Unemployment in the Australian economy

Group Assignment 30% (word limit: 2500 words)
Due – Week 10
Analyse unemployment in the Australian economy under the following headings:
• Explain why there is unemployment exist in a developed economy?
• How is unemployment measured? Is there any gap in the measurement and/or the process?
• What is the causes of unemployment in the Australian Economy ?
• What is the relationship between inflation and Unemployment? Analyse this relation in Australian economic context (With respect to recent data that shows pressure of unemployment is pro- nounced but not inflation)
Select any two regions of Australia that are starkly different in unemployment issues and analyse why it is so? (Explain by considering state policies that plays major role in such stark difference)
• What policies the Australian government can implement to decrease unemployment (accompanied by at least two practical examples, may be from any other similar economy that benefitted from such changes)?
This assignment builds on your theoretical knowledge and aims to put that theoretical learning into application.

Your language consultancy has been hired to explore whether or not their promotional materials do match the party’s message and whether there is anything they can do to improve their image.

School of Arts and Media



Researching English Language


Live Brief

This piece of work is worth 50% of your overall mark for the module. The total number of marks available is 100.


Intended Learning Outcomes


  1. Comment on the nature and variety of the sub-disciplines of linguistic enquiry, as applied to English;
  2. Demonstrate an appreciation of some of the key approaches to the study of English language;
  3. Explain the basic structure of original linguistic research and how it impacts upon the discipline area;
  4. Replicate basic methodological insights from a number of different linguistic sub-fields;
  5. Demonstrate an appreciation of the links between the academic study of English language, and the Humanities more broadly, with the employability skills required by the modern workplace.
  6. Engage with original research;
  7. Link original research with its applications;
  8. Experience a wide range of research methodologies;
  9. Engage with the real-world applications of linguistic study;
  10. Assess the real-world impact of research in English language


This assessment requires you to write a report, of approximately 2000-2500 words, on one of the project proposals given below. Each scenario envisages that you are the research manager of a language consultancy company. This company advises commercial enterprises and public sector bodies on all issues related to language. Your task is to write a preliminary report on what your language consultancy could offer in terms of research


Your response should contain reference to all of the following (this is not an exhaustive list and you should consider including other things you consider to be appropriate)


  • You should explain some of the relevant linguistic issues from a non-technical point of view
  • You should include relevant previous studies in explaining the issues in that same non-technical way.
  • A proposal of a full research project which would help the organisation in question. Related to this aim would be all of the following:
    • Research instruments – you should produce research instruments relevant to your investigation, if necessary, or use/adapt existing protocols from the literature
    • How informants would be selected
    • How the results would be analysed





Choose ONE of the following investigations and respond according to the guidelines given above



  1. A local political party is worried that the message they send out through their leaflets and promotional materials does not match the image they would like to convey. In particular, they want to ensure that their promotional materials match their manifesto. Your language consultancy has been hired to explore whether or not their promotional materials do match the party’s message and whether there is anything they can do to improve their image.


  1. Simon Steelberg, the famous movie director, is making next year’s summer blockbuster. In the movie he wants to include an alien race that uses a non-human language, which is based on the core principles of human communication systems. Your language consultancy has been asked to create a suitable language and your job is outline the main characteristics the language will need and any problems that may be encountered. In particular, you need to consider that human actors have to produce the language and human audience members have to experience it.


  1. The City of Liverpool Council is introducing a fleet of trams across the city, both in the residential suburbs and in the city centre. Each tram will have automated announcements providing passengers with information about safety, the journey itself and the destination and next stop of the tram. The Council wishes to make these announcements as effective as possible and wants to start a search for the ‘Voice of ScouseTram’. Your language consultancy company is commissioned to write a report advising the Council on the parameters it should employ when looking for the ‘Voice of ScouseTram’. Should, for example, it be a local voice? Or something less regionally-marked? Outline how you would go about carrying out this research project for the council, ensuring that it is both methodologically and theoretically evidence-based.


  1. An unpopular international conglomerate, BREXUMP, wants to rehabilitate its reputation in the area of customer service. It intends to open a customer service call centre in the United Kingdom and had commissioned your language consultancy to find an appropriate site where the local labour force speak with a variety of English which is likely to facilitate good customer relations. Outline how you would go about preparing this report and its associated recommendations.


Explore one way in which self-efficacy can affect how people react to adopting healthy behaviours.


Answer one question from section A and one question from section B, so you must answer two questions from a choice of six 6 questions.

Each answer should be a maximum of 1000 words (excluding references and question title). Complete the cover sheet clearly and include the exam title, the question numbers attempted, your candidate number and the word count for each essay.

Answer each question on a separate page with a separate reference list for each answer.

Ensure the question number and your candidate number are also included on each page. When submitting your work, create ONE word document containing the coversheet, both answers with their respective reference lists and submit your work through turnitin.





  1. Explore one way in which self-efficacy can affect how people react to adopting healthy behaviours. Discuss the implications of this for nursing practice with a focus on a particular client group.


  1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of emotion focused coping for either a patient with a long-term illness or condition, or a carer looking after someone with a longterm illness or condition.


  1. Discuss how a theoretical understanding of stigma may help nurses understand why patients, or their families, may experience stigma for a condition. Illustrate your answer with reference to a specific group or population.





  1. Social factors affect:
  2. the diseases we get
  3. the way we get treated when we are sick

iii. what we are likely to die from.

Discuss one of these in relation to one social factor such as social class, gender or ethnicity focus your answer using a chosen client group and relevance to nursing practice.

  1. Discuss an aspect of current government policy to reduce childhood obesity. Outline its position on the Nuffield Council of Bioethics intervention ladder and discuss the advantages and disadvantages this type of policy approach.
  2. Discuss the notion of social capital and how drawing on community assets, social capital can be used to address some health needs of a specified vulnerable group



‘The structures and flows of globalisation are variously embraced, resisted, subverted, and exploited as they make contact with specific places and specific communities. In the process, places and regions are reconstructed rather than effaced.’


There are basically 2 parts to this research essay

400 words on critically analysing this quote

‘The structures and flows of globalisation are variously embraced, resisted, subverted, and exploited as they make contact with specific places and specific communities. In the process, places and regions are reconstructed rather than effaced.’

(Definition of terms: structures and flows of globalisation
-global forces that influence (control) people’s lives on a large scale
-international economic structures of foreign investment and (inter)dependency
-changing relationships between the rural and the urban
-entails the movement of entities (people, objects, ideas etc)
-but also that this movement is not simply chaotic or uniform but follows certain patterns

Definition provided to help clarify the instruction.

+Could say that Flows of globalisation caused environmental change (places + communities)
“places and regions are reconstructed rather than effaced” – effects of environmental degradation on physical places.
-the environment has changed and that if we don’t take action it could be effaced.

400 words : Provide an example of places/ regions that’ve been reconstructed by structures and flows of globalisation

(reconstruction of places and regions in terms of human relations and activities)

environment -> reconstructed
communities -> adapt

The company in the case has hired you as a strategist to produce a strategic analysis. Your analysis of this case should consist of 5 components


The company in the case has hired you as a strategist to produce a strategic analysis. Your analysis of this case should consist of 5 components (see “ExitCaseTemplate” for the rubrics):

  1. Critical Problem or Potential Critical Problem:
    • Narrow down to ONE strategic problem.
    • Start with “The problem is….”(Example: “High oil prices” is frequently considered a “problem”, but it really is the cause of problems like low profit margin).
  • Follow by “It’s a problem because…”(what, why where and how it is a problem)
  • End with “Not addressing this problem would …”( the consequences of negligence)


  1. SWOT Analysis:

Use the SWOT matrix to present a summary of your internal and external assessments, and your alternative solutions to the problem. Interpret the results of your analysis, precisely and concisely. Specifically:

  • Use both qualitative and quantitative data to produce a SWOT analysis
    • Identify 6+ major Strengths in the internal environment
    • Identify 6+ major Weaknesses in the internal environment
    • Identify 6+ major Opportunities in the external environment
    • Identify 6+ major Threats in the external environment
    • Generate 6+ alternatives
  1. Alternative solutions and decision:

Use the QSPM to select the most attractive of your top 3 alternative solutions. Discuss why it is better than the other solutions, precisely and concisely.


  1. Implementation:
    • Produce a 3-year planto implement the selected strategy, by specifying:
      • What resistance will there be from the stakeholders?
      • Why are they resisting?
      • How will you address it?
      • What are the ramifications for the stakeholders?
      • What needs to be done?
  1. Ethical Reasoning:

There may be one or more ethical concerns related to this case and the decision making process. Please identify the major ethical concern, and address it by following the ethical reasoning process:

  • Identify the ethical dilemma
  • Identify the cause of the dilemma
  • Identify the external (situational) pressures on decision making
  • Identify the internal pressures (biases) on decision making
  • Identify the parties that may be affected by your decision
  • Generate 3 alternative resolutions for the dilemma
  • Specify the potential consequences of each of these alternatives
  • Select 1 of the 3 alternatives and provide a rationale
  • Format & Submission:
  • Your exam must be typed.  You must use the template“ExitCaseTemplate” in the Canvas Module “CB Exit Exam.” The only file type acceptable for this exam is a MicroSoft Excel workbook.


You to identify a product from a brand that is sold in two countries.  You MUST use the same product, brand and countries for AS2:

Assessment Task


Assignment 1 required you to identify a product from a brand that is sold in two countries.

You MUST use the same product, brand and countries for AS2:


AS2 Task:


Revisit your original submission and based on the feedback given, improve your assignment so that it can enable you to complete the following.


Produce a 2,500 word essay which has a clear underpinning of academic theory and addresses the following in point in depth.


  1. Identify the main differences between the two countries, using information from the context analyses, feedback from Assignment 1 and Hofstede cultural dimensions (20%)


  1. Produce appropriate marketing communication objectives and strategies for the two countries, with an explanation of the differences with reference to the academic literature (20%)


  1. Choose one country and present the marketing communications tactics for that one country in line with the objectives and strategy for that country, again with reference to the academic literature (50%)


  1. The essay needs to be well structured, logical sequencing of ideas which are supported by intext citations. The use of diagrams, tables and images is recommended as these will help illuminate points of discussion. (10%)


Additional Guidance

You are required to produce a report using Harvard referencing, that demonstrates your understanding of key aspects of international marketing communications theory and specifically Fills planning model. Any tables diagrams and visuals should be in included in the main body of report.  Please indicate your final word count for the report at the end of the assignment


The essay should have:

  • a sound theoretical and conceptual perspective, containing evidence of the use of Fills planning framework and reference to appropriate academic literature and industry data.
  • an effective practical foundation.



Word Limits

The word limit for this assignment is 2,500 words


Where the submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment item. Abstracts, bibliographies, reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.


Where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to which the requirements of the assessment brief have been met.

Assessment Grading Criteria


AS2 Grading Criteria:

Grading / feedback guidance


MKTM026 International Marketing Communications marking sheet


Grade A+    A      A- B+    B      B- C+     C      C- F+     F      F-
Main issues from Context Analysis



Concise and very informative discussion of the context. A good discussion of the context, informative but not showing the understanding of ‘A’ Fairly informative discussion of the context. Very basic discussion of the brand.
Marketing Communication Objectives and strategy


Concise and thoughtful discussion, supported by excellent use of theoretical concepts. A good discussion, with a good understanding and use of key theoretical concepts. Reasonable discussion, supported by fairly good use of theoretical concepts. Weak discussion of perceptions, but with no use of supporting theory.
Marketing Communications tactics



A comprehensive range of marketing communications tactics are identified.

Critical analysis of the identified activities identified.

Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support the analysis.

A good number of appropriate and valid marketing communications tactics are identified.

Evidence of analysis of the identified activities identified.

A good use of key theories / concepts to support analysis.

Limited number of marketing communications tactics are identified.

Some analysis of the identified activities identified.

Attempt to use theoretical concepts to support the analysis.

Extremely limited number of marketing communications tactics are identified.

Very descriptive discussion of the activities identified.

No use of theoretical concepts to support the analysis.




Excellent report structure, grammar and spelling and referencing where used Good report structure, grammar and spelling and referencing where used Weak report structure, grammar and spelling and referencing where used Very weak report structure, grammar and spelling and referencing where used

Based on the http://www.social-engineer.org/  website, describe social engineering and a common act of social engineering that can be witnessed or you have witnessed in your everyday life or work environment or seen on a TV show or movie.

CYBR320 – Week 11 Discussion

Based on the http://www.social-engineer.org/  website, describe social engineering and a common act of social engineering that can be witnessed or you have witnessed in your everyday life or work environment or seen on a TV show or movie. If another student has already posted an SE attack you were considering, a different attack should be described – don’t be repetitive and boring 🙂  .  If another student has already posted an SE attack you were considering, a different attack should be described – don’t be repetitive and boring 🙂

Submission Requirements:

  • Format: Microsoft Word APA STYLE
  • Font: Arial, 12-point, Double-spaced
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 1 page (275 words)

The Road by Cormac McCarthy.

Our fourth paper will be based on The Road by Cormac McCarthy. You will choose ONE option from the list below:


  1. Write a paper in which you compare and contrast the novel to the movie. Questions to consider: Why are scenes left out or altered? How does the movie approach difficult situations from the novel and vice versa? Do they change or replace any characters? Why? How does the cinematography influence the mood of the story? All or none of these can be answered


  1. Choose and analyze one character, group, or theme from the novel.

You can focus on one character, group of people mentioned in the novel, or prevalent theme from the story. Themes to consider: father/son relationship, Mother/son relationship, post-apocalyptic life, good vs. evil, life vs. death, survival, memory of the past, compassion, spirituality, violence, etc.


  1. Analyze Personal and Public Space in a Post-Apocalyptic World

For this prompt you will continue on with the main theme of the class: space. Questions to consider: Does personal and public space exist and to what degree? How is space owned or governed, and how do others abide by this? To what extent do people in the novel have a responsibility for helping others. What makes certain acts/situations justifiable over others?


  1. View the novel through a literary lens.

You may also use parts of the movie, but your overall analysis should be based on the novel. For this prompt you will choose a literary lens (Psychoanalytic, Feminist, Ecocriticism, Marxist) and discuss how this lens could be used to interpret the text.


  1. Choose your own adventure!

If you come up with a new and unique idea for this paper, please discuss your idea with me. All “adventure” prompts need to be cleared with me before you begin writing. Failure to get your idea cleared with me will result in a ZERO on your paper.


All papers must:

-Be a minimum of 6 pages

-Be focused with a strong thesis statement

-Avoid all use of 1st and 2nd person (3rd person ONLY)

-Include 2 outside sources (any used previously in the semester or additional outside sources. Please make sure that your sources are academic, reliable, and refrain from using Wikipedia)

-Include a works cited page


Extra Credit: Peer Review

Your task in Assessment 2 is to analyse the legal and professional issues that arise in each scenario. You need to demonstrate that you have engaged in reflection and critical analysis of the legal and professional issues that you have identified

Assignment Two – NSG2HEL: Healthcare Ethics and Law Elective Page 1 of 2
School of Nursing & Midwifery, College of Science, Health & Engineering, La Trobe University – 2019
Assessment Two: Exploration of Legal & Professional Issues
 Mr W, a male, 35 years of age, has slipped and fallen on the pavement outside a bar and
sustained a large laceration to his left temple without LOC. The patient presents to the
emergency department alert but slightly confused and unsteady on his feet although without
significant findings other than the significant laceration and minor bruises and abrasions. His
speech is also slurred, and he readily admits to drinking 10 beers during the last few hours. The
emergency department is very busy, and Mr W becomes impatient because of the wait. Mr W
wishes to leave, but is urged by the ED staff to wait as he will need stitches and ongoing
neurological observations, and is also told that he should not drive. Mr W becomes agitated and
states that he will not wait any longer and intends to drive himself home.
 Mrs. J, an 85-year-old woman with severe emphysema, is found unresponsive by the nursing
staff at her place of residence. Since she has no living will or advance directive, an ambulance is
called. She has no living relatives. Once stable, she is taken to the local hospital for treatment
of pneumonia and respiratory failure, where staff perform endotracheal intubation and
resuscitate her successfully. After treatment for her medical conditions, she cannot be weaned
from the ventilator although sedation has been minimised. The patient is able to communicate
her wishes by using hand signals and writing notes. After 9 days of treatment, she asks that the
respiratory support be discontinued and she be allowed to die. Mrs. J. states that she would not
have wanted to be resuscitated in the first place. She had discussed this wish with the other
residents in the aged care facility however she had never put these wishes in writing.
 RN H is a medical ward nurse who loves classical music. One of her patients, Mr B, is also an avid
music lover, and they often discuss classical composers they enjoy and their favourite recordings.
Mr B offers to lend RN H a couple of CDs he has with him and she happily takes him up on the
Upon returning the CDs, Mr B offers to thank RN H for the care she has provided by giving her
tickets to accompany him to a local performance by one of their favourite artists once Mr B is
discharged from hospital.
 Patient A is a 17 year old female who has acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). She has
undergone several rounds of chemotherapy without successfully going into remission. Her
treatment now is focused on palliation. She is refusing to have any further chemotherapy
however her parents insist that she does.
Assignment Two – NSG2HEL: Healthcare Ethics and Law Elective Page 2 of 2
School of Nursing & Midwifery, College of Science, Health & Engineering, La Trobe University – 2019
Assessment Guideline:
Recommended approach:
Your task in Assessment 2 is to analyse the legal and professional issues that arise in each scenario. You
need to demonstrate that you have engaged in reflection and critical analysis of the legal and professional
issues that you have identified.
 Ensure that the title page is correctly filled out with your student ID details.
 Provide an introduction and conclusion to your essay.
 Use headings and sub-headings in your paper to make your analysis clearer to the reader.
 Within the body of your work, analyse each scenario separately.
 Your analysis of each case should show:
– the relevant legal and professional issues;
– use of case information to demonstrate why these issues are relevant
– reference to relevant Victorian and Australian law and nursing documents;
– what you determine to be the correct legal and professional actions in these cases.
Due date: 0900 Monday 20th May, 2019.
2200 Words: 50% of available subject mark
Assignment to be submitted via the “Assessment Two” drop-box to be found in the ‘Assessments For
NSG2HEL Elective’ section on the LMS NSG2HEL site. Students are reminded to check the “Late
submission of Assessments” and “Request an extension of due date” sections in the NSG2HEL Subject
Learning Guide, 2019.

Write an evolutionary scenario for all clades of your phylogeny

Writing 3: Write an evolutionary scenario for all clades
of your phylogeny
Your previous two writing assignments should be good drafts for different sections of your final
For this assignment, you will be turning in a updated copy of your phylogeny as well as a
scientifically plausible evolutionary history for all of your clades. This should be written in an
academic style, and for an audience of your peers. However as long as you cover all the
requirements, the overall tone can be almost anything you want. Have fun! You will be graded
primarily on how scientifically plausible your narrative is, as long as you use the terminology
correctly, you can make your scenario as silly or serious or science fiction-y as you want.
The paper as a whole should contain:
• An edited and improved version of your phylogeny
• An edited and improved version of how your largest clade evolved
• An evolutionary story for each of your smaller clades
• Headings for different sections
• In text citations for examples, and a references section
For more explicit instructions on what should be included in the phylogeny or evolutionary
stories, please refer to the instruction pages from the first two assignments.
Grading Rubric (50 points)
Descriptive but concise – 5
Writing style (grammar, spelling, headings) – 5
Overall understanding of phylogenies and terms- 3
Citations (in-text and reference list) – 2
For the phylogeny:
Quality image of phylogeny – 5
Clearly explains assumptions and outgroup – 5
Phylogeny construction is comprehensive (discusses each clade/individual) – 5
For each clade:
Evolutionary forces are plausible – 5
Explains plausible test for accessing clade – 5
Uses plausible and accurate real-life examples – 5
Comprehensive explanation of environment/behavior/evolutionary forces shape clade –