sociology of pursuit of happiness

This paper will focus on the cultural pursuit and realization of happiness in a contemporary society of your choosing. Each student will choose a topic related to the elusive pursuit of happiness involving some aspect of that culture (e.g., money, sex, drugs, power, success, prestige and celebrity, consumerism and conspicuous consumption, media images, self-improvement movements, utopian movements, religion, spiritual beliefs). The student should critique (i.e., critically evaluate)– consistent with the available evidence on the factors actually associated with happiness—a myth about happiness involving the pursuit of happiness related topic chosen that is perpetuated by the major institutions of that society. Evidence should be presented that reveals that, indeed, it is a myth. Discuss the negative personal and societal consequences of the pursuit of that myth. Then discuss how debunking that myth can help people realize genuine happiness.

Format for the Elusive Pursuit of Happiness Project

Observe minimum page limits, typed pages requirements (i.e., at least seven typed pages, not including the reference page; but no more than nine pages) and deadlines. Divide the project into the following three sections: Critique of the Myth, Negative Consequences of the Myth, and Positive Consequences of Debunking the Myth. Pages must be double spaced. Please number pages. Do not use onion-skin (i.e., very thin) paper. Staple pages together. Do not put the project paper in a folder or in plastic.

There is sample essay that you need to read in order to see how the paper should be in order to get A.

References should be documented according to the following format. In the body of the paper, for example, Davis (2008) or (Davis 2008). If you quote directly you must use quotation marks or “block” quotes (for quotations longer than four lines) and must give the page number, e.g., (Davis 2008: 532). On the reference page at the end of the paper list references alphabetically using the following format.

Davis, John R. 2009. The Sociology of Deviance. New York: McGraw-Hill

Davis, John R. 2009. “A Re-analysis of Sutherland’s Theory of Differential Association.” American Journal of Sociology 153: 319-22

For further details see:

The Chicago Manual of Style or the American Sociological Association Style Guide

You must use a minimum of seven citations. They should include at least two of the books assigned for this course and at least five other sources not assigned for the class. Useful resources for this project need to be used are novel called: John Storey’s Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction and the Journal of Happiness Studies.
-Only three web site references may be used. The name of the organization sponsoring the web site must be cited with its address in the references section of the paper.
– Use the simple, common words we use when we speak.


Reference: Albright, S. C, & Winston, W. L. (2017). Business analytics: Data analysis and decision making (6th ed.).
Callaway is thinking about entering the golf ball market. The company will make a profit if its market share is more than 20%. A market survey indicates that 140 of 624 golf ball purchasers will buy a Callaway golf ball.

Reference: Albright, S. C, & Winston, W. L. (2017). Business analytics: Data analysis and decision making (6th ed.).
Callaway is thinking about entering the golf ball market. The company will make a profit if its market share is more than 20%. A market survey indicates that 140 of 624 golf ball purchasers will buy a Callaway golf ball.


Reference: Albright, S. C, & Winston, W. L. (2017). Business analytics: Data analysis and decision making (6th ed.).
Callaway is thinking about entering the golf ball market. The company will make a profit if its market share is more than 20%. A market survey indicates that 140 of 624 golf ball purchasers will buy a Callaway golf ball.

Reference: Albright, S. C, & Winston, W. L. (2017). Business analytics: Data analysis and decision making (6th ed.).
Callaway is thinking about entering the golf ball market. The company will make a profit if its market share is more than 20%. A market survey indicates that 140 of 624 golf ball purchasers will buy a Callaway golf ball.

Of Mice and Men

A one page four paragraph paper on two themes in the novel Of Mice and Men, for instance the theme of Lenny being strong and tough physically but stupid. The first paragraph should be background and thesis, the second should be the first theme , the third should be the second theme, and the last should be the conclusion with a restatement of the themes.

A one page four paragraph paper on two themes in the novel Of Mice and Men, for instance the theme of Lenny being strong and tough physically but stupid. The first paragraph should be background and thesis, the second should be the first theme , the third should be the second theme, and the last should be the conclusion with a restatement of the themes.

Policy Requirements of the Code of Practice (Mental Health Law, UK)

My chosen topic is ‘ Section 136 of the MHA 1983’. The portifolio should focus on Detention, Conveyance to the place of safety and MHA assessment in the suite. I work as Hospital Coordinator/Site Manager and one of main roles is managing the 136 suite (place of safety), accepting patients detained on S 136 and then arrange MHA assessments which is the reason I chose the topic

This coursework is about the UK mental health law as its applied in practice on day to day basis. You should look at the possible deficits in relevant policies compared to what the Code of Practice says. I have uploaded copies of our current MHA 136 Policy and our 136 suite’s Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) which must be analysed as part of this portifolio. Is the policy in place fit for purpose etc… Consider the impact on day to day practice…it could be any other place of safety or issues that are raised elsewhere. You can compare policies from other places of safety if necessary. There must be referenced as index . Detailed assignment briefs have been uploaded accordingly and other relevant documents. Referencing is OSCOLA and Bibliography is required. I shall also send a list of CORE Reading that should feature or must be included in referencing

Compare your thoughts about stress, the information from the text about stress, and the video below (Making Stress Your Friend). Reflect on the similarities and differences you identify. Describe your position on stress. How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal

Compare your thoughts about stress, the information from the text about stress, and the video below (Making Stress Your Friend). Reflect on the similarities and differences you identify. Describe your position on stress.
How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal

User: n/a – Added: 9/4/13
YouTube URL:

TEXTBOOK: Effective human relations: Interpersonal and organizational applications
Author Barry L. Reece & Monique Reece

Compare your thoughts about stress, the information from the text about stress, and the video below (Making Stress Your Friend). Reflect on the similarities and differences you identify. Describe your position on stress.
How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal

User: n/a – Added: 9/4/13
YouTube URL:

TEXTBOOK: Effective human relations: Interpersonal and organizational applications
Author Barry L. Reece & Monique Reece

Cities in Canada: Sustainable Practices? Or Promotional Jargon?

My research paper will be on the implementation, and policies of sustainable practices in Canadian cities. The research will pertain to metropolitan areas, corporations, and looking into provincial and governmental standards. Within metropolitan areas there has been a trend in using buzzwords like “eco-friendly”, and “green” cities however, in my research paper I am questioning how much is being implemented, or practiced with continuing promotion of being a sustainable city. Canada since 1999 have contributed to environmental acts although, it wasn’t until 2008 where the first sustainable development act was presented in order to balance environmental issues with economic and social considerations. Since then, there has been a massive growth in metropolitan areas of condominiums and apartments well above the national average. The metropolitan building industry is growing rapidly while simultaneously promoting sustainability. My research paper will look into the built environment of metropolitan areas and how they still are accommodating sustainable practices and materials. Within the built environment there are not only places of residency but as well places where humans work, and play. These need effective planning and policy making processes in order to achieve effective sustainable practices. Although, what policies or planning decisions are being made to increase sustainability, and how are they being followed through? In my research paper I will look into the planning initiatives that we have seen in promotional advertisements for main metropolitan areas such as, Vancouver. As well, the corporation policies that have been implemented to achieve a better environmental, sustainable future and have they done anything yet? This becomes relevant when looking at the multilevel governance framework in which Canada has to implement sustainability policies because there are a number of barriers in order to advance in urban sustainable practices…. This was my proposal for the term paper, my prof’s concerns were “what is my overall research question?” “How does this relate to planning theory specifically?” “What theory will you be engaging for your lit review? How will you investigate this theory in a particular case study?” This part is from the course syllabus, “Your term paper for this course will cover a topic related to theories and a case in urban planning. Your essay should include a literature review on a particular perspective or school of urban planning, along with a case study that demonstrates or contradicts your chosen perspective. The literature review should include three-five difference theory-based sources (from high-quality geography and/or planning journals).” The term paper rubric is within the additional materials.

Seismic Waves and The interior of the Moon

Write a one page paper over the following question.The analysis of seismic waves helped scientists determine that the Earth’s inner core is solid and the outer core is molten. Could the same technology be used to learn about the interior of the Moon?

Write a one page paper over the following question.The analysis of seismic waves helped scientists determine that the Earth’s inner core is solid and the outer core is molten. Could the same technology be used to learn about the interior of the Moon?

Write a one page paper over the following question.The analysis of seismic waves helped scientists determine that the Earth’s inner core is solid and the outer core is molten. Could the same technology be used to learn about the interior of the Moon?

Carefully read the Paragraph Exercise from Learning Unit 5 and revise it using the checklist in your textbook. You might want to ask a friend to read your writing and make suggestions as well. Take your time and write the best three paragraphs you can about your subject. Once you are satisfied, proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. Submit your work to the appropriate area below.

Carefully read the Paragraph Exercise from Learning Unit 5 and revise it using the checklist in your textbook. You might want to ask a friend to read your writing and make suggestions as well. Take your time and write the best three paragraphs you can about your subject. Once you are satisfied, proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. Submit your work to the appropriate area below.
Your submission should be a minimum of 600 words.
Paragraph Exercise attached.
The Process of Writing an Illustration Paragraph refer to this checklist of steps as you write an illustration paragraph of your own. 1. Narrow the topic to fit your audience and purpose. 2. Compose a topic sentence that can honestly and easily be supported by examples. 3. Freewrite or brainstorm to find six to eight examples that support the topic sentence. If you wish to use only one example or a narrative, sketch out your idea. (You may want to freewrite or brainstorm before you narrow the topic.)
1st paper is 250 words about discussing how revision helped with your short essay for this unit. Describe some of the changes you made or what you did to revise your work. Do you think the changes made your work better? What does the term “better” mean to you, specifically in terms of your writing? If you have any revision techniques that work for you, discuss them.

The second paper is 2 pages and revise it using the checklist in your textbook. Take your time and write the best three paragraphs you can about your

develop an intervention strategy

I chose the city of Savannah, GA


1. Identify potential risk reduction strategies.

2. Analyze cost versus benefit to determine a plan of action for your community risk reduction plan.

3. Select realistic and achievable risk reduction strategies.

4. Develop an intervention strategy.

You have now been provided with the information necessary to develop intervention strategies from a host of possibilities, including how to select your risk reduction team, identify potential strategies (using the 5 Es), perform cost-benefit analysis, and select the most appropriate strategies for your emergency services organization. Your culminating activity for this module is to use this information to develop risk reduction intervention strategies.

When developing the strategy, remember to include the 5 E’s (as many as possible) and to incorporate the levels of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary).

For this assignment: Using what you’ve learned in this Module, write a 3-4 page plan that identifies 3 to 5 realistic strategies for your fire and emergency services organization.

Include your cost-benefit analysis.

Your strategies must be:

preceded with a rationale for selecting the strategies;
realistic – representing a plausible scenario;
actionable – requiring intervention;
based on your cost-benefit analysis;
designed in a manner sustained by full support of all stakeholders (consensus-based);
accompanied by a measurable anticipated outcome for each strategy (how you will measure whether or not the strategy was effective).