With reference to the issues identified in the contract, advise how successful litigation is likely to be for Beata and the type of damages (if any) that may she may be able to claim.

Please read the case summary at the end of these instructions and prepare a letter of advice. Your answer MUST be presented in the correct format.


Late submissions will not be permitted under any circumstances and non-submissions will be marked as a 0% fail.

Your assessment should be submitted as a single Word (MS Word) or PDF File.


You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed and follow the OSCOLA referencing system. You must not plagiarise and/or collaborate with other students. All work should be individually produced and penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. All coursework will be processed through Turnitin.


Your assignment should include: a title page containing the module name and final word count. You are also encouraged to include a reference list in OSCOLA format.


Maximum work count for paper: 2000 words (excludes cover page and List of References.) Given the word count, you should not repeat facts of the scenario and/or cases, unless absolutely necessary. Moreover, you should only cite highly relevant cases.



You are a trainee solicitor at the firm City Lawyers. Your supervisor has provided you with the following information in respect of your client, Beata, and asked you to prepare a letter of advice relating to the damages arising out of Beata’s contract with Agro Ltd.

With reference to the issues identified in the contract, advise how successful litigation is likely to be for Beata and the type of damages (if any) that may she may be able to claim. Please use relevant case law to support your answer. You should also take into account any other practical considerations in your advice.

Summary of Facts

Agro Ltd provides hairdressing and styling services to fashion houses. Beata manages six fashion models. She prides herself on being an ethical business. On 1 June 2019, Agro Ltd agreed to style all of Beata’s models’ hair for a fashion show in London. Agro’s manager, Charley, says to Beata “I am sure our stylists only use the best quality free from animal testing hair products”.

On the day of the fashion show, 3 out of 5 Agro’s hair stylists went on strike without giving Agro any notice. The show was a failure with the hair styling being rushed through, resulting in the models not being properly presented for the catwalk. The audience walked out and the press gave Beata’s show a very negative review.

It also turned out that the hair products used by Agro had been tested on animals. Beata is aggrieved that her reputation for being anti animal-testing is now damaged.

Beata claims to have suffered:

  • Loss of the hire of the venue
  • Loss of profits as she had to refund the fashion designers who had paid her for the services of the models
  • Loss of future earnings as an important client has decided to cancel their contract with Beata upon finding out that her models used products which had been tested on animals.

. Find three potential solutions to the problems in which China is facing after signing the agreement.

1. Find three potential solutions to the problems in which China is facing after signing the agreement.

2. The aim of this paper is to present a critical analysis of different options to resolve the issue, suggest why these three solutions might be used to address the issue and most importantly evaluate why it may or may not be successful.

3. The evaluation should suggest some of the conceptual and or political problems associated with trying to implement the solutions and, thus, why you would or would not favour it.

4. It is perfectly fine to take solutions that have already been proposed in political or academic circles and evaluate them, rather than coming up with your own.

5. Whatever solutions considered, they have to be realistic.

6. In the conclusion, don’t think that you have to present *the one* solution, from the three discussed. If none of them are workable, say that. There are some issues that are very complex and problematic and, in turn, require equally complex, multifaceted solutions that go beyond how we are able to understand now. It is perfectly acceptable for you to present this as your finding; no one solution is enough

Discuss how a theoretical understanding of stigma may help nurses understand why patients, or their families, may experience stigma for a condition.

Discuss how a theoretical understanding of stigma may help nurses understand why patients, or their families, may experience stigma for a condition. Illustrate your answer with reference to a specific group or population.

TASK FOCUS: Define the notion of stigma and discuss how do you think stigma is perpetuated regarding one of the following: Age, Gender, Diagnosis. Choose a group or situation to focus your answer.

ADADEMATIC LEVEL 5; please uses 2 pieces of evidences to support each point


Condition: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

TASK focus on one of the following: Age, Gender and Diagnosis (CHOSE ONE!!!! More likely the diagnosis itself)

Situation focus: Embarrassed with the condition because of the pain and frequent bowel movement. The stigma of IBS discloser is people look at the symptoms (e.g., pain, bloating and diarrhoea) instead of the condition itself eg. pain become overlooked, instead of the association of the pain caused by IBS in the abdomen. Due to lack of awareness about the condition itself. Due to myth believes by people regarding IBS. Relate to nursing; in helping nurses understand why patients, or their families, may experience stigma for a condition.

SITUATION; Feel judged, in a social setting due to uncontrolled effects of the condition in day to day life. Feel embarrassed to disclose condition as sigma focus on the symptoms rather than the Condition itself affecting the large intestine. Allows nurse to understand why stigma is created; from social norms of what people think the condition is than the condition itself. Clinically associated with many negative health outcomes.

Explain Management Accounting and give the essential requirement of different types of management accounting systems and explain the different methods used for management accounting reporting.




Unit Number and Title



Unit 5: Management Accounting (Level 4)



Unit Code (RQF Level)





Student Name/ID



Academic Year






Assignment Title



Management Accounting in Decision Making



Unit Assessor





Issue Date



04 February 2019



Submission Date



Internal Verifier

















Submission Format/Guidance

Task:1 :  Written Report


The written report is to demonstrate an understanding of management accounting You are required to present the report in a professional way. Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

Structure of written report

Title Page :

Table of contents :

Main body:

·        Definition of management accounting

·        Essential requirements of different types of management accounting systems.

·        Different methods used for reporting management accounting

·        The benefits of management accounting systems.

·        Difference between management accounting and financial accounting

·        The integration of management accounting systems and management accounting reporting





Task 2: Scenario 2 : Spreadsheet working [ MS Excel ] embedded on Report

             Scenario 3 : Written Report










Submission Guidelines

·      Your work must be in Microsoft Word format


·      You should present your wokusing black text only (not in colour text which are ineligible)


·      Your submission must be uploaded to ‘‘Fairfield Connect’’ portal for this subject – MA


Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of management accounting systems.



LO2: Apply a range of management accounting techniques.



LO3: Explain the use of planning tools used in management accounting.



LO4: Compare ways in which organisations could use management accounting to respond to financial problems.


Task 1
Scenario 1


Easy Seat Ltd is a manufacturer of portable chairs to be sold at vantage points within cities throughout the UK. You have been appointed to the position of Assistant Management Accountant reporting to the Management Accounts Manager. You have been invited to a management meeting at the end of the month to present a report on a range of issues that borders on the importance of management accounting in decision making.


LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of management accounting systems


Explain Management Accounting and give the essential requirement of different types of management accounting systems and explain the different methods used for management accounting reporting. Briefly bring out the difference between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting.


Further, evaluate the benefits of management accounting systems and their application within Easy Seat Ltd. And critically evaluate how management accounting systems and management accounting reporting is integrated within organisational processes.




















Task 2
Scenario 2

As a Management Accounts Assistant, apply a range of management accounting techniques of cost to analyse and prepare income statements using different methods.


Easy Seat Ltd makes and sells one product, which has the following standard production cost.


Direct labour

Direct materials

Production overhead

3 hours at £6 per hour

4 kilograms at £7 per kg

Variable Cost per unit

Fixed Cost per unit






Standard production cost per product





Normal output is 16,000 units per annum. Variable selling, distribution and administration costs are 20 per cent of sales value. Fixed costs are £180,000 per annum. There are no units in finished goods stock at 1 July 2018. The fixed overhead expenditure is spread evenly throughout the year. The selling price per unit is £140.


Production and sales budgets are as follows.


Six months  ending

31 December 2018

Six months  ending

30 June 2019








LO2 Apply a range of management accounting techniques

Prepare on a spreadsheet [MS Excel] profit statements for each of the six-monthly periods, using the Absorption Costing and Marginal Costing methods.

Reconcile the Net Operating Profit from the two Income Statements and discuss the reason(s) for the difference in the profit.

Produce a financial report that accurately use the data from above and interpret this data for a range of business activities at Easy Ltd.




Task 3


Scenario 3


There are twenty-five employees and annual sales revenue is approximately £2m per year. As Management Accounts Assistant of Easy Seat Ltd; you are required to produce a report considering the different planning tools that could be used to aid forecasting and budgetary control.


Lately, Easy Seat Ltd has run into some cash flow problems. You have been advised to suggest  how planning tools such as budgeting can be used to ease out the liquidity problem at Easy Seat Ltd.


LO3: Explain the use of planning tools used in management accounting.


Explain the advantages and disadvantages of budget and budgetary control as a planning tool. Further, analyse the use of different planning tools and their application for preparing and forecasting budgets for Easy Seat Ltd


LO4: Compare ways in which organisations could use management accounting to respond to financial problems.


Identify and compare two management accounting systems and how they are being used to respond to financial problems by organisations.

Further, analyse how in responding to financial problems, management accounting can lead an organisation to sustainable success.

Evaluate how planning tools for accounting respond appropriately to solving problems to lead an organisation such as Easy Seat Ltd. to sustainable success.










Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction
LO1Demonstrate an understanding of management accounting systems  


D1: Critically evaluate how management accounting systems and management accounting reporting is integrated within organisational processes.

P1: Explain management accounting and give the essential requirements of different types of management accounting systems.


P2: Explain different methods used for management accounting reporting.

M1: Evaluate the benefits of management accounting systems and their application within an organisational context.
LO2 Apply a range of management accounting techniques. D2: Produce financial reports that accurately apply and interpret data for a range of business activities.
P3: Calculate costs using appropriate techniques of cost analysis to prepare an income statement using marginal and absorption costs. M2: Accurately apply a range of management accounting techniques and produce appropriate financial reporting.
LO3: Explain the use of planning tools used in management accounting.  

LO3 & 4

P4: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of planning tools used for budgetary control. M3: Analyse the use of different planning tools and their application for preparing and forecasting budgets. D3: Evaluate how planning tools for accounting respond appropriately to solving financial problems to lead organisations to sustainable success.


LO4: Compare ways in which organisations could use management accounting to respond to financial problems.
P5: Compare how organisations are adapting management accounting systems to respond to financial problems. M4: Analyse how, in responding to financial problems, management accounting can lead organisations to sustainable success.


Identify and explain treatments/therapies/interventions proposed by two or more perspectives in psychology appropriate to two or more of the persons/situations in the scenario (LO 1)

In your 2000-2500 word assignment you should:

• Identify and explain treatments/therapies/interventions proposed by two or more perspectives in psychology appropriate to two or more of the persons/situations in the scenario (LO 1)
• Identify key characteristics of these perspectives (LO 1)
• Evaluate the effectiveness of these treatments/therapies/interventions for specific behaviours /cognitions/states of consciousness/emotional states (LO 1)
• Apply these perspectives to at least two examples from the scenario (LO 2)
• Evaluate methods of data gathering used to develop and/or apply these treatments/therapies/ interventions (LO 2)
• Write the assignment with clear expression of ideas and a logical structure
• Include in-text referencing and bibliography of sources using the Harvard referencing system

You may submit a draft of your assignment to your tutor for comments but this must be done well before the submission date to enable you to make any changes and still hand your assignment in on time


Mr. Stephen Galbraith, aged 52, is a consultant heart surgeon who, from the beginning of his marriage, has travelled abroad extensively working for a charity. His wife, Marisa, aged 50, was a minor celebrity cat-walk model in her younger days and now spends much of her time pursuing plastic surgery and other beauty treatments. She has a younger brother, Simon, aged 41, who left home as a teenager , became homeless, and has since lived a precarious existence in and out of hostels. He is believed to be a heroin addict but neither Marisa or any of the family are in touch with him.

Stephen and Marisa have three children who were brought up largely by a series of nannies.
Alice, aged 25, is anorexic and sometimes bulimic. She suffers very low self- esteem despite the fact that she co-owns a very successful high-end designer clothes shop with a loyal core of wealthy customers. She is unmarried and finds it difficult to maintain relationships with the opposite sex.

Susannah, 30, was born before Marisa’s marriage and lived with her grandmother, now dead, until her mother married Stephen. She has had no contact with her natural father who has no wish to be involved in her life. She is agoraphobic to the extent of refusing to leave her home. Her husband, Alex, is a GP and is very sympathetic to her condition. He does all the shopping and all chores which necessitate leaving the house, such as taking the cars to be serviced, the dogs to the vet, et cetera. Susannah will not ‘allow’ him nights out , insisting that she needs to have him at home. They have no children. Alex is suffering from several symptoms of stress including insomnia and irritability at work.

Toby, 20, was adopted as Marisa wanted a son but was unwilling to become pregnant again for fear of damaging her figure and career prospects. Toby knows he is adopted and thinks he knows why. He has been diagnosed as a borderline paranoid schizophrenic . He has frequent outbursts of anger but manages, so far, to hold down a job in a supermarket. He lives at home with Marisa and has a talent for devising computer games but at the moment this is just a hobby.

Research Essay

Weighting: 40%

Completion of a 2500-word major essay, demonstrating original thought and research, and understanding of the core themes and the learning outcomes of the unit. The research essay must be a different question from the op-ed.

The research essay must provide a clear answer to the question, an outline of the essay structure, and understanding the significance of the question for theory and policy. Students should also be able to deal with counter-arguments and the research findings should demonstrate investigation of theoretical sources and empirical evidence.

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand key concepts, issues and debates in the security studies discipline.
  • Understand key theories, approaches and methods used to analyse security studies issues.
  • Identify traditional and non-traditional security studies issues, and evaluate contemporary debate regarding these issues.
  • Identify key stakeholders, actors and structures in the field of security studies.
  • Model basic academic skills, in particular, constructing a clear, original and analytic argument, and independent research, reading and writing skills.

Prepare the acquisition analysis at 1 July 2017

On 1 July 2017, AAA Ltd acquired all of the shares of BBB Ltd, on a cum-div. basis, for

$2,700,000. At this date, the equity and liability sections of BBB Ltd’s statement of financial position showed the following balances:


Share capital – 400 000 shares $  1,200,000
General reserve 350,000
Retained earnings 960,000
Revaluation surplus 60,000
Dividend payable 25,000


At 1 July 2017, BBB Ltd’s assets included $46,000 of recorded goodwill. The dividend payable at acquisition date was subsequently paid in August 2017.


At acquisition date, all the identifiable assets and liabilities of BBB Ltd were recorded at amounts equal to fair value except for the following:


  Carrying amount Fair value
Land $500 000 $550 000
Inventory 45 000 55 000
Plant (cost $300 000) 240 000 280 000


The inventory on hand in BBB Ltd at 1 July 2017 was sold in November 2017. The plant was estimated to have a further 5-year life with zero residual value. The land on hand at acquisition date was sold in March 2019. On 1 January 2019, the plant was sold to Autumn leaves Ltd for $230,000.

On 30 June 2018, goodwill was impaired by $8 500. The company applies the partial goodwill method. Tax rate is 30%.


During the period 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2019, the following intragroup transactions have occurred between AAA Ltd and Beyer Ltd:

  1. At 30 June 2019, AAA Ltd approved and declared a final dividend of $12,000, and BBB Ltd approved and declared a final dividend of $18,000.

2 On 1 January 2018, AAA Ltd provided a $500,000 loan to Beyer Ltd. The interest rate on this loan is 10% p.a,, and interest is paid each year on 30 June. At 30 June 2019, no principal repayments have been made on the loan.


3 In April 2018, AAA Ltd sold inventory to Beyer Ltd for $24,000. The inventory had previously cost AAA Ltd $18,000. By 30 June 2018, three-quarters of this inventory had been sold to SSS Ltd for $22,000. The remainder of the inventory was sold to FFJ Ltd in August 2018 for $7,500.

4 On 3 June 2019, BBB Ltd sold inventory to AAA Ltd for $42,000. The transfer price included a mark-up of 20% on cost. At 30 June 2019, one-half of this inventory was still on hand.

5 In November 2017, BBB Ltd sold inventory to AAA Ltd at a transfer price of

$45,000. The inventory had previously cost BBB Ltd $31,000. All of this inventory was subsequently sold to Boots Ltd in June 2019 for $52,500.

6 On 1 January 2018, AAA Ltd sold machinery to Beyer Ltd for $120,000. The machinery had a written down value at the time of sale of $90,000. For this type of machinery, both entities charge depreciation at a rate of 20% p.a. straight-line.

7 On 1 March 2019, BBB Ltd sold equipment to AAA Ltd for $55 000, this asset having a carrying amount at the time of sale of $46,000. BBB Ltd had treated the asset as a depreciable non-current asset, being depreciated at 15% on cost, whereas AAA Ltd records the equipment as inventory. AAA Ltd sold this asset to Beanie Ltd on 15 June 2019 for $61,500.



A).Prepare the acquisition analysis at 1 July 2017.


B). Prepare the consolidation worksheet entries at 30 June 2019. Your answer should include:

  1. BCVR entries,
  2. Pre-acquisition entries, and
  3. Intragroup transaction adjustment entries.

Prepare a 4- to 5-page (not including title page and references) critique per the following format:

Prepare a 4- to 5-page (not including title page and references) critique per the following format:

Title Page. Be sure to include the relevant information (e.g., Name, Class, Professor, Assignment, Date) on this title page.

Introduction. Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.

The Culture of Southwest Airlines. Describe the key elements of the culture of Southwest Airlines and explain why these cultural elements are essential to Southwest Airlines’ success. Be sure to apply the background material.

The Culture of Koch Industries. Describe the key elements of the culture of Koch Industries and explain why these cultural elements are essential to Koch Industries’ success. Be sure to apply the background material.

Koch Industries Should Not Purchase Southwest Airlines. Make an argument that Koch Industries should not purchase Southwest Airlines. Discuss the specific differences between the cultures of Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries in support of this position. Be sure to use the background material to support your argument.

Conclusion. Discuss the key points in your analysis that demonstrate the importance of understanding that organizational cultures are not easily changed and why culture should be a primary consideration when organizations contemplate merger.

You work at a Marketing Agency, as an Account Executive and have received the following task: You must prepare individually a business report for the SIFL team. The report will focus on three areas: 1. Investigating the market of your choice.

Your task:
You work at a Marketing Agency, as an Account Executive and have received the following task:
You must prepare individually a business report for the SIFL team. The report will focus on
three areas:
1. Investigating the market of your choice.
2. Recommendations on how to enter that market.
3. Some ideas on how to communicate with the potential customers.
You can select a country of your choice, however the one you target cannot be your own home
The report will be 3000 words (excluding table of contents, executive summary, reference list
and appendices). EVERYTHING in the main body of the report is included in the word count –
that INCLUDES tables, charts and citations.
Please note that the 3,000 word limit for this report is an absolute maximum.
The source of all data, models, concepts and theories are to be given using Harvard
Referencing throughout. You are recommended to consult the Citing References Guide

In what way can a brand’s reputation be affected by social media crises

The task is about brand crises. The issue is “In what way can a brand’s reputation be affected by social media crises”.

The brand you are going to dicuss are Zara, the brand crisis with Zara where they had a campaign picture where two thin models were modeled on the picture and the text was “Love your curves”. The models hardly fall into the category of formal models, and the picture has created a debate on social media. And the second  brand is Dolce&Gabbana. D&B  China crises they`ve had (search it up) the racist commercial video where a model tried to eat italian food with chopstick without sucess (search it up), where they was a big talk about it on social media and boycot capaign and so on..


When answering the task (1, 2 and 3) it is very importent that you add both the name of the book, the author and the page numbers for every thing you refer or think, or definitions. You must always show sources of where you refer to something and where you explain something. Use the examples above, those mentioned above.