supply and demand

All work must be shown and the final answer(s) must be highlighted in yellow, unless answers are derived from a graph and/or tables.

All work must be shown and the final answer(s) must be highlighted in yellow, unless answers are derived from a graph and/or tables.

All work must be shown and the final answer(s) must be highlighted in yellow, unless answers are derived from a graph and/or tables.

All work must be shown and the final answer(s) must be highlighted in yellow, unless answers are derived from a graph and/or tables.

All work must be shown and the final answer(s) must be highlighted in yellow, unless answers are derived from a graph and/or tables.


This course is centered around the profession of firefighting

After watching the video, please respond to the following questions:

1. Why is this still an important leadership concept today?

2. How does the Cushing situation illustrate the relationship between education and experience?

3. How does Cushing’s age (22 years) speak to us today?

4. How does a leader choose the right staff to handle a job?

5. How can some parts of the promotional process impede choosing the right leader?This course is centered around the profession of firefighting

After watching the video, please respond to the following questions:

1. Why is this still an important leadership concept today?

2. How does the Cushing situation illustrate the relationship between education and experience?

3. How does Cushing’s age (22 years) speak to us today?

4. How does a leader choose the right staff to handle a job?

5. How can some parts of the promotional process impede choosing the right leader?

Can nursing interventions prevent delirium in intensive care adult patients? A systematic review.

This is an essay in a form of a systematic review (guidelines and example included as attachments).
The question is formed using the PICO method (but without the C) and keywords included:
Population – intensive care adult patients (or itu or icu or “intensive care” or “critical care” or intensive care unit or critical care unit or itu or “critically ill” or “level 3” or “acutely ill” or “long-term”)
Intervention – nursing interventions (or nursing or nurse or nursing care or nursing practice or “nursing intervent*” or “non pharmaceutical” or “non pharmaceutical” or non-pharmaceutical or “patient care” or help treatment)
Outcome – delirium prevention (or delirium or psychosis or derangement or disorientat* or insan* or hallucinat* or madness or mad or incoheren* or agitat* or hyster* or irrational*)
Search limitations: English language, international bibliography, less than 5 years if possible.
The search strategy must be very thorough and transparent, describing step by step the process that was followed and a PRISMA chart should be included to show how the resources were selected and how we ended up with a small amount of spot-on articles.
From the remaining resources, a data extraction sheet should be included for the critical appraisal like CASP (see guidelines included).

I ticked the box for number of sources as not needed because there is no exact number in a systematic review.

I am not sure if I selected the right type of paper but I’m willing to pay more in case I should have chosen something else.

For Week 2, you are to submit a written paper that includes your Research Question, a Thesis Statement, and Purpose Statement. It must contain at least eight sources; at least six must be peer-reviewed. The specific research question should be of depth and breadth required for a major project. Length: Three (3) pages. Note: Your title and reference pages are not included as part of the three page content minimum.

For Week 2, you are to submit a written paper that includes your Research Question, a Thesis Statement, and Purpose Statement. It must contain at least eight sources; at least six must be peer-reviewed. The specific research question should be of depth and breadth required for a major project. Length: Three (3) pages. Note: Your title and reference pages are not included as part of the three page content minimum.

Length: 3 pages, double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font

Citations/References: You must use the APA style for this assignment.

Also the professor gave me this information from my previous paper in regards to my thesis statement:
Well done this first week. I like your draft thesis statement, but feel it needs a little more revising to make more concise and specific. See the UNC handout at and review before you revise. You will need this ready for next weeks first paper.

I have attached the previous paper that I have ordered that was the start of this paper. I am also requesting the same writer so that hopefully they can pick up where they left off. Thanks

Planned Parenthood

****This paper is to be about Planned Parenthood********
****I have uploaded the Dolgoff and Feldstein model, if you need more information, please let me know****

Section 1: Policy History and Social Problem it Addresses (1 to 4 pages)
A. Discuss the history of this policy or program. (E.g. When did it start? How was it created [e.g. by law or regulation]? What do you know about the political climate when the program or policy was enacted? How big is the program in money or participants now and when it started?)
B. What social problem does this policy or program address? (Who does this issue affect? How are they affected?)

Section 3: Policy Analysis (3 to 5 pages)
Use the Dolgoff and Feldstein model (outlined on p. 129 of that reading) to analyze your policy. Follow their outline closely – except their final section on social justice (p. 147-150) as that is covered in section 4 below. I repeat, do not do the Dolgoff and Feldstein section on social justice, rather, address social justice in section four below.
Do not overdo this part of the paper. Some of the Dolgoff and Feldstein items require long answers, but some may be answered with a single sentence. Be concise.

Section 4: Ethics and Personal Perspectives (1 to 3 pages)
A. Read the Ethical Principle on Social Justice in the NASW Code of Ethics.
a. How does the current policy or program support the Ethical Principle on Social Justice?
b. How would you change the current policy or program to better support the Ethical Principle on Social Justice?
c. If you had one minute with a legislator, what would be your recommendation for a change? You should time this to be sure you could say it in one minute or less.

Seven or more empirical or scholarly references not from the course reading list are required. At least three must be articles from refereed journals, others may be scholarly books, program evaluations published on a government website, or other credible sources (ask me if you are unsure). Most .org’s are not credible as they have an agenda. The maximum length of your double spaced paper is 15 pages (of text and references). Follow APA guidelines closely. Strive to be succinct.

Dropbox case study

Case Study: Dropbox: “It Just Works”
Dropbox is a venture-backed Silicon Valley startup, founded in 2006, that provides online storage and backup services to millions of customers using a “freemium” (free + premium offers) business model. Founder/CEO Drew Houston must make strategic decisions about new product features, how to target enterprise customers, and whether to pursue distribution deals with smart phone manufacturers.

What would you do?
Detail your Action plan in a P&G-style analysis.
Please show the headings
he P&G analysis style is formatted around:
2.The Big Idea
3.How It Works
4.Key Benefits to the Customer
5.Suggested Next Steps

Case Study: Dropbox: “It Just Works”
Dropbox is a venture-backed Silicon Valley startup, founded in 2006, that provides online storage and backup services to millions of customers using a “freemium” (free + premium offers) business model. Founder/CEO Drew Houston must make strategic decisions about new product features, how to target enterprise customers, and whether to pursue distribution deals with smart phone manufacturers.

What would you do?
Detail your Action plan in a P&G-style analysis.
Please show the headings
he P&G analysis style is formatted around:
2.The Big Idea
3.How It Works
4.Key Benefits to the Customer
5.Suggested Next Steps

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017

The changes made by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017 to the tax provisions have changed tax rate for 2018 and people are getting a first hand experience of what it means to them. Go over the Act and address the questions below:

What are the major changes made to the tax provisions by the Act?
What impact is it likely to have on our GDP and government’s budget?
How have the changes in taxes affected you personally?
Does everyone benefit from the changes in tax provisions or does it favor one group over others?
What changes do you agree and disagree with?
If you had the power to revise the Act, what changes would you make?
Many articles have been written analyzing the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017. Infuse these expert opinions with your own.

The final report should be submitted in APA format, and should be close to 7 pages.

Respond to the following statement. Agree or Disagree and explain Why: . A schedule of reinforcement is basically a rule stating which instance of a behavior will be reinforced. In some cases, a behavior might be reinforced every time it occurs. Often times, a behavior might not be reinforced at all. Reinforcement schedules take place in both naturally occurring learning situations as well as more structured training situations. In the real world, behaviors are probably not going to be reinforced each and every time they occur. In situations where you are intentionally trying to reinforce a specific action (such as in school, sports, or in animal training), you would follow a specific reinforcement scheduleSome schedules are better suited to certain types of training situations.

Respond to the following statement. Agree or Disagree and explain Why:
A schedule of reinforcement is basically a rule stating which instance of a behavior will be reinforced. In some cases, a behavior might be reinforced every time it occurs. Often times, a behavior might not be reinforced at all. Reinforcement schedules take place in both naturally occurring learning situations as well as more structured training situations. In the real world, behaviors are probably not going to be reinforced each and every time they occur. In situations where you are intentionally trying to reinforce a specific action (such as in school, sports, or in animal training), you would follow a specific reinforcement scheduleSome schedules are better suited to certain types of training situations. In some cases, training might call for one schedule and then switch to another once the desired behavior has been taught. The two foundational forms of reinforcement schedule are referred to as continuous reinforcement and partial reinforcement . The schedule of reinforcement utilized during training and maintenance process can have a major influence on how quickly a behavior is acquired, the strength of the response, and how frequently the behavior is displayed. In order to determine which schedule is preferable, you need to consider different aspects of the situation, including the type of behavior that is being taught and the type of response that is desired.

Hulac, D.; Benson, N.; Nesmith, M.; and Wollersheim, S. Using Variable Interval Reinforcement Schedules to Support Students in the Classroom: An Introduction With Illustrative Examples. J Educ Res Prac. 2016;16(1):90-96. DOI: 10.5590/JERAP.2016.06.1.06.

window display vs Painting

This assignment is for my visual merchandising class. I had to go to the metropolitan museum of art and pick any painting and compare to any window display. You have to explain what you see and what is the difference between the two. Also, you have to talk about both paintings.
I am going to post pictures you can choose. You also have to talk about what I learned in this class which is visual merchanding.
Need a cover letter and also an abstract.
Please follow all the rule and cover everything. Need it asap

This assignment is for my visual merchandising class. I had to go to the metropolitan museum of art and pick any painting and compare to any window display. You have to explain what you see and what is the difference between the two. Also, you have to talk about both paintings.
I am going to post pictures you can choose. You also have to talk about what I learned in this class which is visual merchanding.
Need a cover letter and also an abstract.
Please follow all the rule and cover everything. Need it asap

How Caddo Indians resisted Spanish domination?

Here is an example outline. You can use this format or adapt it as you see fit:

I. Introduction: story, description, quote, scenario, situation or other information which explains the topic and leads to the Research Question and Answer (thesis–what you want to prove).

II. Body: Reasons to Believe Answer

A. Reason One.

1. Sub-point. (Why you can believe Reason One). Supported by evidence from sources (use the a, b, c, etc. if more than one piece of evidence will be used.

a. evidence #1

b. evidence #2

c. evidence #3

d. Analysis (your evaluation, etc.)

2. Sub-point. Supported by evidence from sources (continue with as many Sub-points as you have)

B. Reason Two

1. Sub point. (Why you can believe Reason Two). Supported by evidence from sources (use the a, b, c, etc. if more than one piece of evidence will be used.

a. evidence #1

b. evidence #2

c. evidence #3

d. Analysis (your evaluation, etc.)

2. Sub-point. Supported by evidence from sources (continue with as many Sub-points as you have)

C. Reason Three.

1. Sub-point. (Why you can believe Reason Three). Supported by evidence from sources (use the a, b, c, etc. if more than one piece of evidence will be used.

a. evidence #1

b. evidence #2

c. evidence #3

d. Analysis (your evaluation, etc.)

2. Sub-point. Supported by evidence from sources (continue with as many Sub-points as you have).

D. Reason 4 (You can have as many reasons as you need for your paper. Some of your reasons may be refuting objections or using other argument strategies listed below).

III. Conclusion: This is a final appeal to your reader. You may use a conclusive piece of evidence here or a quote or final story. You may want to end a story you began in the introduction or explain how if the reader is persuaded things will be better.