Management in Policing

Assignment 1 and Assignment 1 Update list the Readings Desired. You will not require all the attachments, but have put them in there just in case. Learning Guide also goes through everything.

In relation to Item 1, this can be the perspective of being supervised by a bad or good supervisor.

Good supervisor – I worked with a Detective Sergeant in Mackay as a part of a Property Crime Task Force to tackle the crime problem. I would say this supervisor really cared for staff. Allowed flexible/shift changes if required. Praised work. Was working with you. Empowering. Not a micro Manager.

Bad Supervisor – However, after 6 months, when this Detective Sergeant left he was replaced with another which was everything opposite. Would sit you down to nit pick or micro-manage your work (referred to as task list and cases). No flexibility. Hard to approach or talk to. Just wanted stats and numbers. This led to me leaving this Property Crime Section after 3 months.

Item 2 –
QPRIME is just the police program used to put in our reports, data, do checks on, basically everything so if someone does not put in their data. For example, if someone reports a crime, the officer is to put the report on. If the report does not get put on, it basically cannot be investigated because there is no report or foundation. Reports have to be placed on before the end of shift.

Item 3 is self explanatory – Peruse activity 3.10 on page 3.25 of your Learning Guide. Assign01_Update01_2019 shows readings to list.
Read more at:¤cy=AUD&pages

Item 4 – If not know Carers leave is when a loved one is sick, in hospital for example or no way that kids can get taken care of. So carers leave is used which takes out a sick day.

I have attached my old failed assignment. However, Assignments have slightly changed this year before i had a chance of re submission.

Thanks :).


You have two illustrations located on page 453 (Chapter 14) in the Hoffman- Cobbs reader. Please examine both illustrations and describe the message of each image. You will want to put the pictures in historical context (meaning you will need to discuss the historical events that pertain to the source). Please note, you might have great difficulty properly interpreting the image until you read and examine the chapter 16 material in the Out of Many textbook.

You have two illustrations located on page 453 (Chapter 14) in the Hoffman- Cobbs reader. Please examine both illustrations and describe the message of each image. You will want to put the pictures in historical context (meaning you will need to discuss the historical events that pertain to the source). Please note, you might have great difficulty properly interpreting the image until you read and examine the chapter 16 material in the Out of Many textbook.

12 Years a Slave

Students will write ONE 4 – 5 page film analysis paper This paper will analyze the formal and thematic issues of films we screen in class. Students must examine how some formal element (such as lighting, editing, dialogue, plot, mise-en-scene etc.) are utilized within the film and how it impacts and informs the film. It is not necessary to examine every element of the film but rather narrow your focus in order to discuss how a smaller element or set of elements of the film function as a whole. Try to employ a central, clearly defined argument.

Look for an aspect of the film that you respond to and begin your inquiry by asking yourself why you respond that way. Next, analyze how the specific elements are used to illicit that response.

Here is a short but certainly not exhaustive list of things to consider:


– Explain the significance of a single scene within a film’s overall design. Consider what this scene contributes to the film’s narrative development and/or theme.
– Illustrate how a character (or a group of characters) undergoes physical and/or emotional changes to attain a goal.
– Discuss how a film consistently employs a particular stylistic device to develop its story and themes.

It is absolutely acceptable to interject your own voice and subjectivity into the analysis as long as it is logically organized and supported within your paper.

REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING: The analysis should present a clear argument in an organized fashion, proper length, font/size and correct punctuation and grammar.

All sources (including films) must be cited according to The Chicago Manual of Style or MLA Citation Standards.

When citing a film, credit the distribution or production companies and year it was released.

Implementation of an Integrated Approach to Fighting Human Trafficking: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Increasing Education, Legislation, and Prevention Efforts Eradicating Human Trafficking.

These are the criteria missing from my assignment

Literature Review
Data Collection Process
Validity Concerns

Can you include there above content?
The research paper has notes in red, please revise it.
Also, there are some APA style format mistakes especially with the references parentheses. These are the criteria missing from my assignment

Literature Review
Data Collection Process These are the criteria missing from my assignment

Literature Review
Data Collection Process
Validity Concerns

Can you include there above content?
The research paper has notes in red, please revise it.
Also, there are some APA style format mistakes especially with the references parentheses.
Validity Concerns

Can you include there above content?
The research paper has notes in red, please revise it.
Also, there are some APA style format mistakes especially with the references parentheses.

Supply and Demand

For this assignment you are to write a 1 to 2-page paper that addresses supply and demand for the iPhone 6 plus.

Note: The Apple iPhone 6 plus cellular phone will be researched for each course project assignment leading up to your final submission.

Guidelines for this assignment are listed below:

Research the number of Apple iPhone 6 plus cellular phones that were released in the United States.
Identify the cost of the Apple iPhone 6 plus.
Discuss whether or not demand and supply are in equilibrium or is demand greater than supply.
Identify two factors that would cause the demand curve to shift to the left.
Discuss two factors that would cause the demand curve to shift to the right.
Identify two factors that would cause the supply curve to shift to the left.
Discuss two factors that would cause the supply curve to shift to the right.
State whether or not a price floor or price ceiling in the iPhone 6 plus would benefit consumers and why.
Discuss if the Apple iPhone 6 plus account is a market failure.

Assignment must align with the following guidelines:

Title page
1 to 2-pages of content
At least two sources
Reference page
APA formatted

equal protection claims, and criminal justice system

instructions from teacher: “why are equal protection claims important to the legitimacy of the criminal justice system; connect your response to the Rios or Demico Boothe readings.”

instructions from teacher: “why are equal protection claims important to the legitimacy of the criminal justice system; connect your response to the Rios or Demico Boothe readings.”

instructions from teacher: “why are equal protection claims important to the legitimacy of the criminal justice system; connect your response to the Rios or Demico Boothe readings.”

instructions from teacher: “why are equal protection claims important to the legitimacy of the criminal justice system; connect your response to the Rios or Demico Boothe readings.”

Inattentional Blindness

inattentional Blindness-
AT2: Complete Lab Report
Due: Thursday 25 April at 8pm, submit to the Dropbox

Word count: 1800 (Note that there is a 10% leeway, so that you can go up to 1980 words MAX. Any more than 1980 words and you will get a penalty. Note that in-text references are INCLUDED in the word count. There is no minimum word count.
The Abstract, Title, Method, Results and References list are NOT included. ONLY the Introduction and Discussion are included in the word count (yes, in-text references are included too).

Required readings:
Simons, D. J., & Chabris, C. F. (1999). Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception, 28, 1059-1074. doi: 10.1068/p281059

Hyman, I. E. (2016). Unaware observers: The impact of inattentional blindness on walkers, drivers, and eyewitnesses. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 5, doi: 10.1016/j.jarmac.2016.06.011

Fleck, M. S., Samei, E., & Mitroff, S. R. (2010). Generalized “satisfaction of search”: Adverse influences on dual-target search accuracy. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 16, 60-71. doi: 10.1037/a0018629

Your task:
Write a complete lab report. You are able to use the comments that you received on your AT1 lab report introduction to improve your introduction for AT2. You need to use track changes (or highlight the changes that you have made), otherwise these changes will not be marked.
***If you didn’t submit an introduction as part of AT1, we cannot review the improvements that you have made. The introduction resubmission is designed to provide students with an opportunity to improve their introductions based on their markers’ feedback. If you didn’t submit your AT1 intro, then you will not have received feedback from a marker. Therefore, changes in response to this feedback cannot be reviewed. However, the rest of your Complete Lab Report will be marked as usual.***

Discrimination on entrance exams and promotional exams, particularly with the physical agility testing.

Due to a number of recent lawsuits and claims, your chief administrator is asking her senior staff to undertake policy and SOP revisions to make the organization more compliant and less open to claims and lawsuits.

The chief administrator has asked that you perform legal research applicable to a fire and emergency services organization on your assigned topic, searching for legal precedent, state and national requirements or mandates, and ways that an organization can protect itself from legal actions resulting from this issue. She is asking that you cite references and standards that are applicable, and that you create an outline of an organizational policy or SOP that will ensure that the organization is as protected as it can be.

I would anticipate that your paper should be 6-8 (full) pages at a minimum, and should use APA format. Be sure and cite references for your information.

Sources for information are (of course) federal laws and regulations, state laws and regulations, legal cases that have set precedent (there should be some in your book as well as Nexis Uni), and any journal articles or other research sources.

Discrimination on entrance exams and promotional exams, particularly with the physical agility testing.

Due to a number of recent lawsuits and claims, your chief administrator is asking her senior staff to undertake policy and SOP revisions to make the organization more compliant and less open to claims and lawsuits.

The chief administrator has asked that you perform legal research applicable to a fire and emergency services organization on your assigned topic, searching for legal precedent, state and national requirements or mandates, and ways that an organization can protect itself from legal actions resulting from this issue. She is asking that you cite references and standards that are applicable, and that you create an outline of an organizational policy or SOP that will ensure that the organization is as protected as it can be.

I would anticipate that your paper should be 6-8 (full) pages at a minimum, and should use APA format. Be sure and cite references for your information.

Sources for information are (of course) federal laws and regulations, state laws and regulations, legal cases that have set precedent (there should be some in your book as well as Nexis Uni), and any journal articles or other research sources.

Essay for whole play ” A Doll’s House”

Essay 4: Drama Argument Analysis

For this essay you will be analyzing a play based on a specific aspect that you want to work from (ex: characters, conflict, staging, conventions) and how that contributes to the whole work. Keep in mind your introduction will need an attention-getter, the text you are working from, and your thesis statement (this is what you are arguing). This paper will have a persuasive tone because you are trying to convince someone that your view is valid. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong, but valid and invalid. You want to present an argument that is believable and well supported with evidence.
Also, remember to use the text as evidence. Incorporate three to five articles from the library databases or books. You may use other credible sources (books, internet) to help support your point. Remember to quote the passages exactly as the author states them. Do not misrepresent what the author might be trying to say.


For this essay you may analyze the following plays:

• A Doll’s House
The essay will focus on analyzing a play for specific devices, (characters, conflicts, staging, POV, individual rights, themes, symbolism, motifs, etc.).

Paper Requirements:
Proper Heading (Student’s Name, Professor’s Name, Class, Date) and Header (Last name pg #)
4 to 5 FULL pages or longer (Note: The 4th page is not the Works Cited page)
Double spaced
12 point font
Times New Roman
1 inch margins
3rd person Point of View – personal opinion area is paragraph before conclusion; you may use 1st POV here
No Contractions
Works Cited Page in MLA for any sources (minimum 3/ no maximum)
Quotes with internal citations – use a minimum of four quotes

Evidence in your paper is the way you show support for your main idea-thesis. This support can be shown in a variety of ways:

 Reasons
 Examples
 Facts
 Details
 Statistics
 Personal Observations or Experience
 Anecdotes
 Expert Opinions
 Quotations