Discuss the pros and cons of a Transaction processing system.

Create a PowerPoint presentation which outlines the activities in each phase of Transaction Processing.

Discuss the pros and cons of a Transaction processing system. Your write up should be a minimum of  5-6 slides. You may use additional data sources to supplement your assessment of the case study.  Use APA standards in citing your data sources.

Please  use Kaltura, a video server, which is now available in the classroom to complete the assignment—try it out.

Below are some helpful for completing the assignment


•Kaltura Training Videos: http://www.apus.edu/ctl-src/faculty_sakai_center/updates/

Academics Multimedia Toolbox: http://www.apus.edu/ctl-src/faculty_sakai_center/multimedia/

Audio Tips and Tools: http://www.apus.edu/ctl-src/faculty_sakai_center/multimedia/toolbox-audio.htm

Video Tips and Tools: http://www.apus.edu/ctl-src/faculty_sakai_center/multimedia/toolbox-video.htm

Embed YouTube Videos in Sakai and other Tutorials: http://www.apus.edu/ctl-


Submission Instructions: Provide any additional submission directions as well. (www.turnitin.com)

Grading Rubric






Clearly & effectively responds to assignment.

Response to assignment generally adequate & thorough.

Minimally responds to the assignment.

Does not respond well to assignment.

Demonstrates specific attention to relationship between audience & purpose.

Demonstrates understanding of audience & purpose.

Demonstrates some understanding of audience & purpose.

Demonstrates poor understanding of audience & essay purpose.

Main idea (thesis) very clearly stated & topic is effectively limited.

Main idea clear & topic is limited.

Main idea clear or implicit & topic is partially limited.

Main idea unclear & topic only partially limited.

Thesis supported in body of paper by a variety of relevant facts, examples, & illustrations from experience, references to related readings, etc.

Thesis well-supported in body of paper by facts, examples, illustrations though support may not be as vivid as the “A” essay.

Thesis generally supported in body of paper by facts, examples, details. No more than one paragraph with inadequate support.

Thesis supported in body of paper by few facts, examples, details. More than one paragraph with inadequate support.

Organization & structure very evident: major points divided into paragraphs and signaled by use of transitions. Each paragraph has a topic sentence; sentences within each paragraph relate to each other & are subordinate to the topic. Introduction & conclusion effectively related to the whole.

Organization & structure clear. Most major points are separated into paragraphs and signaled by transitions. Paragraphs are built on related sentences that logically develop the main points. No major digressions. Introduction & conclusion effectively related to the whole.

Organization & structure mostly clear. Many major points are separated into paragraphs and signaled by transitions. Most points are logically developed. There may be a few minor digressions but no major ones. Introduction & conclusion are somewhat effective.

The organization & structure must be inferred by the reader. Only some major points are set off by paragraphs and are signaled by transitions. There are some logically connected points. There may be some major digressions. Introduction and conclusion may be lacking or ineffective.

Voice & tone are consistent & appropriate to the audience/purpose.

Voice & tone consistent & appropriate although somewhat generic or predictable in places.

Voice & tone adequate to audience/purpose although often generic or predictable.

Voice noticeably generic or inappropriate (e.g. first person narrative may predominate in an analysis assignment). Tone is often inappropriate.

Full variety of sentence structures used correctly. Word choice interesting, accurate and contributes to the writer’s ability to communicate the purpose.

Variety of sentence structures used correctly despite an occasional flaw. Accurate &b varied word choice.

Sentences & word choice predictable. Occasional errors in sentence structure, usage & mechanics do not interfere with writer’s ability to communicate the purpose.

Little sentence structure variety; wording predictable; few synonym alternatives used. Errors in sentence structure, usage &B mechanics sometimes interfere with the writer’s ability to communicate the purpose.

Few, if any, minor errors in sentence construction, usage, grammar, or mechanics.

There may be a few minor or major errors in sentence construction, usage, grammar, or mechanics.

There are some common errors (major and minor) in sentence construction and mechanics but the writer generally demonstrates a correct sense of syntax.

There are numerous minor errors and some major errors. Sentence construction is below mastery and may display a pattern of errors in usage and mechanics.

Source material is incorporated logically & insightfully. Sources are documented accurately.

Source material incorporated logically. Sources documented accurately.

Source material incorporated adequately & usually documented accurately.

Source material incorporated but sometimes inappropriately or unclearly. Documentation is accurate only occasionally.

Why is socioeconomic status a reliable predictor of a person’s health?


(You can write a question)

Assignment 1 (week 4)

Please answer the following questions thoroughly:

1. Why is socioeconomic status a reliable predictor of a person’s health?

2. How are Weber’s findings demonstrated today?

3. What are the important for Social closure ?

4. Why are people in lower socioeconomic classes more likely to encounter health problems?

Student name:

Student ID #
Submission date:
Instructor name:
Grade: …. Out of 10

Release date: 22nd September 2019

Due date: 3rd October 2019


1. Font should be 12 Times New Roman

2. Heading should be Bold

3. The color should be Black or blue

4. Line spacing should be 1.5

5. All assignments must carry the references using APA style (You may show the students following short Youtube clip on APA style referencing & use reliable references

6. Avoid Plagiarism

7. Assignments must be submitted with the filled cover page

8. Very important

***Student name:
***Student ID #
***Submission date:

Choose a public or not-for-profit organization with which you are familiar. It is best if you choose an organization that you work for, participate in, or volunteer with either currently or in the recent past.


Choose a public or not-for-profit organization with which you are familiar. It is best if you choose an organization that you work for, participate in, or volunteer with either currently or in the recent past. A private sector organization can be selected, but it is very difficult to answer many parts of the assignment.

Your paper should be approximately 8 to10 pages using 11 or 12-point font, 1.5 line-spaced, and double-spaced between paragraphs. Use the section headings provided below. All sources are to be cited and referenced in APA style. Please refer to your APA Manual.

Submit your paper via Canvas through the SafeAssign drop box. Check the SafeAssign report for possible citation errors and plagiarism. If you have concerns about your SafeAssign report, submit a revised version of your term paper before the submission deadline.


Your term paper should be organized as follows:

​Course Submission Form and Grading Rubric:

1. SECTION 1: Introduction

Introduce the reader to your organization and the position you held, presently hold, or would like to hold in the organization.

2. SECTION 2: Goals Assessment

Examine the organization’s vision, mission, goals, and values. This section of your report should address most of the following questions:

a. What is the organization’s vision and mission? What are the formal organizational goals? What are the organization’s values?b. Who establishes the organization’s goals?c. How is effectiveness measured?d. How is performance reported to the public?e. Do the vision, mission, goals, and values align? Explain.f. Which of the organization’s goals do you think conflict? Explain.g. How do the values impact organizational decision-making? Explain.h. How does politics impact the organization’s vision, mission, values, and goals?

Please do not provide a list of answers, but incorporate theanswers to these questions into an insightful narrative.

3. SECTION 3: Environmental Analysis

In this section you will conduct an environmental analysis. Using Exhibit 4.1 (p. 88) as a guide, describe the environment in which the organization operates with respect to the following conditions:

a. Political conditionsb. Economic conditionsc. Demographic (social) conditionsd. Technological conditions

Be sure to examine the historical trends for each of these conditions. For additional information on environmental analysis, you might visit http://pestleanalysis.com/what-is-environmental-analysis/

4. SECTION 4: Organizational Structure Analysis

Evaluate the organization’s structure by addressing the following questions:

a. How is the organization structured?b. Are the organization’s services provided through a network?c. Based on what you have learned in this course, is your organization’s structure appropriate for its environment? Explain.d. How does politics impact the organization’s structure?

Incorporate your answers to these questions into a narrative; do not provide a list of answers.

5. SECTION 5: Critical Problem (and presentation)

Identify what you think is the most significant problem facing the organization. When identifying a problem, think broadly about the topics that you studied in this course.“My organization has not found a cure for Ebola” is a serious problem, but it is not related to this course.  “My organization is not structured effectively to facilitate research on finding a cure for Ebola” would make the problem course related. Consider how your organization might benefit from the application of organization theoryconcepts by improving performance, leadership, decision-making, motivation, service provision, client/citizenrelations, or other concepts to understand and resolve this problem.  Recommend what you think would be an effective approach to resolving the problem confronting the organization.

How would we use Utilitarianism to “solve” this dilemma?

There are three basic propositions in standard Utilitarianism (Please be sure to listen to Mill’s audio lecture before joining this threaded discussion):

  1. Actions are judged right and wrong solely on their consequences; that is, nothing else matters except the consequence, and right actions are simply those with the best consequences.
  2. To assess consequences, the only thing that matters is the amount of happiness and unhappiness caused; that is, there is only one criterion and everything else is irrelevant.
  3. In calculating happiness and unhappiness caused, nobody’s happiness counts any more than anybody else’s; that is, everybody’s welfare is equally important and the majority rules.

In specific cases where justice and utility are in conflict, it may seem expedient to serve the greater happiness through quick action that overrules consideration for justice. There is a side to happiness that can call for rushed decisions and actions that put decision-makers under the pressure of expediency.

Here is a dilemma for our class:

You are the elected district attorney. You receive a phone call from a nursing home administrator who was a good friend of yours in college. She has a waiting list of 3,000 people who will die if they don’t get into her nursing home facility within the next 3 weeks, and she currently has 400 patients who have asked (or their families have asked on their behalf) for the famous Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s (fictitious) sister, Dr. Jill Kevorkian, for assistance in helping them die. The 3,000 people on the waiting list want to live. She (the nursing home administrator) wants to know if you would agree to “look the other way” if she let in Dr. Jill to assist in the suicide of the 400 patients who have requested it, thus allowing at least 400 of the 3,000 on the waiting list in.

  1. How would we use Utilitarianism to “solve” this dilemma?
  2. How would we use cars-based ethics to “solve” this dilemma?
  3. What ethics did your friend, the nursing home administrator, use in deciding to call you?
  4. What ethics are you using if you just “look the other way” and let it happen?

Francis Petrarch’s Sonnets PowerPoint Presentation

To complete this assignment you will create a 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation that focuses on the characteristics of a Petrarchan Sonnet.

1.  Read the next to the last paragraph of the introduction to Petrarch’s work found on page 1620 in your textbook.

2.  Make a list of the characteristics of a Petrarchan sonnet according to page 1620.

3.  Choose one of Petrarch’s sonnets that you think fits the characteristics of the Petrarchan sonnet really well.

4.  Create a 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation that identifies these characteristics. The first and last slides are introductions, of course.  The other eight slides should be set up in the following manner:

a.  What is the characteristic?

b.  Identify the line(s) in the sonnet that fits the characteristic.

c.  Properly cite that line.  Citing lines is extremely important.  You may want to visit purdueowl.com to see how to do in-text citations.

d.  Explain how the lines you are citing are examples of the characteristic on this slide.

5.  Continue this process until you have eight slides that focus on the characteristics of the Petrarchan sonnet.  You will have a total of 10 slides.

•Discuss 3 factors or characteristics that you think makes this individual (the CEO) an effective leader.

For this assignment, view the list of 28 well-known corporations. Research one of the companies from the list……discuss the chief executive officer’s (CEO) leadership qualities. Answer the following questions:
•Discuss 3 factors or characteristics that you think makes this individual (the CEO) an effective leader.
•Discuss 3 factors or characteristics that a credible management industry source thinks makes this individual an effective leader. Support your argument with reliable outside sources.
•What do you think will be the key cultural or organizational legacy this leader will leave behind?
Be sure to cite your sources using the correct standard of APA.

Review the Inquirer to determine Digby’s current strategy. How will they seek a competitive advantage?

1. Review the Inquirer to determine Digby’s current strategy. How will they seek a competitive advantage? From the following list, select the top five sources of competitive advantage that Digby would be most likely to pursue.
Select: 5
Seek high automation levels
Seek the lowest price in their target market while maintaining a competitive contribution margin
Seek excellent product designs, high awareness, and high accessibility
Accept lower plant utilization and higher capacities to insure sufficient capacity is available to meet demand
Increase demand through TQM initiatives
Seek high plant utilization, even if it risks occasional small stockouts
Reduce cost of goods through TQM initiatives
Add additional products
Offer attractive credit terms
Reduce labor costs through training and recruitment
2. Rank the following companies from high to low cumulative profit, (in descending order, 1=highest, 4=lowest).
Rank in order from 1 to 4
3. Which description best fits Baldwin in your industry? For clarity:

– A differentiator competes through good designs, high awareness, and easy accessibility.
– A cost leader competes on price by reducing costs and passing the savings to customers.
– A broad player competes in all parts of the market.
– A niche player competes in selected parts of the market.

Which of these four statements best describes this competitor?
Select: 1
Baldwin is a niche cost leader
Baldwin is a broad differentiator
Baldwin is a broad cost leader
Baldwin is a niche differentiator
4. If Baldwin issued 1000 shares of common stock at last year’s end price, the effect on the balance sheet would be:
Select: 1
Retained earnings would increase by $4,413
Retained earnings would increase by $44,128
Equity would decrease by $4,413
Equity would increase by $44,128
5. The Baldwin Company has just purchased $40,900,000 of plant and equipment that has an estimated useful life of 15 years. The expected salvage value at the end of 15 years is $4,090,000. What will the depreciation expense for this purchase (exclude all other plant and equipment) be after its second year of use? (Use FASB GAAP)
Select: 1
6. What is the Quick Ratio of Chester?
Select: 1
7. Chester has a ROA of 0.13 (ROA = Net income/Total Assets). That means:
Select: 1
Every dollar of Chester’s assets result in earnings of $0.13.
Chester uses $0.87 of each dollar earned to purchase assets.
Chester uses $0.13 of each dollar earned to purchase assets.
Every dollar of Chester’s assets result in earnings of $0.87.
8. Midyear on July 31st, the Digby Corporation’s balance sheet reported:

Total Liabilities of $25.571 million
Cash of $2.010 million
Total Assets of $41.126 million
Total Common Stock of $1.270 million.

What were the Digby Corporation’s retained earnings?
Select: 1
$16.295 million
$16.825 million
$18.835 million
$14.285 million

All else constant, what would Baldwin’s SG&A/Sales ratio be if the company had spent an additional $1,500,000 for Buddy’s promotional budget and $750,000 for Buddy’s sales budget? 

All else constant, what would Baldwin’s SG&A/Sales ratio be if the company had spent an additional $1,500,000 for Buddy’s promotional budget and $750,000 for Buddy’s sales budget?
Select: 1
The Chester’s balance sheet has $106,417,000 in equity. Further, the company is expecting $3,000,000 in net income next year. Assuming no dividends are paid and no stock is issued, what would their Book Value be next year?
Select: 1
Chester Corp. is downsizing the size of their workforce by 10% (to the nearest person) next year from various strategic initiatives. How much will the company pay in separation costs if each worker receives $5,000 when separated?
Select: 1
In the Month of March, Baldwin Corporation received orders of 162 units at a price of $15.00 for their product Bold. Baldwin uses the accrual method of accounting and offers 30 day credit terms. Baldwin delivers 108 units in March and the balance of 54 units in April. They received payment for 54 units in March, 54 units in April, and 54 units in May. How much revenue is recognized on the March income statement from this order? How much in the April Income statement? (Answer in thousands)
Select: 1
$2,430 , 0
0 , $2,430
$1,620 , $810
$810 , $810
Your Competitive Intelligence team is predicting that the Baldwin Company will invest in adding capacity to their Baker product this year. Assume Baldwin’s product Baker invests in increasing its capacity by 10% this year. Because of this new information, your company anticipates all other products in the Core segment will increase their capacity by the same amount. How much can the industry produce in the Core segment the next year? Consider only products primarily in the Core segment last year. Ignore current inventories. Figures in thousands (000).
Select: 1
Assume Andrews is paying a dividend of $1.38 (per share). If this dividend was raised by 15%, given its current stock price, what would be the Dividend Yield?
Select: 1
Last year Abby charged $2,753,867 Depreciation on the Income Statement of Andrews. If Abby sold a fully depreciated piece of equipment at a loss, the effect on Andrews’s financial statements would be (all other items remaining equal):
Select: 1
Decrease Net Cash from operations on the Cash Flow Statement
No impact on Net Cash from operations
Increase Net Cash from operations
Just impact the Balance Sheet
The Baldwin company wants to decrease its plant utilization for Buddy by 15%. How many units would need to be produced next year to meet this production goal? Ignore impact of accounts payable on plant utilization.
Select: 1

1) A codified law is known as a

1) A codified law is known as a

A) deviant act.

B) statute.

C) theory.

D) crime.


2) According to John F. Galliher, legal definitions of criminality are arrived at through a __________ process.

A) sociological

B) psychological

C) political

D) mainstream


3) Ron Classen sees crime primarily as

A) a violation of a law.

B) problem behavior.

C) an offense against human relationships.

D) a form of social maladjustment.


4) The pluralistic perspective suggests that behaviors are typically criminalized through

A) general agreement of members of society.

B) a political process.

C) the existence of shared norms and values.

D) none of the above


5) Which of the following jobs probably would not fall within the field of criminalistics?

A) Fingerprint examiner

B) Polygraph operator

C) Forensics examiner

D) Correctional officer


6) A police officer or probation officer is best described as a

A) criminalist.

B) criminologist.

C) criminal justice professional.

D) none of the above


7) __________ definitions focus on criminology’s role in uncovering the underly-

ing causes of crime.

A) Scientific

B) Causative

C) Disciplinary

D) None of the above


8) According to various professional groups, violence in television, music, video

games, and movies

A) may lead to increased levels of violent behavior among children.

B) may lead to decreased levels of violent behavior among children.

C) may lead to emotional sensitization toward violence in real life.

D) may have no effect on levels of violent behavior among children.


9) Which of the following is not an immediate input provided by the justice system that may enhance or reduce the likelihood of criminal occurrences?

A) Police response time to a crime scene

B) The availability or lack of official assistance

C) The presence or absence of police officers

D) A prison that acts as a “crime school”

10) Which of the following is not considered a property crime by the UCR?

A) Robbery

B) Burglary

C) Arson

D) Theft


11) Which of the following is not a reason why rape victims fail to report their victimization?

A) Fear that the crime is not important enough to report

B) Fear of the perpetrator

C) Fear of participation in the criminal justice system

D) Shame


12) The category of crimes in NIBRS which corresponds most closely to the UCR Part I offenses is

A) Group A offenses

B) Part I crimes

C) NIBRS key crimes

D) None of the above


13) According to Elliott Currie, the __________ is the rate of crime calculated on the basis of crimes that would likely be committed by those who are incapacitated by the criminal justice system.

A) actual crime rate

B) criminality index

C) latent crime rate

D) clearance rate


14) The NCVS divides larceny into the categories of __________ larceny.

A) household and personal

B) grand and petty

C) violent and nonviolent

D) felony and misdemeanor


15) Which of the following is not a finding of the National Youth Survey?

A) Violent offenders begin lives of crime earlier than originally believed.

B) Females are involved in a smaller proportion of crime than previously thought.

C) There is a consistent progression from less serious to more serious acts of

delinquency over time.

D) Race differentials in crime are smaller than traditional data sources indicated.


16) The first step in any research is to

A) develop a research design.

B) choose a data collection technique.

C) review the findings.

D) identify a problem.

17) A __________ is especially valuable when aspects of the social setting are beyond the control of the researcher.

A) one-group pretest-posttest design

B) case study

C) controlled experiment

D) quasi-experimental design


18) The study of one particular criminal organization is an example of the __________ data-gathering strategy.

A) survey research

B) case study

C) participant observation

D) secondary analysis


19) The degree of dispersion of scores around the mean is known as the

A) standard deviation.

B) median.

C) correlation.

D) significance test.


20) A __________ correlation exists between sample size and the degree of confidence we can have in our results.

A) positive

B) curvilinear

C) negative

D) inverse


21) In which year was the Magna Carta signed?

A) 450 B.C.

B) 1215

C) 1066

D) 1700 B.C.


22) Which of the following was not one of the three types of crimes outlined by Beccaria?

A) Crimes that involved no victims other than society

B) Crimes that ran contrary to the social order

C) Crimes that injured citizens or their property

D) Crimes that threatened the security of the state


23) Which of the following categories of punishment might include the loss of the right to vote?

A) chronic

B) compulsive

C) indelible

D) restrictive


24) The argument that crime is not a result of poverty or social conditions and

therefore cannot be affected by social programs was made by

A) Lawrence Cohen.

B) David Fogel.

C) Ronald V. Clarke.

D) James Q. Wilson.

25) Research by __________ found that a small number of chronic recidivists were responsible for a large majority of serious violent crime.

A) Marvin Wolfgang

B) Marcus Felson

C) Jack Katz

D) Ronald V. Clarke

A. What will Wall have to prove to establish her libel suit?

Early one morning a worker at a city crisis center received a telephone call from a distraught woman who reported that she was hearing disturbing noises—crying and screaming—coming from a small day care center next to her house. Workers at the crisis center notified a city social services agency of the report. But because the employees at the crisis center believed that the social services agency was lax in its enforcement policies regarding day care centers, the call from the neighbor was relayed to a local television station, WIXR, as well. The TV station sent a crew to the center to talk with the operator of the day care center, Melinda Wall, and outlined the concerns that had been reported to the crisis center. Wall declined to comment. That night the television station broadcast the following report:
“ A city social services agency is reportedly looking into allegations of children crying and screaming at the Happy Days Day Care Center at 1456 Marblehead Way.
A neighbor reported the unusual sounds to a crisis center, which in turn contacted the agency and this station. An agency spokesperson reported that its investigators are looking into the possibility that improper behavior by the staff at the center is causing the crying and screaming.
Happy Days Day Care Center is owned and operated by Melinda Wall, who refused to comment about the allegations. The center has been open for six months. Prior to that Wall operated a similar center in Toledo, Ohio, for two years. The State of Ohio revoked Wall’s license in 2006 when it found unsanitary conditions at the center.”
The television report generated considerable publicity about the center and its operator, with more television reports and newspaper stories. But an investigation by the social service agency revealed that nothing illegal or dangerous was occurring at Happy Days. The noise reported by the neighbor came from a video on a television. One of the children had turned up the volume, so the sound resonated throughout the neighborhood.
Wall sued WIXR for libel because of its initial report. She argued that it contained numerous errors, and that the station employees had been negligent in preparing the story. She cited the following errors.
a. Happy Days had been open for 16 months, not six months.
b. Wall operated a day care center in Toledo, Washington, not Toledo, Ohio.
c. Her license for that facility was not revoked. The state merely refused to renew the license unless Wall added additional bathroom facilities at the center, and she could not afford to do that.

A. What will Wall have to prove to establish her libel suit?
B. The station argues that because of all the publicity about the allegations, Wall was a limited purpose public figure. Was she? Why or why not?
C. Will Wall win her case?