Our Iceberg Is Melting

  1. In our text Our Iceberg Is Melting, Kotter provides a story-based scenario of a situation needing a change intervention. Review the reading from our text and create a presentation about how Kotter’s first four steps were applied in the story and then reflect on an organizational change effort that you are familiar with from the past (failed, successful, or somewhere in between) using Kotter’s first four steps to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the change effort.
  2. Make sure to include what was done well, what was done poorly, and what was lacking in the change effort.
  3. Make sure to include what was done well, what was done poorly, and what was lacking in the change effort.

A Minor Confidentiality Issue: Identify the main idea or problem in the case study

Critical Thinking Exercise 1

A Minor Confidentiality Issue

Seven-year old Timmy Brown was taken to Quinbery General Hospital by his father for treatment of a broken arm and abrasions. When asked about the cause of the injury, Timmy s father told the triage nurse, Sarah Thompson, that he had fallen from the playground equipment at the park. While they were in the ER department, Timmy s father, Matthew Brown, appeared hesitant to allow Timmy to be left alone with the hospital ER staff. The staff suspected that the injuries may not have been acquired in the manner described by Mr. Brown. The abrasions were too clean. When Timmy was taken for x-rays, the staff made a point of not allowing Mr. Brown inside the room. The ER staff questioned Timmy, but he verified his father s story. Timmy consistently denied abuse or fear of abuse. This was noted in his medical record.

Prior to being discharged from the ER, Mr. Brown requested that a notice be placed in the record that he was to be notified prior to releasing Timmy s records to anybody else. He also noted that he and his wife, Melody Brown, are divorced, and that she was not to have access to Timmy s records without his consent.

The next weekend, Melody, Timmy s mother, comes to the HIM department at Quinbery General Hospital requesting copies of Timmy s records from the ER. She stated that she suspected that Matthew is physically abusing Timmy, and she wanted to review the documentation.


Communication: Define the problem in your own words.


  1. Identify the main idea or problem in the case study


  1. Support your choice of the main idea or problem with details and examples.


  1. Organize your findings (details & examples) in a logical and coherent format.

Determine how innovations in employee benefits can improve the overall competitive compensation strategy of the organization

Employers have been coming up with innovative employee rewards to boost morale and acknowledge employee needs for creativity and personal goal accomplishment. Some of the latest potential employee rewards include using the Internet at work for personal reasons such as shopping, communicating with friends, or personal finances; bringing a pet to work; instituting a controlled napping policy, and the sports and office betting pools.

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

  1. Determine how innovations in employee benefits can improve the overall competitive compensation strategy of the organization. In other words, if your benefits programs have been improved, how will that improve the company’s compensation strategy?
  2. Explain how innovative benefits could be tied to specific jobs. More specifically, how do the benefits programs help attract talent for specific jobs?
  3. Critique (or assess) the effectiveness of equity-based rewards systems for both compensation and benefits. Why do you believe companies use equity to reward employees and is that approach effective?
  4. Discuss the key elements of integrating innovation into a traditional total rewards program. In other words, in your current total rewards program what elements might you use to integrate innovation solutions to it?
  5. Recommend a process that optimizes an employee-based suggestion program to continually refresh the total rewards of the organization.
  6. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

How did Taft’s “dollar diplomacy” differ from Roosevelt’s “big stick” policy?

  1. How did Taft’s “dollar diplomacy” differ from Roosevelt’s “big stick” policy? Was one approach more or less successful than the other? How so?


  1. Why was the peace process at the war’s end so lengthy? What complications did Wilson encounter in his attempts to promote the process and realize his postwar vision?


  1. Whom did the New Deal help the least? What hardships did these individuals continue to suffer? Why were Roosevelt’s programs unsuccessful in the alleviation of their adversities?


  1. Describe the changing role of the federal government in the 1960s. What new roles and responsibilities did the government assume?


  1. What common goals did American Indians, gay and lesbian citizens, and women share in their quests for equal rights? How did their agendas differ?


Review the Toulmin-model outline (Week 2 Lesson) and your completed Week 3 Assignment (Con-Position Proposal).

For this assignment, complete the following:

  • Review the Toulmin-model outline (Week 2 Lesson) and your completed Week 3 Assignment (Con-Position Proposal). Assess any feedback provided by the professor and/or your peers.
  • Compose a position paper representing the con side of your new topic. (See the Con-Paper Template). The paper should include approximately 6 developed paragraphs:
    • Introduction (with thesis statement)
    • Context paragraph
    • 3 body paragraphs (focusing on 3 cons)
    • Conclusion
  • Apply a formal tone appropriate for academic audiences, maintaining an objective 3rd person point of view – no 1st person (I, me, my, we, our, us, mine) or 2nd person (you, your). Avoid contractions, clichés, and slang terminology.
  • Use the provided template to assist in formatting the title page and document.
  • Incorporate at least 3 scholarly sources into the paper. Cite all sources in APA format, both parenthetically and on a reference page.
  • Before submission, proofread and edit carefully for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Not every error will be flagged automatically in word-processing programs, and some that are flagged as errors are actually correct.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 2-3 pages (not including the title or reference pages)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 3 academic articles)

Choose one of the four major sociological theories— Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, or Rational Choice Theory.

For your final assignment, you’ll complete a short answer activity in which you will review a research article to identify the research conclusion. Then, you’ll take another look at that conclusion from the perspective of one of the major sociological theories. Use the Assignment 3 template to complete this assignment.


1) What were the key findings and conclusion from the research?


Remember: The four major sociological theories are Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, and Rational Choice Theory.

2) Choose one of the four major sociological theories— Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, or Rational Choice Theory. (Review Sections 1.8 – 1.12 in your webtext for more information.)

a) In your own words, define the theory that you chose.

b) Discuss how this theory relates to the research findings in the article.


3) Use the article to help answer the questions below.

a) What research method was used in the article?

b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this research

method? (Your response should be a paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences.)

See section 2.9 and table 2.1 of the web text to review the advantages and disadvantages of the different research methods.

c) What additional research should be conducted to learn more about the

problem examined in the article? (Your response should be a paragraph of

at least 5-7 sentences.)

Select a current event article that relates to a topic/concept, Examples include: Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost, Supply/Demand, Investing, Inflation, GDP, etc… 


The article can come from a variety of sources, such as: magazine, periodical, or the Internet.

Make sure you cut out or print out the source article. It must be attached to your write up for credit. NO ARTICLE, NO CREDIT!!!!

– After reading the article you selected, type a one page, double spaced, 10 point font write up of the following:

– A summary/explanation of the main points covered in the article

– How this article relates to the topic(s) we covered in Economics

– Your personal thoughts and opinions about the topic and how it affects you as a citizen/consumer

– The article needs to be in an essay format, not bulleted or numbered. You must submit the source article

In this Assignment, you will consider the evolving role of the nurse leader and how this evolution has led nurse leaders to assume the role of knowledge worker

Your PowerPoint should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected The term “knowledge worker” was first coined by management consultant and author Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow (1959). Drucker defined knowledge workers as high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through formal training, to develop products and services. Does this sound familiar?

Nurses are very much knowledge workers. What has changed since Drucker’s time are the ways that knowledge can be acquired. The volume of data that can now be generated and the tools used to access this data have evolved significantly in recent years and helped healthcare professionals (among many others) to assume the role of knowledge worker in new and powerful ways.

In this Assignment, you will consider the evolving role of the nurse leader and how this evolution has led nurse leaders to assume the role of knowledge worker. You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation with an infographic (graphic that visually represents information, data, or knowledge. Infographics are intended to present information quickly and clearly.) to educate others on the role of nurse as knowledge worker.

Prepare a paper describing the steps from your research of how a decision is made or create a model to demonstrate your understanding of decision-making as a process.

Prepare a paper describing the steps from your research of how a decision is made or create a model to demonstrate your understanding of decision-making as a process. There are images of models for decision-making that you may also use. Ensure you cite the image. Include APA headings for an Introduction, Decision-Making Steps, Analysis, and Conclusion. Give examples and citations to describe the decision-making process. Explain why this is a reasonable approach, give examples in your analysis.

Length: 2 FULL pages, not including title and reference page.


Support your paper with the required reading articles for this week and two other researched sources.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

You must create an e-portfolio which includes a minimum of 3 artefacts supporting your learning.

  1. Reflective Report (part 2 of 2)

(1) You must create an e-portfolio which includes a minimum of 3 artefacts supporting your learning.

(2) Once the e-portfolio has been created, you must write a report reflecting on why the artefacts were chosen. Reflect on what each artefact represents to you, how it connects to your study at this moment, and how might it inspire your future studies, your personal life or your career.
You will receive 10% of the grade for this assignment by completing two artefacts:
1. Emotional Intelligence micro-credential (5%)
2. Creating/updating your LinkedIn profile to include in your report (5%)
The written reflection will be graded on Canvas (30%).
Refer to the marking rubric for the written reflection under the Assignment Task 3 tab on Canvas. Note: the e-portfolio will not be graded.

Step 1: Provide a short personal statement of yourself
Start the reflection by providing a short bio of yourself. Highlight what you are currently doing, any work or other professional experiences, your values, and what you hope to do in the future.

Example 1:
A life-long data enthusiast: from analysing cricket statistics as a child, to ‘living the dream’, getting paid to maintain data in my part-time work along with demonstrating my knowledge of this at the university. I have the somewhat rare ability to understand both the technical and business side of company requirements, and therefore am more than capable of tying the two together to achieve optimal outcomes. A key aspiration is to further strengthen…..
Include your statement of purpose in your introduction. This should align with your bio and the artefacts you have included.

Example 2:
I believe in making the complex simple… giving business users an experience whereby they need never know the work that has gone into producing their requirements. I will always ask ‘why’ a customer wants a piece produced, rather than just ‘what’, as this gives me the information I need to produce the best possible result, leveraging my knowledge of both business and technology.

Step 2: Each of the three artefacts you have included in your e-portfolio relate to the three learning modules in ITM.
MODULE 1. What is Management?
Briefly describe the artefact you chose for this module. Reflect on how the artefact relates to managers’ work and how it will help/assist you as a future manager.
If you chose the results of the values test as an artefact, you can reflect on how this test will help you as a future manager and also develop a statement of purpose based on your core values,
For example, The author aspires to be an effective communicator who considers cultural identities when working with others.

MODULE 2. What is involved in management in organisations?
Briefly describe the artefact you chose for this module. Reflect on how this artefact shows how the context of managers’ work has changed and how this artefact can help/assist you as a future manager. Consider how you can answer the question: what is involved in management in organisations?
For example, you may discuss your Myer Brigg’s style and how this preference may influence your understanding of what is involved in management but also what you perceive as important in managers’ work.

MODULE 3. What are the key functions a manager needs to address in order to be effective?
Briefly describe the Emotional Intelligence micro-credential. Reflect on how this artefact relates to the main functions that managers need to engage in to be effective.
For example, when you include the badge of the Emotional Intelligence test done in Week 9 or 10 as your artefact, you can reflect on how managers use emotions to motivate employees. You must also reflect on your potential to use emotions to motivate employees and yourself.

For each reflection, include findings from relevant and current (i.e., within the past 10 years) credible and scholarly work. This could include material you covered in class, from course readings, research from your assignments, or additional research based on the three modules.
These works need to be referenced within the body of the reflection as in-text references as well as at the end, in your reference list. You must use the RMIT Harvard referencing style for formatting all references used in the reflection. See RMIT Easycite.

Write a Conclusion to your report by briefly summarising the artefacts chosen and how each relates to the three modules in ITM and what you have learnt from the course that helps you achieve your statement of purpose.

All references cited within the body of the reflection need to be referenced according to the Harvard style in the reference list. Ensure that you include relevant references in this reflection. A minimum of 3 should be included.

Formatting requirements for the reflection:  The word count for the refection is 1500 words (+/- 10%) typed in Times New Roman font size 12 with 1.5 spacing.