Discussion: Group Therapy with Older Adults

Discussion: Group Therapy with Older Adults
As the population continues to age, more and more older adults will require therapy for various mental health issues. While the group setting offers many benefits and makes therapy more accessible to those in need of services, this therapeutic approach may not be effective for all clients. For this Discussion, as you examine your own practicum experiences with older adults in group therapy settings, consider strategies to improve the effectiveness of your sessions.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Analyze group therapy sessions with older adults
Recommend strategies for improving the effectiveness of group therapy sessions for older adults

Assignment 1: Practicum – Client Termination Summary

Assignment 1: Practicum – Client Termination Summary
Although termination is an inevitable part of the therapeutic process, it is often difficult for clients. However, by discussing termination throughout therapy, you can better prepare your clients for life without you. Once a client has achieved his or her therapeutic goals, termination sessions should be held and documented in a client termination summary. For this Assignment, you have the opportunity to practice writing a termination summary for a client with whom you have worked during your practicum experience.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Develop client termination summaries
To prepare:
For guidance on writing a client termination summary, review pages 693–712 of Wheeler (2014) in this week’s Learning Resources.
Identify a client who may be ready to terminate therapy.
The Assignment
Identifying information of client (e.g., hypothetical name and age)
Date the client initially contacted therapist, date therapy began, duration of therapy, and date therapy will end
Total number of sessions, including number of missed sessions
Whether termination was planned or unplanned
Presenting problem
Major psychosocial issues
Types of services rendered (e.g., individual, couple/family therapy, group therapy)
Overview of treatment process
Goal status (goals met, partially met, unmet)
Treatment limitations (if any)
Remaining difficulties and/or concerns
Follow-up plan (if indicated)
Instructions for future contact
With the client you selected in mind, address in a client termination summary (without violating HIPAA regulations) the following:

Discussion: Clinical Supervision Week 10: Group Therapy With Children and Adolescents

Week 10: Group Therapy With Children and Adolescents
Effective group treatment with children and adolescents rests upon three essential considerations: the clients that compose the group, the therapists responsible for conducting the group, and the setting in which the group occurs.

—Dr. Mark Stone, Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy with Children and Adolescents

Group therapy may be beneficial for children and adolescents, because it often provides an environment that normalizes clients’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. However, as with any therapeutic approach, group therapy might not be appropriate for every client, every setting, or even every therapist. When selecting therapies, you must always consider the psychodynamics of the client and your own skill set.

This week, as you assess and develop diagnoses for clients presenting for child and adolescent group psychotherapy, you examine the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach. You also consider legal and ethical implications of counseling children and adolescent clients with psychiatric disorders.

Discussion: Clinical Supervision
In Week 3, you collaborated with colleagues as you participated in your first clinical supervision. This week, you have the opportunity to continue your collaboration as you reflect on and discuss your experiences with counseling children and adolescents in group settings. Psychotherapy with these clients is often more complex than psychotherapy with the general adult population. Personal reflection and discussion with colleagues are essential to your development and success as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. For this clinical supervision, consider a child or adolescent client you are counseling who you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Assess clients presenting for child and adolescent group psychotherapy
Evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic approaches for clients receiving child and adolescent group psychotherapy

Political Socio-Economic Impact of Gangs M13

Explain the nature of a gang, relative to one of the issues expressed in the Harrison chapter, ie. crime, violence, history, and Constitutional issues.

Explain the nature of a gang, relative to one of the issues expressed in the Harrison chapter, ie. crime, violence, history, and Constitutional issues.

Explain the nature of a gang, relative to one of the issues expressed in the Harrison chapter, ie. crime, violence, history, and Constitutional issues.

Explain the nature of a gang, relative to one of the issues expressed in the Harrison chapter, ie. crime, violence, history, and Constitutional issues.

Explain the nature of a gang, relative to one of the issues expressed in the Harrison chapter, ie. crime, violence, history, and Constitutional issues.

Research Argument Essay/ Children in single parent homes versues children with married couple

Microsoft wordTimes New Roman. 12 point
Margins: one inch all the way around
Justification: Left margin only
print in black
Has to have graphics and articles, books, and website have to be cited in the paper also need a title and a thesis statement. The title doesn’t have to be bold.Microsoft wordTimes New Roman. 12 point
Margins: one inch all the way around
Justification: Left margin only
print in black
Has to have graphics and articles, books, and website have to be cited in the paper also need a title and a thesis statement. The title doesn’t have to be bold.

Discussion: Clinical Supervision Week 10: Group Therapy With Children and Adolescents

Week 10: Group Therapy With Children and Adolescents
Effective group treatment with children and adolescents rests upon three essential considerations: the clients that compose the group, the therapists responsible for conducting the group, and the setting in which the group occurs.

—Dr. Mark Stone, Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy with Children and Adolescents

Group therapy may be beneficial for children and adolescents, because it often provides an environment that normalizes clients’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. However, as with any therapeutic approach, group therapy might not be appropriate for every client, every setting, or even every therapist. When selecting therapies, you must always consider the psychodynamics of the client and your own skill set.

This week, as you assess and develop diagnoses for clients presenting for child and adolescent group psychotherapy, you examine the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach. You also consider legal and ethical implications of counseling children and adolescent clients with psychiatric disorders.

Discussion: Clinical Supervision
In Week 3, you collaborated with colleagues as you participated in your first clinical supervision. This week, you have the opportunity to continue your collaboration as you reflect on and discuss your experiences with counseling children and adolescents in group settings. Psychotherapy with these clients is often more complex than psychotherapy with the general adult population. Personal reflection and discussion with colleagues are essential to your development and success as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. For this clinical supervision, consider a child or adolescent client you are counseling who you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Assess clients presenting for child and adolescent group psychotherapy
Evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic approaches for clients receiving child and adolescent group psychotherapy

Discussion: Clinical Supervision Week 10: Group Therapy With Children and Adolescents

Week 10: Group Therapy With Children and Adolescents
Effective group treatment with children and adolescents rests upon three essential considerations: the clients that compose the group, the therapists responsible for conducting the group, and the setting in which the group occurs.

—Dr. Mark Stone, Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy with Children and Adolescents

Group therapy may be beneficial for children and adolescents, because it often provides an environment that normalizes clients’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. However, as with any therapeutic approach, group therapy might not be appropriate for every client, every setting, or even every therapist. When selecting therapies, you must always consider the psychodynamics of the client and your own skill set.

This week, as you assess and develop diagnoses for clients presenting for child and adolescent group psychotherapy, you examine the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach. You also consider legal and ethical implications of counseling children and adolescent clients with psychiatric disorders.

Discussion: Clinical Supervision
In Week 3, you collaborated with colleagues as you participated in your first clinical supervision. This week, you have the opportunity to continue your collaboration as you reflect on and discuss your experiences with counseling children and adolescents in group settings. Psychotherapy with these clients is often more complex than psychotherapy with the general adult population. Personal reflection and discussion with colleagues are essential to your development and success as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. For this clinical supervision, consider a child or adolescent client you are counseling who you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Assess clients presenting for child and adolescent group psychotherapy
Evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic approaches for clients receiving child and adolescent group psychotherapy

What Should A Pilot Ethically Do In Response To An Aircraft Hijacking

An ethical dilemma that I have chosen has a lot to do with my university major and my future profession as a professional pilot working in the commercial airline transport industry. Working in this field is not easy as you have a responsibility to keep your passengers safe during the flight. Some passengers don’t think safe traveling is the best way to travel, as terrorist love to stir up some trouble especially on planes in an attempt to hijack. Now comes the dilemma and what makes it controversial, as to how a pilot should handle a hijack scenario. Pilots are told in training to obey the hijackers’ commands and basically bow down to them when I and other pilots feel as if the lives of passengers have a better chance of survival if the pilot acts on taking the needed actions to keep the hijack terrorist from harming anyone. So should you, as the pilot in command of an aircraft with many people on board openly let a terrorist do as he wishes with the aircraft risking everyone on boards life obeying legal policy, or should the P.I.C. handle the situation and save as many lives as possible.

For the research paper itself, you will defend an ethical thesis showing what you think is the morally right way to resolve this situation, so that will be a general statement of what policy you think is best. Or, if you want, you can choose a thesis not directly related to the pilot’s perspective, such as arguing in the paper for certain changes in airline safety or protocol, if something like that stands out as more interesting

there can no plagiarism, no more than 7% similarity on Turnitin
I have uploaded sources for this topic that should be referenced
thank you, if you have questions please contact me.

Political Socio-Economic Impact of Gangs

Are gang members rebelling, fighting powerlessness or creating a counter subculture for other benefits? Analyze the sociological aspect of the gang culture with the Constitutional Amendments (choose one) and cite your reasons for growth in gang populations.

Are gang members rebelling, fighting powerlessness or creating a counter subculture for other benefits? Analyze the sociological aspect of the gang culture with the Constitutional Amendments (choose one) and cite your reasons for growth in gang populations.

Are gang members rebelling, fighting powerlessness or creating a counter subculture for other benefits? Analyze the sociological aspect of the gang culture with the Constitutional Amendments (choose one) and cite your reasons for growth in gang populations.

Climate Change

DB 5 – Climate Change


Watch the following TED Talks:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KACXV-cW-4 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. – My Country Will Be Underwater Soon — Unless We Work Together | Anote Tong

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Lc_dlVrg5M (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. – This country isn’t just carbon neutral — it’s carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay

In your discussion reflection, what lessons can we take from these two nations? Think back to our footprint results and everything we learned so far about resource use and apply that to the new content on climate change.

  • How can these two nations teach large and developed nations how to live sustainable lives? What cautionary tales/lessons should the world be paying attention to from these two leaders?
  • What were the most memorable moments from both TED Talks for you?
  • What do you think about measuring wealth in GNH instead of GNP?
  • How would free education and medicine improve environmental health?
  • How would free education and medicine change yourlife?

Conclude with your thoughts on how attainable any of these ideas are for world’s leading economies.

Don’t forget to use OUTSIDE references in both posts (original and reply) to get full credit.