A title page with a meaningful title, your name, this course title, and an abstract.

An Introduction section, describing the issue or technique that you investigated.

A Method of Approach section, describing how you performed your investigation in enough detail so that another IT professional could duplicate what you did.

A Findings section, describing what you found in your investigation with appropriate citations to where you found it. If you have any doubt about citing references, over-cite them.

A Recommendations section, describing what in light of your findings that you recommend should be done to ensure quality of IT acquisition and integration in your team’s RFP.

A Value section, describing the value, importance, and benefit of your findings and recommendations for your education
A References and Bibliography section, listing the references and bibliographic citations used in your paper. Please pay significant attention to citing references and sources.

Principles of Management

Can an organization’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?

Can an organization’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?

Can an organization’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?

Can an organization’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?

Can an organization’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?

Can an organization’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?

Fluid Exchange

Watch videos from following link answer questions following the link

1. Explain and calculate the net filtration pressure at the Arterial end of the capillary. ___
2. What is the purpose of the net filtration pressure at the arterial end of the capillary? __
3. Explain and calculate the net filtration pressure at the Venus end of the capillary.____
4. What is the purpose of the net filtration pressure at the Venus end of the capillary?
5. What happens to 1/10 of the fluid that leaves the capillary?
Bonus: What is Interstitial Fluid?5. What happens to 1/10 of the fluid that leaves the capillary?
Bonus: What is Interstitial Fluid?

Why humans are not omnivores, we do not need meat to survive

Persuasive essay
MLA format
Work cited page in alphabetical order
4 to six pages ( shoot for 5)
Limited to 5 direct quotes ( only 2 can be long quotes, longer than 4 lines)
Use at least one peer reviewed journal article
Can use max 3 internet ( solely exsist on the internet) sources
May use one picture ir graph ( limited to half a page) must still have in text citation, work cited entry for the picture/graph
Must present and refuse at least 2 opposing view points

Persuasive essay
MLA format
Work cited page in alphabetical order
4 to six pages ( shoot for 5)
Limited to 5 direct quotes ( only 2 can be long quotes, longer than 4 lines)
Use at least one peer reviewed journal article
Can use max 3 internet ( solely exsist on the internet) sources
May use one picture ir graph ( limited to half a page) must still have in text citation, work cited entry for the picture/graph
Must present and refuse at least 2 opposing view points

Marketing and Society

this coursework requested us to answer 4 questions and follow the essay structure. Use approximately 875 words for each question. the answers should reflect both wider reading and own personal opinion. the answers should be articulate, insightful and academic. there are no right or wrong answers, just well researched, cogently argued answers. i have finished one of them and i hope you can write other 3. i prefer to choose question 2, 8 and 9. i will upload the handbook of assignment, lecture ppts and reading. and the other reading list were in the handbook. i hope you use reference as much as possible.

this coursework requested us to answer 4 questions and follow the essay structure. Use approximately 875 words for each question. the answers should reflect both wider reading and own personal opinion. the answers should be articulate, insightful and academic. there are no right or wrong answers, just well researched, cogently argued answers. i have finished one of them and i hope you can write other 3. i prefer to choose question 2, 8 and 9. i will upload the handbook of assignment, lecture ppts and reading. and the other reading list were in the handbook. i hope you use reference as much as possible.

Individual Market Research Portfolio

Task Details/Description:
The portfolio consists of two separate elements:
1. Market Research (MR) Proposal: Design a research project relating to a chosen
marketing problem.
2. Market Research (MR) Report: Collect and analyse secondary data (both
quantitative and qualitative) and report the findings of the market research.
Detailed guidelines on the steps involved in the task are available at the end of this
document. Advice on how to conduct and prepare both components, will also be contained
within lectures and tutorials.
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1. Design a market research project, taking into account such factors as sampling and
ethical conduct
2. Undertake and complete quantitative market research
3. Undertake and complete qualitative market research
4. Analyse, collate and report quantitative and qualitative market research
Presentation Requirements:
Word Count: 3,000 words (MR Proposal = 1,000 words; MR Report = 2,000 words)
Font Size: 12pt
Line Spacing: Optional
Submission Date & Time:
Monday 29th April 2019 (12:00 Noon)
Assessment Weighting for the Module:
100% Individual Portfolio (MR Proposal 30%; MR Project 70%)

Mechanical Behaviour of Natural Fibre Reinforced Hybrid Composite

1.4 Aim(s) and objectives

The aim of this project is to investigate mechanical properties of natural fibre as well as their performance in a composite material. Secondly, we aim at commingling of natural fibre with conventional glass and carbon fibre to produce hybrid reinforced composite for mechanical testing.
The objectives are to be able to:
i) Classify and define natural fibres and composites
ii) Identify the applications of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites
iii) Investigate the mechanical behaviour of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
iv) Investigate the manufacturing processes of the natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
v) Investigate and analyse mechanical tests of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
vi) To produce a new material for mechanical testing by mixing natural fibre with conventional glass and carbon fibre.
vii) Evaluate the project and conclude the outcome of the project

NB. Please note this project was done by testing materials and commingling of three materials . This is the final part of which all the tests have been done and all the results obtained have been documented in the attached file. I have done tensile testing on Jute, Carbon Fiber and the 2 composites I made which I named C1 & C2 . I have also done Three-Point Bend Test on all except Jute . All the tests were done using the same testing machine as shown in attached document and in pictures in the main document. I have included all the measurements of all the samples tested and all the results obtained are shown in graphs. I have also included files with excel results if needed. As I would like calculations to be done and then the use of referenced results to be used to compare my results and then finally analyse , evaluate and conclude the project.

Argument Mapping

Create an argument map based on the influence diagram presented in Case 1.3 and complete all the criteria provided in the demonstration exercise, beginning with this claim: “The U.S. should return to the 55- mph speed limit in order to conserve fuel and save lives.”
Include in your map each of the following: warrants, backings, objections, and rebuttals.
Assume that the original qualifier was certainly; indicate whether the qualifier changes as we move from a simple, static, uncontested argument to a complex, dynamic and contested argument.
Refer to Demonstration Exercise 3 located at the end of Chapter 8 for criterion 4.)

Apply the argument mapping procedures presented in Chapter 8 to analyze the pros and cons (or strengths and weaknesses) of the recommendations that the U.S. should not intervene in the Balkans.
Write a one (1) page analysis that uses critical thinking to assess the overall plausibility of the claim: “The conflict in Bosnia is somebody else’s trouble. The U.S. should not intervene militarily.”
Complete an argument map to illustrate your analysis.
Appropriately incorporate at least four (4) quality sources. A quality source can be either grey literature, such as a news article, or scholarly, such as peer reviewed works. In the case of public administration, government websites are appropriate quality resources. Note: Wikipedia, SparkNotes, and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Visit the Strayer University Library at to conduct research.
Required Resources
Dunn, W. N. (2018). Public policy analysis (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Supplemental Resources
Birkland, T. A. (2015). An introduction to the policy process: Theories, concepts, and models of public policy making. Routledge.

Fischer, F., & Forester, J. (Eds.). (1993). The argumentative turn in policy analysis and planning. Duke University Press.

Patton, C., Sawicki, D., & Clark, J. (2015). Basic methods of policy analysis and planning. Routledge.

Weimer, D. L., & Vining, A. R. (2017). Policy analysis: Concepts and practice. Taylor & Francis.

Individual Market Research Portfolio

Task Details/Description:
The portfolio consists of two separate elements:
1. Market Research (MR) Proposal: Design a research project relating to a chosen
marketing problem.
2. Market Research (MR) Report: Collect and analyse secondary data (both
quantitative and qualitative) and report the findings of the market research.
Detailed guidelines on the steps involved in the task are available at the end of this
document. Advice on how to conduct and prepare both components, will also be contained
within lectures and tutorials.
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1. Design a market research project, taking into account such factors as sampling and
ethical conduct
2. Undertake and complete quantitative market research
3. Undertake and complete qualitative market research
4. Analyse, collate and report quantitative and qualitative market research
Presentation Requirements:
Word Count: 3,000 words (MR Proposal = 1,000 words; MR Report = 2,000 words)
Font Size: 12pt
Line Spacing: Optional
Submission Date & Time:
Monday 29th April 2019 (12:00 Noon)
Assessment Weighting for the Module:
100% Individual Portfolio (MR Proposal 30%; MR Project 70%)

Mechanical Behaviour of Natural Fibre Reinforced Hybrid Composite

1.4 Aim(s) and objectives

The aim of this project is to investigate mechanical properties of natural fibre as well as their performance in a composite material. Secondly, we aim at commingling of natural fibre with conventional glass and carbon fibre to produce hybrid reinforced composite for mechanical testing.
The objectives are to be able to:
i) Classify and define natural fibres and composites
ii) Identify the applications of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites
iii) Investigate the mechanical behaviour of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
iv) Investigate the manufacturing processes of the natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
v) Investigate and analyse mechanical tests of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
vi) To produce a new material for mechanical testing by mixing natural fibre with conventional glass and carbon fibre.
vii) Evaluate the project and conclude the outcome of the project

NB. Please note this project was done by testing materials and commingling of three materials . This is the final part of which all the tests have been done and all the results obtained have been documented in the attached file. I have done tensile testing on Jute, Carbon Fiber and the 2 composites I made which I named C1 & C2 . I have also done Three-Point Bend Test on all except Jute . All the tests were done using the same testing machine as shown in attached document and in pictures in the main document. I have included all the measurements of all the samples tested and all the results obtained are shown in graphs. I have also included files with excel results if needed. As I would like calculations to be done and then the use of referenced results to be used to compare my results and then finally analyse , evaluate and conclude the project.