Develop a social engineering pretext that can be used to test the susceptibility of the CEO from your hypothetical Fortune 500 company.

CYBR320 – Week 11 Assignment

Develop a social engineering pretext that can be used to test the susceptibility of the CEO from your hypothetical Fortune 500 company. Be vivid and evil.


  • what you are trying to achieve (why are you doing this)
  • the results that can be gathered from this activity (what actionable information have you gleaned)
  • how what you’ve been able to do shows the CEO why social engineering is so scary – how you can hurt the company by doing it


Submission Requirements:

  • Format: Microsoft Word APA STYLE
  • Font: Arial, 12-point, Double-spaced
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 1 page (275 words)

Building on the fundraiser you planned for your coursework 1, provide a business case, using the attached template.

1.         Executive Summary


The Executive Summary should provide a short, informative headline summary of the Business Case document to follow. It should typically be no longer than 1 page and contain:

  • A short narrative to identify the subject, scope, method of analysis and key results and findings;
  • A short list of the key objectives of the project
  • A summary of the financial metrics ( table below, provides a very basic and high-level example of summarizing outlay and ROI))  from the investigation, highlighting the most significant;

A brief summary of the conclusions as a result of the study


<Write summary here.>



  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year ….n Total Cash Outlay
Investment Value (£) – Capital and Revenue £x £x £x £x £x
Available / Committed Funding £x £x £x £x £x
Return on Investment (ROI) £x £x £x £x £x



2.         Introduction and Overview


This section should describe the setting, background and context of the Business Case.  It should serve to clarify and elaborate the subject matter of the Business Case.  It should clearly state the purpose of the Business Case, e.g.

  • To obtain financial approval to either commence a project or proceed to the next stage;
  • To compare alternative solutions, etc…


It should explain the objectives, needs or problems addressed by the requirement. The objectives should be stated in clear and measurable terms with a specified time frame, e.g.:

  • To have improved communication systems against more competitive cost options from December 2007
  • To invest £xx in a performance improvement project that will ultimately provide a 10:1 return on the initial investment (spend to save)

It should outline any relevant related initiatives – is the project part of a larger programme? Are there dependencies on the delivery of other projects to realise the benefits?


It should include a statement how the project is “right-sized”; that is ensuring that the proposed solution is realistically scoped to ensure that the benefits and costs to deliver are in line.


<Write introduction and overview here.>



  1. Market analysis:


What is relevant to include in this section will depend on the type of investment. 


A summary should be given of the main outcome of a full market analysis which should include consideration of the political and economic environment, confidence in likely service providers (systems or consultants), threats from emerging technology etc.  Various techniques, e.g. sensitivity analysis can be used to analyse the market.  The full analysis may be included as an Annex but the summary should give the degree of confidence in the market and any particular threats.


<Write introduction and overview here.>



  1. Assessment of benefits:


The benefits to be gained from the investment compared to the alternative of ‘doing nothing’ should be summarised.  Benefits should be identified and quantified, as far as possible, in financial terms: as appropriate, this to include projected cost reduction against investments, impact if no investment, reduction in risk, improvements in quality, reliability, accuracy and other tangible, non-tangible and consequential benefit i.e. ‘what are the real benefits from making the investment?’


A full assessment / explanation of the benefits should be included as an Annex if appropriate.


<Write benefits assessment here.>



  1. Cost / Benefits Assessment


This will clearly identify the cost benefit against the investment that is being made.  This should consist of a simplified presentation of the financial cost/benefit analysis – presented in tables or graphs;


This should include an assessment of:

    • Investment value – Revenue and Capital
    • Cost Saving first 12 months (£)
    • Cost Saving after first year (£)
    • Depreciation costs
    • Total cost (£)
    • Cash outlay (£)


Additionally, an assessment of unquantified Benefits and Costs, and Strategic Contribution should be considered:

    • Try very hard to quantify all costs and benefits
    • All direct costs should be included
    • Indirect costs should be included
    • If a non-financial benefit is significant, then define it

Make the impact of the benefit tangible – describe all likely effects and implication


<Write cost/benefits assessment here.>



  1. Option appraisal – Recommended option:


When formulating an investment proposal the options available, including the ‘do nothing’ option, should be considered and compared.  Based on the outcome of the comparison of the options i.e. the option appraisal, a recommendation should be made for one option.


The full option appraisal should include a cost/benefit/risk comparison between the options available to address the business problem / opportunity.  Options to include ‘do nothing’, business and technical options, timing options and, if at all relevant, consideration of 3rd party involvement – contractors, joint ventures partnerships, PFI and funding options.  When considering options, relevant strategies, standards and legal requirements should be taken into account.


Depending on the situation the option appraisal may be simply qualitative or a detailed analysis.  It may be done in two stages i.e. a broad sift of a wide range of options followed by a detailed examination of say, 3 of them.


<Write cost/benefits assessment here.>


  1. Key assumptions and dependencies:


Key assumptions, which, if they turn out to be wrong, may affect the projection for and the eventual success of the investment, should be identified.


Key dependencies, which if not in place may affect the outcome, should also be clearly identified.

Comments about likely inflation rates in the cost and benefit estimates should be included in this section as well.


<Write assumption and dependency analysis here.>



  1. Risk and Sensitivity analysis:


The key business risks associated with the recommended option should be summarised, particularly those which may impact on the financial projections (costs and/or benefits).  The summary should include an indication of the probability and likely impact of the risks and the measures being proposed to manage the risk(s) and / or to reduce their impact e.g. business case review prior to major cash expenditure.  Political, Operational Economic / Financial and Technical (POET) risks should be taken into account as they could all contribute to the overall business risk.


The financial projections presented in support of the recommended option should reflect the expected, or most likely, outcome of events.  In presenting an analysis of the business risks, the Sponsor should identify the major sensitivities to which the investment could be exposed, typically the impact of cost overruns, time slippage which may result in higher costs and missed opportunities; failure to achieve the development/investment period.


<Write risk and sensitivity analysis here.>


  1. Resource requirements and costs:


The resource requirements and costs associated with the recommended option should be summarised i.e. external costs for equipment, external service costs e.g. for consultancy and internal staff costs.  The summary is to include investment and running costs.


<Write resource requirements and cost analysis here.>


Resource requirements and costs: Man years Capital


Running costs                                                                                                                per annum (range)
External (bought in equipment)

External services

Internal costs







  1. Funding source / Timing / Certainty:


The source and timing of the funding for the investment, be it required, known or suggested, should be identified and an indication given of the certainty or otherwise of the funding being available when required.


<Write analysis here.>



  1. Timescales:


The proposed start and end dates should be given together with a list of significant (particularly financially significant) milestones (events with dates).  Where relevant, the milestones to include dates on which the investment should be reviewed.


<Write analysis of timescales here.>


Main milestones and dates: Proposed start: Proposed end:
Tba date date



  1. Comments / Issues:


This section to be used if needed to draw attention to additional points or issues, which should be taken into account when considering the business case.


<Write any comments here.>


13.       Conclusions and Recommendations


Bring the document to a close by concluding the findings and making recommendations.


<Write conclusions and recommendations here.>



14.       Appendices


Appendices are where to put the detailed calculations, figures, reference material and other back up data that may have a limited audience but is worthy of inclusion.


You should put all of the detailed calculations in Appendices – and only have summaries in the main body (referring to Appendices) – if in doubt, put it in an Appendix.


Detailed Assumptions and Risks may also be placed in Appendices – but summaries should appear in the main body.


The Assignment Tasks
Building on the fundraiser you planned for your coursework 1, provide a business case, using the attached template. Fill out all the boxes. For the scheduling part, provide a Guantt Chart using MS project. The boxes expand as needed.

In this assignment you will consider theories of human develop and you will explore a range of interventions informed by developmental theory.

Essay Guidelines


  1. Demonstrate an in depth awareness of different theories of development that inform treatment modalities;
  2. Identify and critically discuss the transition point across the lifespan for potential or actual vulnerability, crisis or mental illness;
  3. Analyse and critically evaluate therapeutic interventions that are informed by developmental theories as applied to specific mental health problems and disorders;
  4. Critically reflect upon and discuss the contextual issues that impact upon people with complex mental health problems and disorders.



In this assignment you will consider theories of human develop and you will explore a range of interventions informed by developmental theory. You will examine how interventions (outlined in your formative care plan) inform care.


The written analysis should include:

  • Introduction : signpost your intention,
  • Demonstrate an in depth awareness of different theories of development that inform treatment modalities;
  • Identify and critically discuss the transition point across the lifespan for potential or actual vulnerability, crisis or mental illness;
  • Analyse and critically evaluate therapeutic interventions that are informed by developmental theories as applied to specific mental health problems and disorders;
  • Critically reflect upon and discuss the contextual issues that impact upon people with complex mental health problems and disorders
  • Conclude and reflect upon what you have gained from the experience.

Create an infographic, table, or chart listing the similarities and differences between Windows, Linux, and the MAC OS X. Include the following areas

CYBR340 – Final Written Assignment
Create an infographic, table, or chart listing the similarities and differences between Windows, Linux, and the MAC OS X. Include the following areas: Functionality, Graphical User Interface, Security, User Access, Encryption, etc. Include an introductory paragraph describing your graphic, table, or chart.
Submission Requirements:
• Format: Microsoft Word APA STYLE
• Font: Arial, 12-point, Double-spaced
• Citation Style: APA
• Length: 1 page (275 words)

Create an infographic, table, or chart listing the similarities and differences between Windows, Linux, and the MAC OS X. Include the following areas

• Format: Microsoft Word APA STYLE
• Font: Arial, 12-point, Double-spaced
• Citation Style: APA
• Length: 1 page (275 words)

What medication would you prescribe to help control her blood pressure, while addressing her concern about the cost of her medications?

Patient Case

A 58 year old obese African American female, with a long history of poorly controlled HTN presents to the clinic today for routine follow-up on her blood pressure.

She had an echo 2 years ago that showed moderate concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and evidence of diastolic dysfunction, but no valvular abnormalities with a normal LV systolic function. She has Type 2 DM and dyslipidemia. Her renal function has historically been normal. She has no symptoms today but is frustrated that her blood pressure is not well controlled, despite her continued compliance with the number of medications she is taking. She states her medication costs are “out of sight”. She insists she has been adhering to her low-sodium diet. Her current medications include:

Lisinopril 40mg daily

HCTZ 50 mg daily

ASA 325 daily

Metformin 1000mg PO BID

Simvastatin 40 mg daily.

Her physical exam reveals she is well nourished, well developed and in no apparent distress. BP today is 160/90, HR 88, Resp 20. She is afebrile. Her BMI is 34 with her weight being stable since her last visit 3 months ago. HgbA1c is 7.8. Total cholesterol is 290, HDLc is 50, LDLc is 71, and triglycerides are 125. Potassium is 4.4, BUN is 19, and creatinine is 1.2.


What medication would you prescribe to help control her blood pressure, while addressing her concern about the cost of her medications? Provide rationale for your decisions, considering drug interactions and all diagnoses.

For the first website, describe the way an elderly person could access and use the services offered.

Website Evaluation Instructions

Locate 2 websites that contain information relative to aging.

  • The first website must be the site of a legitimate organization (governmental agency, church, or other private organization) that is providing services for the elderly.
  • The second website may be a medical site or another site that is focused on providing information about health issues faced by the elderly.

For each site, complete the Website Evaluation Form that is attached below. In addition to scoring the sites, write a short narrative/summary about each one.

  • For the first website, describe the way an elderly person could access and use the services offered.
  • For the second website, include at least one major area of information that could be useful to an elderly person. Describe how the content area (e.g., heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, exercise & aging, etc.) is presented and how an elderly person could use the information.

Begin the summary at the bottom of the Website Evaluation Form. The summary may go onto a second page, if necessary, but must equal no more than 1 page).

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3.



Website Evaluation Form

Your name:

Site number (indicate 1 or 2):

Website URL:

Website title (at the top of the home page):

On a scale of 1–10, with 10 being highest, rank the following:

_____1. Is the design of the site pleasant to view?

_____2. Is the site designed so that it is efficient for you to navigate?

_____3. Is the site designed so that an elderly person could navigate it?

_____4. Is the content of the site easy to understand?

_____5. Is the content of the site factual?

_____6. Would the content of the site be helpful to an aging person?

_____7. Can you tell who is responsible for the authorship of the site? If so, who?

_____8. Does it seem as though the authors are credible? Why or why not?

_____9. Are links available to other sites? If so, are they working links to reliable sites?

_____10. Overall impression

Total score (out of 100): _________________

Provide your narrative here (1 page maximum):

Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context 3. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software as appropriate

CEPH Foundational Competencies
Evidence-based Approaches to Public Health
1. Apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situations in public health practice
2. Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context
3. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and
software as appropriate
4. Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice
Public Health & Health Care Systems
5. Compare the organization, structure and function of health care, public health and regulatory systems across
national and international settings
6. Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create
challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels
Planning & Management to Promote Health
7. Assess population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health
8. Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of public health policies or
9. Design a population-based policy, program, project or intervention
10. Explain basic principles and tools of budget and resource management
11. Select methods to evaluate public health programs Policy in Public Health
12. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence
13. Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health
14. Advocate for political, social or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse
15. Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity
16. Apply principles of leadership, governance and management, which include creating a vision, empowering
others, fostering collaboration and guiding decision making
17. Apply negotiation and mediation skills to address organizational or community challenges
18. Select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors
19. Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation
20. Describe the importance of cultural competence in communicating public health content
Inter-professional Practice
21. Perform effectively on inter-professional teams
Systems Thinking
22. Apply systems thinking tools to a public health issue
PHP Concentration-specific Competencies
Public Health Practice Competencies are used to ensure that graduates with the MPH in PHP are proficient
in key content areas within public health practice, and have the ability to:
• Describe the origins of current public health and health care dilemmas
• Examine and evaluate current health policies and propose recommendations for change
• Create a work team to develop, pilot-test, or implement a policy/practice change
• Design a planning or evaluation process to monitor and improve an area of concern
• Understand best practices in community and population health behavioral change
• Research and propose an innovative new approach to health promotion
• Create a work team to develop, pilot-test, or implement a health behavioral intervention
• Apply epidemiological methods to data to answer a public health question
• Interpret study findings from research literature and apply that knowledge to a public health or health
care problem
• Design a study or develop a research protocol to address a public health problem
• Employ appropriate quantitative or qualitative methods to analyze data on a public health or health care
• Evaluate outcomes of current practice, programs, research, policies, or procedures
• Explain the influence of environmental factors on the public’s health
• Participate in a work teams to address problems in public health and health care
• Summarize regulations and laws in public health
Updated March 20, 2019 DG

Choose 1 research-based, peer-reviewed article to analyze from the list below.  Each article highlights a health promotion program geared toward the elderly and a specific health issue.

Locate, read, and analyze the article in its entirety. Write a 1–2-page analysis of the article in current APA format, incorporating additional supporting research from a credible source. Use direct quotes sparingly. The analysis must represent your understanding and critique of the program/study. Your paper must include a reference page listing the chosen article and at least 1 additional source in current APA format. The references page will not be counted in the page length requirement.

In your analysis, briefly include the following:

  1. Introduction: Describe the program/study and the intended aim/purpose.
  2. Setting/Participants: In which setting was the health promotion/prevention program implemented? Who were the participants?
  3. Major Health Issue: Describe the major issue addressed, and provide background regarding its selection (incorporate additional supporting research).
  4. Results: What were the results of the program or study?
  5. Contributions: How did the program/study contribute to health promotion planning for the elderly?

Article List (choose one)

Wellman, N. S., Kamp, B., Kirk-Sanchez, N. J., & Johnson, P. M. (2007). Eat Better & Move More: A community-based program designed to improve diets and increase physical activity among older Americans. American Journal of Public Health. 97 (4), 710–717.

Ory, M. G., Smith, M. L., & Parrish, R. (2010). Statewide implementation of the ‘A Matter of Balance/Volunteer Lay Leader’ Model. Generations. 34(1), 88–90.

Banghwa, L. C., Quijano, L. M., Stanley, M. A., Gully, J. A., Steinberg, E. H., & Wilson, N. L. (2008). Healthy IDEAS: Implementation of a depression program through community-based case management. Gerontologist. 48(6), 828–838.

Schonfeld, L., King-Kallimanis, B. L., Duchene, D. M., Etheridge, R. L., Herrera, J. R., Barry, K. L., & Lynn, N. (2010). Screening and brief intervention for substance misuse among older adults: The Florida BRITE Project. American Journal of Public Health. 100 (1), 108–114.

Collins, C. C. & Benedict, J. (2006). Evaluation of a community-based health promotion program for the elderly: lessons from Seniors CAN. American Journal of Health Promotion. 21(1), 45–48.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 2.

The effects of inter-generational trauma on Aboriginals

Apply your learning to your own culturally safe nursing and midwifery practice related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.



Words: 750 words (including in-text references). Paper can go up to 825 words maximum. Aim for roughly 160 words per paragraph (5 paragraphs in total), can be more or less words depending on context.

References: Minimum of three references is required. The reference list in not included in the word count and can be older than 5 years. Do not reference the Gibbs Cycle.


Unit Learning Outcomes 

  • Explain the importance of cultural safety and culturally appropriate care and service provision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Apply critical reflection on own values and attitudes towards cultural safety and the provision of health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.

**Please aim to answer the following criterias**

Marking Criteria:

  • Openly examines own experiences. Demonstrates non-defensive discussion of growth and challenges to learning. Asks probing questions about oneself and seeks to answer them.

10 marks


  • In-depth synthesis of thoughtfully chosen readings. Demonstrates analysis and insights learned from the literature. Analyses, synthesizes and evaluates appropriate ideas or issues from class discussion and learning activities.

5 marks


  • Identifies and critiques own cultural rules, personal biases, assumptions or stereotypes and identifies new, non-judgemental thinking in relation to cultural safety.

5 marks


  • Shows tremendous thought and effort. Demonstrates clear and meaningful relevance to , professional and cultural contexts.

5 marks


  • Referencing is APA (6th ed.) with very few/no errors. Reference list shows breadth of reading and academic research. In-text citations are appropriate and well-integrated into writing.

5 marks

Essay Structure:

Paragraph Details of paragraph
Description Describe the issue that you have chosen.  How has it impacted you and how has it impacted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?


•       How did you feel about the issue before you were exposed to the content/discussion in this unit?

•       How did you feel about the issue after you were exposed to the content/discussion in this unit?


Critical         Evaluation

•       What was good/bad, why did you feel this way?

•       Do you always respond in the same way, if so why?

•       How do you think you knew what you knew?

•       Was your response to the issue due to an experience or limited consideration/understanding?


Analysis &  Conclusion

•       What do you know now that you did not know before?

•       Have any historical, political, cultural and environmental factors that you have learnt about influenced your attitudes and beliefs about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?  If so how? (Evidence to support).

•       How will this new knowledge about yourself impact cultural safety when caring for Aboriginal people?

Action plan:

Part B Reflection

•       What will you do to implement culturally appropriate care for Aboriginal people and how might your own values and attitudes contribute towards this


Choose one of the expository purposes or methods of organization explored this semester (narrative, informative/explanatory, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution or persuasive). Your goal is to write a mini research paper of 750 to 1100 words (3 to 4 pages).

Choose one of the expository purposes or methods of organization explored
this semester (narrative, informative/explanatory, comparison/contrast,
cause/effect, problem/solution or persuasive). Your goal is to write a mini research
paper of 750 to 1100 words (3 to 4 pages).
You must choose a topic, create a thesis statement, and determine three main
points to research. Your assignment must contain at least three citations from
three different sources using both paraphrases and direct quotations (either
MLA or APA style) and a Works Cited/References page. This paper should
be well organized and should exhibit proper spelling and punctuation. This paper should
be well organized and should exhibit proper spelling and punctuation.