This only applys to part 1. I have the names of the paintings, also the paintings of what i want to use so this makes it much much easier for the writer to complete this immediately. I aso have a online book you can log into which is for my course and use for part 1.
Password: Casandra-9
The link to the online class textbook is:
The writer needs to guess who the artist is, what the name of the painting is,and what artistic period its from then use other art works from the lecture(Which i have photos of) to support your argument, it doesn’t really matter if you are right or wrong, it just matters if you can properly support your argument. NOTHING CAN BE FOUND ONLINE, NO WIKIPEDIA NOTHING. I PROVIDED THE ONLINE TEXTBOOK.
I also found 2 art works for part 1 to help the writer. Please ask me if you have any questions asap!!! thanks, i need this ASAP in the morning it is already late and i got a note, it cant be past 12:00 pm. Thank you soo much,

story analysis

.the professor told us to choose the stories and write the final paper about one story. Iam sending you two short stories . You can do the paper on any one story you choose . You can do it on the triffles or the the lottery….which ever one you like …but please send me an outline with the paper. I need an outline also with the paper..the professor told us to choose the stories and write the final paper about one story. Iam sending you two short stories . You can do the paper on any one story you choose . You can do it on the triffles or the the lottery….which ever one you like …but please send me an outline with the paper. I need an outline also with the paper.

Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War?

2 pages in length
one-inch margins
DO NOT put an extra space between paragraphs
Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
Proof read your paper for errors
Use past tense

2 pages in length
one-inch margins
DO NOT put an extra space between paragraphs
Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
Proof read your paper for errors
Use past tense

2 pages in length
one-inch margins
DO NOT put an extra space between paragraphs
Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
Proof read your paper for errors
Use past tense

2 pages in length
one-inch margins
DO NOT put an extra space between paragraphs
Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
Proof read your paper for errors
Use past tense


Cost and Management Accounting

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

due date 29th April 2019
world limit appx 1000 words.

‘I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita’s absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that concord.’ (Nabokov, Lolita) How do any two texts represent or incorporate missing voices?

This is for a modern american module. I would like you to use Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov and Song of Soloman by Toni Morrison. I would like you to do a deep anaylsis of the two focusing on missing voice, narrative and compare them. Also please provide critics to support your argument. I have uploaded some papers that may help you write the essay

This is for a modern american module. I would like you to use Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov and Song of Soloman by Toni Morrison. I would like you to do a deep anaylsis of the two focusing on missing voice, narrative and compare them. Also please provide critics to support your argument. I have uploaded some papers that may help you write the essay

Associated Cost Managing Type 2 Diabetes

The purpose of this assignment is to select a healthcare finance topic and gather information. I have chosen to focus on associated cost while managing chronic illness type 2 diabetes.

This topic will be researched thoroughly from primary and secondary research sources and presented in a 6-page minimum paper.The individual project will focus on a relevant health finance or accounting topic of interest to you the writer. The topic must be approved before you begin your research and written in APA style with proper grammar and syntax required for academic writing (and will be graded on that presentation content, namely grammar, subject content, and paper presentation). It will be double-spaced, with coversheet not counted in the 6-10-page requirement and appendix containing any numerical displays like financial statements, forecasts, or other charting also not included in the 6-page requirement.

Communicating the Impact of Current and Emerging Policies

As a public health professional, you may be expected to research, analyze, and communicate important policies. For example, as a state health department employee, you may design an educational campaign to encourage people to get particular vaccinations updated. If you were asked to make your case to the health department leadership about the benefit of this kind of program, you would need to realize that some individuals will use Medicaid benefits for coverage. What is the value to the state for Medicaid to pay for this? Often, research and policy analysis will target key stakeholders in leadership or regulatory positions.
There are several dynamics in public payment mechanisms, which are currently one of the largest parts of the United States federal budgetary outlay. What they do and who they serve makes them unlike any other system in this country or the world. A familiarity with various kinds of organizations, structures, and functions of public health and health-related systems and their regulatory systems will set the stage for how aspects of Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP can work.
For this assignment, you compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings and you research a pre-selected topic relevant to public payment mechanisms in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. Then, you analyze the potential impact of the payment policy in a specific setting and look at the payment policy against a broader perspective.
***** Choose one state and their strategies for improving the uptake of children’s clinical preventive services. Discuss what this means for any regulation of public payment systems (esp. CHIP) against the regulation in other systems.

• ****Include section headers for each section, below.*****
o Describe the organization, structure, and function of health care delivery system in the United States, providing specific examples of how these services could be offered. What are some of the key regulatory systems for healthcare in the United States? Why do we have the clinical preventive services and by what authority can they be required?
o Describe the organization, structure, and function of public health in the United States, providing examples, and comparing and contrasting it to health care. What are some of the key regulatory systems for public health in the United States? What about public health would ensure support for these services and why should public health systems promote this health care mechanism?
o Choose a specific international setting and discuss the organization, structure, and function of health care in that region or country, providing specific examples. What regulatory systems exist for healthcare in this region or country that would help establish some sort of precedent for coverage of these services?
o o Discuss the organization, structure, and function of public health in that same region or country, providing specific examples. What regulatory systems exist for public health in this region or country?
o Explain the key information on the type of public payment, including type of payment, a brief history, and its implementation by location (state).

significant principles of management communications

The Research Paper will be a comprehensive research review of the significant principles of management communications used to successfully achieve organizational objectives. For this assignment of a minimum of eight pages, you need to integrate material from the readings, multimedia, and class discussion boards, and also reflect on professional experience where possible. It is mandatory to include research from the classroom text as well as from six scholarly sources to support your views. Consider the validity of your resources carefully before using them in academic papers. Use at least one professional example to address the topics below.
The following components must be included in order for the paper to be complete:
Explain effective communication norms in a business setting.
Describe the role of interpersonal communication both as a manager and as an employee. What specific techniques have you used to overcome barriers to communication? Be sure to specify your role in the communication.
Explore the role of international and intercultural interpersonal communications in today’s global businesses.
Describe both verbal and nonverbal management communication.
Explain approaches for effective written management communication.
Analyze various approaches for engaging an audience during a presentation and encouraging active listening.
Describe effective methods of conflict resolution.
Analyze techniques for leading teams and group meetings.
Writing the Research Paper
The Research Paper:
Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least six scholarly resources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford Online Library.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Planning a winning change project

The term paper should empirically describe an event of organisational change in a public or private project-based organisation of your choice, and analyse the change drawing on theories from the course.

You will need to:
• Briefly describe the background of the company (any information that is interesting but not directly useful can moved to an appendix)
• Discuss the change that was implemented (i. e. what were the drivers for that change? What did it aim to achieve? How it affected the rest of the organisation? (keep it brief)
• Concentrate on the planning phase of the change project from inception to delivery (i.e. were the key stakeholders involved, when? Which communication systems were used? etc.)
• Discuss the main learning points (what was done well and what could be done better? Were the specifics of a project-based environment considered?)
• Come up with recommendations (how would you have gone about making that change?) based on the theories of organisational change covered in the lectures and the literature you reviewed (preferably beyond the list of suggested references).
Your paper should demonstrate:
• Insights into practical applications – e.g. use of facts and practical examples to illustrate your arguments.
• Academic objectivity and a well-argued approach to the subject matter.
• Creativity in structuring your ideas.
Paper Structure
– Introduction
– Main body
– Conclusions and recommendations
– Reference list (not included in word count)
– Appendix (optional, and not included in the word count)

One controversial theory of technology puts forth the idea that some technical things, or artifacts, have inherently political qualities. As a consequence, any sharing of that artifact between different people would entail a sharing, and perhaps a spreading of those same political qualities or values. But what does this mean?

One controversial theory of technology puts forth the idea that some technical things, or artifacts, have inherently political qualities. As a consequence, any sharing of that artifact between different people would entail a sharing, and perhaps a spreading of those same political qualities or values. But what does this mean?

Put another way: oftentimes, introducing new technologies into different cultures require their people to adapt or change their lifestyles, including the sphere of life we might call the political (that is, how and where they work, how they think, how they live, how they form organizations and institutions, etc.).

For this assignment, consider whether or not some technology (of your choice) possess inherently political qualities. Do research on how that technology has influenced the political behavior of another country’s people outside of the US and Canada, regardless of where that technology was first designed and developed.

In your write up, be sure to:

1. Describe the relevant factual details of the case you will be discussing (i.e., the technology, where it was first developed, how people are using it in another country, etc.).

2. Take a position on whether or not the technology possesses inherently political qualities. Explain.

3. Take a position on whether or not it was ethical to introduce the technology into the country you chose.

4. Give an argument for how you reached your conclusions and defend your position appealing to the theories of technology discussed in class and readings.