Define CPTED and lay out the particulars of what you will recommend to the owners.

Assignment 08

CJ450 Private Security

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.


Part A

Imagine that you have been given the job of protecting a series of private warehouses. You recommend the owners take a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) approach. Define CPTED and lay out the particulars of what you will recommend to the owners.


Part B


The owners of the warehouses have expressed an interest in employing canines to guard their warehouses. Please prepare a report that lays out the advantages and disadvantages of using canines for security purposes.


Grading Rubric


Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.


ZIFA case study

ZIFA case study

1.     Description of the child (400 words)

Description of the child (based on the data provided, course material and readings) is effectively written and it demonstrates understanding of the child’s learning, development and relationships (10 marks)

2.     Individual Education Plan (IEP) form (attached IEP form) (650 words)

Individual Education Plan suggests effective inclusive learning experiences that are clearly linked to the child’s interests, strengths and learning needs (10 marks)

3.     Comments on the Data (600 words)

Implementation and critical analysis of one appropriate learning experience based on collected data that promotes inclusion in the setting of all children and an evaluation (10 marks)

4.     References

Overall work is written well – correct grammar, spelling and expression; it has a clear organisation and structure (10 marks)

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that provides an economic analysis of the health system of a country of your choice.

Using this framework, together with the knowledge and skills you are acquiring in this unit, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that provides an economic analysis of the health system of a country of your choice. In particular, you may want to include some of the following issues in your presentation and discussion –

  • Revenue collection mechanisms
  • Pooling of funds
  • Purchasing arrangements
  • Provision (delivery) of health services
  • Role of contracting (if any)
  • Methods of payment to health professionals and institutions
  • Role of the public and private sectors
  • ‘Benefit package’ for the population
  • Existing policies on health priorities, cost containment,
  • Recent health system reform initiatives (ifs any)
  • Challenges facing the health system
  • Policy options to address current challenges
  • Fiscal sustainability of the health system Other issues may be discussed

The assignment should be a critical analysis of the health system of the country of your choice rather than just a description. For example, you may like to discuss how the method(s) of financing health care impacts on efficiency, equity and cost control. Or examine how the current purchasing arrangements improve health system performance. Or explore what factors underlie the public-private mix in the health sector and how this impact on access to and the affordability of health care.

Each power point slide must have corresponding text written in the notes section of the slide where you discuss in more depth the points that you have presented on the slide. This discussion must be written using correct grammar and sentence structure in the same way as required in a typical written assignment. References must be included in the text in the notes section. The PowerPoint presentation is to contain a maximum of 20 slides (excluding the references). The text on the notes pages must not exceed 2500 words, and any word count over 3,000 words will not be marked

You need to undertake a SWOT analysis identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to your achievement of progression point 1 practice outcomes (NMC, 2010).


This assignment is a 2000 word SWOT analysis and action plan. The submission date will be on your assessment schedule – please discuss with your module leader regarding the last date for sending your assignment plan. There is also the option to use the assignment discussion forum – here you can post questions and a module leader will respond so that all those enrolled on the module will see the response and be able to benefit from this advice. There are links to guidance for submission information – re font, style, line spacing etc. from the assessment brief.

Now let’s get started!!

SWOT Analysis.

  • You need to undertake a SWOT analysis identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to your achievement of progression point 1 practice outcomes (NMC, 2010).
  • To find progression point 1 – see the NMC Guidelines for Pre-Registration Education (2010).
  • This should be submitted as an appendix in the assignment and therefore does not count in the word limit
  • This needs to be no more than one side of A4 with a table containing four boxes for each element of the SWOT analysis.
  • Your SWOT analysis can then be bullet points with those elements you identify as your own personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • You do not need to go into lots of depth or provide references to support this – remember this is your own personal analysis of your achievement of progression point 1.

There will be elements of this assignment where it will be acceptable to write in the first person – using ‘I’. However, where possible in your analysis sections try to write in the third person to maintain your academic style. **



  • Approximately 250 words.
  • As with all assignment introductions this should inform the reader of the key aspects this assignment will discuss.
  • You may try to set the context for the assignment in terms of the importance of student nurse progression through their nursing programme.
  • You must remember to include an NMC confidentiality clause if you refer to practice placements or patients etc. within the assignment at any point.


Main body.

  • Approximately 1500 words.
  • Identify 2 key areas for development from the SWOT analysis, which you will then write an action plan for your practice development towards progression point 2 practice outcomes (NMC, 2010).
  • You may wish to justify the value of using a SWOT analysis and support this with evidence around the SWOT analysis tool.
  • You can choose from any section of your SWOT analysis – you could, for instance, choose a weakness that you then action plan for your improvement / development. An example might be you choose leadership as an area of weakness that you wish to action plan to develop ready for your development towards progression point 2.
  • Alternatively, you could choose a strength and then action plan for how you will continue to progress and develop this area towards your achievement of progression point 2, as this will be different in progression point two. An example could be you choose communication as a strength and then action plan for your continued development through the year, and towards achievement of progression point 2.
  • You need to consider justifying your choices – this may be personal and professional; you can support this with evidence – the NMC Standards etc.
  • Go through your two identified areas to action plan individually –
  • You could start by identifying your key aims and objectives for your development, this may include the setting of SMART goals, you can use evidence to support this.
  • You can look at what resources or support will be required to help you to achieve your action plan – this may include education or training, placement opportunities – which may include spokes or short visits.
  • You can look at the timescales you set for your aims and objectives and achievement of the action plan.
  • You may wish to consider any potential constraints or barriers to achieving your goals – this may include placement opportunities, mentor support etc.
  • You could also include the opportunities within the programme to achieving your goals – NPE placement, skills and simulations within University, placement opportunities, your increased knowledge and confidence of how to direct your learning and progression.
  • You will need to consider how you will know if you have achieved your goals, how would this be measured?
  • Your discussion of the two key areas for development may not be equal – one area may naturally have a more complicated / detailed action plan that the other.


  • Approximately 250 words.
  • As with all assignment conclusions – no new information should be included in the conclusion.
  • This should summarise the key points discussed within your assignment.

Your assignment should be supported with relevant academic references, consider the sources that you use to support your work and ensure they provide academic evidence – books, journals and research. These should be formatted according to the Universities APA Referencing Guidance.

Good Luck!!

Make personal connections to class-generated issues of global concern and integrate our readings and 6 outside sources to examine a CURRENT social movement/topic/reform of your choosing and explore its impact on you and our society.

Social Reform – Final Research Project
Social movements and Social Reform have shaped every facet of social life–from the eight-hour
day, to the terms we use to describe gender identity, to the geopolitical map of the world. The
best way to learn how social movements work—both for academic and practical purposes—is
to study concrete examples in specific historical and social contexts. Throughout the semester,
we have examined (and will continue to examine) various contemporary issues, from education
to gender equality to illegal immigration. With each issue discussed, we explored how
decisions made over the years have had major impacts for future generations and our society
as a whole.
For your final research project, you will make personal connections to class-generated issues of
global concern and integrate our readings and 6 outside sources to examine a CURRENT social
movement/topic/reform of your choosing and explore its impact on you and our society. As
part of this project, you will explore the movement in depth through various methods, including
media, film, and, finally, writing.
The final project is a 10 – page research essay on the movement or category of movements you
have focused on throughout the last half of the semester. The written research paper asks you
to draw on the core questions from the first part of the course to develop an original analysis of
a social movement. If you have done your work well, this paper should be easy to produce: you
will pull together your biographical analysis, movement event analysis, and activist connections
essays, and build on them by relating them to relative academic sources and media reports.
Your research will include 6 referenced sources.
Questions to consider: What “cause” is the group fighting for? What kind of oppression does
the group experience? How does the dominant culture view that group? How does the group
communicate its message to the broader community? How successful has the group been in
generating allies or public support for the cause? In what ways is this group courageously
resisting oppression?
Sample topic ideas
 Transgender Activism  Black Lives Matter
 Women’s Rights
 The Tea Party
 Environmentalism
 Millennial Activism
 LGBTQ Activism
 Feminism
 Domestic Worker/Immigration
 Censorship
 Police Reform
 Religion-Based Discrimination
 Human Rights Violations
 Racial Reform
 Voting Rights
 Government and Morality
English 1A
Prof: J. Stokes Cobb
Final Research Project Schedule:
March 13
Summary: You will submit a 1-page summary of the movement/social justice issue you will focus on during the second
half of the semester. It could be broad (“transgender activism”) or specific (“transgender bathroom debates at Chabot
College.”) Keep in mind that you will be thinking and writing about this theme for the remainder of the semester, so
choose something that interests you and about which you will be able to access information. In your essay, explain your
topic, what interests you about it, and include 6 proposed academic sources. Be specific in your sources. Simply
identifying “venue” (google scholar, journals, etc.) is not sufficient. Find 6 specific sources and identify them through a
Works Cited page.
Points: 55 (35 Summary; 20 Works Cited page)
March 20
Movie Screening/Film Analysis
Films evoke the texture and emotional content of social movements in ways books and articles are not always able to do.
You will view a film (movie theater, play, video, etc.) related to your social movement, and present a 3-5 minute
discussion on the film and its impact on you and the movement overall. This discussion will be recorded online through
Points: 50
April 15
Annotated Works Cited Page due
Your final Works Cited page, with at least 6 credible references, will be submitted.
Points: 40
April 29
Research Project – Rough Draft due
The rough draft will be turned in both online and in class. This rough draft should be a completed working copy of your
research paper (MLA formatted, 10 pages, Works Cited page). You will receive a 5 point per day deduction for late
papers. The introduction of the rough draft will be peer edited in class.
Be prepared for your peer editing with a hard copy of your research paper. Absence or arriving unprepared will result in
the loss of 10 points on your final draft.
Points: 75
May 15
Research Project – Final Draft
The edited final draft of your research paper is due in class and online. With the in-class final draft, you will staple your
rough draft with original comments (peer or instructor).
Points: 75
May 13 and May 15
Final Presentation
English 1A
Prof: J. Stokes Cobb
You will present your research on your chosen social reform/movement to the class in a 5 minute presentation and
PowerPoint slide presentation. You will be assigned a date for your presentation. If you miss your date, you will
receive 0 points for the presentation.
Points: 108

Conduct an investigation in an organisation or division of an organisation to evaluate their current practice of a specific people management system / activity.



The aim of the assignment is for you to apply what you have learnt to a real-life organisation. In order to achieve this you are required to:

  • Work with an allocated partner in your class (selection will be at random).
  • Conduct an investigation in an organisation or division of an organisation to evaluate their current practice of a specific people management system / activity. You may choose any sized firm, or you may also work with a non-profit organisation professional firm, or a family business.
  • You will need to interview staff, management and other stakeholders to establish the current situation.
  • Use what you have learnt/are learning on the OBPM course and your own experience in organizations to analyse the effectiveness of the people management practice AND what could be improved.
  • Write your analysis up in a management report (not a bullet point list of facts). Be sure to respect individuals’ privacy, and organizational sensitivities in the way that you present the information. Although you may be asked to provide feedback to the organisation it is not a requirement of the course that you present the report to the organisation.

Format for the report
• Minimum 4,000 words (excluding title page, appendices and bibliography); 1.5 spacing and basic 12 point font.
• While you may refer to literature sources in your OBPM electronic course readings, it is required that

you use other sources. You need to acknowledge them in the text and reflect the full details of the source in the bibliography.

Criteria for assessment

  • Report on the procedure followed in gathering and analysis the data, including details of those interviewed, surveyed, etc.
  • Make sure that your analysis describes the practice selected, and analyses the reasons for the system/activity, and areas that need improvement. It also takes an overall perspective considering related systems and parties.
  • There is ample evidence that relevant literature, theories and frameworks have been used appropriately.
  • The recommendations are relevant, realistic and can be practically applied, to the situation and organisation.



Reflect on what you have learnt through completing the assignment. For example, what you have learnt about the selected organisation; about yourself as a leader; about working with your partner; about solving problems; about doing research; about learning; about applying tools for analysis and thinking; etc. Most importantly, discuss what you will do differently next time.





Assessment Rubric for paired assignment

Provides A table of contents, list of figures and tables. Shows the ability to compile a succinct executive summary.
Provides the rationale for topic choice coupled with appropriate background on company.
Shows the ability to gather and synthesise appropriate academic material in a coherent manner.
Describes The methods used in gathering and analysing the data, includes instruments, discusses sample participants, using supporting literature to justify choices.
Shows insight, understanding and the ability to critically evaluate available information n draw conclusions.
Shows insight, understanding and the ability to critically evaluate available information n draw conclusions
Uses appropriate and adequate number of references/sources that are correctly cited and referenced through the use of APA6 – see Library website for info on APA.
TOTAL 100%


Using this data, and further secondary research as necessary, you are to construct a 2000 word report in formal style that explains and interprets the analytics for your client.


Data Analysis Report: tips and instructions


You will be given a case study to analyse during the course of the unit. You are required to collect available online data and conduct secondary research to construct a report on your findings. This must provide a context for understanding the data and include a set of strategic recommendations based on the data available.


The purpose of this task is to help you research, identify, analyse and report on data. This assignment links to the following learning outcomes:

  1. Use web metrics to research, design and build a communications strategy;
  2. Analyse and report on the broader social context in which web metrics are used;
  3. Apply high-level critical and creative thinking skills to complex online communication



Your client is the Australian Asbestos Network (

They have provided you with a series of analytics and datasets regarding their website’s activity and need you to interpret it for them.

Using this data, and further secondary research as necessary, you are to construct a 2000 word report in formal style that explains and interprets the analytics for your client. Your report will include a detailed data analysis, data visualisation, and set of recommendations.


Your report should be divided into the following key sections:

  1. Overview
    • In your own words, provide a brief overview of the client, the website and their purpose
    • Provide any contextual information relevant to understanding the role and function of this organisation and its website
    • Explain and briefly summarise the purpose of this report
  2. Data analysis
    • Identify and explain the types of analytics provided
    • Interpret the website’s performance according to the analytics
    • Analyse and explain the significance of what the data is showing
  3. Recommendations
    • Evaluate and explain any limitations associated with the analytics provided and how it might affect the interpretation of the data
    • Develop a set of recommendations based on your analysis of the data
  4. References
  • A full list of sources that you have cited within your report, in alphabetical order
  1. Appendices (optional)
    • This section is not marked, but is where you can include further information that does not fit into your formal report


Written expression and referencing

  • This is a formal report, so pay close attention to your use of language, spelling, and
  • Your in-text citations and Reference List should be in Chicago Author- Date. Remember that all in-text citations must include the specific page number of the quote/section you are referring



  • Formal report style including all the headings
  • Size 12, standard font
  • Double spaced text
  • Chicago Author-Date references
  • 200 words
  • Language is UK English (not US)
  • Cover page

Data visualisations

You will be required to create data visualisations as part of this report. There are various tools available to help you do this. Microsoft Excel can help you create basic graphs and is generally quite accessible (there are quite a few online tutorials and videos if you need extra help). However, there are also a number of online visualisation tools to help you create more advanced graphics and visualisations (be aware that some may require you to set up an account before you can use them). Please use the tool you are most comfortable with.

Should the United States give reparations to African-Americans for Slavery? Should the United States open its border with Mexico? Should college be free in the United States?

In the beginning of Jane Tompkins’ “Indians: Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History,” after providing some context for her relationship to the subject at hand, she identifies and describes a specific problem that must be resolved. She asserts that her work  “concerns the difference point of view makes when people are giving accounts of events, whether first or second hand. The problem is that if all accounts of events are determined through and through by the observer’s frame of reference, then one will never know, in any given case, what really happened” (Tompkins 102). This is how she engages her resistant audience, postructuralist (postmodern, relativist) scholars who are likely to believe that there is no such thing as a single, objective truth. She then takes her reluctant readers (colleagues/professors on the other side of the “theory wars”) on an adventure through extensive research of secondary and primary sources–even firsthand accounts–which help her to identify the problem and discover much about herself. Ultimately, she formulates a solution based on analyzing and evaluating a variety of sources. In essence, she synthesizes the knowlege and experience to come to a conclusion that “Reasons must be given, evidence adduced, authorities cited, and analogies drawn. Being aware that facts are motivated, believing that people are always operating in side some particular framework or other [including theory and worldview] is a pertinent argument when what is under discussion is the way beliefs are grounded. But it doesn’t give one leverage on the facts of a particular case” (Tompkins 118). In fact, this is her major claim. Tompkins uses inductive reasoning and clever argumentation, persuasive appeals and rhetorical strategies, to persuade her reluctant reader that one can and must come to a sufficient truth on which to make moral judgements on issues that require them. She resolves “What this means for the problem I’ve been addressing is that I must piece together the story of European-Indian relationships as best I can, believing this version up to a point, that version not at all, another almost entirely, according to what seems reasonable and plausible, given everything else that I know” (Tompkins 118). Ultimately, she also asserts that the way history is taught needs to change, but that unfortunately, she is a Professor of Literature, not a History Professor. The good news is that the way history is taught has changed quite a bit since the 80’s.

Now it is your turn to put aside any bias you may have and to “piece together” your objective research on question or issue facing this nation. Once you have determined your conclusion (major claim), you will work to persuade a reluctant/resistant (perhaps uninformed) reader to consider (maybe even accept) your position though the carefully constructed “story” and experience of your research, as Tompkins did, with advanced analysis, evaluation and synthesis of a variety of perspectives. Through your close work with Tompkins’ text, you were introduced to a nuanced, inductive argument–something you are now challenged to do. Tompkins, in particular, provides an excellent model for the project you are about to undertake.


  1. Use Tompkins’ essay as a model for your own.
  2. From the list below, choose ONE of the issues facing the United States. I have identified the issue and provided you with required sources, which you must introducesummarizeanalyzeevaluatecompare, and synthesizein your paper.
  3. While you may already have a position on the issue you select, do not formulate your conclusion/major claim until thoroughly researching a diversity of perspectives on the issue. Your opinion may change! Practice the critical thinking skills you have learned in this course and keep an open mind.You may want to review previous modules, but you should give your mind and heart over to the research and the process of discovery–about the issue and about yourself. Tompkins shares a lot with her readers, and this in turn strengthens her argument. You should do the same.
  4. Conduct extensive research on the question/problem and distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, as Tompkins did, and then narrow them down to best represent a diversity of perspectives in your paper. You are not restricted to U.S. sources. You must analyze and synthesize a total of 8 perspectives, which includes the ones that are required. Tertiary sources and other research will undoubtedly be needed and used, but they do not count in the 8 required perspectives (because they do not represent perspectives).
  5. Once you determine your conclusion/major claim, identify your audience, which should be resistant to your position (in other words, they do not agree with you). Like Tompkins, you are going to take them through your research to lead them to your conclusion/major claim.
  6. Use inductive reasoning (major claim comes towards the end of the paper) and Tompkins’ structure as a model for the writing of your essay:
    • narrate history and personal relationship (experiential, observational, and or intellectual) to the question/problem; if you have no history or relationship to the issue, you may use someone you know–be creative. Like Tompkins, begin with a strong appeals to pathos and ethos to engage your readers;
    • establish broader, national context for question/problem–this is your kairos;
    • establish exigency;
    • present/define question/problem;
    • introduce, summarize,analyze, compare, and evaluate authors AND their arguments representing a diversity of perspectives (key: it is not enough to look at the primary text, as you must look at the writer and the original source of publication to evaluate bias, as Tompkins did);
    • synthesize research and response to it;
    • present your conclusion, your resolution or solution to the question/problem (which may side with one or more of your sources), and provide reasons and evidence to support it–this should be a minimum of one-two, well-developed pages, not just a final paragraph;
    • if applicable, share any new question/s or problem/s encountered as a result of your research and critical thinking (as Tompkins did in her last paragraph).
  7. Adapt Tompkins’ style and tone with your own; it is particularly effective for a resistant audience, a way of showing (rather than “telling”) and persuading them to arrive at your conclusion. Yes, you may use “I,” as you are taking your audience through your epistemological adventure, but be strategic with it.
  8. Note: Remember, rarely is this type of argument (often called “Rogerian”) meant to utterly convince an audience; in fact, it is enough to just get a resistant audience to reconsider their own position/perspective in light of reading your comprehensive research and synthesis. One might also say that many people do not have fully informed opinions on subjects–this paper counters that. Arguments at this level are not about “winning,” and this is not a course in debate. This is about persuading an uninformed or reluctant reader (one who does not agree with you) to reconsider their position.
  9. TIP: Your reader should not know your position until the end of the paper; as Tompkins did, you are arguing inductively. Also, do not insult your uninformed/reluctant audience. Tone matters. Take perspectives seriously, even when they are the opposite of your own. Most of you will review Tompkins before starting this.  

Choose from this list of Contemporary Issues Facing the United States 

You must choose one of the following three options (A, B, or C) for your paper–papers not on one of these topics will receive a zero.

(Note: While the Grossmont College Databases, especially Opposing Viewpoints, are excellent and should be used for your paper, you should also have no problem finding a plethora of perspectives on any of these current issues.) START NOW! 

  1. Should the United States give reparations to African-Americans for Slavery?
  2. Should the United States open its border with Mexico?
  3. Should college be free in the United States?



Final essay should be:

  1. a clear response to ALLof the directions;
  2. 6-12 pages in length;
  3. in correct MLA format and style, including in-text citations and the Works Cited page (do not include a cover page);
  4. well organized with effective transitions between ideas and paragraphs;
  5. efficient with regards to close work with sources, including, but not limited to, precise and concise summary and the smooth integration of direct quotes, block quotes, and paraphrases;
  6. the product of original, deep critical thinking, both with regards to content and form.
  7. meticulously proofread and primarily free of sentence-level errors;
  8. contain a minimum of eight sources representing diverse perspectives (including the ones I have provided).
  9. contain additional tertiary research.

Create a 3-5-page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue of interest to you.

Assessment 2 Instructions: Applying Research Skills

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

  • Create a 3-5-page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue of interest to you.

In your professional life you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and your plans of action. You will want to keep abreast of best practices to help your organization adapt to the ever-changing health care environment. Being adept at research will help you find the information you need. For this assessment, you will select and research a current health care problem or issue faced by a health care organization.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Apply information literacy and library research skills to obtain scholarly information in the field of health care.
      • Identify academic peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to a health care problem or issue and describe the criteria used for the literature search.
    • Competency 2: Apply scholarly information through critical thinking to solve problems in the field of health care.
      • Assess the credibility and relevance of information sources.
      • Summarize what was learned from developing an annotated bibliography.
      • Analyze academic peer-reviewed journal articles using the annotated bibliography organizational format.
    • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, and that is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.
      • Summarize a health care problem or issue and describe a personal interest in it and experience with it.
      • Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
      • Write following APA style for in-text citations, quotes, and references.


Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

For this assessment, you will research best practices related to a current health care problem. Your selected problem or issue will be utilized again in Assessment 3. To explore your chosen topic, you should use the first two steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking.

  1. View the Assessment Topic Areas| Transcript media piece and select one of the health care problems or issues in the media piece to research. Write a brief overview of the selected topic. In your overview:
      • Describe the health care problem or issue.
      • Describe your interest in the topic.
      • Describe any professional experience you have with this topic.
  1. Conduct a search for scholarly or academic peer-reviewed literature related to the topic and describe the criteria you used to search for articles, including the names of the databases you used.
      • You will want to access the applicable Undergraduate Library Research Guide related to your degree for tips to help you in your search.
      • Use keywords related to the health care problem or issue you are researching to select relevant articles.
  1. Assess the credibility of the information sources you find.
      • Determine if the source is from an academic peer-reviewed journal.
      • Determine if the publication is current.
      • Determine if information in the academic peer-reviewed journal article is still relevant.
  1. Select four current scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles published during the past three to five years that relate to your topic.
  2. Explain the relevance of the information sources.
      • Describe how the health care problem or issue is addressed in each source.
      • Discuss what kind of contribution each source provides on your selected topic.
  1. Analyze the scholarly literature or academic peer-reviewed journal articles using the annotated bibliography organizational format.
      • The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to document a list of references along with key information about each one. The detail about the reference is the annotation. Developing this annotated bibliography will create a foundation of knowledge about the selected topic.
      • List the full reference for the source in APA format (author, date, title, publisher, et cetera) and use APA format for the annotated bibliography.
      • Make sure the references are listed in alphabetical order, are double-spaced, and use hanging indents.
      • Follow the reference with the annotation.
  1. In your annotation:
      • Identify the purpose of the article.
      • Summarize the source:
        • What are the main arguments?
        • What topics are covered?
      • Include the conclusions and findings of the article.
      • Write your annotation in a paragraph form. The annotation should be approximately 150 words (1 to 3 paragraphs) in length.
  1. In a separate paragraph or two at the end of the paper, summarize what you learned from your research.
      • List the main points you learned from your research.
      • Summarize the main contributions of the sources you chose and how they enhanced your knowledge about the topic.


Additional Requirements

    1. Length: At least 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
    2. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
    3. APA Template: Use the APA template linked in the resources.
    4. Written communication: Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
    5. Content: Provide a title page and reference page following APA style.
    6. References: Use at least four scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles.
    7. APA format: Follow current APA guidelines for in-text citation of outside sources in the body of your paper and also on the reference page.

Note: Review the Applying Research Skills Scoring Guide for the grading criteria applied to this assessment.

The Minister for Finance has instructed you to determine the likely impact of the proposed merger on the market, and to recommend whether or not authorisation for the merger should be granted.

1 Introduction
In this assignment you will take the role of an expert economist, employed by a government
department or regulatory authority. Decision-makers in government rely on the advice of
experts, like you, when formulating policy or discharging their statutory responsibilities. An
expert economist’s role in the government decision-making process is two-fold:
• Analysis: Experts are responsible for analysing alternatives, using the specialised
knowledge and skills of their discipline. In this analysis, experts evaluate the alternatives against the government’s objectives and statutory obligations.
• Communication: Experts must communicate their findings to the decision-makers in
government—ministers and senior public servants—who, in many instances, do not
share the experts’ specialised knowledge.
This assignment will assess your aptitudes in both of these domains. You are to conduct
an analysis of an industry based on the scenario detailed in section 2. Your industry
analysis will form the basis for a brief—a short report to the ultimate decision-maker in
the scenario—summarising your recommendations and the associated rationale.
1.1 Formatting requirements
Your assignment must be typed using Microsoft Word, or a similar word processor. Both
parts of the assignment should be included in the same document with the brief placed
before the industry analysis. The document should have a professional appearance, appropriate to a government workplace. Format your assignment as follows:
• Use A4 sized paper with all margins at least 2.5cm.
• Body text to be 12pt and black. (There is no minimum line spacing.)
• All pages to be numbered.
• DO NOT include a cover sheet or table of contents.
1.2 Grading
There are a total 100 marks available in this assignment (50 marks for the industry analysis
and 50 marks for the brief), and the assignment contributes 40% of your grade for Price
Theory. The marks allocated to each step of the industry analysis are detailed in section
3. The marking criteria for the brief can be found in the rubric detailed in section 5.
2 Scenario
Two producers of pre-mixed concrete, Big Industries and ConCorp, have applied to the
Minister for Finance for Merger Authorisation. The two companies are proposing to combine into a single corporate entity to be known as BigCon. The two companies claim that
the merger should be authorised as,
• the merged firm will be able to achieve substantial efficiency gains as a result of
combining production and
• a third firm, Aggregate Inc., will remain as a competitor to the merged firm in the
pre-mixed concrete market, ensuring that consumers are not adversely affected.
2.1 Your task
The Minister for Finance has instructed you to determine the likely impact of the proposed
merger on the market, and to recommend whether or not authorisation for the merger
should be granted. Under the relevant legislation, authorisation for a merger can be granted
• the proposed acquisition would not be likely to substantially lessen competition OR
• the likely public benefit from the proposed acquisition outweighs the likely public
Note that competition policy prevents the government from imposing any other form of
market regulation, including price caps.
2.2 Industry structure
Pre-mixed concrete is an important input for the construction industry. Concrete cannot
be stored or transported over long distances as it begins to set after only a few hours. For
this reason, only the three local firms—Aggregate Inc., Big Industries and ConCorp—are
in a position to compete in the market. Moreover, the capital and regulatory requirements
for constructing a new concrete plant are substantial, creating an effective barrier to entry.
Pre-mixed concrete is regarded as a homogeneous good by the construction industry.
Inverse demand in the market has been estimated to be,
P = 600 −
where P represents the price of a cubic metre of concrete in dollars, and Q is the total
number of cubic metres of concrete supplied into the market on a given day.
At present the three firms appear have identical production costs, with each firm facing
fixed costs of $200,000 per day and a marginal cost of $140 per cubic metre.
Big Industries and ConCorp estimate that the proposed merger would reduce their
marginal cost to $115 per cubic metre, while the merged firm is expected to face fixed
costs of $350,000 per day.
3 The industry analysis
For your industry analysis you must complete each of the steps detailed below. The
required analysis draws on content covered in lectures 6–10 (primarily lecture 9). When
completing the steps you must:
• Type all equations using the ‘Insert Equation’ function in Microsoft Word (or equivalent).
• Show all of your working.
• Include sufficient written description for the reader to follow your process. (Use the
lecture notes and worked solutions in the study guide as an indication of the required
level of detail.)
• Use appropriate economic terminology.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in lost marks.
3.1 Required steps
For the purposes of this analysis you should assume that firms in the pre-mixed concrete industry compete by simultaneously selecting quantities (ie. the firms are engaged in Cournot
competition). Steps 1 to 4 apply to the market in the absence of a merger.
Step 1: Using the information provided in the scenario, derive the marginal revenue function for a typical firm in the industry. Use QA to denote the quantity produced by this
firm, and X to denote the combined production of the remaining two firms. (4 marks)
Step 2: Derive the best-response function for the typical firm. (4 marks)
Step 3: Find the equilibrium quantity for the typical firm, the equilibrium market quantity,
and the equilibrium market price. (5 marks)
Step 4: Find the equilibrium profits for the typical firm and the equilibrium consumer
surplus. (10 marks)
When writing your brief you should assume that steps 3 and 4 describe the existing equilibrium in the market.
Now suppose that the merger takes place and that the merged firm achieves the
expected efficiencies.
Step 5: Find the new equilibrium quantities and price for the market. Use QA to denote
the quantity produced by Aggregate Inc., and QB to denote the quantity produced by the
merged firm, BigCon. (20 marks)
Step 6: Find the new equilibrium firm profits and consumer surplus. (7 marks)
When writing your brief steps 5 and 6 represent your assessment of the likely market
conditions if the merger is permitted to proceed.
Hint: In step 3 you can use the fact that all three firms in the market have identical
marginal costs. When completing step 5 it may be possible to reuse some of your earlier
calculations. Note that Aggregate Inc.’s costs are not be affected by the merger.
4 The brief
The purpose of the brief is to communicate your recommendations to the decision-maker
who commissioned your analysis. You need to provide enough information for the decisionmaker to understand your recommendations, and to reach a decision on the matter at hand.
However, senior government officials are extremely busy, so you must be brief.
• The maximum length for your brief is 2 pages.
• Any content in excess of 2 pages will not be read or graded.
The 2 page limit applies to the brief only. It does not apply to industry analysis detailed
in section 3.
When writing the brief remember that it is for a non-expert audience. You must
avoid using specialised economic terminology and state everything in ‘plain English’. For
• Terms such as consumer surplus, producer surplus, and deadweight loss, have little meaning outside of economics and should be avoided. (Note: This is not a
comprehensive list.)
• On the other hand, the significance of terms such as price, revenue, and profit, are
generally well understood outside of economics.
The brief should not include any equations or diagrams. Tables and dollar amounts may
be included as appropriate.
4.1 Template
You must compose your brief according to the template detailed on the following pages.
Instructions for each required element of the brief are included within this template. These
instructions are reflected in the requirements of the rubric detailed in section 5. Ensure
that your brief includes each of the elements detailed in the template, and that you do not
reorder, rename, or omit any of these elements.
Briefing for the (insert decision-maker’s title here)
Subject: Include a brief but descriptive subject line. Maximum length 1 line.
Hint: The subject is, in effect, the title of your brief. Compose the subject as you
would the title of a report.
Prepared by: Your name here.
Core Message
Write an executive summary of the brief. Your core message should consist of three
sentences: The first sentence providing a summary of the scenario. The second sentence summarising the key rationale for your recommendation. And the third sentence
summarising your recommendation(s). Maximum length 5 lines.
Hint: The statements in the core message should stand on their own. Provide specific
information and avoid generalities. The reader should be able to understand the core
message without referring to the scenario or the rest of the brief.
a) Concisely state the principal recommendation that arises from your analysis.
b) Optional: State any additional recommendations on subsequent lines.
Hint: Each recommendation should be stated as a clear course of action for the government to pursue. Be precise. Avoid generalities and ambiguous statements. DO NOT
explain or seek to justify your recommendations in this section. DO NOT describe the
consequences of your recommendations. DO NOT state conditions or caveats for your
Key Information
Begin your key information section with a short (1–2 paragraph) outline of the context for
the brief (as detailed in the scenario), the problem under consideration, and any additional
issues raised.
Hint: These 1–2 paragraphs should set the scene for the reader. They should provide
the reader with sufficient background information to understand the purpose of the brief.
DO NOT use these paragraphs to foreshadow, explain, or justify your recommendation(s).
Use the remainder of the key information section to present the rationale behind your
recommendation(s). You should highlight any trade-offs involved in your recommendation(s), and address any additional issues raised in the scenario. Your rationale should be
presented as follows:
• Use subheadings to concisely state the key findings of your industry analysis. The
maximum length for a subheading is 2 lines (1 line is preferable).
• Write a short paragraph following each subheading to briefly explain the finding.
Taken together, the findings stated in the subheadings should form a logical argument
supporting your recommendation(s). The following subheading and paragraph provide an
example of the correct presentation of a finding:
For the best possible grade it is necessary to follow the instructions closely.
Assignments are graded against marking criteria that incorporate the requirements set out
in the assignment instructions. Failing to appropriately include all of the requirements
detailed in the instructions typically precludes the awarding of top marks.
Hint: Incorporate all information required to support your recommendation(s) in this
section, regardless of whether or not the same information has been included elsewhere in
the brief. Each subheading should be written as a statement of fact. DO NOT include an
explanation within a subheading, leave that for the following paragraph. DO NOT assert
facts that are unsupported by either the scenario or your industry analysis.
Financial Implications
Briefly summarise the direct financial implications of your recommendation(s) (if any) for
the Government. Include the precise dollar amounts that come out of your analysis.
Hint: The financial implications section should provide the reader with easy access to
the financial cost and/or benefit of your recommendations to the government. This section
is not a substitute for stating the financial implications elsewhere in the brief. Specifically,
if the financial implications form a part of the rationale for your recommendation(s), they
will need to be included in both the key information section AND the financial implications
section. DO NOT use this section to summarise other market outcomes (eg. profit and
price). DO NOT use this section to present arguments in support of your recommendation(s). This section must be included even if there are no direct financial implications
from your recommendation(s).