Business Law

this is an assignment worth 30%. I have attached the relevant documents that will help you with it, there is also a marking criteria that is attached, I want a high distinction for this essay so please pay close attention to the HD criteria and make sure all the requirements are checked off.

there are also examples of what the answers should look like so use that as a reference for the structure.
please use good and current case law references.this is an assignment worth 30%. I have attached the relevant documents that will help you with it, there is also a marking criteria that is attached, I want a high distinction for this essay so please pay close attention to the HD criteria and make sure all the requirements are checked off.

there are also examples of what the answers should look like so use that as a reference for the structure.
please use good and current case law references.

Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Children

The health policy paper is a written document that contains the following parts:
1. Title Page- Follow APA style guide to format the title page
2. Statement of the Policy Issue- Brief (2-3 sentence) statement describing the issue
3. Background related to the issue- An explanation of the problem and its significance. Include support as needed, including references to research literature if relevant
4. Information pertinent to the issue – This may pertain to current laws needing to be changed, current debate about the issue, and/or data about the issue
5. Policy Options- What has been done (or proposed) about the issue so far? Have other organizations addressed it? Are there pending legislative or regulatory proposals? (include support as needed)
6. Your Recommendation for Policy- List recommendations about what different stakeholders should do—e.g., Congress, state legislatures, relevant government agencies, health systems leaders, other nursing organizations, etc. (Of course, this will depend on the specific issue). Can be formatted as a bullet list if appropriate.
7. References- Format the references using the APA style guide
**Title and Reference Pages are not included in 5 pages. They are separate from the core minimum 5 pages.

Self Reflection of a time of weakness and a time of strength

Essay of a time of weakness and a time of strength. All the edits are in the notes portion of the paper that the instructor annotated. It has to be APA format with proper references and citing. It must pass a DOD Collegiate plagiarism tool used by the school.

Essay of a time of weakness and a time of strength. All the edits are in the notes portion of the paper that the instructor annotated. It has to be APA format with proper references and citing. It must pass a DOD Collegiate plagiarism tool used by the school.

Essay of a time of weakness and a time of strength. All the edits are in the notes portion of the paper that the instructor annotated. It has to be APA format with proper references and citing. It must pass a DOD Collegiate plagiarism tool used by the school.

Socialism-A True Threat to Homeland Security

This paper should detail socialism in the US and how it is a threat to Homeland Security. I have attached the rubric as well as a draft that I have written. I also have attached a PDF which has corrections made by the instructor. Please ensure that the writer uses the majority of what I have written to ensure consistency in what was already submitted.

This paper should detail socialism in the US and how it is a threat to Homeland Security. I have attached the rubric as well as a draft that I have written. I also have attached a PDF which has corrections made by the instructor. Please ensure that the writer uses the majority of what I have written to ensure consistency in what was already submitted.

Self Reflection of a time of weakness and a time of strength

Essay of a time of weakness and a time of strength. All the edits are in the notes portion of the paper that the instructor annotated. It has to be APA format with proper references and citing. It must pass a DOD Collegiate plagiarism tool used by the school.

Essay of a time of weakness and a time of strength. All the edits are in the notes portion of the paper that the instructor annotated. It has to be APA format with proper references and citing. It must pass a DOD Collegiate plagiarism tool used by the school.

Essay of a time of weakness and a time of strength. All the edits are in the notes portion of the paper that the instructor annotated. It has to be APA format with proper references and citing. It must pass a DOD Collegiate plagiarism tool used by the school.

Hand Hygiene

Your presentation should be approximately 15–20 slides, not including reference slides and introductory slides. You should include appropriate speaker notes, and you may include an audiovisual recording of your presentation in your submission. Power point presentation with order # 1792384480

Your presentation should be approximately 15–20 slides, not including reference slides and introductory slides. You should include appropriate speaker notes, and you may include an audiovisual recording of your presentation in your submission. Power point presentation with order # 1792384480

Your presentation should be approximately 15–20 slides, not including reference slides and introductory slides. You should include appropriate speaker notes, and you may include an audiovisual recording of your presentation in your submission. Power point presentation with order # 1792384480

“Creation” by Gore Vidal

Compare and contrast the novel “Creation” by Gore Vidal 1st edition to historical data such as Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, and the wars between Persia and Greece.

Compare and contrast the novel “Creation” by Gore Vidal 1st edition to historical data such as Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, and the wars between Persia and Greece.

Compare and contrast the novel “Creation” by Gore Vidal 1st edition to historical data such as Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, and the wars between Persia and Greece.

Compare and contrast the novel “Creation” by Gore Vidal 1st edition to historical data such as Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, and the wars between Persia and Greece.

Compare and contrast the novel “Creation” by Gore Vidal 1st edition to historical data such as Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, and the wars between Persia and Greece.

Research Interest Statement

Research area: Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Practical experience: clinical, epidemiology and Surveillance
Previous Research: Oncology, neonatal health and bioethics
Reasons for choosing course: further knowledge, career prospects, publishing, etc.

I need a more or less generic research interest statement (not research paper) for application to a doctorate in Epidemiology and Biostatistics research that I can then add more personal details to.Research area: Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Practical experience: clinical, epidemiology and Surveillance
Previous Research: Oncology, neonatal health and bioethics
Reasons for choosing course: further knowledge, career prospects, publishing, etc.

I need a more or less generic research interest statement (not research paper) for application to a doctorate in Epidemiology and Biostatistics research that I can then add more personal details to.

Do you believe that some human lives are better lived (in an objective sense) than others?

According to your book:

Aristotle believed that all existing things have a purpose and that their purpose constitutes their good. The good of an apple tree, for example, is to grow apples. The good of a heart is to pump blood. The good of a dog is to eat, play, and be active. A flourishing apple tree, heart, or dog realizes its respective good, and a deficient apple tree, heart, or dog deviates from its respective good.

So, when seeking to answer the question “How should one live?” Aristotle naturally considered the issue of what is the good for humans.

A flourishing human being realizes (or approximates) the human good, and a deficient human being deviates from this good. As such, some human lives are better lived than others.

Do you believe that some human lives are better lived (in an objective sense) than others? Do some people “flourish” as human beings more than others? Or is the human good entirely subjective?

How do your answers to these questions affect the way in which you live your life? Explain.

Community Garden

Communication is a critical part of any community engagement process. Like so much of today’s world, technology has reshaped how we communicate. With that in mind, create an outline for the communications plan for Community garden
Be sure that your outline includes:

Stakeholder Communications, Traditional Marketing, and Social Media.
Your outline should be between 2 pages, plus a cover page and reference page.
Although this will be in outline form, use APA 6th edition when citing any sources.
Resources for Assessment:

The 2016 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report [Infographic]
The Power of Community Storytelling
5 Online Communication Styles for Nonprofits
Social Media as a Formidable Force for Change
Communications for Advocacy Seven Principles of Advocacy Communication