An academic poster

For the assessment of this module you will need to design and produce an academic poster (100% of total mark).


Writing a Poster


For the assessment of this unit, you will need to design and produce an academic poster (100% of total mark). The deadline for submitting your poster can be found on Moodle. Your poster should be submitted as a pdf file, online . The topic of your poster will be your chosen topic for your dissertation.

Assessment Information

The assessment for this unit is comprised of:

  • A poster on the topic of your dissertation (1,000 words limit +/- 10%)

In addition you must attach to your poster, in an appendix, the following TWO specified elements:

  • A literature search strategy document (Pass/Fail element)
  • A full set of references for sources cited in the poster (Pass/Fail element)

Full instructions and guidance on generating an academic poster are provided below.

Critically examine the relations between rap music and criminality

Essay Question: Critically examine the relations between rap music and criminality

Key Reading / Information

Bramwell, R. 2015. UK Hip-Hop, Grime and the City. New York and London: Routledge.

Johnny Ilan, ‘Street Cultures’ Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Anderson, E. 1999. Code of the Street. New York: Norton & Co.

Kubrin, C. E., and E. Nielson. 2014. “Rap on Trial.” Race and Justice 4 (3): 185–211.

Potter, R. 1995. Spectacular Vernaculars. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Quinn, E. 2005. Nothing but a “G” Thing. New York; Chichester: Columbia University Press.

Rose, T. 1994. Black Noise. Hanover, N.H.: Wesleyan University Press.

Critically examine the relations between rap music and criminality

Explain the concept “Good health is good business”

  1. Explain the concept “Good health is good business”.  How can the effectiveness/success of employee wellness programs be measured? Discuss at least three non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention strategies that should be implemented in a successful employee wellness program.
  2. From your course readings, or from your personal experience; discuss an example of how the nurse’s knowledge of genetics and genomics, led to better patient care.
  3. Explain the four pillars of population health and how they interact with education and practice to form the foundation of population health.

Format: Each answer should be at least 250 words in length. Respond using correct grammar and APA formatting. Your responses should be written in a scholarly manner using correct citations and references.

Can Social Learning Theory be used to change people’s behaviour?

Assignment 3 (30%): Critical Thinking Exercise – Literature
Review Strict Word Limit: 2000 words (No +10% leeway) Due:
Friday 24thMay, 3:00pm
Before you begin… Choose ONE of the topics below!
We encourage you to select the same topic that you did for Assignment 1, however
this is not mandatory; the decision is up to you.
Topic 1: Learning
Can Social Learning Theory be used to change people’s behaviour?
Provide one example where social learning theory has been applied in the real
world. What is the evidence for its effectiveness?
Starting Reference:
Occhino, J., Mallett, C., Rynne, S. (2013). Dynamic social networks in high performance football
coaching. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 18(1), 90-102.
TOPIC 2: Developmental Psychology
What is the influence of a person’s age on their capacity to make mature
decisions? In this context at what age, can an individual be given responsibility to access the
internet, obtain a driving license, or provide sexual consent? What developmental factors might
you have to take into consideration when developing public policy on one of the above issues?
Starting Reference:
Blakemore, S-J., & Mills, K. L., (2013). Is adolescence a sensitive period for sociocultural
processing? Annu. Rev. Psychol 65, 187- 207. doi: 10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115202
Topics: To take the first steps towards completing this assignment, please only choose one of the
three topics listed with starting references. You will then be expected to use the literature search
skills that you have obtained during your consultations to find at least seven relevant journal
articles (including references used in assignment 1 but excluding the starting reference) to use as
supporting evidence in your literature review.
Topic 3: Stress, Health and Coping
Compare interventions designed to enhance coping strategies to stress in the
workplace. Workplace stress is costing the Australian economy nearly 15 billion dollars per year.
Compare different interventions that enhance workers abilities to cope with on-the job stress, thus
increase productivity and reducing the cost to employers. Focus on articles relating to one particular
employment area.
Starting Reference:
Smith, S. A., (2014). Mindfulness-based stress reduction: An Intervention to enhance the
effectiveness of nurses’ coping with work-related stress. International Journal of Nursing
Knowledge, 25(2), 119-130.
doi: 10.1111/2047-3095.12025
Assignment 3: Critical Evaluation Exercise (Literature
Review) (30%) Due: Friday 24thMay, 3:00pm
The Critical Evaluation Exercise is the major written task for PSY1011, worth 30% of your
final mark for the unit. This year, it will take the form of a 2000 word literature review. Your
oral presentation and written summary has been building to this final task. You will receive a
mark out of 10 in Moodle for the literature review. Please familiarise yourself with the marking
criteria for this assignment (see the “Assessments” section of Moodle). Make sure you are
thoroughly familiar with all of the guides and resources available to assist with this
What are the literature review topics?
The literature review topics are the same as for the Atrticle Matrix. You do not have to base
your assignment on the same topic as Assignment 1, but it is highly recommended. You may
cannot use the starting reference previously provided to complete your literature review. You
need to have at least seven brand new references total. These can include the articles you chose to
summarise in Assignment 1 if they are relevant to your overall literature review.
Please note: Seven references (including references used in assignment 1) are the minimum
requirement. There is no maximum limit. You are marked on the quality of your work. It is
possible that you will require more than seven references to demonstrate you have
addressed the criteria outlined in the marking rubric (i.e. depth of coverage, identifying
central issues and concepts) – so aim higher if you can!
Remember to include:
 Title Page (adhering to APA 6th Edition Formatting; use Findlay’s textbook as a
guide) Introduction
 Body (reviewing recent literature – i.e. 2009 & above)
Reference List (adhering to APA 6th Edition Referencing)
The word LIMIT for the literature review is 2000 words (strict word limit). The title page
and reference list are not included in the word count. In-text citations are included in the
word count.
In summary, to fulfil the requirements for the critical thinking Lit review assessment
you should: Locate a minimum of SEVEN good quality sources (including
references used in assignment 1) related to your chosen topic
Summarise the information in a scientific way
Provide APA formatted references for all SEVEN sources you found.
NOTE: You cannot use dissertations, animal studies and case studies.
What file format should my uploaded file be in?
You must save Assignment 3 Critical Thinking Exercise (Literature Review) as a Microsoft
Word (.doc or .docx) file and upload this file for marking. Make sure you keep a copy of your
work and back up this copy as well in case we cannot open / read your Word file. If you have
followed the process correctly you will see a little Microsoft Word icon (looks like a blue W)
beside the name of your saved Word file as it appears at the bottom of this page. If you have
question mark icon beside your file then it is likely that you either did not follow the
instructions above and / or you have uploaded a file in the wrong file format, so you should try
What if I still need help?!
Read through the above instructions carefully
Read through the marking rubric (on Moodle) to know what you are being assessed on
Attend as many if not all of your Consultations to get the help and guidance you need
from your tutor who will be marking your assignment
 Buy or borrow a copy of Bruce Findlay’s textbook “How to write psychology research
reports and essays” for further guidance on APA referencing, formatting, and scientific
writing within Psychology units
 If you are still stuck, you are welcome to post on your tutor’s discussion forum OR the
general discussion forum for further assistance.

Discuss the different ways by which mutations affect protein function and cause human disease

Using ONE chloride channel or transporter as an example, discuss the different ways by which mutations affect protein function and cause human disease. Explain how our understanding of these mechanisms could direct the development of new treatments.


Please use CLC-KB channel as example.


Introduction (to include):

-General introduction to chloride channels

-General introduction to CLC-KB

-mention how mutations affect protein function and what disease can be caused by CLC-KB mutation


Main body (general plan):

-from one scientific papers explain the different mutations to CLCKB, how each affects protein function to cause the disease, experimental evidence that proves it, how the mutations/disease helps understanding of CLCKB and how It can direct new treatment. Use detailed example of disease, experiment, treatment, not hypothetical statements or just stating it can help for new treatments.


Repeat for more paragraphs to show different mutations.


-e.g. focus on Bartter and different mutations of the disease and then add a paragraph on deafness, experiments to show mutation in CLCKB, how it works/treatment and how the mutations in Bartter helped understand function and disease and help target treatment. Use this info to then add a paragraph of more recent findings on other diseases such as deafness and hypertension/heart disease as an extra. And how now that we know more from mutations could target treatment here too.

(e.g. 2: could instead do paragraph on different diseases from different mutations but explain how all help understand each other: one paragraph for barter, deafness, hypertension (explain could then lead to heart failure/CHD). Use examples of experiments to prove points in each disease)

Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test Report For eClipse Bank.

CIS 312 – Week 11 Assignment

Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test Report

Learning Objective – Write a summary report based on a vulnerability scanning report.

  • Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test Report For eClipse Bank.

Assignment Requirements:

  • Download and review Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test Report For eClipse Bank.
  • Write a summary report that includes:
    • Brief descriptions of scanned issues designated as High severity.
    • Suggested corrective actions to correct the deficiencies designated as High severity.
    • For corrective actions that involve modifying user accounts, provide high-level steps describing how to perform the actions in a Windows or Linux environment.


Submission Requirements:

  • Format: Microsoft Word APA STYLE
  • Font: Arial, 12-point, Double-spaced
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 1 page (275 words)


This assignment requires that you write a critical essay, identifying, explaining and discussing one of the sociological perspectives listed below: Alcohol Dependence Or Vaccinations Or Type II Diabetes

The Task


This assignment requires that you write a critical essay, identifying, explaining and discussing one of the sociological perspectives listed below:

Alcohol Dependence




Type II Diabetes


Hint: review the sociological topics in this unit addressed in Weeks 8 to 12 and pick factors from these that are relevant to your chosen essay topic. You can address anywhere between 1 and 3 sociological topics depending on the level of research and critical analysis you would like to attempt.


You MUST cite your Germov textbook, as well as 6 other peer-reviewed sources


You are required to complete an Essay Plan (Appendix A) and submit this via Turnitin by Sunday Week 8 at 11:59pm in order to satisfy the requirements of this assessment.


Recommended Layout



  • Introduce the topic to the reader, demonstrating its overall importance
  • Include key definitions of the topic
  • Address why it is important to look at the topic from a sociological perspective
  • Make note of the key sociological topics your essay will address


There is general flexibility with the taken approach for the body depending on the number of sociological topics you decide to address. Overall, the body should:

  • Demonstrate why it is important to investigate this topic from a sociological perspective
  • Provide a definition or a brief description of a sociological concept and/or theory that is relevant (i.e. class and Marxism)
  • Link your topic to a sociological perspective we have covered in the unit through evidence-based peer-reviewed sources
  • Demonstrate the relationship between your topic and the sociological components through the discussion of several research articles
  • Summarise the real-world importance of the literature and how it demonstrates your overall argument

For the body, you also need to remember to consider:

  • Linking sentences for each paragraph
  • Addressing a topic in more than one paragraph
  • Critiquing the literature – identify consistencies, inconsistencies, what is useful and what might not be useful


  • Bring together all of the information you have discussed
  • What is the overall message that you have been trying to convey?
  • Do not include information that has not already been discussed within your essay
  • If you include information from another source, you still need to reference within the conclusion

Essay Formatting

The essay requires the use of APA 6th edition referencing and formatting. Therefore, appropriate in-text citations and reference lists will be assessed. The general formatting of the assignment will also be assessed, including font, layout, grammar and spelling that must also adhere to APA 6th edition requirements.

Discuss the notion of social capital and how drawing on community assets, social capital can be used to address some health needs of a specified vulnerable group

Two questioned essay:
question 1:Discuss how a theoretical understanding of stigma may help
nurses understand why patients, or their families, may
experience stigma for a condition. Illustrate your answer
with reference to a specific group or population.

For question one discuss how stigma affects HIV medication adherence and individuals socially , and how nurses understand this due to evidence based literature.
use theories from Goffman 1963 and other sociologist that spoke about stigma and relate that to HIV and stigmatisation today. use about other 10 references besides the theories.
references/ sources used in this to be located under question 1 only.

question 2:Discuss the notion of social capital and how drawing on
community assets, social capital can be used to address
some health needs of a specified vulnerable group

For question two discuss how social capital affects those with HIV and there choice of treatment of coping method. use theories such as bourdieu to understand how HIV has a increased risk of social isolation because of less social participation. use theory of Putnam (2000) to show how social isolation applies to his theory of bonds, bridges and linkages. use 10 references besides the theories.
use referencing style Harvard.
references/ sources used in this to be located under question 2 only.

What characterises Tibetan Buddhism and distinguishes it from other kinds of Buddhism

Long Essay Instructions and Questions

Length: 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Assessment: 50% of total
Objective: The long essay for this unit is designed to assess your comprehension of the unit
materials as well as your ability to craft an academic essay appropriate to second-year study
in the Faculty of Arts. Students will be required to conduct basic research beyond what is
presented in this unit and integrate evidence from the variety of readings with a clear
response to an essay question. Students will also demonstrate their ability to read
analytically, that is, you may compare and contrast evidence and arguments from different
readings, and to develop a formal argumentative essay.
Task: respond to ONE of the following questions. Be sure to specify at the beginning of your
essay which of these questions you will be answering.
Q1: What characterises Tibetan Buddhism and distinguishes it from other kinds of Buddhism
as presented in this unit? In your response on the characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism, you
should also feel free to draw on the particular history and politics of Tibet from the Tibetan
imperial period to the establishment of monastic orders and the political ascension of the
Gelugpa. How has this historical politics shaped the development of Tibetan Buddhism and
contributed to its present form?
Q2: Part of the corpus of Tibetan Buddhism are ritual actions, ranging from smokepurification offerings conducted by clerical and lay persons to more specialized activity such
as treasure revelation performed only by certain adepts. Focusing on an example of ritual
presented in this unit, describe how it is performed—that is, what are its main constituent
elements—and how it is informed by characteristics that Samuel (1993: 7) has described as
‘clerical’ and ‘shamanic’ in Tibetan Buddhism. Do these characteristics display a tension, or
not, and how?
Q3: Framed within the view that Tibetan Buddhism is practice-oriented, how would you
reply to the statement that Tibetan Buddhism is not a ‘religion’ and therefore that
arguments of its secularisation do not apply. In your response, use concrete examples both
from the readings and from real-life to illustrate your argument. It may also help you to
refer to and compare readings and examples from within the Tibetan plateau and from

Students will collect and analyze three articles that: • provide examples of misinformation or a lack of education about the criminal justice system in Canada

CRIM 131 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System Summer 2019
This term paper will represent a total of 30% of your mark for the course.
Your term paper is due at the beginning of class on Monday, June 10, 2019.
Unexcused, late assignments will not be accepted and will receive no marks.
This assignment has two distinct parts: article analysis and courtroom observation.
Part 1: Article Analysis
To complete this part, students will collect and analyze three articles that:
• provide examples of misinformation or a lack of education about the criminal justice
system in Canada
• illustrate sensationalism of crime in the media
• identify a disproportionate level of fear on the part of the public in comparison to the
• provide evidence or examples of myths about crime, criminals or the criminal justice
• illustrate the processes by which isolated criminal events become distorted and are
given unprecedented social consideration
• provide examples of deceptive research studies, the misuse of science and research,
articles that purposefully mislead the public using “research”
You are to collect newspaper and magazine articles – popular culture stuff (on-line or
printed publications). You may use the internet to collect materials. You may also find
an ad, a cartoon or an image that provides an example of sensationalism and/or is
designed to mislead you and/or insight fear in you, etc.
Once you have collected your articles, very briefly summarize each one and tell me why
or how it is representative of one of the above issues (i.e. misinformation, perpetuating
myths, fear-mongering). What tactics are used? Use what you have learned in the course
and what you have learned from your textbook to develop your discussion and make your
arguments. Your grade will be determined by the choice of your articles and/or images
and the strength of your arguments. You may use subheadings to separate your articles.
Each article must be properly referenced in your reference page. You must include a
photocopy of each article, ad or image in the appendix of your assignment.
Each summary and analysis should be between 1-2 pages per article for a total of 3-
6 pages.
CRIM 131 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System Summer 2019
This is a different kind of assignment than you might be
used to. Books and academic journal articles about some of the issues you might be
interested in (i.e. terrorism, drugs) will not provide you with the best examples to include
in your paper. I am looking for the articles the public reads and are outraged about
(usually because they are one-sided and misleading) and/or articles that send people
into a panic. We want articles that are small on facts and big on sensationalism. They
will likely contain small bits of information but make sweeping conclusions that are not
supported by the evidence they provide.
Part 2: Courtroom Observations
To complete this part, students will attend court and observe criminal proceedings in
either Provincial or Supreme Court. Students will be expected to observe and write about
both their overall impression of the courtroom and its procedures as well as the various
advocacy styles demonstrated by counsel. Advocacy is not just about argument. It is the
ability to persuade your audience (in this case, the judge) to go along with your
submissions and make a finding in your favor. Every lawyer has their own advocacy
style, their own approach to the practice of law. More specifically, this part of your
assignment should address the following:
1. Observation and analysis of courtroom procedures
a. Courtroom organization and physical structure
b. Courtroom procedures and workflow
c. The players in the courtroom workgroup
d. The level of efficiency in dealing with files
e. Any other observations/impressions you made about court
2. Observation and analysis of counsel’s advocacy styles
a. What was the most persuasive style and why?
i. What made you agree with counsel?
b. What was the least persuasive style and why?
i. What made you shake your head or disagree with counsel?
c. Any other observations/impressions you made about advocacy
3. What struck you as most interesting or surprising during your time observing
CRIM 131 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System Summer 2019
Your assignment should be organized as follows:
§ Article Analysis (3-6 pages)
§ Courtroom Observations (2-3 pages)
§ References
§ Appendix
Note: Your appendix is where you put the photocopies of your articles. After your
reference list, begin a new page and simply center the word “Appendix” in the middle of
the page. Insert your photocopies following this page and you are done.
Your assignment will be typed, double spaced in 12 font and should include between 5
and 9 pages of written content (this does not include your title page, reference page or
appendices). If your paper does not satisfy the length requirement you will lose
significant marks.
Your cover page should include:
• a creative title,
• your name,
• your student number,
• the course number,
• my name, &
• the due date: Monday, June 10, 2019.
Your paper must be referenced using APA style. See the Criminology Student Handbook
or an APA style guide for referencing information.
You will be graded on the choice of your articles and/or images and the depth and
strength of your arguments. You will also be graded on the quality of your insights while
observing court. Finally, some of the areas that I will be focusing on as I grade your
assignment will include:
• understanding of the material,
• evidence of independent thought,
• depth of analysis,
• clarity of thought,
• coherence of the paper,
• ability to follow instructions
• referencing,
• spelling,
• punctuation,
• grammar, &
• sentence structure.