System Development Project

Unit 2 Systems Development Assignment

Continuing from the Unit 1 assignment, the objectives for this assignment are as follows:

1. Based on feedback from your instructor and the knowledge that you have gained, update your detailed project plan from Unit 1 with corrections and/or added details.
2. Conduct a search for potential financial and budgeting applications for which the functionality may meet the needs of a small business. Your search should include applications that will run on different devices (windows, Mac, mobile), although not necessarily all three for each application. Identify the applications, briefly describe their functionality, identify their price, and identify what types of devices upon which each will operate. A minimum of 10 applications should be identified, though it is encouraged that more be identified. Your description of functionality should identify key features for each application and should include a minimum of five features identified.
3. For this assignment, it will be assumed that the device(s) you own equals those used by the small business. The remaining portion of the assignment will reference the device as that owned by the small business. Identify the devices (desktop/laptop/notebook, tablet, or smartphone) that are owned by the company (ones you own). Be sure to identify the brand, device type, and operating system.
4. Which of the applications are feasible, given the constraint of the types of devices that are currently owned by the company? Is there any discernable loss in functionality with the exclusion of the applications that cannot operate with these devices? Please explain.
5. Which of the applications are feasible, given cost or price constraints? Is there any discernable loss in functionality with the exclusion of the applications that exceed the cost or price constraints? Please explain.
6. Which of the applications are feasible, given cost or price, and device constraints? Is there any discernable loss in functionality with the exclusion of the applications that exceed the cost or price, and device constraints? Please explain.
7. Based on the findings in 3, 4, and 5 above, identify at least three applications that will be the subject of the next steps in this assignment and project. If three are not identified in #5, select an additional application(s) that will work with the device(s) owned by the company.
8. Identify the key stakeholders (e.g. executives, owners, accountant, bank, etc.) that should serve as members of the project team. Please explain the rationale for your selection.

Circuits of Struggle

Currently we are examining case studies from the three circuits of capital – money, productive, and commodity. In each circuit, we see different kinds of capitalist enterprise, different kinds of workers, but also different kinds of crises and struggles. For example, the money circuit includes struggles between indebted populations and their creditors.

In this essay, the first task is to pick either the class perspective of capital or labor. Depending on which perspective you take on, you need to think poltically and strategically about the three circuits of capital today.
Your core argument must address which circuit is most important to advance the specific class interests of your chosen perspective (capital or labor). Picking the perspective of capital requires you to make an argument as to which circuit is most important to increase/ensure profitability.
Picking the perspective of labor requires you to examine which circuit is best suited for the working class to improve their lives and working conditions. Both perspectives require you to propose the methods that are best advance your interests.
In making this argument, you should also explicitly explain why the other two circuits are less important. You also must address how circuits differ in terms of geographical location – how does geography matter in advancing one’s class interest? You might also consider what kind of crisis is most likely in your chosen circuit. Can capital/labor take advantage of crisis conditions to perpetuate their own class interests? what are some limits that arise in the particular circuit that you are focusing on?

Statistics for Contingency Tables

Research the following statistical topics:

Contingency tables
The chi-square
Fisher’s exact test (FET)
On the basis of your research, respond to the following:

Find and state a definition of a contingency table that you feel is easy to understand.
In your own words, explain what contingency tables are and what they are used for.
Explain what type of data is displayed in contingency tables.
Explain how contingency tables and their related statistics are used to test for significance of relations among the data.
Two statistics that can be used in contingency tables are chi-square and FET. Distinguish between the two statistics.
Explain when you would use the chi-square and when you would use the FET.
Explain how you would interpret each statistic.

Postmodernism vs Modernism

You will choose one of the following topics to complete. Write an opinion paper of 500–600 words. Be sure to identify your texts and your examples clearly by citing your sources and creating a Works Cited page. You must submit both a rough draft with edits and a final copy. Save your work until you submit it at the end of Lesson 15. Remember, these are topics, not thesis statements. You must decide for yourself how to take the topic and turn it into a thesis that you can defend.

You will choose one of the following topics to complete. Write an opinion paper of 500–600 words. Be sure to identify your texts and your examples clearly by citing your sources and creating a Works Cited page. You must submit both a rough draft with edits and a final copy. Save your work until you submit it at the end of Lesson 15. Remember, these are topics, not thesis statements. You must decide for yourself how to take the topic and turn it into a thesis that you can defend.

Abbott Laboratories

FOR THE WRITER ONLY FOCUSED ON #10, #12, #13 and #14, I have highlighted it in red in listed below in the additional materials Group 3 Case Study 1- order instructions.
In additional to the write up to #10 also add a chart and #12 may you please provide an excel spreadsheet to this listed below. Net Present Value analysis of proposed strategy’s new cash flow and EPS/EBIT analysis NOTE: To construct the first cash flow (cf1) at the very minimum, the new revenue from your strategy(s) must be discounted back to the present value by calculating EBIT and that figure will be your cfn for each year. cf0 (initial cost of your strategy), cf1 (discounted cash flow first year), r (opportunity cost of capital, the rate of the next best alternative use of cash/debt/equity resources


Four questions must be answered.
1. How much are the company’s pension benefits expense and other benefits expense in 2016.
2. How much are the company’s actual and expected return on plan assets for its pension benefits plans for 2016?
3. How much are the company’s projected benefits obligation and accumulated benefits obligation at December 31,2016, for its pension benefits plans?
4. Is each of the company’s pension benefits and other benefits plans in a net asset or liability position at December 31,2016?Four questions must be answered.
1. How much are the company’s pension benefits expense and other benefits expense in 2016.
2. How much are the company’s actual and expected return on plan assets for its pension benefits plans for 2016?
3. How much are the company’s projected benefits obligation and accumulated benefits obligation at December 31,2016, for its pension benefits plans?
4. Is each of the company’s pension benefits and other benefits plans in a net asset or liability position at December 31,2016?

Developmental Psychopathology

Term Paper Marking Scheme

The term paper will describe a specific form of child/adolescent disorder. The paper will take a developmental psychopathology approach to the disorder, so it will be necessary to incorporate what you learn in the lectures into the paper. In examining the disorder, it will be necessary to discuss some aspect of the environment (e.g., neighbourhood, family, early experience), some aspect of biology (e.g., genetics, brain structure, brain function), and their integration. The paper will not exceed 7 pages (not including cover page, abstract, and references) of double spaced, 12-point font, with 1” margins. The paper should be written in APA format, including references. Please consult with the instructor or one of the TA’s if you are unsure that the topic you are proposing is appropriate. An exemplar paper, written by a student in a previous year, is posted on D2L. (Please note that exemplar has 8 pages but this assignment involves a maximum of 7 pages.)


  1. Organization and clarity (25)
  • Clear definition of topic             (5)
  • Logical flow of material (may include judicious use of headings) (5)
  • Writing is easy to follow, easy to understand, well composed and readable (5)
  • Summary of the main points of paper included (5)
  • Accurate mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation, and explanation of unusual terms) (5)


  1. Use of developmental psychopathology theory as the organizing framework for paper’s thesis (implicit or explicit) (5)


  1. Depth of coverage of complexity of discussion and integration (20)
  • Depth of coverage of environmental factors (5)
  • Depth of coverage of biological factors (5)
  • Integration
    • Across studies (5)
    • Across environmental and biological factors                                    (5)


  1. Originality — extent to which the paper represents an interesting or compelling perspective on the literature to shed light on what is known in the field and what else needs to be known. This could include critical perspective on studies (or some set of studies) to date. (10)
  • Misrepresents or does not represent the literature (0-1)
  • Represents the literature, but poorly, perhaps uncritically (2-3)
  • Represents the literature adequately (4-6)
  • Represents the literature well (7-8)
  • Goes beyond the literature with well substantiated model or theory (9-10)


  1. APA style (5)
  • not APA or difficult to recognise as such (0)
  • APA style, but poorly represented (1-2)
  • APA style, well executed but imperfect (3-4)
  • Complies with all basic APA style conventions (5)



Key Principles of Developmental Psychopathology Approach


  1. Typical and atypical development are aspects of same continuum and mutually informative.
  2. Psychopathology is dynamic, encompassing both continuous and discontinuous processes.
  3. Development spans multiple levels from neuron to neighbourhood, from molecule to chronosystem and macrosystem and back again
  4. Development involves both risk and protective factors that interact to shape psychopathology.
  5. Development is reciprocal and transactional (not linear).
  6. Disorder is located in the dynamic relation between the individual and their internal and external contexts.
  7. Context is important (e.g., resource availability, societal values, age).
  8. There are multiple causes (or risk factors) in every event.

Freewill in the Islamic Religion

From the Islamic perspective, imagine it is true that humans do not have free will and are not capable of choosing which actions they do and which actions they do not do. Could we continue punishing people who do bad things? Consider the way you last responded to someone who wronged you and determine how you would have reacted differently if you knew that person had no free will.From the Islamic perspective, imagine it is true that humans do not have free will and are not capable of choosing which actions they do and which actions they do not do. Could we continue punishing people who do bad things? Consider the way you last responded to someone who wronged you and determine how you would have reacted differently if you knew that person had no free will.

(Nursing) Complex surgical patient: PLAN OF CARE (surgical patient complications, sepsis, respiratory distress)

Assignment video link:

Type: essay (in report format, pls use headings and subheadings)
Length: 6 pages (1800 words)

hi, there

if you get stuck with idea, you can just imitate the past paper I provided. (just remember to paraphrase and reference list not too similar, i have also uploaded the comments & feedback, just follow the suggestion to revise those mistake.

for example
1. we should provide introduction in the begining (around 100 words)
Briefly introduce patient’s background ( 100 words)
-Which patient I chose
-what are the two problems I have identified in this case
a. potential problem: sepsis
b. actual and potential problem: respiratory distress
the 2 main problem will be discussed in the report and form the idea of patient’s care plan.

if you need me to find the reference for the underlying pathology, pls kindly let me know.


I needed you’re rewriting, fixing and adding some information follow the ” draft of written” file below. My professor gave me feedback last week, so I could able to rewrite and get ready for “final written. I needed your help. I took some pictures included ” the feedback”, check it out and follow what my professor wrote, and what she wanted this proposal needed to done.

Instructions: As we’ve been discussing all semester, careful editing is an integral part of the writing process. Now that you have feedback from your instructor, you’ll need to apply it by rewriting your proposal. The rewrite is worth 100 points. If you do not follow your instructor’s feedback, your rewrite grade could be lower than the grade you earned on your draft. If you do not submit a rewrite that includes changes, you will receive a grade of zero.
NOTE: Please, I needed you’re rewriting, fixing and adding some information follow the ” draft of written” file below. My professor gave me feedback last week, so I could able to rewrite and get ready for “final written. I needed your help. I took some pictures included ” the feedback”, check it out and follow what my professor wrote, and what she wanted this proposal needed to done.