examine the female-male relationship through the dramatic elements of dialogue and dances using a feminist approach.

Writing a research essay demands that you write objectively and persuasively. Your style of writing should be formal and academic.
You must use academic secondary sources, in addition to primary source(s) to support your arguments. Your references should be well-documented. Your ideas and arguments should be insightful and original.
You are required to:
• Make sure that your essay addresses the prompt.
• Use the MLA format
• Make sure that you do not cite irrelevant or trivial references.
• Include direct quotes in your text. Your quotes should be short, concise and to the point, preferably not exceeding 3 lines.
• Use in-text citation.
• Include a Works Cited page at the end of your essay.
• Stay within the range of the word limit (at least 3000 words).

American literature is marked by a diverse multiplicity of ethnic voices and identities expressed through different themes, forms and styles.
Based on your outline (approved by instructor), write a research paper of at least 3000 words critically exploring the text attached below in relation to the varieties and nuances of ethnic subjectivity.

Format :
 MLA format
 Spacing: Double spaced.
 Font type: Times New Roman
 Font size: 12
 Header: with student’s name and ID
 Footer: page numbers
 The first line of each paragraph must be indented (use the tab key on your keyboard)
 Margins: One inch Top and bottom; one inch left and right

Ankylosing Spodylitis

3000 word written assignment based on a critical exploration of the current information on ankylosing spondylitis available to a patient/service user or their carer via an internet search.
In this, you will be expected to critically discuss the quality of the information gained from your internet search. You will use your critique to demonstrate an ability to integrate ideas and themes to discuss evidence-based management for the client and /or information provision for the client/carer.
In order to do this, you will need to

Part one

Appraise the quality of the information in your google search, e.g. language used, bias, unsubstantiated statements, accuracy of information.

Part two

Appraise the evidence base ( e.g. data bases Medline, CINAHL) to support your discussion of what you would want the patient /carer to know that would help inform them on their condition and the potential management strategies.

Marking Criteria:
1. Undertake an internet search using Google UK only for accessible information on your selected condition (you will need to include a screen shot of your search page as an appendix to your essay).
2. Critique the quality of the information from your search considering the strengths, weakness and gaps.
3. Discuss how this critique would inform your role as a physiotherapist in developing a management strategy or client/carer support material for your chosen condition.
4. Use reference to the current evidence base to support your discussion.

Assessment brief/activity You are required to produce a portfolio that: 1. introduces you and provides background information through a CV and a three minute presentation using appropriate technology 2. demonstrates that you have acquired five skills, by providing skills acquisition statements and a learning log 3. provides evidence of plans for continuing personal and professional development (CPPD) and an account of your ability to critically reflect upon your learning Details of each section of the task

Assessment brief/activity
You are required to produce a portfolio that:
1. introduces you and provides background information through a CV and a three minute presentation using appropriate technology
2. demonstrates that you have acquired five skills, by providing skills acquisition statements and a learning log
3. provides evidence of plans for continuing personal and professional development (CPPD) and an account of your ability to critically reflect upon your learning
Details of each section of the task
1. Introduction and background information
This is achieved by completing:
a. A CV which could be used in applying for a post in HR
b. Four slides that could be used to introduce you, assuming you are being interviewed for a post in HR.
c. Evidence of development and effectiveness in five skills. The five skills specifically identified here are: Management of interpersonal relationships, decision-making and problem-solving, leading and influencing, interpreting financial information and managing finance and demonstrating people management skills. Each of the five skills should identify development activities over a period of time (which may go beyond the start time of your CIPD programme). Each skill should be presented as an individual statement and cross-referenced with the learning log (see below).
d. A separate learning log should identify a range of activities that have been undertaken during the time of the CIPD programme. This log should be based upon activities other than the formal CIPD programme. It may include supplementary study, extra-curricular activities, CIPD national local branch activities, workplace activities and personal life and hobbies. These activities are useful in supporting your claim to effectiveness in each of the five skills identified.
2. Forward planning (CPPD) and self-reflection
a. The CPPD should identify future plans and these may be based upon skills gaps, plans to specialise, skills requiring on-going development as integral to delivering HR, personal development and work-life balance.
b. A separate personal reflection statement should be based on critical analysis of your performance in producing the portfolio. Your portfolio should be cogent, articulate and focused, yet draw on as many sources of worthwhile and authoritative evidence that you can find. All such sources should be properly identified and referenced.
All submissions should be in the region of 3,000 words plus or minus 10% and references should be added in the Harvard Referencing Format. There is a Harvard Referencing tutorial in the Resources Area which outlines the formatting required.

To review the implementation of a change in practice and project management and leadership, within the context of the Varian TrueBeam clinical imaging

I would like to order course work editing to include Literature review and meet the requirement as outline in the EWBL module Hand book uploaded.
I’ve uploaded the following documents:
1- Varian TrueBeam clincal imaging report: which need editing and provide final version to submit.
2- EWBL Module Handbook M Level 2018 2019 generics (1): which you need to use as a guide.
3- UZWSGS-40-M 16971505: my pervious submission which didn’t pass as an additional info for guidance.
4- ur Resubmission Feedback: which I received for course work UZWSGS-40-M 16971505 as guide.
5- 2018 Final Learning Contract 2: as guide to what agreed with supervisor
Evidencing Work-Based Learning (EWBL)
Overall Project Aim:

To review the implementation of a change in practice and project management and leadership, within the context of the
Varian TrueBeam clinical imaging

Your work-based learning project must demonstrate the following module learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes for the Module (level M)
1. Critically appraise existing knowledge, research, new evidence and innovations in practice
2. Critically analyse complex situations and address current limits of, or contradictions in the knowledge base and/or skills identified for work-based learning
3. Critically reflect on own and/or others responsibilities and management of learning, which contributes to the goals of the organisation
4. Independently evaluate chosen methodology/tools and report in findings
5. Formulate ethical solutions, arguments and strategies in dialogue with peers, clients, mentors and others.

Practices in the Penal System

Complete an Enquiry-based Project consisting of the following three tasks:
1. Drawing on your learning from the module, produce a visual comparison of the penal system in the 1980s with what exists today. In doing so, you should consider
o The agencies active in the penal system
o The aims and purpose of the system
o Different types of practitioners and their roles
o Political, technological and other developments
You are asked to incorporate notes into your illustration/diagram or to produce an accompanying commentary to evaluate what these changes have meant for practice (approximately 1500 words)
2. On the basis of researching the websites of penal campaign groups, choose an area of concern or of positive practice in custody and/or resettlement and set out a proposal to support an existing campaign or create a new campaign. You may do this as a leaflet, a poster or a briefing that will recruit people to the campaign. This should be presented with a short written rationale linking to academic literature and research (approximately 1000 words)

3. Using what you know about occupational cultures in probation, write a thought piece on the challenges faced by probation workers in the post-Transforming Rehabilitation landscape and the nature of their work with offenders (approximately 1500 words)
A thought-piece is a personal reflection that allows to explore your own thoughts, feelings and perceptions about your practice and the organisation around you, but should still be linked to your academic reading and learning.
Format: 4000 word portfolio (your work will be marked up to this word limit only)

Word Document (nb task 1 may be presented as a separate powerpoint file)

Implementing Professional Learning Communities in Grade Nine in Minority High Schools

Writer I have uploaded the feedback for this draft. Rewrite the issues in the problem statement. I have already made the corrections in the purpose, and significance section. Writer also rewrite the framework from the feedback. also writer there are some issues in the reference page please correct those issue from the feedback. writer also from your previous work you corrected the outdated reference but fail to list it in the reference page. please add that to this draft reference page.

Writer I have uploaded the feedback for this draft. Rewrite the issues in the problem statement. I have already made the corrections in the purpose, and significance section. Writer also rewrite the framework from the feedback. also writer there are some issues in the reference page please correct those issue from the feedback. writer also from your previous work you corrected the outdated reference but fail to list it in the reference page. please add that to this draft reference page.

Fundamentals of Management Studies & Skills – 3 Part Questions (A,B,C)


Please read pages 143 – 145 from the following case study: Gino, F. (2018). The flight attendant had to ask her twice, “Anything to drink, ma’am?” Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 143–147.
n Please answer ALL 3 questions, A, B and C:
n A. Imagine you are in the position of Noelle Freeman, the Chief Financial Officer of Franklin Climate Systems. Reflecting on one or more theories on the nature of managerial work discussed in week 2 (i.e. Taylor, Fayol, Weber, Follett, Barnard, Urwick, Mintzberg, Stewart), please describe what are the key aspects of Noelle’s work as a manager.
n B. Which management skills from those covered in this module (i.
effective problem-solving, ii. developing self-awareness, iii.
effective motivation & empowerment of others, iv. ability to work effectively in groups, v. successfully managing power & conflict and vi. successfully leading change) would Noelle need to apply in order to fix the toxic culture at the Little Rock Arkansas plant of Franklin Climate Systems? Why are these skills that you selected important in this situation? To answer this question please draw on the theories related to the selected skills.
n C. Reflecting on the self-awareness skill that was discussed in the lecture and exercised at the seminars of week 4, if you were in Noelle’s place, would you choose to support the layoffs (i.e. fire people) or advocate for culture change instead? Why?

In Question A you are expected to draw on the material from week 2 on the “nature of managerial work” and you will need to identify and cite studies by at least one or more – but not all- of the following: Taylor, Fayol, Weber, Follett, Barnard, Urwick, Mintzberg and Stewart. This means you will need to do some more literature review beyond those readings listed as your week 2 readings in the module outline. Please use the QMUL e-library/summons to look for more academic articles depending on whose work you choose to talk about (e.g. you might chose to talk only about Taylor or talk about Mintzberg and Follett) but always in conjunction with the case in response to Question A. To identify more articles from the e-library please see the process listed in slide 7 in this slideset.

In Question B you need to choose and discuss at least 2 of 6 different skills covered in this module (each of the skills listed in Question B corresponds to a different set of readings covered on a separate week, e.g. effective problem- solving was covered in week 3, developing self-awareness was covered in week 4 etc). Therefore for Question B, you need to choose readings within the e-book chapters covering your TWO or MORE selected skills. Question B DOES NOT ask you to draw AGAIN on the week 2 material (i.e. on the work of Taylor, Fayol etc ) which is what Question A asked you to do. For Question B you need to choose readings from the weeks in which we covered or will cover later in the module the following skills ((i. effective problem-solving, ii. developing self- awareness, iii. effective motivation & empowerment of others, iv. ability to work effectively in groups, v. successfully managing power & conflict and vi. successfully leading change)

In Question C, you are asked to tell us what YOU would do, so it is OK to use “I”, but always develop your answer drawing on the literature (in Question C you are specifically asked to draw on the self-awareness literature we covered in week 4) in conjunction with the case.

n Use examples from the case study to connect to aspects of your chosen theory
n e.g. in this case Noelle is doing this […] which relates to what Mitzberg (1973) identified as the “disturbance handler” role
n You can use more than one theory to develop an argument n Justify your selection(s)

You can choose at least two s.. REST ON PDF ADVICE ON ASSIGNMENT

Mathematics and inclusion task: annotated lesson plan

Use of Lesson Plan proforma uploaded. It must be a Maths Lesson about 3D shapes.

“Create an annotated lesson plan demonstrating the understanding of adapting teaching to meet the needs of children learning through English as an Additional Language.”
Year 2 – Primary School (UK) (Children 7 years old)

Assessment Criteria for a Pass (Mathematics and inclusion task):
• Lesson is motivating, active and engaging for learners of EAL
• Annotations refer to appropriate literature (eg books, websites, journal articles)
• Lesson is well-presented and annotations are easy to follow
• Effective use is made of a variety of evidence-based teaching and assessment strategies in mathematics for children learning through EAL
• An appropriate reference list is provided

It is necessary to reference a couple of pieces of literature.

Science Assessment Lesson Plan – KS1 – Year 2

It must be used the lesson proforma uploaded. It is a science lesson about Plants. Additionally, it must have at least 4 references ( literature )

“Plan and teach a lesson/session that links to the National Curriculum for science. (Year 2 – Primary School (UK) (Children 7 years old) – 30 chln”

The following specific criteria will be applied when assessing the task:
• Effective use of a variety of teaching/learning strategies and approaches and examples of these
• Effective use of a variety of assessment strategies and approaches and examples of these
• References made to the literature and critical analysis/evaluation of the evidence that is
linked to practice
• Links to the relevant Teachers’ Standards

Professional Development Plan Table

Hi, As we spoke earlier I need your assistance to complete a Professional development plan Table, I spoke to Steve and he knows all the requirements and the top writer to write this assignment. And I want to have a high academic expert to write my assignment. Please make sure you follow the marking criteria and come with a quality written assignment.

Latest revision commentthe Writer needs to add references and in-text citations and finish the paper

Hi, As we spoke earlier I need your assistance to complete a Professional development plan Table, I spoke to Steve and he knows all the requirements and the top writer to write this assignment. And I want to have a high academic expert to write my assignment. Please make sure you follow the marking criteria and come with a quality written assignment.

Latest revision commentthe Writer needs to add references and in-text citations and finish the paper