Communicating the Impact of Current and Emerging Policies

As a public health professional, you may be expected to research, analyze, and communicate important policies. For example, as a state health department employee, you may design an educational campaign to encourage people to get particular vaccinations updated. If you were asked to make your case to the health department leadership about the benefit of this kind of program, you would need to realize that some individuals will use Medicaid benefits for coverage. What is the value to the state for Medicaid to pay for this? Often, research and policy analysis will target key stakeholders in leadership or regulatory positions.
There are several dynamics in public payment mechanisms, which are currently one of the largest parts of the United States federal budgetary outlay. What they do and who they serve makes them unlike any other system in this country or the world. A familiarity with various kinds of organizations, structures, and functions of public health and health-related systems and their regulatory systems will set the stage for how aspects of Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP can work.
For this assignment, you compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings and you research a pre-selected topic relevant to public payment mechanisms in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. Then, you analyze the potential impact of the payment policy in a specific setting and look at the payment policy against a broader perspective.
***** Choose one state and their strategies for improving the uptake of children’s clinical preventive services. Discuss what this means for any regulation of public payment systems (esp. CHIP) against the regulation in other systems.

• ****Include section headers for each section, below.*****
o Describe the organization, structure, and function of health care delivery system in the United States, providing specific examples of how these services could be offered. What are some of the key regulatory systems for healthcare in the United States? Why do we have the clinical preventive services and by what authority can they be required?
o Describe the organization, structure, and function of public health in the United States, providing examples, and comparing and contrasting it to health care. What are some of the key regulatory systems for public health in the United States? What about public health would ensure support for these services and why should public health systems promote this health care mechanism?
o Choose a specific international setting and discuss the organization, structure, and function of health care in that region or country, providing specific examples. What regulatory systems exist for healthcare in this region or country that would help establish some sort of precedent for coverage of these services?
o o Discuss the organization, structure, and function of public health in that same region or country, providing specific examples. What regulatory systems exist for public health in this region or country?
o Explain the key information on the type of public payment, including type of payment, a brief history, and its implementation by location (state).

Communicating the Impact of Current and Emerging Policies

As a public health professional, you may be expected to research, analyze, and communicate important policies. For example, as a state health department employee, you may design an educational campaign to encourage people to get particular vaccinations updated. If you were asked to make your case to the health department leadership about the benefit of this kind of program, you would need to realize that some individuals will use Medicaid benefits for coverage. What is the value to the state for Medicaid to pay for this? Often, research and policy analysis will target key stakeholders in leadership or regulatory positions.
There are several dynamics in public payment mechanisms, which are currently one of the largest parts of the United States federal budgetary outlay. What they do and who they serve makes them unlike any other system in this country or the world. A familiarity with various kinds of organizations, structures, and functions of public health and health-related systems and their regulatory systems will set the stage for how aspects of Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP can work.
For this assignment, you compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings and you research a pre-selected topic relevant to public payment mechanisms in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. Then, you analyze the potential impact of the payment policy in a specific setting and look at the payment policy against a broader perspective.
***** Choose one state and their strategies for improving the uptake of children’s clinical preventive services. Discuss what this means for any regulation of public payment systems (esp. CHIP) against the regulation in other systems.

• ****Include section headers for each section, below.*****
o Describe the organization, structure, and function of health care delivery system in the United States, providing specific examples of how these services could be offered. What are some of the key regulatory systems for healthcare in the United States? Why do we have the clinical preventive services and by what authority can they be required?
o Describe the organization, structure, and function of public health in the United States, providing examples, and comparing and contrasting it to health care. What are some of the key regulatory systems for public health in the United States? What about public health would ensure support for these services and why should public health systems promote this health care mechanism?
o Choose a specific international setting and discuss the organization, structure, and function of health care in that region or country, providing specific examples. What regulatory systems exist for healthcare in this region or country that would help establish some sort of precedent for coverage of these services?
o o Discuss the organization, structure, and function of public health in that same region or country, providing specific examples. What regulatory systems exist for public health in this region or country?
o Explain the key information on the type of public payment, including type of payment, a brief history, and its implementation by location (state).

The Use of Distillation to Aid Water Scarcity
Make sure use at least 6 references in the lab report. You can refer to the sample lab report and img0494 for rubic lab reprot in materials.
The lab report consists of a title, an abstract, introduction, methods and materials,
procedure, results, discussion and references. This is also known as the IMRAD format. You are
already familiar with the introduction and methods sections from the proposal, which means the more
critical components of the report, are the results, analysis, and discussion sections. The results section
should synthesize and explain the data using charts and graphs, and your discussion should expand on
the implications this study has and talk about unanswered questions.
Key features and grading criteria.
§ A focused topic. The idea here is to inform your audience about a particular topic without
going astray.
§ Accurate research. You can choose from a range of scholarly essays, books, articles,
photographs. Your goal is to become an expert who will well inform the reader. Peer-reviewed
sources are encouraged but are not required for this assignment.
§ Synthesis of ideas. Connect the information you present. Do not just list the information you
§ Clear definitions. You will find topic specific terms in your research, the definitions of which
should be provided and any distinctions from more common words should be made.
§ Organization and Presentation. Are your paragraphs developed, and do they relate to the main
topic? Are you referencing tables, diagrams, and images along with your writing? If you are
referencing media, is it clearly described and benefit your essay? Does your essay contain
comparisons, definitions, and explanations? Think about your audience, are they willing to read
this? Did you meet the assignment limit? Does it follow the IMRAD format?
§ Citations. Make sure you cite your source in your Bibliography and in-text using MLA
formatting. This lets the reader know that the information is credible, and that there are others
who support your argument

Hate and Bias crime charts and analysis

Objective: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key objectives discussed in class through the analysis and presentation of data.
1. Identify topic/question to be analyzed. This could include a comparative analysis, trend analysis or descriptive analysis. A survey could also be done.

Examples of questions to ask:
Compared to New York City subway; should DC metro switch to one price for all trips?
In cities with low violent crime rates, are other factors impacting the crime?
How to airbags compare to seatbelts in saving lives?
2. Identify data source(s) that will provide foundation for analysis. This paper must include some RAW data analysis.

3. Written report must include:

Give context to your topic. Identify any prior research or sources of information on the topic. Be sure to cite all examples
Detail why you picked these sources. What is the strength of the data? What is the weakness? How does this limit the impact of your analysis? What type of biases may be involved? (Sampling bias; Population bias)
Describe how you analyzed the data? What is your process?
What did you find when you analyzed the data? What are your results? Describe them? Use graphs and charts.
What did you find?
Please note the following when writing your report:

Include raw data in Appendix
Include graphic
Include background research (no more than ½ page)
Include statistics discussed in class
Include charts/graphs (make sure appropriately labeled)
Include section on limitation/strengths of data
Include section on biases
Include section on what you would do in the future to improve data/conclusions

Paper should be approximately 5 pages (not including appendix). Appendix should contain data, additional graphs, etc. No full page of the paper should be a graph or chart.

Latest revision commentDear writer, please revise the paper. It is done incorrectly.
1. Identify topic/question to be analyzed. This could include a comparative analysis, trend analysis or descriptive analysis. A survey could also be done.
Examples of questions to ask:
Compared to New York City subway; should DC metro switch to one price for all trips?
In cities with low violent crime rates, are other factors impacting the crime?
How to airbags compare to seatbelts in saving lives?
No survey was provided.
2. Identify data source(s) that will provide foundation for analysis. This paper must include some RAW data analysis. No raw data was included.
3. Written report must include:
– Background
Give context to your topic. Identify any prior research or sources of information on the topic. Be sure to cite all examples
– Methodology
Detail why you picked these sources. What is the strength of the data? What is the weakness? How does this limit the impact of your analysis? What type of biases may be involved? (Sampling bias; Population bias)
Describe how you analyzed the data? What is your process?
– Findings
What did you find when you analyzed the data? What are your results? Describe them? Use graphs and charts.
– Conclusions
What did you find?
Please note the following when writing your report:
– Include raw data in Appendix
– Include graphic
– Include background research (no more than ½ page)
– Include section on limitation/strengths of data
– Include section on biases
– Include section on what you would do in the future to improve data/conclusions
Please, follow this structure precisely and provide the corresponding headings to arrange the paper appropriately.

The Use of Distillation to Aid Water Scarcity
Make sure use at least 6 references in the lab report. You can refer to the sample lab report and img0494 for rubic lab reprot in materials.
The lab report consists of a title, an abstract, introduction, methods and materials,
procedure, results, discussion and references. This is also known as the IMRAD format. You are
already familiar with the introduction and methods sections from the proposal, which means the more
critical components of the report, are the results, analysis, and discussion sections. The results section
should synthesize and explain the data using charts and graphs, and your discussion should expand on
the implications this study has and talk about unanswered questions.
Key features and grading criteria.
§ A focused topic. The idea here is to inform your audience about a particular topic without
going astray.
§ Accurate research. You can choose from a range of scholarly essays, books, articles,
photographs. Your goal is to become an expert who will well inform the reader. Peer-reviewed
sources are encouraged but are not required for this assignment.
§ Synthesis of ideas. Connect the information you present. Do not just list the information you
§ Clear definitions. You will find topic specific terms in your research, the definitions of which
should be provided and any distinctions from more common words should be made.
§ Organization and Presentation. Are your paragraphs developed, and do they relate to the main
topic? Are you referencing tables, diagrams, and images along with your writing? If you are
referencing media, is it clearly described and benefit your essay? Does your essay contain
comparisons, definitions, and explanations? Think about your audience, are they willing to read
this? Did you meet the assignment limit? Does it follow the IMRAD format?
§ Citations. Make sure you cite your source in your Bibliography and in-text using MLA
formatting. This lets the reader know that the information is credible, and that there are others
who support your argument

adolescence and emerging adulthood

You are required to submit a research paper of 10-15 pages (2500-3750 words), excluding the title page and References list. The paper should be double-spaced and written in APA style (6th ed.). You must choose from the four topic themes detailed below. The treatment of your topic must reflect the purpose of the course; that is, your paper must address the psychological ramifications of the developmental changes that occur throughout adolescence and emerging adulthood

You are advised to discuss your choice of topic with your tutor before proceeding. Your tutor can help you refine your topic, recommend resources for your research, and provide assistance with any problems you may encounter in the various stages of your work. For example, you may need help in staying focused on the main topic, organizing your theme, narrowing/broadening the scope of research, or selecting a thesis.

After you have identified your area of interest, you might need to do some reading before deciding on the actual topic. As a general rule, while survey texts such as Arnett’s provide good starting places for research, they do not provide sufficient detail to be acceptable sources for a research paper. For your research you must use 6-10 sources. Of these, 6-8 should be primary source materials. Primary sources are original research articles that have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. At least two of these primary sources must have been published in the past two years. In addition, you may use secondary sources—books or articles written by someone with appropriate academic credentials that criticize a piece of original research or compare several pieces of research on a single issue. These types of source materials should be supplemental to those describing original research. All of your sources should have been published within the past 5-10 years. Websites should only be used if they are from electronically published journals. Wikipedia, newspapers, or popular magazines are NOT acceptable sources.

Topics should relate to one of the following themes reviewed in the course:

social problems and adolescent delinquency
adolescent cognitive development
adolescent family relationships
the role of culture in adolescent development

The introduction to your paper addresses the following questions in a scholarly manner

What do you intend to do?

Why is it worth doing?
What is the importance of this issue?
How does this issue fit into a developmental framework?
How will you go about it?
What approach to your topic will you take?
Here, you explain your strategy; for example, your strategy may be to examine a particular theory or body of research, to compare several theories, or to consider the relevance of some particular theory or body of research to everyday reality.

What will be the limitations of your research and your discussion?
The length of your paper will most likely limit the extent of your work.

The introduction should define what you will and will not cover. Be sure to note any obvious relevant variables that you will have to omit.

You must acknowledge your sources in a scholarly manner throughout your paper, using APA style. The introduction of the paper is worth 15% of the grade.


In the body of your paper you follow through on what you said you would do in the introduction. Pay attention to the clarity of interpretation and the relevance of the theories, concepts, and research findings to adolescent development.


The ideas in your paper should flow in a logical fashion; your ideas should be connected, and your paragraphs should be well constructed. Grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation errors will be considered in the assessment. You should also ensure that you use APA style in writing the paper. Form is worth 10% of your mark.

Enclose a brief reflection with your paper (approximately 200-250 words),

Federal Debt and Solutions

Go to website and complete the stabilize the budget and answer questions from results.

1. Individually complete the Stabilize the budget : page to start). Solve the debt issue save your results at the end by creating a pdf file and attach. See example.
2. Use the elements of critical thinking and provide a detailed debt solution for our country. Review the specific programs that are funded by our federal government and the specific taxes collected on how to reduce or eliminate the deficit. Be clear and name programs affected and the type of taxes used to have a better understanding of the proposal.
3. Provide the economical and/or political point of view on why the action was taken.
4. State what implications may occur for individuals and the country.
5. What will happen to employment, inflation and GDP?
6. Provide a general overview of the tax and spending ratios.
It is important to be clear and specific to make an informed choice of each proposal offered.


Explain how well this technology meets the technology requirements of your business. Be sure to address which technology
requirements the technology meets, and where there are gaps.Explain how well this technology meets the technology requirements of your business. Be sure to address which technology
requirements the technology meets, and where there are gaps.Explain how well this technology meets the technology requirements of your business. Be sure to address which technology
requirements the technology meets, and where there are gaps.Explain how well this technology meets the technology requirements of your business. Be sure to address which technology
requirements the technology meets, and where there are gaps.

INSTRUCTIONS: Students will develop a 4 page research essay that includes two sections, Ethics in Child Care and Developmentally Appropriate Practice.

APA citation style must be used, for additional information see the Citation Guideline in the research essay module. The research essay should include a title page with your name, course name and the date. Each section should be properly labeled and have page numbers. The research essay shoud be double spaced wit one inch margins and a 12 point Times New Roman font should be use.

APA citation style must be used, for additional information see the Citation Guideline in the research essay module. The research essay should include a title page with your name, course name and the date. Each section should be properly labeled and have page numbers. The research essay shoud be double spaced wit one inch margins and a 12 point Times New Roman font should be use.

Managing work and your career

The assignment is based on a case study attached in one of the files. Questions are also attached in the file named ‘Questions’. There are total of 3 questions for this 3000 word essay, Answers to be answered separately for each questions. I have attached readings that can be used as sources, additional sources can be used that is not included in the additional materials. Any questions can be asked on the webpage itself and i will reply as soon as possible!

The assignment is based on a case study attached in one of the files. Questions are also attached in the file named ‘Questions’. There are total of 3 questions for this 3000 word essay, Answers to be answered separately for each questions. I have attached readings that can be used as sources, additional sources can be used that is not included in the additional materials. Any questions can be asked on the webpage itself and i will reply as soon as possible!