Systems Thinking for Organizational Improvement

In this Performance Task Assessment, you will analyze multiple case studies in order to demonstrate your ability to apply systems components, modeling, leverage points, and interventions to improve system performance systems.
Professional Skills: Written Communication and Critical Thinking are assessed in this Competency. You are strongly encouraged to use the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist when completing this Assessment.Overview
In this Performance Task Assessment, you will analyze multiple case studies in order to demonstrate your ability to apply systems components, modeling, leverage points, and interventions to improve system performance systems.
Professional Skills: Written Communication and Critical Thinking are assessed in this Competency. You are strongly encouraged to use the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist when completing this Assessment.

Risk Reduction Plan Executive Summary

I chose to do my project using the city of savannah, georgia
please see the checklist attached to for the outline of the page requirements.

Step 1: Establish your community risk reduction planning process

(Module I: Introduction to Community Risk Reduction for the Fire and Emergency Services)

Objective: Create a personal vision of your community as a hazard-safe community.

Step 2: Create risk reduction objectives

(Module II: Develop and Meet Risk Reduction Objectives)


1. Gain a thorough knowledge of your community by conducting a community inventory.

Identify hazards and assess the community’s vulnerability.
Assess the risks and establish risk reduction priorities.
Create your risk reduction objectives.
Step 3: Develop an intervention strategy

(Module III: Identify and Develop Intervention Strategies)


1. Identify potential risk reduction strategies.

2. Analyze cost versus benefit to determine a plan of action for your community risk reduction plan.

3. Select realistic and achievable risk reduction strategies.

4. Develop an intervention strategy.

Step 4: Create your community risk reduction plan

Module IV: Implement a Risk Reduction Program


1. Identify and locate needed resources for a community risk reduction plan.

2. Develop a risk reduction implementation schedule.

3. Assign roles and responsibilities within the risk reduction team.

4. Create your community risk reduction action plan.

Step 5: Evaluate and modify risk initiatives

(Module V: Review, Modify and Market Risk Reduction Programs)


1. Develop a risk reduction evaluation strategy.

2. Review and evaluate results of the evaluation process.

3. Modify your risk reduction initiatives.

4. Finalize the executive summary of your risk reduction plan.

When the actual step in a risk reduction plan calls for a consultation with stakeholders, you may, instead, consult with your class members or others in your community.

Also note that only an executive summary (and not a comprehensive plan) is required for the course. If you were submitting a real community risk reduction plan, you would need to complete a more comprehensive document.

Critically examine the treatment of children in prison.

This is a Criminology essay about youth justice, can you help me to get at least B+
There is a suggestion reading which may help this essay, Goldson, B. & Kilkelly, U. (2013) ‘International human rights standards and child imprisonment: Potentialities and limitations’, International Journal of Children’s Rights, 21:2: 345-371.

This is a Criminology essay about youth justice, can you help me to get at least B+
There is a suggestion reading which may help this essay, Goldson, B. & Kilkelly, U. (2013) ‘International human rights standards and child imprisonment: Potentialities and limitations’, International Journal of Children’s Rights, 21:2: 345-371

This is a Criminology essay about youth justice, can you help me to get at least B+
There is a suggestion reading which may help this essay, Goldson, B. & Kilkelly, U. (2013) ‘International human rights standards and child imprisonment: Potentialities and limitations’, International Journal of Children’s Rights, 21:2: 345-371

which factors affect entrepreneurial interest of university student in England

Need to be mote logical~and you can decide the sampling characters (Like business student? non-business student and different level?)
Need primary research!you can tell me how to do and then i do the research and give you result and you can organize the result

Need to be mote logical~and you can decide the sampling characters (Like business student? non-business student and different level?)
Need primary research!you can tell me how to do and then i do the research and give you result and you can organize the result

Need to be mote logical~and you can decide the sampling characters (Like business student? non-business student and different level?)
Need primary research!you can tell me how to do and then i do the research and give you result and you can organize the result

The need for cultural/creative organisations to evaluate their work to demonstrate the difference they make to people’s lives and society at large is now a requirement in many countries. Yet, many if not most cc managers see evaluation as a complex, challenging task. What, do you think, are the main challenges involved in evaluating the work of creative and cultural organisations? You can use an evaluation report if you want (case studies NOT be accepted).

First of all, this is resits coursework. i uploaded my original submit file and attached feedbacks indicating direction of correction. It is important that the content of the original is developed by feedback, not by rewriting it all. + ( needed conclusion part)

Secondly, • This resits coursework should be written based on these 12 sources and I will attach it
Belfiore, E (2004) Auditing culture. International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 10, No. 2
Belfiore, E and Bennett, O (2007) Determinants of impact…arts. Cultural Trends, Vol. 16, No.3
Carnwath, JD, and Brown, AS (2014) Understanding the value and impacts of cultural experiences, a literature review. London, Arts Council England
Cultural transformations the impact of Hull UK City of Culture 2018 (full report)
Hansen, HF (2005) Choosing evaluation models …. Evaluation, Vol.11
Nesta (2018) Evidence for good. How charities use evidence to boost their influence and impact
Nutley et al (2007) Using evidence. … [Excerpts CHs 1 and 2]. Bristol, POlicy Press
Power, M (2000) The audit society – second thoughts. International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 4
Richards, G et al (eds) (2013) Exploring the Social Impacts of Events. London, Routledge
Selwood, S (1999) Access, efficiency excellence…. Cultural Trends, Vol. 35
Shaxson, L (2005) Is your evidence robust enough. … . Evidence and Policy, Vol 1, No.1
Weiss, CH (1999) The Interface between Evaluation Public Policy. Evalutation, Vol 5

Develop a Strategic Report for a corporation or a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) of a corporation of your choice.

You need to carry out an analysis of a corporation/SBU demonstrating a holistic understanding of the organisation and its environments as well as demonstrating your skills in strategic analysis and planning. You can structure your assignment as follows:

1. Executive summary (Collaborative work)
2. Introduction (brief backgournd of the corporation/SBU, target market, industry definition, current challenges) (Collaborative work)
3. Analysis of the the internal and external environment of the corporation/SBUand identify the strategic challenges that it is facing (Collaborative work)
4. Identification discussion and evaluation of the future strategic options available to the corporation/SBU, recommendation of a future strategic direction (Individual work). Identification discussion and evaluation of the future strategic options available to the corporation/SBU, recommendation of a future strategic direction (Individual work).

Ecological Footprint & Carbon Footprint

In this assignment, you’ll calculate your ecological footprint as well as your carbon footprint. You’ll learn what each of these things mean in context, how they are different from each other, and analyze how they may or may not be useful.

In this assignment, you’ll calculate your ecological footprint as well as your carbon footprint. You’ll learn what each of these things mean in context, how they are different from each other, and analyze how they may or may not be useful.

In this assignment, you’ll calculate your ecological footprint as well as your carbon footprint. You’ll learn what each of these things mean in context, how they are different from each other, and analyze how they may or may not be useful.

Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Article

Watch the “Chess Experiment,” “Future Brain,” and “Early Stages of Experimentation” videos available on the student website. Transcripts to videos provided.

Prepare article for a professional journal for public school teachers on the present and future state of neuroenhancers and transcranial stimulation for all groups of children: challenged, average capability, and gifted.

Address the following in your article:

Provide a brief explanation of transcranial stimulation, including recent research and progress. Distinguish between transcranial magnetic and direct current forms of stimulation

Watch the “Chess Experiment,” “Future Brain,” and “Early Stages of Experimentation” videos available on the student website. Transcripts to videos provided.

Prepare article for a professional journal for public school teachers on the present and future state of neuroenhancers and transcranial stimulation for all groups of children: challenged, average capability, and gifted.

Address the following in your article:

Provide a brief explanation of transcranial stimulation, including recent research and progress. Distinguish between transcranial magnetic and direct current forms of stimulation

Woodwind Quintet Repertoire

I need 11 pages on woodwind quintets, including:
– A brief, 1-page introduction on the relevance of playing in chamber ensembles in general, as well as the specific advantages of a woodwind quintet.
-In the remaining 10 pages, highlight specifically why each of the following pieces are considered part of the standard woodwind quintet repertoire: Denes Agay – “5 Easy Dances”; August Klughardt – “Quintett, Op. 97”; Malcolm Arnold – “Three Shanties”; Carl Nielsen – “Kvintet, Op. 43”; and Paul Hindemith – “Kleine Kammermusik, Op. 24”

Needs minimum of 3 academic sources, with in-text references to the musical scores from each of the five pieces (scores count as sources).

Page number DOES NOT include title page and bibliography

sociology of pursuit of happiness

This paper will focus on the cultural pursuit and realization of happiness in a contemporary society of your choosing. Each student will choose a topic related to the elusive pursuit of happiness involving some aspect of that culture (e.g., money, sex, drugs, power, success, prestige and celebrity, consumerism and conspicuous consumption, media images, self-improvement movements, utopian movements, religion, spiritual beliefs). The student should critique (i.e., critically evaluate)– consistent with the available evidence on the factors actually associated with happiness—a myth about happiness involving the pursuit of happiness related topic chosen that is perpetuated by the major institutions of that society. Evidence should be presented that reveals that, indeed, it is a myth. Discuss the negative personal and societal consequences of the pursuit of that myth. Then discuss how debunking that myth can help people realize genuine happiness.

Format for the Elusive Pursuit of Happiness Project

Observe minimum page limits, typed pages requirements (i.e., at least seven typed pages, not including the reference page; but no more than nine pages) and deadlines. Divide the project into the following three sections: Critique of the Myth, Negative Consequences of the Myth, and Positive Consequences of Debunking the Myth. Pages must be double spaced. Please number pages. Do not use onion-skin (i.e., very thin) paper. Staple pages together. Do not put the project paper in a folder or in plastic.

There is sample essay that you need to read in order to see how the paper should be in order to get A.

References should be documented according to the following format. In the body of the paper, for example, Davis (2008) or (Davis 2008). If you quote directly you must use quotation marks or “block” quotes (for quotations longer than four lines) and must give the page number, e.g., (Davis 2008: 532). On the reference page at the end of the paper list references alphabetically using the following format.

Davis, John R. 2009. The Sociology of Deviance. New York: McGraw-Hill

Davis, John R. 2009. “A Re-analysis of Sutherland’s Theory of Differential Association.” American Journal of Sociology 153: 319-22

For further details see:

The Chicago Manual of Style or the American Sociological Association Style Guide

You must use a minimum of seven citations. They should include at least two of the books assigned for this course and at least five other sources not assigned for the class. Useful resources for this project need to be used are novel called: John Storey’s Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction and the Journal of Happiness Studies.
-Only three web site references may be used. The name of the organization sponsoring the web site must be cited with its address in the references section of the paper.
– Use the simple, common words we use when we speak.