] Marketing Group Discussion Entry

Details of requirements are in attached word doc.
You MUST use concepts and analysis based in the Prezi guidesheet link attached in doc. If you do not you will have to redo it as I will make a note for it to be redone, better to do it correct first time. I have clearly explained what needs to be done in the document, so unless you really do not understand do not contact with absurd questions that can be answered by simply reading the attached file, I have had issues in the past with writers trying to half ass, that is unacceptable.

Book report of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. B.M. Mooyaart (Translator), Eleanor Roosevelt (Introduction).

Read the book Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and write a book report. Use the following questions as a guide.
1. How did you experience the book? Were you engaged immediately, or did it take you a while to “get into it”? How did you feel reading it—amused, sad, disturbed, confused, bored…?2. Describe the main characters—personality traits, motivations, inner qualities. • Why do characters do what they do? • Are their actions justified? • Describe the dynamics between characters (in a marriage, family, or friendship). • How has the past shaped their lives? • Do you admire or disapprove of them? • Do they remind you of people you know?3. Do the main characters change by the end of the book? Do they grow or mature? Do they learn something about themselves and how the world works?4. Is the plot engaging—does the story interest you? Is this a plot-driven book: a fast-paced page-turner? Or does the story unfold slowly with a focus on character development? Were you surprised by the plot’s complications? Or did you find it predictable, even formulaic?5. Talk about the book’s structure. Is it a continuous story…or interlocking short stories? Does the time-line move forward chronologically…or back and forth between past and present? Does the author use a single viewpoint or shifting viewpoints? Why might the author have chosen to tell the story the way he or she did—and what difference does it make in the way you read or understand it?6. What main ideas—themes—does the author explore? (Consider the title, often a clue to a theme.) Does the author use symbols to reinforce the main ideas? 7. What passages strike you as insightful, even profound? Perhaps a bit of dialog that’s funny or poignant or that encapsulates a character? Maybe there’s a particular comment that states the book’s thematic concerns?8. Is the ending satisfying? If so, why? If not, why not…and how would you change it?9. If you could ask the author a question, what would you ask? Have you read other books by the same author? If so how does this book compare. If not, does this book inspire you to read others?10. Has this book changed you—broadened your perspective? Have you learned something new or been exposed to different ideas about people or a certain part of the world?

Psychology of Marketing- Understanding the effect of social media on the consumption experience amongst millennial

Psychology in Marketing
‘Behavioural economics’ is a hot topic in today’s business world. In 2002, Daniel Kahneman won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on prospect theory, explaining how people assess risk when spending money. More recently, Dan Ariely’s TED talks on irrational behaviour have had millions of online views, and Thaler & Sunstein’s book (2008) about decision making entitled ‘Nudge’ became a global bestseller. This work led to the formation of the UK Government’s Behavioural Insights Team, which aims to help people make better choices for themselves. Researchers in this field are often referred to as behavioural economists. Some argue that behavioural economics research is not really economics: it is psychology. Others might describe it as the study of cognitive psychology. Often it is the study of cognitive psychology in relation to consumer behaviour which makes it highly relevant to marketers. Potential areas of study include: the presentation of messages through priming, framing or anchoring; developing pricing strategies or understanding social behaviour among consumers.

The Gasland Controversy

The goal of this assignment is to write a document similar to the “In Brief” notes produced by the Library of Parliament’s Information and Research Service (Ottawa).

Here are links to a few “In Brief” notes:
• Barnes, Andre. 2010. In Brief: Youth Voter Turnout in Canada: 1. Trends and Issues. Publication No. 2010-19-E. Parliamentary Information and Research Service. Ottawa: Library of Parliament.

• Heminthavong, Khamla. 2015. In Brief: Canada’s Supply Management System (PDF). Publication No. 2015-138-E. Parliamentary Information and Research Service. Ottawa: Library of Parliament.

• McGlashan, Lindsay. 2015. In Brief: Public-Private Partnerships: Are Canadians Getting the Full Picture? (PDF) Publication No. 2015-50-E. Parliamentary Information and Research Service. Ottawa: Library of Parliament.

As specified on the Library of Parliament’s website, their publications aim to “provide analysis to parliamentarians, parliamentary committees and parliamentary associations on current and emerging key issues, legislation and major public policy topics. The publications provide non-partisan, reliable and timely information on subjects that are relevant to parliamentary and constituency work (my emphasis).”

Your goal is to follow the spirit of these “In Brief” notes and produce a short document for busy people that presents all aspects of a particular problem in a non-partisan way. You must present and define the issue or problem, provide some background or context, explain why it is important and list all arguments for and against the problem or issue discussed. You can use bullet points, graphs or maps, but each claim or piece of evidence must be supported through an endnote.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics

This essay is divided two part
1. For the 500words : It required to do a plan (like what the 2000words essay is going to talk about)for the 2000words essay.
2. For the 2000 words the instruction are in the file I uploaded
Also Can you separate it in the word document which one for the plan and one for the main essay.

This essay is divided two part
1. For the 500words : It required to do a plan (like what the 2000words essay is going to talk about)for the 2000words essay.
2. For the 2000 words the instruction are in the file I uploaded
Also Can you separate it in the word document which one for the plan and one for the main essay.

Human Rights Violations

How and why does torture continually persist in Guantanamo Bay, despite it being s violation of a clear human right? What actions have been taking to stop this? Has it succeeded?

** At least 4 scholarly sources
-Please use ASA format when citing and reference list .

How and why does torture continually persist in Guantanamo Bay, despite it being s violation of a clear human right? What actions have been taking to stop this? Has it succeeded?

** At least 4 scholarly sources
-Please use ASA format when citing and reference list .

How and why does torture continually persist in Guantanamo Bay, despite it being s violation of a clear human right? What actions have been taking to stop this? Has it succeeded?

** At least 4 scholarly sources
-Please use ASA format when citing and reference list .

Inflation unemployment and the Fed

Write a briefing that explains the important background concepts to Mr. Politico. The report should be written so that someone without much knowledge of economics can understand. Your briefing does not need to follow a specific format, but it should include the following information and follow this basic structure:

Begin by explaining the background concepts of:
real GDP.
Explain the concepts of aggregate supply and aggregate demand, including recessionary and inflationary gaps.
Explain what the Fed does. Use the above background concepts in your explanation, and answer the following questions:
What is the Fed’s “dual mandate”?
What tools does the Fed use to achieve its goals?
What happens when the Fed pursues an expansionary or contractionary policy?
To provide Mr. Politico with two specific examples of how the Fed works, summarize the two news articles. For each article, explain the main ideas presented, the evidence given to support these ideas, and the conclusions.
Throughout the briefing, you will need to translate any economics jargon into simple, clear language for Mr. Politico. Look up any concepts that you don’t understand to help your analysis and be sure to use your own words as you write your briefing.

Genre Paper: Musical (Mamma mia vs. Glee)

The assignment will require you to write a textual analysis of two of the following three options: a film, a television episode, or a video game that all belong to the same genre. For your analysis, you should first identify recurring elements or conventions of the genre (such as characters, narratives, settings, props, camerawork, sound, ideology, etc.) and then examine how some of these appear in your selected texts. Make sure to consider and discuss the similarities and differences in how the genre is presented in each media format:
➢What elements stay the same across media formats?
➢What differs due to the change in format?
➢How does the media format affect how the story is told?
➢Is the text self-consciously manipulating genre conventions? Working within or against them?

Analysis of plays tragedy genre.

12 pt font
Times new Roman
MLA format
Quotes nessecary, avoid plot summary, much of the essay should be analysis and evidence. Your thesis should be arguable while the rest of the essay supports it with analysis. You should attempt to acknowledge counter arguments and why they aren’t valid. The picture that’s included is a variety of prompts for the essay. ONLY ONE PROMPT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED. You CANNOT use any other resources besides the text listed below. You need to have knowledge of at least two of the following text:
‘‘Tis Pity she’s a whore

AGAIN, avoid plot summary!!! This should be a primarily a claim and evidence from the text as to why your claim is valid. There should also be direct quotes included in the essay from the text! ONLY USE THE TEXT LISTED PLEASE. THIS DOESNT REQUIRE RESEARCH OR OUTSIDE SOURCES.

Article Critique. Choose a current nursing peer-reviewed article (published in the past five years). Please chose an article from cinahl or PubMed within the last 5 years and write a research article critique. Please write about each bullet point and do Not miss a bullet point please.

Article Critique. Choose a current nursing peer-reviewed article (published in the past five years). Please chose an article from cinahl or PubMed within the last 5 years and write a research article critique. Please write about each bullet point and do Not miss a bullet point please.
The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate a research article from a methodology perspective. Please follow all bullet points below
• Identify the purpose statement
• Identify the population of interest
• Identify the study variables
• Classify study variables as Correlational, Independent, Dependent, or Extraneous; Classify level of measurement of study variables
• Identify the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria and the resulting sample element (subject)
• Identify the operationalized population of interest and critique validity
• Describe the sampling method used and classify it. (Ex. convenience, random or nonrandom, etc.) Discuss the appropriateness and limitations of the sampling method#
• Identify the study design and time perspective
• Analyze the usefulness/completeness/clarity of the methods section. (Do you understand what was done in the study? Are there problems with it?)
• Summarize and analyze the results including basic statistics. (How were the study findings reported? Were summary statistics reported appropriately and extraneous variables addressed and “controlled”? How clear was the reporting?)
• Analyze the discussion. Was it in keeping with the reporting of the finding? Were positive and negative findings discussed? Was power discussed? Was it appropriate?
• Summarize the author’s conclusion. What they think, not what you think.
• Give your informed and reasoned opinion about the conclusion of the research. Would you recommend any changes in patient care or nursing practice as a result of this study?
• Summarize the Research