Your annotated bibliography will include articles and book chapters on different aspects of Interpreting Studies

Your annotated bibliography will include articles and book chapters on different aspects of Interpreting Studies

Word limit: 350-400 words per citation x 5 citations (i.e. a total of 1750- 2000 words of annotation.)

Each citation is worth 4 points (out of 20 in total for this assessment).

Contents of the annotation will include:

1. Provide the full bibliographic reference of the material you are reviewing

2. Explain in your own words the main argument of the article/book

3. State your opinion regarding the arguments presented

5. Explain the conclusions made by the author and your own

Marking Criteria

 Quality of the source chosen: 20%

 Quality of the review (grammatical correctness and writing style): 60%

 Referencing style: 20% (APA)

Perform a SWOTT analysis, placing particular emphasis on long-term trends affecting your organization and what your competitors are doing.

For the Week 1 paper, complete the following tasks:

Summarize key details about your organization. What does it do? Who are its customers, clients, prospects, or constituents? For convenience in this class, we will call them customers.
Perform a SWOT analysis, placing particular emphasis on long-term trends affecting your organization and what your competitors are doing.
Analyze the organization’s mission statement. Does it address the following core components?
Customers—who do we serve?
Product/service—what do we provide?
Market—who/where are our customers?
Core competencies—how do we provide or deliver our product/service? What gives us a competitive advantage?
Measurability—how do we know when we are successful?
Defend a new/revised mission statement. It should be a succinct statement of what the organization is, what it does, and who its customers are. Be sure to support why your revisions are an improvement to the current mission statement.
Submission Details:
Submit your plan in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

Explain Covered Call and Protective Put strategies in the given context of Jack Lu and his investment in King Corporation.     

Question 1


Brian Adams is a principal at financial advisory firm Fortune Partners, a financial services firm that specialises in providing advice on risk management as well as derivative trading strategies. The clients of the firm include financial institutions such as banks, hedge funds as well as corporations and high-net-worth individuals.


  1. a) Brian has one client Jack Lu who is interested in using options in his portfolio and wants to discuss this with Brian in their meeting. Therefore, Brian has collected information on S&P 500 Index options that is shown below.

S&P 500 Stock Index Options Data

Expiry in Six Months

Multiplier $100

Exercise Call Put
Price Price Price
$1,100 $95.85 $42.60
$1,125 $80.50 $48.00
$1,150 $64.70 $60.00


When they met, at the start of the meeting Jack stated that his investment in King Corporation has grown considerably in value over the recent past and he would like to know suggestions on use of options to protect the gains on the investments. Brian suggested two strategies that Jack may wish to consider to protect his position in King Corporation; covered calls or protective puts.


Jack asked Brian to provide detailed analysis of the following option strategies:

Butterfly Spread: A butterfly spread strategy using the options information provided for S&P 500 Index options.

Straddle: A straddle strategy using options with an exercise price of $1,125.

Collar: A collar strategy using options information provided for S&P 500 Index.




i). Explain Covered Call and Protective Put strategies in the given context of Jack Lu and his investment in King Corporation.                                                                 (6 marks)


ii). Calculate Maximum Profit, Maximum Loss and Break-Even Price for the butterfly spread and straddle option strategies. Calculate the maximum profit and maximum loss per contract.                                                                                                                        (10 marks)


iii). The decision to implement the Collar strategy is considered to be least affected by the expected volatility of the S&P 500 Index. Explain why this is so.                (5 marks)


  1. b) One of Fortune’s client, Royal National Bank (RNB) asked for Brian’s advice on a loan commitment on the 16th of March 2017. RNB had committed to lend $100 million in 30 days i.e. 15th of April 2017 for 180 days due on 12th October 2017. The interest rate was set at 180-day LIBOR + 50 bps and therefore RNB was concerned that the interest rates may fall over the next 30 days.

To manage the interest rate risk, Brian suggested that RNB purchase a $100 million interest rate put option on 180-day LIBOR with an exercise rate of 5.75% that expires on 15 April 2017. The LIBOR rate was 6% on 16th March 2017 and 4% on 15th April 2017. This put option was available at a premium of $25,000. As the option was in the money on 15th April, it was exercised on 15th April 2017 and the payoff from the exercise was received on 12th October 2017. Given this information, RNB asked Brian to evaluate this strategy and determine how effectively it hedged against the risk of a fall in interest rate i.e. LIBOR.




  1. Calculate the effective annual interest rate based on Brian’s advice detailing and explaining each step of your calculations. (7 marks)


  1. c) TNR Inc. is another client that approached for advice on 15th October 2017 and indicated that it expected to borrow a $25 million on 15th December 2017 for 90 days. The loan rate is 90-day LIBOR + 100 basis points and the loan is due on 14th March 2018 exactly 90 days after the loan is made on 15th December 2017. TNR fears that interest rates might rise over the next two months i.e. till 15th December 2017 when the loan will be taken out. Therefore, it has asked Brian on how to manage this risk. Following Brian’s advice, TNR bought a $25 million interest rate call on 90-day LIBOR with an exercise rate of 3.5%. This call option was purchased for $45,000 and it expired on 15th December 2017. Given the option is in the money on 15th December 2017, the option is exercised and the payoff is received on 14th March 2018. TNR has asked Brian to provide a report on the possible outcomes given different interest rate scenarios.


  1. Assuming Brian’s advice is followed and LIBOR rates are 5% and 6% on 15 October 2017, and 15 December 2017, respectively, calculate the effective annual interest rate on TNR’s loan. Detail and explain each step of your calculations. (7 marks)       

                                                                                                                                 (35 marks)     



Question 2


  1. a) Chen Li is a portfolio manager for Crescent Investments and manages a $280 million investment portfolio. Recently Crescent’s investment committee has increasingly become more risk averse as it is anticipating a major announcement regarding monetary policy. To reflect the future expectations, Li wishes to temporarily make the following changes to the existing portfolio:


  1. reduce the portfolio’s equity allocation and decrease the equity beta of the portfolio;
  2. increase the portfolio’s bond allocation and decrease its modified duration.


The portfolio’s current and target characteristics are provided here.

Portfolio Characteristics

                         Current Portfolio                   Target Portfolio


Modified Duration Equity Beta Allocation

(($ mlns)



Modified Duration Equity Beta Allocation

($ mlns)

Equities 1.08 182 Equities 0.90 154
Bonds 7.2 98 Bonds 6.0 126


Li wants to avoid high trading costs for any temporary reallocation and chooses to use the following future contracts to realise the target portfolio allocations.

Equity Futures – currently priced at $129,000 per contract (after accounting for the multiplier), with an equity beta of 0.97;

Bond Futures – currently priced at $103,000 per contract, with a modified duration of 7.70 and a yield beta of 1.00.




i). Determine the action (buy or sell) and the number of futures contracts required to achieve the:


  1. Equity targets


  1. Bond targets


Note: Show your calculations in detail and explain accordingly.          (6 + 6 = 12 marks)


  1. b) Li is also responsible for managing the Jackson family investment portfolio with $46 million in equity and $32 million in bonds. As a consequence of change in family circumstances, the Jackson is rebalanced using the transactions shown below.
Transactions for Rebalancing the Peterson Portfolio
Type of Futures Contracts Action Number of Futures Contracts to Buy/Sell Price per Futures Contract (USD)
Equity futures contract Buy 42 160,000
Bond futures contract Sell 35 190,000


After three months of these transactions, the market value of the Jackson portfolio’s equities has grown by 3.00%, and the market value of its bonds has reduced by 2.40%. The prices of the equity and bond futures contracts are now $165,000 and $185,250, respectively.




ii). Calculate the profit or loss of the Jackson portfolio over the past three months. Show your calculations in detail and explain accordingly.                    (8 marks)                            


  1. c) The initial investment for a bull spread created using calls is greater than the initial investment for a bull spread created using puts.


Explain why the bull spread with calls has higher initial investment than the bull spread created with puts using put-call parity.                                        (4 marks)


  1. d) Contango and Backwardation are features of price patterns in futures market. An understanding of both is important with respect to the pricing and valuation of different futures contracts.




Explain and contrast Contango and Backwardation in futures market and discuss the underlying causes of each.                                                                                 (6 marks)

                                                                                                                        (30 marks)



Question 3


Tim Rock, FRM, has been assigned the task to assess the level of risk assigned to different business units at Crescent Bank as well as the impact of such risk on the overall stability of Crescent Bank. Crescent Bank operates globally and has a diversified into different business lines. One of the most major and immediate concern pertains to the U.S. Mortgage market and how will it affect the U.S. operations of Crescent Bank. Further the concern is that it may affect other areas of the business and may spread into other countries given it is contagion.


Tim is worried about the highly leveraged hedge fund operating in the US which is invested significantly in mortgage backed securities. The current value of this hedge fund stands at around $7 billion with $1400 million investments from high net-worth individuals and institutional investors. Crescent’s executives have contributed $600 million to the hedge fund while the remaining $5 billion has been bank borrowings.


At present, the mortgage borrowers with weak credit have been forced to default on their loans by the weak U.S. economy. This has resulted in declining value of mortgage backed securities and hence losing money for their investors. Given this recent trend, investors are divesting from mortgage backed securities to limit their losses and have further put pressure on prices of these securities. This has caused the hedge fund to lose significant amount of value over the several months and report losses.


Tim is now working with Mark Hicks who is the country head of the U.S. operations of Crescent Bank to assess the risks involved and manage it subsequently in the most appropriate manner. To monitor the various relevant risks of Crescent Bank in the U.S., Mark has established an enterprise risk management system. They both are discussing these risks within the context of Crescent. Tim said “the hedge fund is suffering from market risk due to the price of the underlying securities in the hedge fund decreasing in value and liquidity risk by not being able to sell the securities at a fair price.” To this mark replied “the hedge fund is also suffering from credit risk because the original borrowers of the mortgages are defaulting on their loans.”


The hedge fund is exposed to the risk of going out of business if the mortgage crisis persists and/or gets worse. Tim and Mark have the task on hand to minimise this risk. They have come up with the following alternatives.

  1. Securing a low interest rate line of credit from the Federal Reserve
  2. Pursue a cash infusion from the parent company in England
  • Purchase a credit derivative
  1. Ask for a handout from the U.S. government.


After considering these alternatives, they decided to use Credit Derivatives.



Write a report that covers the following contents explicitly (word limit 1300).


  1. Determine if the statements made by Tim and Mark are correct. Explain your response in detail.                                                             (7 marks)
  2. List and Explain the risks associated with an enterprise risk management system.                                                             (12 marks)
  3. Explain why Tim and Mark did not consider the other options viable to manage the risk.                                                                         (6 marks)
  4. Evaluate the different types of Credit Derivatives that can be used to manage the risk of the hedge fund and determine the most appropriate Credit Derivative for hedging the risk.                                                             (10 marks)

                                                                                                            (35 marks)

(100 marks total)

Select 5 different muscles/groups that need to be strengthened and select appropriate strength exercises for each

Refer to the guidelines for completing assignments found in your course outline and student
manual. Please provide in APA format a list of references which you used to complete this
assignment. You are required to seek out various and respectable sources of information to use
in the completion of your assignment to ensure your work demonstrates current, reliable and
widely accepted information in this field of study.
Client Scenario: Sarah is a new client of yours. She has recently returned back to her full-time
job after giving birth to her second child. She works as a legal secretary and finds herself
working behind a computer for approximately 6-8 hours per day. She is noticing chronic lower
back pain and discomfort and you have observed during a static posture analysis that she has
significant lordosis through the region. Sarah is very busy with a full time job and raising a 6
month old and a 2 year old and she finds it difficult to find to fit in much time for herself and for
going to a facility to train. She wants a program which will help to relieve her back pain and
increase her flexibility, especially through her hips and shoulders, which are the joints where
she has noticed the signs of reduced mobility the most. Sarah does not currently stretch at all
and has very little kinaesthetic sense in regard to movement and exercise mechanics. Develop
a 6-week, functional training program for Sarah, complete with strength/postural/flexibility
exercises to assist in achieving her goals. Consider:
• Select 5 different muscles/groups that need to be strengthened and select appropriate
strength exercises for each. For the strength component, consider those muscles that
stabilize the spine and pelvis as well as those that assist in enhancing posture/alignment.
(Explain how to execute, this should be comprehensive and easy for the client to follow and
understand). Please use a chart format for this portion.
• Select 5 specific muscles/groups that need to be stretched and select appropriate flexibility
exercises for each (Explain how to execute, this should be comprehensive and easy for the
client to follow and understand). Please use a chart format for this portion.
• As you progress from week to week continue to target these same muscle groups while
focusing on more isolated exercises at the beginning (weeks 1-4) and then moving towards
more compound, active approaches near the end of the 6 week period, (both strength and
flexibility exercises should progress from lower intensities to greater intensities and more
• Concisely discuss the issues that you would address with Sarah prior to her beginning an
exercise program. These issues should include topics such as safety, flexibility, momentum
etc and be based on information from class notes and discussion. Please utilize an essay
format for this portion and reference properly.
Correct selection of muscles to be strengthened 5 marks
Correct selection of muscles to be stretched 5 marks
Selection of appropriate strength exercises 5 marks
Selection of appropriate stretching exercises 5 marks
Execution description for strength exercises 5 marks
Execution description for stretching exercises 5 marks
Appropriate and effective progression for weeks 1-6 5 marks
Correct application of fundamental program variables 10 marks
APA referencing, format and clarity is worth 5 marks
Total 50 marks
• A chart describing the exercises is encouraged.
• You only have 10 exercises to impact and improve “functional capacity”
So make your choices carefully.
• Be as thorough as possible (when listing alignment cues and alternatives). Give as many
IMPORTANT details about execution of the exercise as possible.
• Pick exercises that train muscles that are typically weak………by strengthening them you
can improve one’s functioning ability in daily life (posture, back health, ROM etc).
• A MINIMUM of 5 respected references sources is required for this assignment

Writing a Progress Report

Progress Report

Answers to each question should be about 300-500 words (the total number of words then should
be around 2,000 words).
A. Learning
1. Describe what you have done since the completion of the second Progress Report. Include any
problems that you faced and how you overcame them
– Prepared and completing the summary of interview findings;
– Reviewing, integrating and rewriting literature review and theoretical framework,
which is a major challenge and difficult task I faced – require lining up all team
members’ views for further input and contribution as well as finalizing the conclusion
2. Identify and discuss two lessons learned from the research process during this final stage. Did you
face any challenges? If so, how did you resolve these?
– Individual contribution is essential, but group cohesiveness is even paramount
important to the success, particularly for group project;
– Both individual responsibility and commitment are very important – some members
show a bit drop in momentum and intention to give up;
– Strong leadership is a key factor to boost up and keep the team with momentum going
on in the right track
3. Identify and discuss two substantive findings from the data analysis.
For reference:
– Regardless of the background, none of the interviewees have shown legit concern about
the danger of the boundary area. However, it is also found that law enforcement
officers are quite concern about the effectiveness of anti-crime operations in the
boundary area as they have raised lots of reasons that law enforcement in the area can
be difficult given the two regimes.
– Many previous researches have indicated corruption, and political cost have driven
the deployment of Private Security Companies (PSC) in their countries. However,
similar situation cannot be found in Hong Kong given the city’s great effort in fighting
corruption and robust governance, especially in the boundary area. Consistent to our
earlier progress that the focus of the use of PSC in Hong Kong heavily depends on the
cost required for the deployment and the service quality. Although governance factor
does have its role in the decision, it is nonetheless because of a simpler administration
instead of evading the political responsibility of law enforcement. This once again
explained the current PSC regime of being under monitored by the Hong Kong Police
Force and other government authorities.
– Consensus have been made between different sectors. All these sectors have opposed
to the idea of deploying the PSC to replace the functions currently provided by the
traditional law enforcement agencies regardless of the potential benefits and saved
costs. Although this mentality is less salient among the public, all of them have shown
concerns about the public mandate bear by the PSC and the responsibility in
maintaining the boundary security.
4. Describe in ONE paragraph – one to two of your major findings AND how you theoretically explain
or make sense of the finding(s)?
B. Peer evaluation
List all group members by name, including self.
1. (Self)
1. Evaluate each group member’s participation, including your own. (The number of each
member should correspond with the above list). Select the appropriate response and enter the
grade, below.
Group Member A B C D F
Contribution at meetings (do they attend,
participate & share ideas)
Committed to common goals (do they
keep on task & show concern for doing
things right)
Skill input (do they show an
understanding of ideas and apply them)
Reliable completion of tasks (do they
show responsibility to the group and the
tasks they have to do)
Overall contribution to the group’s goals
C. Provide a description of your rationale for each member’s overall mark. Include comment
on each of the above categories (contribution; commitment; skill; reliability; overall contribution)
1. (self)

Thesis project submission: This 10,000-word project should have an International Business focus and have the following sections

Thesis project submission This 10,000-word project should have an International Business focus and have the following sections

• Header Sheet

• Title page

• Acknowledgements (optional)

• Abstract • Table of contents

• List of tables (where relevant)

• List of figures (where relevant) INDIVIDUAL CHAPTERS:

• Chapter 1 – Introduction, research questions and hypotheses

• Chapter 2 – Literature review

• Chapter 3 – Methodology

• Chapter 4 – Data presentation, evidence, analysis and discussion

• Chapter 5 – Summary and conclusions This chapter structure is only indicative and may be modified according to the specific needs of the research; in other words, some consultancy reports may be constructed differently according to specific needs. If this is the case, the student must discuss their proposed changes with the Supervisor as soon as possible.)

• Bibliography and reference list

• Appendices (Ethics requirements: the participant information sheet and ALL collected consent forms; questionnaire or interview guide)

Title page The title page should contain

• Your first and last names, with your student ID;

• The programme in which you are enrolled, and your starting date (“MA International Business, University of Greenwich, Business School, September 2016 starter”);

• The course title and code (“Project MA/MBA IB, BUSI1359”);

• The title of your project;

• The name of your supervisor.


It should not exceed 250 words. It serves to highlight the main ideas, findings and implications of the research. It may be organised according to the following template:

• Purpose

• Research design/methodology

• Findings

• Limitations

• Recommendations

• Value

• Keywords.

See the following example:

Purpose – This study aims to examine the impact of selected corporate governance indicators on social and financial performance of Indian MFIs. Research design/methodology – The study uses quantitative research approach based on only secondary data from 15 Indian MFIs – sampled using purposive sampling technique – where multiple regression analysis is adopted as basic analytical framework.

Findings – The study finds that board independence (in terms of proportion of non-executive board members on board) is positively correlated with both the performance measures; board size is negatively correlated with the same; board diversity (in terms of proportion of women on board) is found to be positively correlated with financial performance but negatively with social performance. Lastly, the study also evaluates the impact of MFI size (measured in terms of total assets) on performance and finds a strong positive correlation.

Limitations – It would definitely have been advantageous to include more MFIs and more governance

indicators in the study, to get a clearer picture of link between corporate governance and performance

of MFIs. The limitations however do not compromise on the accuracy and validity of the findings.

Recommendations – In order to fully achieve the multi-perspective and sometimes conflicting

objectives of „reaching the poor‟ and being „financial self-sustainable‟, good practice of corporate

governance principles is recommended.

Value – Considering the scarcity of studies on link between governance and performance of

microfinance sector, especially in India, this study has a value in figuring out the application of

corporate governance in microfinance.

Keywords: Microfinance, corporate governance, social performance, financial performance, India.

This example is only indicative and you may choose a different format according to the specific needs

of your research.

Individual chapters

In general, it is advisable to ensure that each chapter has a short and concise introduction and

conclusion. The introduction sets the scene, and the conclusion sums up and announces what comes


Make sure your structure and presentation are up to standards. Divide each chapter into shorter,

numbered subsections. Remember to also number and label any tables, equations, and figures. Cite

the sources of your work (both literature and data) as appropriate.

To improve your written expression, you may find it useful to consult this website, which aims to help

especially non-native speakers of English to improve their writing in academic contexts:

Chapter 1 – Introduction, research questions and hypotheses

It should be general in nature and present the background to the Project, the questions you aim to

answer, and the plan.

It serves two main purposes:

• Contextualises the research within a larger disciplinary framework and signals how you intend

your work to be considered.

• Identifies the main focus or research problem with which you are concerned about.

• Defines your research questions. Remember that research questions should be structured and

framed in a way that allows a definite, clear and unambiguous answer. They should be

sufficiently narrow and precise to be testable. Please note that the research should have a

clear International Business focus.

• Identifying the explanatory variables and dependent variables of your research.

Chapter 2 – Literature review

As discussed above, the literature review is a description of what is already known on your topic, what

policy or business implications have been derived out of this, what gaps in knowledge remain to be

addressed, and what suggestions for future work emerge. Make sure you give adequate consideration to the classics in your topic area, the landmarks, and the

most recent developments.

Present the literature in critical perspective, either chronologically (tracing the development of the

field over time) or comparing similarities and differences between authors and schools of thought.

Chapter 3 – Methodology

Be careful: this is not a broad overview of research methods in business and/or the social sciences. You

need to describe and explain your own choice of research methods: tell the reader exactly what you

did, and why; whether you were successful or not; what difficulties you encountered.

You should think of the methodology section as a set of instructions you are giving to readers so that

they can replicate your work exactly as you did it. Think of it as a sort of “recipe” which needs to be

very precise on the ingredients, the combination of them and the timing so that someone else can

reproduce the result.

You can have a look at the methodology sections of scientific articles available from the Library portal

“Electronic Journals”, to see how they have presented their methods and draw inspiration from them

(without plagiarising, of course!).

Be as precise as you can, and rely on your records for any details.

If you did a primary data collection, your methodology section must tell the reader must explain:

• How you defined and selected your sample.

• How you identified and recruited relevant subjects.

• How you approached them.

• How many you approached, and how many actually responded.

• What are the sample characteristics (in terms of gender, age, geographic location etc.).

• Whether you used questionnaires or in-depth interviews or focus groups etc., and why.

• Whether you surveyed/interviewed your participants face-to-face, or by phone, mail, email etc

• When and where you distributed the survey (or did the interviews, focus groups etc.).

• Whether you obtained participants’ consent.

• Whether you experienced any difficulties (e.g. due to non-response) and what you did as a


If you used secondary data, you must tell your reader:

• What database(s) you selected (for example which one(s) of the above).

• How you accessed them (for example, if freely online or through ESDS registration, or through

the University portal).

• What are the main characteristics of the database (you can refer here to the metadata

provided by the authors of the study, as indicated above).

• Whether you extracted parts of the database, and which ones (for example, financial

information on just one particular company instead of a whole group; or just one particular

year instead of a time trend);

• Which variables you used, what they mean, and how they are measured.

• Whether you modified any of the variables and/or added new variables built from existing

ones (for example, if you built indices or rates of growth based on a succession of quarterly

GDP figures).

Remember to cite the data and the metadata, as indicated above.

Chapter 4 – Data presentation, evidence , analysis and discussion

While the form in which you present your findings will depend on your methodological choices, a

generally accepted good practice for quantitative data is to present them in tables and figures.

Comment them in an effort to guide the reader through the significant and important points – you

may wish to point out trends in the table, for example. As you move across categories of the

independent variable, what happens to the dependent variables? You may wish to highlight the more

theoretically or empirically interesting findings in the table. You must make sure that the table, as a

whole, warrants inclusion in your paper and that you make reference to it in your text.

Remember to appropriately number and label tables and figures. If you re-use tables and figures from

external sources, remember to cite them.

Chapter 5 – Summary and conclusions

Give a brief explanation of why things appear as they are, state whether or not your initial hypotheses

are confirmed or rejected, and provide possible reasons for that. Consider how aspects of the research

process, the design of your investigation, the sample you constructed and the interview schedule you

used, could be modified in order to generalize results to a broader variety of settings. Outline the

implications of your research for public policy or company strategy, if any. Think about limitations of

your work and directions for future improvements.


Your bibliography (list of references) should be:

1. according to author(s) surname

2. books, journal articles and web pages should be integrated in the same list


Critically examine the social and political determinants of substance use in society.

Short Answer Assignment – 3000 words


  1. Critically examine the social and political determinants of substance use in society.
  2. Apply motivational interviewing skills to promote goal setting.
  3. Demonstrate the principles of the trans-theoretical model to assessing clients.
  4. Consolidate knowledge and skills of counselling in helping clients to make change.
  5. Analyse common assessment and therapeutic tools used in the assessment of the dual diagnosed.
  6. Identify the role of the mental health nurse as a therapist with people who have a dual diagnosis.


This Assessment Project involves completing a short answer assignment on the consumer from the case study (see 2nd attachment for case study). The information necessary for completing this project is provided below.

Students are required to read the case study that describes a mental health consumer who [through a relapse of their chronic psychotic illness] has contact with his local Acute/Crisis Community Team, Emergency Department Assessment team and finally is accepted for case management by their Community Rehabilitation Team.

Students are required to consider each episode of care [Acute/Crisis Community, Emergency Department and Community Rehabilitation] and respond to the 6 key questions listed overleaf for each of the episodes of care. Search the literature and look at your states MH Services web page for key Government documents (grey literature).




criteria Possible Mark Actual Mark
Introduction 5  
Background 10  
Review of the literature 20  
Application to practice 10  
Conclusion: 5  
Total Marks

Overall percentage of assignment (50%)

Minus marks deducted for:

Late submission – 10% per day (No extensions beyond one week) or >10% over the word count

Minus marks deducted for:


Grammar and spelling

Referencing style in text and end text (Refer to APA 6thedition)

Up to 5 marks  
Total Final Mark 50%


Use the information provided in Maria’s scenario to prepare a written proposal for a practice /care improvement for her during her time in hospital, using the headings listed below.

Assessment 3: Essay: Proposal for practice/care improvement (2,000 words equivalent) (50%)





A few days after Christmas, Mrs Maria Zografos was admitted to your ward in an acute care hospital with vomiting and severe abdominal pain following several hours overnight in the Emergency Department.


She is 75 years old and lives with her husband Angelo. They have 4 adult children, 2 males and 2 females and 4 grandchildren. One year ago, she was diagnosed with dementia – no specific type. She has not been in hospital since the birth of her children many years ago. She has always been a very active person with lots of community interests and providing child care support for her grandchildren.


After admission you notice that Maria becomes very agitated and restless while in bed. She constantly calls out and lashes out at you (nursing student) and other staff when they come to check her observations.





Use the information provided in Maria’s scenario to prepare a written proposal for a practice /care improvement for her during her time in hospital, using the headings listed below.


Detailed instructions:


Your proposal should include an introduction and conclusion (400 words). The body of your proposal should include the following 4 sub-headings:


Part 1:Maria and her family’s experiences of admission to hospital’ (400 words)

From what you have learnt from Module 2 on Experiences of Dementia, write how you imagine Maria and her family are experiencing her admission into hospital, including what you think might be the most difficult aspect of this experience for them.


Part 2: ‘Person Centred Care (PCC)’ (400 words)

From what you have learnt from Module 3 on Person Centred Care write how a PCC approach would be used in providing care to Maria in the acute care setting.


Part 3: ‘Caring for Maria’s BPSDs’ (400 words)

From what you have learnt from Module 4 on Communicating with People with Dementia and Module 5 on Managing Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia, write on how you might prevent or minimise her BPSDs.


Part 4: ‘Nursing care of Maria in an acute hospital’ (400 words)

From what you have learnt from Module 6 on Managing other acute care issues for people with dementia write on how you might improve other relevant aspects of Maria’s care while she is in hospital. Include at least 2 assessment tools that should be used and describe why they should be used for Maria.


 These are some example of assessment tools to refer; Need to choose  at least 2


Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination

Abbey pain scale


Functional activities




Other information


  • Your proposal should include reference to between 13 and 20 credible peer-reviewed references.(in text reference should be included)


  • Use APA 6 formatting & citation style



Summarize what Philip Sipiora, the editor of the textbook, Reading and Writing about Literature, analyzes about “Indian Camp” in his chapter on “Analyzing ‘Indian Camp'” on pages 32-34

Summarize what Philip Sipiora, the editor of the textbook, Reading and Writing about Literature, analyzes about “Indian Camp” in his chapter on “Analyzing ‘Indian Camp'” on pages 32-34. You must demonstrate that you truly understand each of the literary elements of style, character, plot, point-of-view, theme, and metaphor that Sipiora’s discusses. Do not simply copy or repeat him. If you borrow any ideas or copy any words, you must use quotation marks and give proper in-text citations per MLA guidelines.

Summarize what Philip Sipiora, the editor of the textbook, Reading and Writing about Literature, analyzes about “Indian Camp” in his chapter on “Analyzing ‘Indian Camp'” on pages 32-34

Article review: why does this article make a valuable contribution to our historical knowledge? Why is the article successful or unsuccessful?

Essential Writing Guidelines:
 Introduction: The article you are reviewing and the subject explored in the article.
o THESIS STATEMENT: the thesis should be the last sentence of the first
paragraph. It must clearly state your position (what is your answer to the
question?) and explain why this is your position.
 Body Paragraphs: Three or more paragraphs. What are the most important ideas you need
to explain for the reader to understand your argument (why you have taken your
position). Use citations to show where the reader can find the evidence that supports your
o TIP: keep quotations to a minimum; use paraphrasing throughout, and only quote
where the SPECIFIC wording of the author is REQUIRED to make your point.
Make sure to CITE paraphrasing.
 Conclusion: ? Say something big.
Assignment Outcomes:
 Critical reading of scholarly articles, and analysis of its most important features.
 Assess the historical value of a piece of scholarship.
 Creation of a clear and concise argument related to the value of the text for understanding
Canadian history.
 Build expertise in analyzing media/propaganda sources.
Key Questions to ask about an academic article:
 What is the passage describing/discussing? Why is this topic important to historians?
 Who wrote the passage? What was their relationship to the subject matter? Are they a
credible historian?
 When was it written? How does this affect the meaning or significance of the document?
 How effectively does the author use evidence? What kind of sources are being cited in
the footnotes? Does this make the document more credible?
 What is the historical significance of this document? Why should a historian read this?
In your scholarly opinion, why does this article make a valuable contribution to our
historical knowledge? Why is the article successful or unsuccessful?