discuss the ways in which artists have responded to two of the following themes: pollution; urban expansion; extreme weather events; agribusiness; extractive mining; erosion of natural habitats; extinction; rewilding.

With reference to a specific environmental context, discuss the ways in which artists have
responded to two of the following themes: pollution; urban expansion; extreme weather
events; agribusiness; extractive mining; erosion of natural habitats; extinction; rewilding.
Example artist: Joseph Beuys, Olafur Eliasson, James Turell, Lucy Orta and Jorge Orta.
In this assignment you will prepare a written response to the essay topic, applying
appropriate research.
Required to submit a Reference List with your essay, and essay must include examples of
direct quotes and paraphrased material with appropriate citation using Harvard Style. You
need to provide at least 12 additional references in your Reference List identifying a range
of substantive and scholarly research material.
Additional criteria as below:
Native English speaker, UK writer is a MUST.
Proficiency academic written English specialised in Art History/Fine Art.
Use Art terminology, clear citation in Harvard style, accurate spelling and excellent
On time is super important.
Minimum 2000 – 2500 words

Write a 3- to 5-page requirements analysis plan that summarizes what you need to do and how you should prepare to conduct this analysis.

Determining requirements gathering techniques is one part of the process of requirements analysis. Requirements analysis includes planning all the steps you will take before, during and after you have gathered requirements. A well-planned and thorough requirements analysis will help to ensure you build software that meets your customers’ needs.

Consider the following scenario: You are a software consultant who is contracted by Pennywise National Bank to develop their next-generation online banking system. You are thinking about the best approach to start the analysis phase for this project.

Write a 3- to 5-page requirements analysis plan that summarizes what you need to do and how you should prepare to conduct this analysis. If you need to make assumptions, state them clearly and explain your reasoning. Cover the following points:

a).What are the requirement gathering techniques you should use?

b). What are the significant risks in this phase? What methods can mitigate these risks? Limit your list to 8–10 identified risks.

c). How should you deal with the possibility of requirements change?

d). Which two UML diagrams would be most relevant for this analysis?

Prepare a segmented income statement in good format showing the contribution margin of each segment, the contribution to indirect expenses of each segment, and the total income of California, Inc.

The following data pertain to the operating revenues and expenses for California, Inc. for 20XX.

Los Angeles

(LA) Segment

San Francisco

(SF) Segment
Sales $180,000 $360,000 $540,000
Variable expenses 96,000 240,000 336,000
Direct fixed expenses 24,000 30,000 54,000
Indirect fixed expenses 72,000

Assets (investment) used to generate operating income for the two segments are shown below.

Los Angeles


San Francisco

Assets directly used by and identified with the segment $180,000 $360,000

Prepare a segmented income statement in good format showing the contribution margin of each segment, the contribution to indirect expenses of each segment, and the total income of California, Inc.
Determine the return on investment for evaluating (1) the earning power of the entire company and (2) the performance of each segment.
Comment on the results of part (b).

SLP Assignment Expectations

Show computations in good format and explain answers as required. Excel is a great tool to make computations and present financial information in an easy to understand format. Write comments below the computations in Excel. Submit only the Excel file. Both content and the clarity of the presentation will be evaluated for grading purposes.

Professional Workshop.

Your Task
Your task is to create a Professional Workshop.
Assessment Description
This individual assignment requires students to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding
of Learning Outcomes 1 to 5 covering topics between Weeks 1 to12.
Assessment Instructions
You are an independent consultant and are asked to prepare a Professional
Development Workshop on one of the topics discussed in class during weeks 1 to
12. Develop an Interactive Workshop based on what you have learned in this subject.
1. Part 1 of the assignment consists of a schedule of the practical activities of the workshop
(approximately 1200 words) and is based on topics discussed in class. You can be as creative
as you wish in this part as long as you apply practically the chosen topic in the form of a
professional workshop.

Please take care to consider the following factors when designing your workshop:
The inclusion of activities that are relevant and interesting.
The appropriate timing allocated to each of those activities.
The way in which the topics and activities are integrated.
The instructions that ensure the activities are facilitated well.
The potential barriers to the successful implementation of the activities.
The diversity of activities to suit the varied personalities of the participants.

2. Part 2 consists of final comments (approximately 300 words) summarising what you have
hoped to accomplish through the workshop. None of the parts require any referencing.

Write a case study of the care given to an adult patient from your clinical area and your involvement with this.v

The plan of the assignment needs to include the following:

1. A brief description of area of practice

2. Reason for choosing the particular case – identify at least one issue which prompted your interest in the case.

3. What condition is involved including diagnosis and presenting symptoms?

 4. What is the agreed plan of treatment and care ? Did this planning involve the service user?

5. What members of the health care team were in involved in the decision making process regarding the plan of treatment and care?

6. What was your role / involvement in the plan of treatment and care including involving the service user?


Introduction: Ensure that this section provides the reader with key data about the patient/client e.g. age and diagnosis, and also ensure that it ‘sets the scene’ more generally e.g. provides information about patients/clients family and social context. Confidentiality of the patient must be adhered to and referenced in this section.

 Main body: Provide some relevant information about the patient / clients health problems with reference to what you have learnt on the module. Remember the care of the patient/client receives will be related to the evidence base for care so bring this into the discussion. Also remember that the marking criteria require you to discuss your own contribution to the care. Ensure that you discuss the role of the, inter- professional team in relation to the care provided to your patient/client.

Conclusion: This section should not introduce new information about your patient/client. It should summarise and evaluate aspects of the care. Finally you should summarise what you have learnt from caring for this patient/client assessment.


Learning Outcome 1:  Communication techniques, challenges in communication, applying communication techniques across a range of settings, communication techniques for patient education and health promotion.

Learning Outcome 2 Introduction to caring for patients within the hospital setting, home setting, and close to home, including assessment of needs and care planning. Principles of caring for the acutely ill patient, introduction to pain management, health screening, immunisation and communicable disease surveillance.

Learning Outcome 3 Introduction to the life cycle, the ageing process, principles of human development, end of life care, dignity, dementia care, introduction to caring for a patient with learning disabilities and complex needs. Learning Outcome 4 The role of the Nursing Associate within the MDT, role of the MDT in caring for patients across a range of settings, communication within the MDT and raising concerns.

how does ethnicity influence participation and performance in sport?

Your completed investigation of a contemporary issue

Your investigation should explore and critique evidence relating to your chosen EMA Project question, where possible focusing on contemporary examples.

You should write using appropriate academic conventions and in an objective style that discusses and answers the EMA Project question. You should use the sections and sub-headings shown below to structure your work. Further details on what should be covered in each section can be found on the next pages.

Use the full EMA Project question as the title to your work.

Sections and sub-headings


Clearly title your work with your chosen EMA project question, in full.

Section A – Scope, context and approach (Suggested word count – 500 words)

To include:

  • The focus and boundaries of the question
  • Justification and the social context
  • The approach taken

Section B – Evidence and discussion (Suggested word count – 3500 words)

  • This section represents the main bulk of your investigation and should critically evaluate the evidence relating to the EMA project question. You may find it useful to use appropriate sub-headings to structure this main section.

Section C – Conclusion and implications for practice (Suggested word count – 500 words)

  • In this section you should draw together the evidence you have discussed in Section B and provide a conclusion that answers the EMA project question and considers the implications for professional practice.


Provide, in OU Harvard style, a full list of references used.

Guidance for part 2


  • Your EMA Project question was first confirmed in iCMA 42. The final confirmationthat you were answering this question was on submission of TMA 03, for which you received feedback from your tutor and which you must include at the top of your EMA document. It is compulsory that you answer the same EMA question as that submitted in TMA 03. Make the most of your development opportunities by ensuring you thoroughly address the TMA 03 feedback in your final submission.
  • When writing up your EMA you should discuss and critique what the academic literature and media sources say about the question and subject area, including any debate or controversy that makes it a contemporary issue.
  • You should structure your answer using the specific section headings provided above, with appropriate secondary sub-headings as you see fit. The headings will help you meet a specific learning outcome for the module, which states that you should be able to organise and present evidence of independent enquiry drawing on ‘appropriate academic conventions’.
  • In terms of the level at which you pitch your writing, it should be aimed at a knowledgeable peer who has read the EMA introduction material so has an introductory understanding of the subject area.
  • In this EMA your narrative should have a clear direction: just like in Study Topics 1, 2 and 3 you are working towards a clear, focused and reasoned conclusion to answer the question.

Guidance for each section

Section A: Scope, context and approach (500 words)

Advice about each aspect that should be covered is given below.

  • The focus and boundaries of the question

In this introductory part you are setting out the foundation for your work. First you need to define precisely what the focus of your answer will include, your interpretation of the question wording and clarification of terms where appropriate. You have already developed an early version of the scope or boundaries of what you are addressing in TMA 03 and with tutor feedback and further reading you can develop this still further.

Note that as you saw in Activity 23.1 there are different types of focus that can be used for answering the same question, so you do have some flexibility in the focus and boundaries you choose.

  • Justification and the social context

Next, provide a justification of why the issue is important and has value in the way it connects with the interests of different social groups and/or the wider public. For instance a question might be particularly relevant to groups such as ‘those playing team sport’, ‘young people’, ‘those with certain health conditions’ and/or certain practitioners (e.g. coaches, teachers, managers of organisations). In the EMA Project introductions (Study Topic 4) each author explained in brief why they considered the issue is important. You should try to build upon this and add your own justifications; backing up any claims you make with references will help build the credibility of your argument.

  • The approach taken

This part answers the question of ‘how are you going to tackle the question and organise your work?’ Here you need to address the direction and perspective of your argument in detail. You might also include a brief explanation of how you selected your academic and media sources and signpost here the sequence in which you organise your evidence and discussion in the main section, Section B.

Section B: Evidence and discussion (3500 words)

  • In this main section you are demonstrating your familiarity with arguments in the literature and any underpinning background knowledge needed to discuss and critique the topic area.
  • The EMA wording refers to ‘explore and critique evidence relating to your chosen EMA Project question, where possible focusing on contemporary examples.’ This means that there is an expectation that some (i.e. at least a couple) of the academic references should be relatively recent. We normally expect this to mean coverage of academic literature made available in the last two years (e.g. if you are writing in 2018 this would mean anything in 2016 and onwards). However, subject areas are built upon key research that is more dated and these would also be included in the discussion: the skill is in recognising how knowledge has developed over time from the early literature.
  • You may find it useful to revisit the section on how to search for and evaluate academic literature in Unit 29.
  • You should use sub-headings, where appropriate, to help structure your evidence. They will also act as signposts for the reader.
  • You should also address some non-academic evidence – media representations for instance, though you should always make clear your awareness that this is not academic material and is secondary to it. You may choose to do this mainly in one sub-section or distribute throughout your narrative. It is recommended that you consider the credibility of different media sources.
  • You may find it useful to revisit Unit 30 on using media evidence.

The guidance for words used in this section is about 3500 words.

Section C: Conclusion and implications for practice (500 words)

  • This final section is all about clearly stating the main conclusion and implications for applied sport and fitness and/or coaching/instructional practice. When thinking about this section it might help if you consider these three prompts:
    1. What does the evidence point to in answering the EMA Project question? (the conclusion)
    2. How is this information of any value to those working in sport and fitness? (the implications for practice)
    3. Are there any future research directions or technological developments that mean the subject area is likely to evolve further?

This section represents your interpretation of the main findings arising out of your investigation. This end point should not come as any great surprise to the reader as the main body of your work should have been guiding them to this point.

Critically review relevant literature related to the revenue management concepts of forecasting and pricing (15%). 2. Calculate the optimal price for each segment for week and weekend days based on the current hotel’s market segment mix (10%).

Case Study -Gabriel Hotel
You have been appointed as the Revenue Management consultant to Gabriel Hotel on Forecasting
and Pricing optimization matters.
The following information has been provided to enable you to address all requirements that appear
on the last page of this case study.
Welcome to our hotel. We hope that the following information will provide a clear picture of our
current situation and future expectations.
Current Situation
Our competitive set has experienced a steady decline in performance over the last five years. A soft
economy, along with increased competition from other cities, has begun to erode occupancy,
average daily rate, and gross operating profit. Finance and credit have been nearly impossible to
obtain. It was clearly a ‘buyer’s market’, where both Individual and Group clients expect exceptional
value at discounted prices. This year started relatively positive and the analysts hope that this is the
beginning of an economic sector recovery.
In the absence of available financing, and with dramatic decreases in profits from operations during
the last five years, area hotels have been unable to fund refurbishment or capital investment
projects, which would add value required to compete with neighbouring market areas. Considering
that we are a relatively new hotel that might already be, a competitive advantage.
Future outlook
Fortunately, developments in three key areas – the economy, our market area, and our hotel – are all
indicating opportunities for improved business performance this year.
Positive Market Area Developments
 Last year’s government tax incentives have successfully attracted twelve companies to move
into the area this year with estimated increase in contract customers of 8,000 per month.
 The airport authority has announced increased regional jet services through contracts with
two new discounted airline with estimates of up to 12,000 additional passengers per month
 Following last year’s successful funding vote, the new Civic and Conference Center will open
in June with an additional inflow of 15,000 contract customers per month
 The Tourism Authority and Hotel Association have joined resources to triple the
international promotional budget for premium travelers that might result to an increase of
10% compared to last year’s numbers.
Market Profile
 Lead line: “…restore yourself at the city center of culture and heritage.”
 Market Image: Unpretentious luxury and charm, integrating the best in technology and
 Newly build (5 years old)
 Book value: Building €10M + FFE €6M = €16M or €64K per room
 Full service
 City Center – waterfront site
 4 Star
 Servicing business, leisure, tour, contract, large group, and small group segments
 Very similar footprint, facilities, and services compared to competitors
 250 guest rooms: 50 premium and 200 standard
 Two restaurants – 200 seats in total with adjoining 50-seat bar lounge section
 One bay exercise room
 Small pool and outdoor recreational area
 Car parking (for a fee)
 Digital national and international telephone service
 Guest laundry and dry cleaning
 Guest room digital entertainment
 Room Service
 Free Wi-Fi
With the exception of general upkeep and maintenance, the hotel facilities are new and do not need
any major renovations this year.
At the present time, none of the 3-4 star properties in the area have any advantages in facilities or
refurbishment. While there have been some minor refurbishment projects at other hotels in the
competitive set, the quality of all the properties is similar or inferior.
Improving economic conditions should support higher room rates this year if you deem
Last Year Net Rate Summary (rounded)

Gross Price Points and Limits
The following price points and limits are expected as the economy rebounds. The best rate
strategy is the one that produces the highest departmental profit. Generally, higher rates
reduce occupancy but increases profit, but only to a point. When rates approach the price
point limit in the market, occupancy can drop dramatically to the point that profit is severely
affected. There would probably be no occupancy at the price limit.

Premium 400
BAR Standard 320
Packaged 300
Tours/Groups 200
Contract 275
ADR (€) Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Premium 290 280 310 320
Bar Standard 180 190 180 200
Package 220 240 270 250
Contract 115 120 125 130
Tour/Groups 80 90 100 90
Local area occupancies were higher this year than the previous year. However, the market segment
mix and weekday-to-weekend ratios remained similar to previous five years. Our Hotel’s market
share has been estimated to be around 2% of the total rooms available for sale.
Weekends include three nights: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Weekday Occupancy % 50 60 60 65
Weekend Occupancy % 70 75 70 80
Market Segment Mix Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Premium 25 25 26 24
Bar Standard 13 14 13 10
Packaged 22 22 23 22
Contract 23 22 21 23
Tour 17 17 17 21
TOTAL WEEKDAY % 100 100 100 100
Premium 15 14 15 14
Bar Standard 15 16 16 15
Packaged 30 29 31 32
Contract 20 21 17 20
Tour 20 20 21 19
TOTAL WEEKEND % 100 100 100 100
The following two tables provide the number of rooms occupied by the various segments. The
information is provided on a quarterly basis. Furthermore the data is broken down into weekday
demand (Monday to Thursday) and weekends (Friday to Sunday).
Weekdays Demand
Premium Bar Standard Packaged Contract Tour
Q1 550 1’028 628 1’499

Q2 610 1’065 660 1’530

Q3 600 1’064 659 1’550

Q4 540 1’020 600 1’530

Q1 566 1’057 642 1’430

Q2 626 1’094 675 1’500

Q3 616 1’093 674 1’560

Q4 555 1’048 614 1’500

Q1 581 1’086 657 1’473

Q2 642 1’124 689 1’545

Q3 632 1’123 688 1’607

Q4 524 1’077 628 1’545

Q1 550 1’115 671 1’517

Q2 610 1’155 604 1’591

Q3 600 1’154 603 1’655

Q4 494 1’107 642 1’591

Q1 519 1’146 686 1’563

Q2 577 1’186 619 1’639

Q3 568 1’185 618 1’705

Q4 464 1’137 657 1’639

Q1 530 1’210 700 1’663

Q2 600 1’250 630 1’739

Q3 610 1’320 645 1’805

Q4 486 1’230 689 1’739

Weekends Demand
Premium Bar Standard Packaged Contract Tour
Q1 1’200 1’465 1’192 1’338 1’565
Q2 1’100 1’480 1’220 1’340 1’900
Q3 1’120 1’470 1’210 1’300 1’820
Q4 1’050 1’400 1’100 1’310 1’800
Q1 1’236 1’506 1’314 1’554 1’620
Q2 1’133 1’521 1’342 1’555 1’956
Q3 1’154 1’511 1’332 1’515 1’873
Q4 1’082 1’439 1’220 1’525 1’852
Q1 1’273 1’548 1’336 1’671 1’976
Q2 1’167 1’564 1’365 1’671 2’014
Q3 1’188 1’553 1’355 1’630 1’928
Q4 1’114 1’479 1’240 1’640 1’906
Q1 1’311 1’592 1’359 1’688 2’035
Q2 1’202 1’608 1’389 1’587 2’075
Q3 1’224 1’597 1’378 1’545 1’985
Q4 1’147 1’521 1’261 1’556 1’962
Q1 1’351 1’636 1’382 1’705 2’097
Q2 1’238 1’653 1’412 1’603 2’138
Q3 1’261 1’642 1’401 1’561 2’044
Q4 1’182 1’563 1’282 1’571 2’021
Q1 1’460 1’710 1’450 1’807 2’080
2017 Q2 1’340 1’686 1’580 1’705 2’130
Q3 1’358 1’676 1’587 1’663 2’046
Q4 1’212 1’600 1’460 1’670 2’020
Demand per channel is expected to follow the same pattern as last year:
Channel Demand (%) Direct GDS OTA Whole Sale
Premium 20 50 30 0
Bar Standard 30 20 50 0
Packaged 40 30 30 0
Contract 50 50 0 0
Tour 0 0 0 100
The estimated marginal costs for this year are:
Transaction Costs:
Other marginal costs per room night:
Week Days Weekends
Segment Room
Segment Room
Premium 25 12 Premium 30 16
Bar Standard 15 10 Bar
18 13
Packaged 10 8 Packaged 12 11
Contract 12 8 Contract 14 11
Tour 8 8 Tour 9 11
Direct GDS OTA Whole Sale
Per Room Night 0 € 30.00 € 40.00 € 15.00
The following key performance indicators (KPI) should be covered at various sections of
your report.
1. Critically review relevant literature related to the revenue management concepts of
forecasting and pricing (15%).
2. Calculate the optimal price for each segment for week and weekend days based on the
current hotel’s market segment mix (10%).
3. Compare the optimal price for each segment with the current rates charged by your hotel
and comment on your findings (10%).
4. Use the optimal price findings and estimate expected demand on a yearly base for each
segment (10%).
5. Find the price elasticity of demand for each segment at optimal price and comment on your
findings (10%).
6. Perform time series decomposition and prepare seasonally adjusted data for all market
segments by using the additive model (10%).
7. Forecast anticipated Rooms demand for next year on a quarterly base by testing two noncausal forecasting methods (10%).
8. Provide suggestions for middle (2-3 years) and long-term (5 years) strategies and directions
by using quantitative and qualitative data (15%).
9. Presentation of written work. The final report is well written, reflects accurate proof reading
with no grammatical, syntactic, spelling or typographical errors, style of writing is consistent
throughout and the report represents a coherent, integrated and holistic paper (10%).
Recommended Report structure by section (please see the relevant project outline on moodle for
specific details for each section).
1. Introduction (300 words)
2. Current literature (700 words)
2.1. Pricing
2.2. Forecasting
3. Results Presentation and Analysis (1000)
3.1. Pricing Rooms
3.1.1.Optimal Price estimations
3.1.2.Comparison of Prices
3.1.3.Rooms demand estimation
3.2. Forecasting Rooms Demand
3.2.1.Price elasticity of demand
3.2.2.Time series decomposition
3.2.3.Rooms demand forecast
4. Conclusion and recommendations (500)
4.1. Short-term recommendations
4.2. Middle-term recommendations

. Answer the following questions on resolving resource issues in a Microsoft Word Document. a) How did you/would you resolve any resource over-allocation issues without adding additional resources?

Assessment Part 1
For part 1 of the assessment you must complete the following tasks and questions. Read all the
questions before you commence the tasks. The schedule is to be developed in an appropriately
named Microsoft Project 2013 or 2016 file format (see below) and the questions are to be answered in
an accompanying Microsoft Word document. As stated above, any assumptions must also be listed at
the beginning of the Word document.
1. Mr. Marketing has asked you to use Microsoft Project to develop the project schedule. Note
that he has also asked you to include the milestones at the end of the task list in your
Based on the information in the case study description above, use Microsoft Project to
produce a “Part 1” schedule. Make sure that you:
a) Include the milestones at the end of the task list.
b) Include the resource allocation details on the schedule.
c) Have an appropriate project name as the top of the task list and have all other tasks
indented below this heading.
d) Make sure that the holidays described in the “general information” are not included in
the available working days for your project.
e) Use the Microsoft Project software to make sure that the critical path(s) are
automatically highlighted as red bars on the Gantt chart view of your schedule.
At this point there may be resource over allocation issues. Do not attempt to resolve these
issues. Save this version of your schedule in EagleEyePart1.mpp. You will be required to
submit this file as part of your assignment submission.
Assessment Part 2
Create a copy of EagleEyePart1.mpp and rename the copy to EagleEyePart2.mpp. Use the
EagleEyePart2.mpp file to answer the “Assessment Part 2” questions.
1. If there are any resource over-allocation issues, then resolve these in this new
EagleEyePart2.mpp file. Note that you must resolve any resource over-allocation issues
without the addition of any additional resources. Save the “modified” version of
EagleEyePart2.mpp. You will also be required to submit this file as part of your assignment
2. Answer the following questions on resolving resource issues in a Microsoft Word Document.
a) How did you/would you resolve any resource over-allocation issues without adding
additional resources?
b) What impact did the resource constraints have on your schedule?
c) List any tasks that have changed on the critical path.
Version 2
3. The project booking for the prototype builds (tasks 1.5.5 and 1.6.5) will have to be made six
(6) weeks in advance of the prototype builds. This is the lead time required to include new
builds in the manufacturing’s master production schedule.
The booking of the Regulatory Approval (RA) test house (task 1.4.7) must be made eight (8)
weeks prior to Regulatory Approval testing.
Include these booking dates as additional “milestones” (milestones have a 0 duration) in your
schedule to show the latest date when you need to contact:
a) the production manager to ensure that the facilities are booked for the two prototype
b) the RA test house to ensure that the facilities are booked for testing.
c) According to your schedule when is the latest date that you need to contact:
 The production manager to book the facilities for the two prototype builds?
 The RA house to book the facilities for the RA testing?
Note that these additional milestones should be listed at the end of the milestones list and
should be highlighted in yellow using the “background colour” icon on the task ribbon. This
is to allow your marker to locate them easily.
4. Write a memo to the director of product development, Ms. Engineer outlining:
a) the expected completion date of the project and the total project duration;
b) an explanation of the main factors that cause the project to require that length of time
and suggest which tasks you would target to reduce the project duration;
c) the estimated labour cost of the project after the S1 concept review. Present the costs
in a table showing the costs for the following:
 Electronics
 Software
 Mechanics
 Verification
 Prototype 1 build
 Prototype 2 build
 Documentation
 Production ramp up to 100 units
 Total for the Project
Assume that you will send the project schedule as an attachment to the memo.
5. Risk management planning
a) Develop a risk assessment matrix for this project. You may use a table format similar
to the table provided below. (maximum 4 risks. Do not use the examples provided in
the text book)
Risk Impact Likelihood of
Degree of
Responsibility Response
b) Actions to manage risks can be assigned into three categories. Describe these
categories and provide an example for each. (maximum 500 words)
6. Communication is an essential component of project management and you have been asked to
provide guidelines on the different meeting types and how to run effective project meetings.
a) Explain the purpose of the different meeting types often found in project
management. (maximum 500 words)
b) Describe the process of how to run an effective meeting. (maximum 500 words)
Version 2
7. You have been asked to recommend an organisational structure for the new company.
a) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each organisational structure type
(You may use a table format similar to the table provided below. I have started you
off with some project characteristics and feel free to add your own for comparison.
You may need to conduct a bit of research to understand the differences between
weak, balanced and strong matrix organisation structures);
Organisational Structures
Project characteristics Weak Autonomous
Project manager’s
Resource availability
Who controls the
project budget
Project manager’s role
Project management
administrative staff
b) Select a structure you would recommend for your company and explain why you
selected this structure. (maximum 500 words)
8. Organisational culture is very important for project success. What steps would you take to
create a company culture that promoted project success? Provide examples of your solution.
(maximum 500 words)
Assessment Part 3
Ms. Engineer reviews your project schedule and requests that participation of one engineer from each
of the following functions is required at the P1 and P2 builds: production, electronics, software and
mechanics. These additional resources will not change the task durations. You will have to update
your schedule as you agree with this proposal.
You are now 1 week after the S1 milestone and the Chinese mechanical servo supplier for task 1.5.3
has had to revise the delivery time. The delivery time has now greatly increased to 8 weeks, which is
longer than the time required for the other components in the P1 build.
In addition, the mechanical engineer has reviewed the mechanical design specification and suggests
the estimated time for the “P2 mechanical modifications” must be revised. This task is now
estimated to require an extra two weeks.
Based on the additional information given above complete the following tasks:
1. Create a copy of EagleEyePart2.mpp and rename the copied file to EagleEyePart3.mpp.
Amend the project schedule in EagleEyePart3.mpp incorporating the requests from Ms.
Engineer, the change to the delivery time for the servo and the new estimated times for the
software tasks. If necessary, resolve any resource over-allocation issues without adding any
resources. You will also be required to submit this file (EagleEyePart3.mpp) as part of your
assignment submission.
Version 2
2. Describe the impact(s) of each of the following on the project schedule:
a. The additional resources required for the prototype builds.
b. The change in duration of the delivery time for the servo component.
c. The change in time for the P2 mechanical modifications.
Explain your answers.
3. Describe the impact(s) of each of the following on the project budget:
a. The additional resources required for the prototype builds.
b. The change in duration of the delivery time for the servo component.
c. The change in time for the P2 mechanical modifications.
Explain your answers.
4. These changes may have increased the total project budget. Are there any ways that the
overall budget of this project can be reduced without removing any tasks or reducing product
quality? (Justify your answer. Be specific and describe any tasks that you would target and
what you might do that could reduce the cost of the project.) (Provide a minimum of two
suggestions using a maximum of 500 words)





The purpose of this Case Study is to introduce to participants at the higher level education program the techniques and methodologies to analyse a marketing case.

It allows participants to build up the analytical disciplines required for analysing simple to complex simulated marketing problems and be confident to apply them in their decision making to the problems.


Submit a written case analysis report that addresses the following key points from the brief provided above:


  1. Identifies organisational products or services


  1. Describes the contents of advertising briefs


  1. Overview of key provisions of relevant legislation, codes of practice and national standards affecting business operations


  1. Definition of the problem(s)


  1. Enumeration of decision factors


  1. Consideration of relevant information


  1. Identifying the best alternatives


  1. Explains principles of effective advertising for different markets


  1. Develops a plan for implementing the chosen alternative


  1. Evaluates the decision and the decision process




  1. Approaching the Case and Formulating the Analysis


  1. Communicating the Analysis







  • Develop an advertising campaign which meets the advertiser s purpose and objectives as specified in the advertising brief, including:


  1. specified timelines for task completion
  2. resource requirements
  3. budgetary allocations
  4. justifications


  • Manage production of at least two advertisements, including: electronic and print


  • Plan production schedules in association with others


  • Select appropriate suppliers


  • Evaluate final advertisements


  • Develop an advertising campaign implementation strategy


  • Negotiate with media representatives to get price and positions for an advertising campaign


  • Evaluate media performance against contractual obligations for an advertising campaign


  • Develop and implement an evaluation strategy for an advertising campaign, ensuring the campaign: defines standards and measurements; adheres to legal and ethical standards; adheres to budget requirements


  • Analyse evaluation data to develop and document recommendations for improvement in future campaigns

















Submit a written case analysis report that addresses the following key points from the case study brief provided above:


  1. Introduction and Executive Summary
  2. Develop an advertising campaign brief
  3. Purpose and objectives for the advertising campaign
  4. Determine your target audience
  5. Prepare the advertising campaign budget
  6. Develop an advertising campaign schedule
  7. Complete the tables
  8. a) Campaign execution
  9. b) Timeline of implementation
  10. c) Contingency plan for campaign
  11. Describe in detail the production process of the campaign
  12. Evaluate and select suppliers
  13. Evaluate Advertising Production
  14. Legal and Ethical Requirements
  15. Discuss the following to demonstrate knowledge
  16. Conduct a Meeting and Presentation
  17. References
  18. Appendix(s)
  19. Overall presentation is professional including spell and grammar checked judicious use of headings, font size, layout etc.
  20. Communicate and collaborate with others in your class, as determined by your trainer, about your plan and any important aspects that you should review. Ensure you understand everybody’s points of view in the group allocated to you. Evaluate the views and see where improvements can be made, and adjust accordingly.
  21. All sources are referenced consistently and comprehensively using the recommended APA referencing system as prescribed in the Learner Guide

Critically assess the methods used in the field of biological psychology and the field of individual differences.

EMA Part 1

For this part of the EMA you should write an essay with the title below.

Title: Critically assess the methods used in the field of biological psychology and the field of individual differences.

You must draw on evidence from Weeks 4 and 7 of the module. In addition, you should draw on and discuss at least two academic journal articles or equivalent primary source material not referred to in the DE300 module materials.

The word limit for this essay is 2000 words, excluding the reference list but including in-text citations.

Student notes for Part 1

This question requires you to critically evaluate methods used in the field of biological psychology and the field of individual differences, drawing on studies from two weeks of the module. You will by now be familiar with the concept of critical evaluation, but it is worth recalling that this involves identifying not just weaknesses but also strengths of the phenomena you are asked to assess. Please note that although the question explicitly asks you to evaluate methods, there is an implied, embedded question underlying it: how valid is psychologists’ knowledge in these specified fields, given the methods that have been employed?

To answer this question well, you will need to review studies presented in Weeks 4 and 7 of the module; identify the methodsthese studies used; and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the methods involved. Having done so, this should lead you to draw conclusions about the validity of the current state of knowledge regarding the aspects of human development and individual differences showcased in these sections of the module.

As the question requires you to draw on studies from two weeks of the module, you will need to present an overview of the kinds of research discussed in both Weeks 4 and 7 and then carefully select studies to focus on in your essay. In presenting methods and studies, please be very careful to provide relevant, indicative, brief detail, rather than lengthy descriptions, bearing in mind that you need to keep your essay focused and within the word limit.

To discuss the methods of biological psychology, you should draw on Week 4 of the module and on Chapter 3 of the textbook. This material examines the experimental method, using in particular the example of memory research. This week continues the discussion of memory from Week 3 and Chapter 2 (you may find the material in Week 3 on experimental neuropsychological techniques useful for setting out biological psychology research, but this is not necessary in order to do well on this EMA). In Week 4 and Chapter 3, psychological experimental research on memory and perception are discussed with a particular focus on forensic contexts. Issues of control, the limits of laboratory experiments and ecological validity are discussed in depth in these materials using a range of relevant empirical examples. These are key issues that a critical examination of the methods of biological psychology should consider.

Week 7 of the module and Chapter 6 of the textbook discuss methods for the study of creativity and personality. Week 7 explains how the statistical technique of factor analysis can be used to analyse survey responses. This discussion builds on that of the previous week and of Chapter 5 on self-report questionnaires (this may be useful material for your methodological discussion of individual differences psychology, but it is not necessary to use this material for this EMA). Chapter 6 and the second half of the online Week 7 Study Guide Week 7 discuss the psychology of individual differences, taking the particular empirical field of creativity and personality. They discuss different psychometric measures for assessing creativity, including self-report questionnaires. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods, and a consideration of issues of reliability and validity, will be useful in your critical examination of the methods in individual differences psychology. For example, if discussing methods psychologists use to assess human creativity, you may consider to what extent these can actually measure creativity (are participants able to self-report accurately on this ability, for example?), as well as how valid researchers’ definitions of creativity are and/or how, for example, sampling might affect their findings.

To write a coherent essay, rather than presenting two sets of unrelated annotated studies from biological psychology and individual differences, it will be important for you to synthesise across the content of Weeks 4 and 7 in some way. How you choose to do so is up to you. It could be useful to consider, for example, whether the studies presented in these chapters have features in common – do the methods employed compare, perhaps? Are there some features of the nature of the knowledge they explore that are similar or that differ? In doing so you will be able to make links and/or highlight differences, and therefore craft an essay that reads as a coherent whole.

Finally, please remember that for this essay you are expected to conduct research of your own into relevant material beyond the module resources and to include two primary sources not referred to in the DE300 materials. You will need to do some systematic searching for relevant source materials that support the arguments you make, and your choices should be well-integrated into the points in your essay – the purpose is to support your argument effectively, not just to satisfy a marking requirement. Remember how important it is to evaluate the source, nature and reliability of all the material that you find through searching. The primary sources you should draw on are likely to be psychology journal articles, though they could be chapters from academic psychology books – not textbooks. You could also consider more recent works by the authors mentioned in the DE300 textbook. To help the marker to identify the new material, please highlight the two sources in the reference list at the end of your essay.

In conclusion, your analysis of methods in this essay should ultimately allow you to draw conclusions about the nature of psychological knowledge in these domains of human cognitive functioning.