word limit 200)
Explain the pain pathway and how Morphine alters the consicious perception of pain.(relevant academic references.)

Question 3: (2.5 Marks suggested word limit 200)
Identify the clinical manifestations that may indicate the deterioration of Eleanor’s ulcerative colitis condition and explain why these may occur. (reference needed)

Question 4: (2.5 Marks suggested word limit 200)
Explain the characteristics of the intravenous fluid that was ordered for Eleanor and the rationale for the administration of the IV fluid relating to Eleanor’s specific fluid balance. (reference needed)

Please please use atleast 3 or more references and must inlcude 1 journal article. they are NOT counted in the word count and they MUST be within the pasy 5 years so from 2014-onwards.