GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation) to the rescue?


On May 25th, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Rule went into effect, and many were hopeful that it would usher in a new degree of commitment to improvements in data privacy throughout the world. In a short essay, describe whether/how the GDPR addresses the data privacy concerns raised by Nissenbaum (1998), and Barrocas & Nissenbaum (2014), as well as other big data privacy concerns you think important. Please be specific about the parts of the GDPR you think offer the protections you mention and, in conclusion, discuss whether or not you think other countries should pursue data privacy legislation of this sort. The essay can be uploaded to Canvas (as a pdf file), or submitted by email, by noon on Monday, April 22nd.

An easily readable copy of the GDPR can be found here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Links to an external site.

This essay will be evaluated based on (in order of importance): a) how clearly the essay presents a main idea or position, and supports it throughout the paper; b) how well the essay shows an understanding of the details of the GDPR, and the articles under discussion; c) how clearly the argument(s) in the paper are presented and supported by references to the GDPR, and the articles under discussion; d) how well each paragraph presents clear ideas and supports those ideas with references, explanations and/or examples; e) how well the paragraphs transition from one to the next; and f) how clear and well-constructed the sentences are, and how varied is their pattern (e.g. simple and complex).

Should cyber bullying be a felony offense?

You are required to have a minimum of three sources and all sources must be authoritative; that is, they must be scholarly. You may not use anything from Wikipedia or encyclopedia. However, Google scholar and JSTOR are examples of scholarly search engines outside of library databases. Only use sources that are current, within the last 5 to 10 years.You are required to have a minimum of three sources and all sources must be authoritative; that is, they must be scholarly. You may not use anything from Wikipedia or encyclopedia. However, Google scholar and JSTOR are examples of scholarly search engines outside of library databases. Only use sources that are current, within the last 5 to 10 years.

Should the United States Government Ban Genetically Modified Organisms

This is a persuasive paper. I stand for GMO so I say GMO should not be ban because it can help with hunger and other things. I attached how the teacher want the outline to look.

-1 inch top/ bottom/left/right
-cover sheet
– footer lastname
-header right side
-1 space between header and title of paper
-properly indent paragraph
-must include stats/research within body of paper
-properly cite work within essay
-work cite 6 minimum
-2 magazines(physical or online)
-2 references
2 jornals

Latest revision comment4/8/2019
12.29 PM

My order doesn’t have cover sheet, outline.

This is a persuasive paper. I stand for GMO so I say GMO should not be ban because it can help with hunger and other things. I attached how the teacher want the outline to look.

-1 inch top/ bottom/left/right
-cover sheet
– footer lastname
-header right side
-1 space between header and title of paper
-properly indent paragraph
-must include stats/research within body of paper
-properly cite work within essay
-work cite 6 minimum
-2 magazines(physical or online)
-2 references
2 jornals

Latest revision comment4/8/2019
12.29 PM

My order doesn’t have cover sheet, outline.

Political Economy of Institutions

Compare and contrast the ‘inclusive political institutions’ analysis of Acemoglu and Robinson with the analysis of ‘political settlements’ as frameworks that can explain how political power affects the emergence and effectiveness of economic institutions. Evaluate how historical evidence has been used to validate each of these approaches.

Compare and contrast the ‘inclusive political institutions’ analysis of Acemoglu and Robinson with the analysis of ‘political settlements’ as frameworks that can explain how political power affects the emergence and effectiveness of economic institutions. Evaluate how historical evidence has been used to validate each of these approaches.

Compare and contrast the ‘inclusive political institutions’ analysis of Acemoglu and Robinson with the analysis of ‘political settlements’ as frameworks that can explain how political power affects the emergence and effectiveness of economic institutions. Evaluate how historical evidence has been used to validate each of these approaches.

History of Title IX

Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was originally written in order to end discrimination based on race, color, or national origin, the act tremendously helped to energize the women’s rights movement which had somewhat slowed after women’s suffrage in 1920. After signing the Civil Rights Act a few years earlier, in 1967, President Johnson issued a series of executive orders in order to make some clarifications. Before these clarifications were made, the National Organization for Women (NOW) persuaded President Johnson to include women in his executive orders. Most notable is Executive Order 11246, which required all entities receiving federal contracts to end discrimination in hiring.

Title IX was drafted and introduced by Congresswoman Patsy T. Mink, with the assistance of Congresswoman Edith Green. In the hearing there was very little mention of athletics. Their focus was more specifically on the hiring and employment practices of federally financed institutions. The proposed Title IX created much buzz and gained a lot of support.

Title IX, as we know it today, was passed into law on June 23, 1972.

If fewer women than men participate in sports, does the school system have an obligation to undertake efforts to increase women’s interest in sports?
Does the school system also have an obligation to try to reduce the disparity between men’s and women’s performance so that, to the extent possible, single-sex teams eventually can be eliminated?
Where do you see the future of Title IX headed?
Does Title IX have a ripple effect outside the sports arena? In other words, how far reaching is Title IX to other realms of gender equality such as sexual harassment and sexual assault?
What are the constitutional issues associated with this topic?

Calculate Probability, Sampling Distributions, and Inference

Show your work either your statistical program output or type your answers directly into the document, or copy and paste your work into a Word file.

Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Where applicable, your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Bennett, J. Briggs, W., & Triola, M. (2017). Statistical reasoning for everyday life. Boston, MA: Pearson/Addison Wesley. Show your work either your statistical program output or type your answers directly into the document, or copy and paste your work into a Word file.

Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Where applicable, your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Bennett, J. Briggs, W., & Triola, M. (2017). Statistical reasoning for everyday life. Boston, MA: Pearson/Addison Wesley.

Xenophobia: Cause Effect & Solution

Paper is in 3 parts – it is specific to the issue is the USA only.
Elaborate on specific types of xenophobia I.e. islamaphobia.
Be sure to address – How is the current political climate in US influencing an increase in Xenophobic behavior?
1. [4 paragraphs] Define issue (in this case it is xenophobia) explain why it is an issue
2. [4 paragraphs] What is being done currently to address Xenophobia. Identify a bad solution and explain why it is a bad option
3. [4 paragraphs] Propose idea of a good solution (and why it is good)Paper is in 3 parts – it is specific to the issue is the USA only.
Elaborate on specific types of xenophobia I.e. islamaphobia.
Be sure to address – How is the current political climate in US influencing an increase in Xenophobic behavior?
1. [4 paragraphs] Define issue (in this case it is xenophobia) explain why it is an issue
2. [4 paragraphs] What is being done currently to address Xenophobia. Identify a bad solution and explain why it is a bad option
3. [4 paragraphs] Propose idea of a good solution (and why it is good)

Case Study: Astoria Park as a successful public space

Write a research paper on how Astoria Park in Queens, NYC is a successful public space through the context of gentrification. Use the mind maps and interviews attached below in the file titled “Primary research” to include primary research (interviews, observations, and ethnography) from my visits to Astoria, Queens New York. Also, use statistical data ( and include academic articles as sources if applicable. Make sure to have arguments. Through the essay answer two questions: 1) What makes it a successful Public Space?, 2) What makes it a successful community? Address some of these points if necessary; social displacement, social capital, social infrastructure, equity, diversity.

Synthesizing Ideas / Arguing a Position Directions

Using summary and synthesizing skills, take a stance on Eating Locally – The Locavore Movement

Create an arguable thesis

To help create a stance, think about the following:
1) Do you think that people should limit, or even eliminate entirely, foods produced in regions outside of their own?
2) What do you think of the idea that food items carry “carbon labels” listing the amount of energy expended in their production?
3) What are some possible health and food safety benefits and drawbacks to relying on food from local growers?
4) What are some of the ways that having a system in which people ate food primarily from their own areas would change life in the
U.S. and elsewhere?

choose 3 sources to use:

Locavore Revolution

Regulation and the Local Food Movement

Do Locavores Have a Dilemma?

Emotional Balance

Imagine your audience has limited knowledge about your selected topic. Write the paper from the perspective of not only informing your reader about the topic, but also from the perspective of persuading your reader to accept the value of understanding your selected topic and implementing advice for how to improve skills related to the topic in order to be successful both personally and professionally.

Make Sure To Do The Following:

1)Reflect on the topic you choose.
2) Explain the various aspects of that topic.
3) What should your reader know about this topic?
4) How does that topic impact daily life (professionally and personally)?
)5 Why is it important to understand your selected topic?

Effective human relations: Interpersonal and organizational applications
Author Barry L. Reece & Monique Reece
Publisher Cengage Learning
Type Other
Description Either the 12th or 13th edition are acceptable. Print or digital acceptable. chapter 9