Power and Communication

After viewing the Leadership and Management scenario, you can see that a leader or manager has a lot of power. Share the type of power that you chose for the scenario, and explain why you chose that type of power.
After reading about the different types of power in Chapter 8 of your text, analyze the type of power you chose and take a position on whether you would keep it the same or change it to another type of power. Defend your position.After viewing the Leadership and Management scenario, you can see that a leader or manager has a lot of power. Share the type of power that you chose for the scenario, and explain why you chose that type of power.
After reading about the different types of power in Chapter 8 of your text, analyze the type of power you chose and take a position on whether you would keep it the same or change it to another type of power. Defend your position.

Marriage and Family

1. Define marriage in the United States. Include data to support your definition.

2. Define family in the United States compared to one of the following countries: Germany, South Africa, Nigeria, Mexico, or Japan. Include data to support your answer.1. Define marriage in the United States. Include data to support your definition.

2. Define family in the United States compared to one of the following countries: Germany, South Africa, Nigeria, Mexico, or Japan. Include data to support your answer.1. Define marriage in the United States. Include data to support your definition.

2. Define family in the United States compared to one of the following countries: Germany, South Africa, Nigeria, Mexico, or Japan. Include data to support your answer.

ethics quiz 5

There has been much talk about raising the minimum wage for low level earners in this country. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr. The new minimum wage in New York State is much higher at $11.10/hr. However, many feel that even this higher rate is not enough to live off of in many places. That is why many people argue that businesses should be required to pay what is called a “living wage.” A living wage is a wage that would be sure to cover basic expenses such as rent, child care, health care, etc. Living wage therefore depends on the area in which one lives. (See the living wage calculator at http://livingwage.mit.edu/ to see rates for different areas across the country.)
Quiz question (be sure to answer all parts):
What would Rawls say about requiring businesses to provide a living wage? Apply his two principles of justice here. What would Nozick say about this? Apply his two principles of justice here. Finally, what would a duty theorist say about providing a living wage? Apply the categorical imperative here.

Interpersonal Distance and Walking Speed

1. Paper must have the following structure
a. Cover Page
b. Abstract (No more than 120 words)
i. Should be a summary of the results and discussion sections of your paper.
c. Introduction
i. Should be about research and experiments conducted regarding interpersonal
distance and walking time.
1. Should explain what each experiment tested for and their results.
ii. This introduction should be lengthy and include 12 sources.
iii. Final paragraph should lead into the current research (our class experiment)
1. Our hypothesis is that interpersonal distance and walking time will be
influenced by gender and group size.
d. Method Section
i. Discusses participants
1. Number of participants
2. Number of participants by gender
3. Number of groups, categorized by size
a. Include mean group size
4. Participants were naturally observed walking in hallways at an urban
ii. Materials
1. A data sheet to record group id, group size, gender, and walking speed
2. A ruler to measure 10 feet on the hallway floor
3. Chalk to mark the beginning and end of the 10 feet on the hallway floor.
iii. Procedures
1. A more in-depth explanation of the processes mentioned in the
previous two sub-sections
iv. Results
1. A statistical analysis of the SPSS output that points out any significant
relationships between any of the variables.
v. Discussion
1. Basic discussion of the results of the experiment.
2. Measures we could have taken to make our results more accurate
3. Analysis of how our results relate to the results found in research
discussed in the introduction.
4. Suggestions for future experiments on the subject.
vi. References

LAW Similar to affordable care act

directions on the document- I stand for universal healthcare
create an Act to replace the ACA. Do not attempt to fold in Medicare or Medicaid recipients, but create a federal health plan that would cover as many people as possible. The philosophy of your Plan will be critical to its structure. No numbers, legislative rules, etc. Simply outline who will be covered, your goal for monthly premium payments, goal for annual deductibles, what is covered/what isn’t, and a general discussion of how to pay for it.

Don’t get stuck in the weeds. The idea is to understand the complexities and nuances of trying to cover as many people as possible within reason.
Furrow Health Law CH 10: The Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”), pages 407-438.
Obamacare and the Middle Class;
Heritage Foundation 2016 Report on ACA (long article–hit the highlights);
For your reference only: In December, a Texas federal judge ruled that the ACA was unconstitutional (Case 4:18-cv-00167-O). Because an appeal is pending (and the judge has stayed his own ruling) we won’t cover this in detail. The ruling is published here. Click for more options
Here are two good articles regarding the case, the ruling, and the potential:

Texas Judge Strikes Down Obama’s Affordable Care Act as Unconstitutional
Federal Judge Strikes Down Entire ACA; Law Remains In Effect

Raymond Carver’s “Popular Mechanics”

Unlike Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl,” Raymond Carver’s “Popular Mechanics” is not ambiguous in terms of the zeitgeist that produced it. It is clearly Post-Modern, meaning that it is a fictional work that is dark and without hope.
Write an five paragraph essay discussing Carver’s work as POST-MODERN in ONE of three ways: as a revision of a Biblical myth (please research this on line), as Post-Modern in its use of length, subverted punctuation, and open ending, OR as a work Post-Modern in terms of its symbols. Remember that each paragraph needs to be 5 to 7 sentences long. Unlike Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl,” Raymond Carver’s “Popular Mechanics” is not ambiguous in terms of the zeitgeist that produced it. It is clearly Post-Modern, meaning that it is a fictional work that is dark and without hope.
Write an five paragraph essay discussing Carver’s work as POST-MODERN in ONE of three ways: as a revision of a Biblical myth (please research this on line), as Post-Modern in its use of length, subverted punctuation, and open ending, OR as a work Post-Modern in terms of its symbols. Remember that each paragraph needs to be 5 to 7 sentences long.

Introduction to film studies

For this assessment task you are asked to locate a scholarly film studies journal article and offer a written response to the article.

This task is designed to feed into your research for the essay. It is recommended that you select an article that will be relevant to the essay topic you will write on. If you are having trouble locating an appropriate article, please speak to your tutor. Be sure to locate your article and begin work well before the due date. The tutorial with library staff in week 6 will offer additional assistance/preparation for this task.

Your response should:

Begin with the article’s full bibliographic citation (preferably in MLA style)
Identify the main aim or rationale of the article (is it making an argument? Is it explaining an idea?)
Identify where in the article the aim or aims are stated.
Identify at least one instance of the way the author uses evidence to support his/her claims (you may choose to focus on scholarly evidence drawn from other authors or film analysis as evidence).
Your response should also evaluate how well the author makes his/her case. Is it clearly written? Is the article clearly substantiated with relevant evidence? Do the introduction and conclusion offer a robust frame for the analysis? You may also want to evaluate how (or whether) the source contributes to your essay research.

Major Essay Topic: Discuss the idea that documentary presents a representation of the actual world. Identify how Stories We Tell puts forward a representation of the world and how it does this by employing documentary techniques.

2000 word essay considering a nursing concept, a nursing skill and how you would incorporate the concept when undertaking the nursing skill

2000 word essay considering a nursing concept, a nursing skill and how you would incorporate the concept when undertaking the nursing skill.
Link to six senses framework of relationship centred care.
Underpin with literature.
The purpose of this essay is for you to consider how you would use a nursing concept whilst undertaking a nursing skill.
You will be allocated one of the following nursing concepts to consider within your essay:
Choose one of the following nursing skills to consider within your essay:
Elimination needs
Undertaking clinical observations (pulse, blood pressure, respiration and temperature)
Hygiene requirements
Assisting with nutrition.
Define the nursing concept and identify why this concept is important or relevant. (10%)
State the main features of the concept, the importance or how relevant e.g if dignity is allocated say what it is, how you comes about choosing the concept and how it may differ between different people.(service users).
Explain why you want to use this concept.
Should be approx. 200 words (i.e. half a page of A4).
Define the chosen nursing skill, and identify why you chose this skill. (10%)
Identify which skill of the 4 you have chosen to use within this essay
State the main features of the skill
EG if you chose assisting with nutrition, you could include how people can be assisted, in what circumstances and what you would need to observe for/ consider
Explain why you wanted to use this
Should be approx. 200 words.
Outline how the nursing concept would influence how the skill is undertaken in placement (50%)
You need to discuss how the concept would influence how you would undertake the skills
EG Dignity and assisting with nutrition- you could consider:
dignity in view of enabling the person’s choice of nutrition eg cultural requirements
Dignity in view of helping them to eat/ drink- allowing them to do what they can and helping them with aspects they find difficult.
Not rushing or appearing to be too busy to help.
This is the main part of your essay around 1,000 words.
Consider how the skill and the nursing concept supports one of the 6 senses of relationship centred care (10%)
You need to state which one of the 6 senses you want to consider eg belonging
Link the sense to the concept/ nursing skill
EG with respect, assisting with nutrition and belonging, you could consider that by knowing the person’s dietary needs and enabling them to be involved in meal time, this could create a sense of belonging
Should be approx. 200 words
Support the discussion with relevant literature (10%)
Use relevant literature as references within your essay
You will need to use some professional nursing texts as well as nursing care texts
If using online resources put the web address plus the date you last accessed (eg. Department of Health, DOH, 2011 National Diet and Nurtition Survery) http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsStatistics/DH_130728 (accessed 22/2/13) .

Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly presented (5%)
It needs to be clearly written and presented- use the marking guide to guide your structure
Include an introduction and conclusion
Use same font throughout (eg Arial size12)
Use 1.5 spacing
Use headers to structure discussion (these are included in word count)
The references are accurate and a recognised referencing system is used (5%)
Harvard format.
Alphabetical reference list
Do not use footnotes or annotations

Storm Preparedness involving Hurricanes

Here are the instructions for my paper listed below. Also for my references, I need to use scholarly journal articles just FYI. Below, I have attached two pages which I started on my own where you may pick up from to generate an idea of what I wanted. I still need 5 pages of content from you as well. For the paper, you will outline a specific disaster communication plan framed around the disaster type you chose. Specifically, this paper should address the following:
• A brief description of the disaster type, including how past events have been handled among various stakeholders and actors
• Which sources would communicate with the public in the immediate wake of the disaster
• The specific instructions that would be given to the public
• A plan for communication between different levels of government about the disaster, including:
o First responders
o Local governments
o State governments
o The federal government (if necessary)
• A mechanism for allowing the public to contact authorities in reference to the disaster
• The individuals/organizations that would need to be part of a communication network handling problems after the disaster
o Including mechanisms for communication between them
For this paper, you should draw from all the lessons over the course of the semester that discuss these various issues. Although the format of this assignment is a paper, it may help you to include charts and graphs that illustrate some of the concepts in your paper.
For example, when describing how agencies at different levels of the government will need to coordinate, it might be useful to produce a flowchart depicting how information flows between these different actors.
The paper should be at least 1,500 words, but no more than 3,000 words. Your paper should include a title page and a references page. Neither of these will count toward your word total.
You should have at least eight sources for the final draft of your communication plan.
A few tips:
• If you have any questions regarding the assignment at any point, please get in contact with your instructor. The instructor will be able to point you to relevant research and other resources that can help you as you work on your paper over the course of the semester.
• Do not wait until the end of the semester to work on the entire paper. Over the course of the term, we will encounter information that will be relevant to the paper. Feel free to outline ideas from week-to-week as a framework for your paper.
• Choose a topic that is interesting to you. You will find the paper much easier to write (and more intriguing) if you write about something you are interested in. Do not restrict yourself to the topics outlined above.

Plumbing Business consultancy report

This is a team report (uploaded as a document below) but it is not good at the moment.

A group report needs to be submitted, on the following subject: we are CONSULTING for a plumber who wants to grow his business “JGM Plumbing Services”.

This is a consultancy report therefore need concepts and theories to explain our answer but not too technical as we need the Plumber to understand it but needs to also tick the box of academic concepts research and referencing for the module tutor!

I only want the following parts please:
SWOT analysis – 400 words
Advertising (Only give a guesstimate at cost of doing the website/platforms and also time required) – 70 words
Recommendations – 350 words

PLEASE NOTE that this plumber prides himself on “attention to detail” and “top quality jobs”, he would like to be involved mainly with top end/luxurious bathrooms and only works with one top quality tiler and one top quality electrician (tried many in the past and been disappointed). His weaknesses are as he put it he is very slow at typing emails / takes him hours to send a detailed email to a customer so he does this in the evenings after work, and is worried about expanding and then losing his niche market, he doesn’t want to be called to do small jobs (such as can you come and fix a leak? unless it’s related to a job he has done for that customer in which case he has no issue providing follow up customer care). He may be slightly more expensive than other plumbers as he prioritises a “job well done”. Please message me if you need clarifications.