Briefly explain how Airbus and Boeing develop their 20-year forecasts.

All assignments in this course are designed to show how the concepts from the text are applied to current problems in the airline industry. For this assignment, the objective is to develop an appreciation for how Airbus and Boeing use the factors that drive supply and demand for air transportation to estimate the market for commercial aircraft over the next 20 years. Fortunately, both manufacturers make their forecasts available to the public on their respective websites in the Airbus Global Market Forecast and the Boeing Current Market Outlook. The location of the forecasts varies from year to year but each can be accessed by a search within the website, or from the site map. From your review, you will write a short paper explaining your findings and conclusions.

In your paper, first briefly explain how Airbus and Boeing develop their 20-year forecasts. Both Airbus and Boeing provide a summary of their methodology, but the location within the forecasts changes from year to year. You will find many similarities and some differences. Next, identify the factors that each identify that affect the supply and demand for air transportation and place these within the categories developed in Airline Operations and Management, Chapter 2. Finally, choose a world region and discuss the forecast for growth in air travel over the next 20 years and the most important supply and demand factors for this region. To provide perspective, compare the forecast regional growth with the other world regions. You may find that a table is an effective way to present this information.

Your paper should be a synthesis of the two forecasts, not a separate explanation of Airbus’ and Boeing’s forecast. The paper should be approximately four to five pages, not including a cover page, reference list, and any appendices you may wish to include. Both forecasts provide a wealth of detail that could support a much longer paper, but the objective is an overview similar to an executive summary, not an in-depth analysis. Managers are often tasked with analyzing business environments or specific problems for senior management review. Senior managers are usually pressed for time and value concise evaluation and recommendation. Discerning and summarizing the critical facts succinctly is difficult. More is not necessarily better; the page limit is intended to foster this skill.

Describe and evaluate two ways a leader can involve people who use services to promote; person centred care, choice and control, health and wellbeing.

You should introduce the service, giving an outline of:

          i.            The range of people who use the service e.g. the client group

        ii.            What kind of work it is e.g. the setting (in the community; a care home; the persons home etc.)

      iii.            What particular skills and experience you need

The Research Project should integrate the following and THROUGHOUT should be applied to the client group:

1.       Describe and evaluate two ways a leader can involve people who use services to promote; person centred care, choice and control, health and wellbeing.

2.       Describe and evaluate two priority frameworks related to health inequalities.

3.       Explain the purpose of the Codes of Practice and describe three duties and responsibilities related to safeguarding individuals.

4.       Identify and describe three signs of neglect, harm and abuse that are related to vulnerability factors.

5.       Research and evaluate one public issue from a care context in terms of social democracy

6.       Provide a timeline of significant developments in Human Rights legislation

7.       Explain three factors that have shaped the development of family structures and roles

8.       Describe and evaluate the concept of neuroscience in one area of human development

Calculate the 95 % confidence interval for the daily returns for MKT over this period.



Assignment 2 is due Sunday 2nd June and contributes 25% to the assessment of this course.


Please up load one (and one only) either word or pdf file.  For the excel sections please just take screen shots of your work to show some of your workings then cut and paste into your document.  For the maths sections, if you prefer you can hand write and scan and add to word doc.



An investor is considering putting additional funds into the Australian share market; to assist with this decision she analyses the continuous daily returns for S&P/ASX 200 – PRICE INDEX (MKT) from 19 February 2018 to 19 February 2019 using Excel’s Data Analysis/Descriptive Statistics[1].  This data is available in ECON1095 Data Sem 1 2019.xlsx.

  • Calculate the 95 % confidence interval for the daily returns for MKT over this period.
  • The investor decides that she will only put extra money into the Australian share market if she can rule out negative returns. The average daily returns for the sample period should be above zero.  Therefore, the question is, ‘have the daily returns for MKT been far enough above zero for the investor to be confident that they will not go below this level?’  Test to see whether the daily returns on MKT are less than or equal to zero using a level of significance of a = 0.05.  That is, conduct the following test, Ho: m <= 0, H1: m >0.  Would she invest further in the Australian share market using this rule?
  • Test to see whether the daily returns on MKT are normally distributed using the Jarque-Bera test. This should be done in Excel, by calculating the Jarque-Bera statistic using the formulas from the notes and Excel’s Data Analysis/Descriptive Statistics.[2]  Using the results of this test, comment on the accuracy of the probabilities you calculated in parts (a) and (b) of this question.

(3     marks)


  • Suppose a hypothetical individual’s Utility (U) can be explained through their consumption of two goods (X1 & X2) such that:


Use linear regression to estimate this individual’s utility function which is represented by U = b0X1b1X2b2.  Do this in excel using the matrix formulas =  (X¢X)-1X¢y for the coefficients and V() = 2(X¢X)-1 for the standard errors.  Check your answers using excels regression function.


  • With the utility function estimated in part (a) and the budget constraint: (i.e. total budget is $2,000 and the price of X1 is $6.5 and the price of X2 is $4.5), use the Lagrangian function to find the optimal values of X1 and X2.  That is, find the values of X1 and X2 that maximise this individual’s utility subject to the budget constraint[3].  What is the value of l and what is its interpretation?


Check your answer using the solver in excel.  To do this open a new spread sheet and insert names for X1 and X2 in cells B2 and C2 and the starting values for these variables of 1 in both cells B3 and C3 and name these cells Xone and Xtwo.   In cell B6 type the formula for the utility function, = b0(Xone^b1)*(Xtwo^b2) and name this UU.  In cell B9 type the formula for the budget, =6.5*Xone+4.5*Xtwo and name this BB.  Next, go to the solver and set the target cell UU equal to maximum by changing Xone and Xtwo.  Then add the constraint that BB = 2000, then solve.  When given the solver results ask for the sensitivity report as this gives l.

(6 marks)



QUESTION 3 (please use EXCEL for this question).

Although the conclusion from QUESTION 1 may have been to not put additional funds into the Australian share market, with the lower value of the Australian dollar the investor is ‘bullish’ about the 32 Australian listed Basic Materials shares.  Therefore, she decides that a portfolio of these types of shares could present profit opportunities in the future.  Using data on the Unadjusted Share Prices and the same sample period as earlier, follow the instructions below to construct an efficient frontier for the proportions of your funds that need to be allocated to the different Australian Basic Materials shares.  There are additional instructions in Mathematical Programming notes.


Calculate the average continuous daily returns, then convert to average yearly returns by multiplying each by your sample period (n).  Transpose this block of cells and name the average returns Ret.  Use the covariance command from EXCEL’s Data Analysis Tools to find the variance-covariance matrix for the daily returns.  This matrix is symmetrical, so the missing elements can be easily filled in.  Name this matrix Mvac.  Convert Mvac into the variance-covariance matrix for yearly returns by highlighting the cells and entering =n*Mvac [Ctrl]+[Shft]+[Enter]. Name this block Vac.  Enter the initial guesses for the optimal weights for the shares and name this block of cells Wts.  Transpose these weights and name this block Twts.  Find the expected return for the portfolio using =MMULT (Wts, Ret) [Ctrl]+[Shft]+[Enter].  Call this cell Pret.  Finding the variance of portfolio returns requires three stages.  First, highlight the appropriate cells and enter =MMULT (Wts,Vac) [Ctrl]+[Shft]+[Enter].  Name this block Tvac.  Second, highlight a single cell and enter =MMULT (Tvac, Twts) [Ctrl]+[Shft]+[Enter].  Call this cell Pvar.  Next, find the portfolio risk, or square root of the portfolio variance and name this cell Prsk.  To ensure that the portfolio weights sum to one, enter 1’s and name this block Unit.  To find the expression for the sum of the weights by entering =MMULT (Unit, Twts) [Ctrl]+[Shft]+[Enter].  Name this cell Wtcn.


Using this worksheet and the EXCEL Solver Tool find the minimum risk for the funds allocations for the various expected returns (I suggest performing the exercise for about ten different expected returns, chosen to ensure a solution can be found).  In each case you must constrain the weights so they are non-negative and sum to one.  Use these values to graph the Efficient Frontier with risk on the horizontal axis and returns on the vertical axis.


Write a brief report explaining how your portfolio changes as you try different expected returns.

(5 marks)



One approach to testing the validity of the CAPM is to use the two-pass method.  At the first pass estimate the betas and the variance of the error terms for a number of firms.  This is to be done using the same sample period as in the other questions and the daily returns for the Unadjusted Prices for the Australian Basic Materials firms and the S&P200 Index (MKT).  At the second pass use these results to estimate the Security Market Line (SML).  If the model is a good fit this is interpreted as an indication that the CAPM successfully explains the relationship between Risk and Return.


First calculate the continuous returns on all of the Australian Basic Material shares and the market index.


Note that the cell references in the instructions below are indicative only; they are for a different sample size and the exact cell references you use will depend on how you construct your own worksheets.


At the first pass calculate the systematic risk or betas for all firms with respect the MKT.  Do this by estimating the market model: Rit = b0  +  b1RMt for all firms noting the estimated values of the slopes. To find all the betas go to cell EC64 and enter: =LINEST(EC3:EC62,$EB3:$EB62).  Now highlight EC64 and drag it to cell IR64.  To find the average returns for each firm j, the squared beta values and the variances of the error terms for each market model use the following Excel procedures (note, again the cell references are indicative only).

  • To find all the average returns go to cell EC65 and enter: = AVERAGE(EC3:EC62) Then click this cell and drag it to IR65.
  • To find the squares of the beta values go to cell EC66 and enter: = EC64^2 Then click this cell and drag it to IR66.
  • To find the variances of the error terms in all Market Models use the STEYX function to find their standard deviation and then square this value. Use the STEYX function to enter the Y values and then the X values. To do this, go to cell EC67 and enter the following:            =STEYX(EC3:EC62,$EB3:$EB62)^2  Click this cell and drag it to IR67.
  • Enter the four sets of values for , E(R), 2 and s2 into a separate worksheet. You can call these three variables BETA, ER, BETASQ and VAR. You may need to transpose rows to columns or columns to rows.  Copy the first five values of each of these variables into your submission so your answers can be checked.

For the second pass estimate the SML:  E(R) = g0 + g1 + uj and evaluate your results.

  • What should the values of the intercept and the slope for the SML represent?
  • To help determine whether factors other than systematic risk affect expected returns also estimate the following model: E(R) = g0 + g1 + g22 + g3s2j + uj
  • Interpret the coefficient of determination for both equations and do the same for the adjusted coefficients of determination.
  • Use t-tests to identify the variables which do not have a significant impact on the expected returns, and the variables that do.[5]
  • Briefly discuss your results.

(5 marks)



The investor would like to further investigate the 32 Australian Basic Materials shares.  She does this using the share returns, the MKT return and the Betas calculated in QUESTION 4, as well as the most recent AUSTRALIA BOND YIELD 10 Y – MIDDLE RATE as a measure of the risk-free rate (Rf).  Present the answers to parts (a), (b) and (c) of this question in a tabular form (cut and paste from a spreadsheet is fine).

  • Indicate which of these Basic Materials shares have outperformed, and which has underperformed the MKT?
  • Conduct hypothesis tests on the Betas of each share against unity to indicate whether the shares are ’passive’, ‘aggressive’ or ‘neutral’. This requires finding the standard error of the slope coefficients for each of your 32 market models.  To do this:
    • Square root the variances of your error terms to find the standard errors of regression for the market models.
    • Divide these standard errors of regression by the standard deviation of the market returns multiplied by the square root of the sample size. This will give you the standard error of each slope coefficient, which can be used to conduct your hypothesis tests.
  • Using the Security Market Line; E(Ri) = Rf + [E(RM) – Rf ]bi assuming the share performance over the last 12-months is the best indicator of what is likely to happen in the future, obtain the expected returns for each of the Basic Materials shares[6].
  • Drawing on information from QUESTIONS 1, 3, 4 & 5 write a brief paragraph discussion the prospects for Australian Basic Materials share performance.

(6 marks)

[1] She is only able to calculate returns from 20 February 2018.

[2] Note that when Excel calculates kurtosis it subtracts 3 from the value.

[3] Please do this algebraically, although there is no need to check the second order conditions. Also, it is fine to work with rounded numbers even though this will make the solution slightly inaccurate.

[4] Refer to the course notes: Mathematical Programming, Simple and Multiple Regression and Finance Applications for additional help.

[5] Use a level of significance of a = 0.05 for all tests.

[6] Be careful to ensure to use only data of the same frequency.

Present your informed judgment about the permissibility, impermissibility or conditional permissibility of a given practice and to present your reasons for holding that view

Instructions for the Long Writing Assignment

Your goal in the short writing projects is to present your informed judgment about the permissibility, impermissibility or conditional permissibility of a given practice and to present your reasons for holding that view.

For the long projecs, the format is both precise and invariant. The project is to be three paragraphs in length, with explicit thesis sentences beginning each paragraph. In the first paragraph, you will name a practice and state the view you are defending as regards it. In the second paragraph you will show that you are aware of arguments opposing your view. In the third paragraph, you will explain why you believe the reasons given in the first outweigh the reasons given in the second.

In the first paragraph, first state clearly the practice you are discussing, then the position you are taking on it and finally the reasons for taking that position. Be both explicit and clear. Don’t discuss “euthanasia,” for example, since the term “euthanasia” covers many different practices with, perhaps, important differences in moral stature among them. Discuss rather, say, voluntary active euthanasia, or nonvoluntary cessation of heroic efforts. In other words, be precise. If you conclude that a practice is permissible conditionally, then state the conditions under which it is and is not. Presumably no one supports capital punishment for all crime. So the questions become “which ones?” and “why those?” State your reasons explicitly. Finally, be careful that what you are presenting as reasons are not just pre-made judgments built into your definitions. Don’t criticize abortion on the grounds that it is murder, for example, since “murder” just means “wrongful killing.” You owe an argument that it is wrong before you are entitled to call it murder.

In the second paragraph be fair when presenting opposing views. Since philosophical claims, in particular, get their substance in part from contrast, diminishing alternative claims really does diminish your own claims. For example, suppose you favor stronger criminal sanctions for white-collar criminals. You write: “I am aware that some people think that prisons are for rehabilitation and not for punishment, but I object to criminals being supported in luxury at taxpayer expense. Criminals have got to accept the consequences of their actions.” Two things have gone wrong. First, your sentence is unfair. No one ever has asserted that prisons ought to be luxurious, and no one has denied that crime should have consequences. The argument is over what those consequences ought to be. Second, you have weakened your own claim logically. By denying the claim that white-collar criminals ought to be supported in taxpayer luxury, you assert only that they ought not to be. But this is not nearly as strong a claim as the one you meant to make, which is that criminals ought to be treated worse than they are.

In the final paragraph, be sure that your claim really does match the logic under which you reject alternatives earlier. Suppose you are defending the claim that the production of pornography morally is permissible. In your second paragraph, you showed that you were aware of arguments to the contrary. Now, in the third paragraph, you argue that nevertheless, free speech is a constitutionally protected right and that limiting that right is worse than allowing pornography. The problem with this approach is that it changes the subject. Initially, you claimed that the production of pornography was permissible morally whereas now you are claiming only that it ought to be legal. These are very different claims.

So what you are to do is present your conclusion clearly, state the reasons for it explicitly, present opposing viewpoints fairly, and develop your arguments logically. These just are the principles behind college writing in general.

No outside research is required for completing the short writing assignments, though, you may do some if you prefer. Any outside reading you do, though, absolutely must be documented correctly. While all assignments are to be turned in as hard copies, do retain an electronic copy of all completed work.

(1) The goal of a paper of this sort is to give you a chance to think your way through a problem. In the end, you are being asked for your individual judgment. Present your view explicitly and clearly. Simply attending to basic sentence and paragraph mechanics will help here. Present opposing views fairly. Develop your views against the opposing views reasonably and in a focused manner. If you have anything to gain by obfuscation, then you need to rethink your basic position, not hide it behind unclear writing.

(3) Papers should be approximately 750 – 1,200 words in length.

Compare the way Karim perceives Eleanor and Eva, how do they differ?

Exam instructions: Answer all of the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Support your ideas and statements with examples and quotes (the quotes should be maximum of two sentences) from the book. Make sure you reference properly with page number.

1. Compare the way Karim perceives Eleanor and Eva, how do they differ? Do you agree with Karim that one can’t really climb the social ladder? Explain and motivate your answer.
2. What are your thoughts on Karim’s identity? How do you think he identifies himself? Give examples.
3. How does Karim differ from Gene? Motivate your answer and give examples.
4. What are your thoughts on Karim at the end of the novel? Do you think he has changed, if so how? Or if not, why don’t you think he has not changed? And what do you think he meant by, “…I’d been through as I’d struggled to locate myself and learn what the heart is. Perhaps in the future, I would live more deeply.” (p. 284) Make sure to explain your answer thoroughly and provide examples from the novel.

write an individual 2000-word financial report on a chosen listed fashion company / Group (on the stock market – has shares)

Assignment Guidance:
Ac#ng as a Financial Analyst working for an Investment Bank, you are required to write an
individual 2000-word financial report on a chosen listed fashion company / Group (on the
stock market – has shares).
•The Introduc#on should include a brief summary of the financial posi#on and health
of the company for the last one year.
•You need to calculate the following financial ra#os on your chosen company:
Profitability, Gearing, Liquidity and Investment Ra#os. This should be based on the last
two Annual Financial Statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow).
An analysis talking about the economy and the company is also required individually.
•In the context of your financial analysis, you should also highlight any weaknesses or
strengths emerging, impac#ng the company overall performance. Hence For each
sec#on of ra#os, you are required to:
– Comment on the changes in the ra#os from one year to another and whether
this has a posi#ve or a nega#ve impact on the company.
– What sort of factors affected those numbers (macroeconomic factors, company
related decisions, leadership changes…etc.
•You need to provide a “Stock Advice” to investors on whether they should “Buy”, “Sell”,
“Hold”, or “Neutral”. This sec#on should also include a list of the Risks facing the
business. You are encouraged to give your opinion on the likely future general
financial condi#ons of the company in the context of the results of the ra#os.
•Finally, you are required to present a list of realis#c recommenda#ons to improve the
company’s financial performance, considering the results of your ra#os and any
company / economic variables.
•The Appendices (not included in the word count) should include the following:
– The Financial statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow of the
chosen company) extracted from the company’s annual report and
downloaded from its website.
– You are required to show the working / calcula#ons of your ra#os (Formula +

Marketing plan

The Market Penetration Plan is the third section of a business plan. The business plan is for a leasing company which is covered in the two documents attached.

For the Market Penetration Plan create a 700-word plan for market penetration of a 3-year period of time:

• Explain the major components of your marketing plan.
• Examine your distribution and pricing plans.
• Explain the major components of your marketing plan.
• Examine your distribution and pricing plans.
• Explain your business purpose.
• Explain your pricing strategy.
• Evaluate which type of advertising is the most beneficial to your business/product.
• Evaluate whether that type of advertising matches up to your offering and pricing and whether you can afford it.
• Explain whether it fits your image of your business.
• Determine whether your customers will need to be educated about your business/product.
• Explain whether you will need to hire a marketing expert.

Communication technology

Spend about three hours this week reading recent news stories relating to communication technology and then select one or two of the stories that interest you most. You might do this over several days.. Remember to look for articles that relate specifically to communication technology.

In your journal entry, include the link(s) for this/these article(s), a brief summary, and a 150- to 200-word analysis of the article in terms of

  • The current state of communication technology.
  • The implications for possible future developments in communication technology.
  • The impact of communication technology on interpersonal and group relationships.

Please be sure to cite the article(s) in APA format.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Using the Unicode mapping given in Table 1 complete the following. 4 marks i) Write down the hexadecimal representation of 48-bits required to store the text string below

Question 1 (24 marks)
Table 1: Hexadecimal map of the “Control, Basic and Supplemental Latin 1 Character set” to an 8-bit encoding
scheme, as per Unicode 10.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
2 SP ! ” # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , – . /
3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL
A NBSP ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ SH ® ¯
B ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿
D Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß
E à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
F ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ
a) Using the Unicode mapping given in Table 1 complete the following.
4 marks i) Write down the hexadecimal representation of 48-bits required to store the
text string below.

4 marks ii) Find the characters represented by the bit pattern below.
0101 0111 0101 1011 1010 1101
b) Suppose we have a computer in which every integer must be stored in 8-bits with
the same number of negative and non-negative integers, find:
4 marks i) the integer represented by the 8-bits: 1111 1111.
4 marks ii) the range of signed integers that can be represented.
c) In a computer where every real number must be represented in 10-bits, of which
four (4) are assigned to the characteristic, find, assuming that the bias for a ?-bit
characteristic is 2
?−1 − 1:
4 marks i) the 10-bit floating point representation for −100.
4 marks ii) the real number represented by the following 10-bits: 0 1001 10001.
Question 2 (24 marks)
6 marks a) Complete the truth table (Table 2).

Table 2: Truth Table
? ? ¬? ¬? ? ∨ ¬? ¬? ∨ ¬? (? ∨ ¬?) ∧ (¬? ∨ ¬?)
6 marks b) Using the truth table (Table 2) or otherwise, deduce a simpler expression (i.e. logically equivalent expression) for the proposition.
(? ∨ ¬?) ∧ (¬? ∨ ¬?).
Justify, why your answer is logically equivalent and correct.
c) A digital circuit takes three logical inputs ?, ?, ? and produces the logical output
? (?, ?, ?) as set out in Table 3.
Table 3: Logical output of ? (?, ?, ?), for values of the logical input variables ?, ? and ?.
? 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
? 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
? 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
? (?, ?, ?) 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
6 marks i) Write down the disjunctive no

Question 3 (28 marks)
a) The following function ? (?) is defined recursively as:
? (?) =

5? (? − 1) − 6? (? − 2), ? ≥ 2
0, ? = 0
1, ? = 1
4 marks i) Compute ? (2) and ? (3).
6 marks ii) Solve the recurrence. That is, find a general non-recursive formula for the
6 marks iii) Find the particular solution which satisfies the initial conditions ? (0) = 0 and
? (1) = 1.
4 marks b) Write down the boolean expression which corresponds to the following logic circuit.
Not And Or
c) Consider the universal set ? = {?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? , ?, ℎ, ?, ?}, and the sets ? = {?, ?, ?, ?},
? = {?, ?, ?}, and ? = {?, ?, ?, ?}.
4 marks i) Find the Cartesian product of ? × ?.
2 marks ii) Find the set defined by ? ∪ ?.
2 marks iii) Find the set defined by (? ∪ ?) − ?.

Question 4 (24 marks)
a) Consider the graph below.
?2 ?3
?6 ?5
?7 ?8
6 marks i) Write down the adjacency matrix for this graph.
6 marks ii) Analysing the adjacency matrix, determine if the graph is Eulerian, SemiEulerian or neither. Justify your answer in terms of the relevant theory. If
the graph is Eulerian or Semi-Eulerian write down a Eulerian path through
the graph.
6 marks b) Consider the following weight matrix.
? =

? ? ? ? ?
? 0 26 ∞ 17 ∞
? 26 0 12 ∞ 15
? ∞ 12 0 14 8
? 17 ∞ 14 0 13
? ∞ 15 8 13 0

Draw the weighted graph represented by the above weight matrix.

6 marks c) Consider the following graph (Not to scale).
Compute and draw the minimal spanning tree for the above graph.
Question 5 (20 marks)
During this course you have been introduced to mathematical theory that applies to various aspects of modern computing. Below are some extensions to these topics and ideas
covered in this course. Write a page or two on each of them. Your discussion should cover
the points listed and include four to five references, other than the text book2
Topic 1: Computer Representation of Images.
Your discussion should cover:-
• The difference between RGB and CMYK colour models. Also where they are most
commonly used in computing.
• The differences between RGB and RGBA.
• The differences between 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit colour images.
• Should also touch on the storage requirements for a “1920 × 1080” image under the
various colour models listed above.
Topic 2: Binary trees in computers
Your discussion should cover:-
• What is a Binary Tree? Illustrate the definition using an appropriate diagram.
• What is a Binary Search Tree? It should also explain how you construct a Binary
Search Tree? Illustrate this process for the numbers: {8, 3, 1, 10, 6, 14, 4, 7, 13}.
• How you can search for a number in a Binary Search Tree. Illustrate, your discussion using the Binary Search Tree created above.
• Sorting algorithms for Binary Search Trees. Again illustrate with reference to the
Binary Search Tree created above.
End of Assignment Questions
For this assignment use the Harvard referencing system,

Steps required to produce a PDF/A file from Microsoft Word under Windows.3
a) Save the document as a .docx file.
b) Go to the File menu and select Save As.
c) You should now see the dialogue box similar to Figure 1
. In this dialogue window
make sure the Save as type is PDF, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Save As dialogue with the Save as type: PDF circled. Note: Dialogue box
will be slightly different in different version of Word.
d) Select More options… from the Save As dialogue box shown in Figure 1. A new
window outlining extended Save As options will appear as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Word extend Save As PDF options, which allows various options for the PDF to
set. Note: Dialogue will be slightly different depending on version of Word.
e) Click on the Options button and a new window (Figure 3) will appear.
3 These instructions assume Word 2018 on Windows 10. All other versions will be similar but not
4 Depends on the version of Word

Figure 3: Word extend Save As PDF options, which allows various options for the PDF to
set. Note: Dialogue will be slightly different depending on version of Word.
Make sure that ISO 19005-1 compliant (PDF/A) is selected as shown in Figure 3. Once completed click OK.
f) Save the file with an appropriate filename. If it is your final assignment submission
make sure you include your student number and course code in the file name.

)Identify Gender Pay Inequality in the Workforce within the introductory paragraph.

Reflect: Based on the topic that you have chosen, you will need to use critical thinking skills to thoroughly understand how this topic can be a global societal problem and determine some logical solutions to the problem.

Write: This Final Paper, an argumentative essay, will present research relating the critical thinker to the modern, globalized world. In this assignment, you need to address the items below in separate sections with new headings for each. In your paper,

1)Identify Gender Pay Inequality in the Workforce within the introductory paragraph.
-Conclude with a thesis statement that states your proposed solutions to the problem.

2)Describe background information on how that problem developed or came into existence.
-Show why this is a societal problem.
-Provide perspectives from multiple disciplines or populations so that you fully represent what different parts of society have to say about this issue.

3)Construct an argument supporting your proposed solutions, considering multiple disciplines or populations so that your solution shows that multiple parts of society will benefit from this solution.
-Provide evidence from multiple scholarly sources as evidence that your proposed solution is viable.

4)Interpret statistical data from at least three, peer-reviewed scholarly sources within your argument.
-Discuss the validity, reliability, and any biases.
-Identify the strengths and weaknesses of these sources, pointing out limitations of current research and attempting to indicate areas for future research. (You may even use visual representations such as graphs or charts to explain statistics from sources.)

5)Evaluate the ethical outcomes that result from your solution.
-Provide at least one positive ethical outcome as well as at least one negative ethical outcome that could result from your solution.
-Explain at least two ethical issues related to each of those outcomes. (It is important to consider all of society.)

6)Develop a conclusion for the last paragraphs of the essay, starting with rephrasing your thesis statement and then presenting the major points of the topic and how they support your argument.