Essay with thesis

Read “Report to an Academy” by Franz Kafka.
Analyze this story based on the concepts/views of Karl Marx.
Write a paper with a persuasive thesis.

Read “Report to an Academy” by Franz Kafka.
Analyze this story based on the concepts/views of Karl Marx.
Write a paper with a persuasive thesis.

Read “Report to an Academy” by Franz Kafka.
Analyze this story based on the concepts/views of Karl Marx.
Write a paper with a persuasive thesis.

Read “Report to an Academy” by Franz Kafka.
Analyze this story based on the concepts/views of Karl Marx.
Write a paper with a persuasive thesis.

Art Therapy

Write a 4-page essay on any topic discussed in class, concretely any important issue/s for you related to any topics from our class materials and readings. Create an integrated description and query into your self-chosen topic. This essay is due 15/4. The essay will not be presented in the classroom. Please submit via Canvas assignment upload. General points to include in your creativity essay:

-Personal statement (the author’s interest in the subject)

-Your experience with this subject (or the future experience you wish to gain about it)

-Arguments and points about how the focus of your essay relates back to class materials and experiences

-Some history to the subject

Evaluation criteria for the essay:

5 points for clarity. The essay should be readable, with ideas clearly expressed.

5 points for organized content and cohesion. The content of the essay should be pulled together.

10 points for integrative application of course content. The essay should relate back to class materials, readings, and experiences.

Mystery of Oak Island

English Comp 1 -Research paper -Jack Gann-
Purpose: To inform and persuade the reader regarding the most plausible explanation of the unsolved mystery regarding Oak Island.

English Comp 1 -Research paper -Jack Gann-
Purpose: To inform and persuade the reader regarding the most plausible explanation of the unsolved mystery regarding Oak Island.

English Comp 1 -Research paper -Jack Gann-
Purpose: To inform and persuade the reader regarding the most plausible explanation of the unsolved mystery regarding Oak Island.

English Comp 1 -Research paper -Jack Gann-
Purpose: To inform and persuade the reader regarding the most plausible explanation of the unsolved mystery regarding Oak Island.

Mandatory Military service

Talk about both sides of why mandatory military service could be beneficial or not beneficial, to the world, country, people etc..

Talk about both sides of why mandatory military service could be beneficial or not beneficial, to the world, country, people etc..

Talk about both sides of why mandatory military service could be beneficial or not beneficial, to the world, country, people etc..

Talk about both sides of why mandatory military service could be beneficial or not beneficial, to the world, country, people etc..

Talk about both sides of why mandatory military service could be beneficial or not beneficial, to the world, country, people etc..

Maternal substance use and its effects on intrauterine growth

NO TITLE PAGE. YOU’RE ONLY WRITING FROM QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DATA COLLECTION AND DATA ANALYSIS SECTION PLEASE. please use NON PROBABILISTIC PURPOSEFUL SAMPLING SINCE I’M NOT DOING A TRUE EXPERIMENT. You already HAVE THE SPECIFIC AIM, RESEARCH QUESTION, AND HYPOTHESIS. yOU have the background section which is due tomorrow. please follow APA format, no underline on any sub titles. Please use APA format with Hanging indent DOI (hyperlink) and journal URL.. URL must not have underline. References must have doi, professor checks all peer review websites.NO TITLE PAGE. YOU’RE ONLY WRITING FROM QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DATA COLLECTION AND DATA ANALYSIS SECTION PLEASE. please use NON PROBABILISTIC PURPOSEFUL SAMPLING SINCE I’M NOT DOING A TRUE EXPERIMENT. You already HAVE THE SPECIFIC AIM, RESEARCH QUESTION, AND HYPOTHESIS. yOU have the background section which is due tomorrow. please follow APA format, no underline on any sub titles. Please use APA format with Hanging indent DOI (hyperlink) and journal URL.. URL must not have underline. References must have doi, professor checks all peer review websites.


This only applys to part 1. I have the names of the paintings, also the paintings of what i want to use so this makes it much much easier for the writer to complete this immediately. I aso have a online book you can log into which is for my course and use for part 1.
Password: Casandra-9
The link to the online class textbook is:
The writer needs to guess who the artist is, what the name of the painting is,and what artistic period its from then use other art works from the lecture(Which i have photos of) to support your argument, it doesn’t really matter if you are right or wrong, it just matters if you can properly support your argument. NOTHING CAN BE FOUND ONLINE, NO WIKIPEDIA NOTHING. I PROVIDED THE ONLINE TEXTBOOK.
I also found 2 art works for part 1 to help the writer. Please ask me if you have any questions asap!!! thanks, i need this ASAP in the morning it is already late and i got a note, it cant be past 12:00 pm. Thank you soo much,

Digital poster on health promotion

1. Your task is to complete the writing as highlighted in yellow colour in the assessment task 1 file.
2. Topic selection is Chronic Kidney Disease.
3. Use word file to complete this writing. I will transfer your writing into my PowerPoint
4. Reference: Min 6 academic literature, no longer than 5 years. Must be systematic review.
5. Reference style: Vancouver [Numbering] (Note: No citation, just numbering]
6. Read and follow strictly the assignment task file, especially “what you need to do” in pg. 2 and “presentation requirement” in pg. 3. And read the “Lecture note” which relate to this writing.
7. The writing must be:
• Very high-quality academic writing evident, with accurate referencing throughout. Claims are fully supported by a wide variety of scholarly literature.
• Demonstrates a very high level of knowledge and applies this knowledge in the context of understanding of relevant health promotion strategies, including different levels of prevention.

Digital poster on health promotion

1. Your task is to complete the writing as highlighted in yellow colour in the assessment task 1 file.
2. Topic selection is Chronic Kidney Disease.
3. Use word file to complete this writing. I will transfer your writing into my PowerPoint
4. Reference: Min 6 academic literature, no longer than 5 years. Must be systematic review.
5. Reference style: Vancouver [Numbering] (Note: No citation, just numbering]
6. Read and follow strictly the assignment task file, especially “what you need to do” in pg. 2 and “presentation requirement” in pg. 3. And read the “Lecture note” which relate to this writing.
7. The writing must be:
• Very high-quality academic writing evident, with accurate referencing throughout. Claims are fully supported by a wide variety of scholarly literature.
• Demonstrates a very high level of knowledge and applies this knowledge in the context of understanding of relevant health promotion strategies, including different levels of prevention.

Evaluate and critique Moral Therapeutic Deism/Juvenilization of Christianity

In 300-400 words, How does Moral Therapeutic Deism answer the enduring question, “Who is God?” Why, in your opinion, does it seem that this answer appeals to many modern Americans? How does that answer differ from biblical Christianity? In what ways is it “parasitic” to biblical Christianity? YOU MAY NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE RESOURCES OTHER THAN THE BIBLE

In 300-400 words, How does Moral Therapeutic Deism answer the enduring question, “Who is God?” Why, in your opinion, does it seem that this answer appeals to many modern Americans? How does that answer differ from biblical Christianity? In what ways is it “parasitic” to biblical Christianity? YOU MAY NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE RESOURCES OTHER THAN THE BIBLE

Public Policy Paper: Net Neutrality

This assignment offers an opportunity to explore an issue related to public policy. The topic has been selected by students in an area of interest. This may be any state statute, local code, current issue, program, public policy or problem. Reflect an understanding of course content based on assigned readings and additional sources in the academic literature. The specific approach to each paper will vary according to the topic. The paper should provide background information on the topic, address the specific issues involved, pros/cons or advantages/disadvantages, your position on the topic, and summary.
The paper should be double spaced with 12 point font. Writing must be professional in style, tone and presentation. Avoid: first person; casual, conversational or stilted language; vagueness; overuse of direct quotes; and passive voice. Check carefully for grammar, punctuation and citing of reference sources. Use headings and subheadings as appropriate to assist with the organization of the paper. Suggested headings: Introduction, Advantages/Pros, Disadvantages/Cons, Your position on the topic, and Conclusion. Follow American Psychological Association style referencing format. See the website to an external site. or APA Publications Manual as resources.