Business math problem spreadsheet and essay describing the solution

Option #1: Rock Quarry

The operator of a rock quarry is invited to bid on furnishing 42,000 cubic yards (cy) of crushed aggregate for a job. The aggregate will be delivered to the job, which is 27 miles from the quarry. The aggregate will be loaded into trucks by a loader that can load at a rate of 75 cy per hour. The trucks will haul 18 cy per load at an average speed of 50 miles per hour loaded and 55 miles per hour when empty. The estimated time to dump a load is 5 minutes. Assume a 45-minute effective hour for the loading and hauling operation.

The cost information for the job is included in the attachment

What should be the bid price per cubic yard?


You will deliver BOTH:

1 – An Excel spreadsheet to include:

Tables of all information (data) given in the problem, formulas that reference cells thus creating dynamic formulas that will change if information in the tables change, and the final answer highlighted in YELLOW.

Show all of your work (at each step).

2 – A two-page narrative to describe your findings and interpret your results:

Follow APA format

Include a cover page and reference page.

Support your work with at least two peer-reviewed, credible, and current scholarly articles.

Marriott (USA to Brazil)

I’m required to assess the potential or existing international expansion plan (focusing more on BRICs) to the following: Marriot (USA to Brazil).
Host Country Project Report
Why is this host country a potential market for your product/ service? FOCUS ON: Trade environment (major exports/imports, main trading partners, regional economic integration, tariff, trade barriers, government incentives for conducting business there)
I attached further instructions and only HIGHLIGHTED everything that must be answered in my part of this group project. Please do your best. Thank you.I’m required to assess the potential or existing international expansion plan (focusing more on BRICs) to the following: Marriot (USA to Brazil).
Host Country Project Report
Why is this host country a potential market for your product/ service? FOCUS ON: Trade environment (major exports/imports, main trading partners, regional economic integration, tariff, trade barriers, government incentives for conducting business there)
I attached further instructions and only HIGHLIGHTED everything that must be answered in my part of this group project. Please do your best. Thank you.

WBS and Gantt Chart

All the tasks are broken down into their lowest levels and follow the sample format for the WBS. Documents are attached as an appendix to a professional paper. The Gantt chart shows all major project tasks using EXCEL and following the sample. All tasks are labeled. The document is attached as an appendix to a professional paper. There should be a professionally written 2 page paper to explain the WBS and Gantt Chart as well. There should be 3 scholarly articles within 5 years. The rubric is attached. My PICO question is: Does proper hand hygiene practices among healthcare workers decrease nosocomial infections (healthcare associated infections)?

Formulating Your Airline’s Strategy

This assignment helps you develop the skills to master the following course competencies:

Analyze strategic issues to guide overall business decision making.
Integrate findings of strategic, environmental, and core business function analyses to provide input to decision making and planning.
Formulate business decisions for immediate actions based on integrated analyses.
Integrate and apply core knowledge, skills, and attitudes to plan for resolution of key business challenges.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Revisit the MBA6028 Course Alignment Map to review how all activities assist you in achieving the course competencies and overall program outcomes.

Activity Instructions

For this assignment, formulate your airline’s strategy as described in the course project description for the Airline Simulation project. Be sure to review the Formulating Your Airline’s Strategy Scoring Guide to self-assess your paper prior to submission. Please note that you are required to support your strategy with professional or industry-related resources (at least three) and follow APA guidelines for style and format.

Important: Each member of the team must submit a copy of the team document to their own assignment area to be graded, and each member must submit the same document. However, each of you will receive a team grade.

Your airline’s strategy should contain the following:

A name for your airline. You will work with your team to create a name and a strategy for your airline.
A mission and vision for your airline that illustrates your basic philosophy. (Consider, for example, the strategic approach you will take and the strategies you will use.)
An explanation of how you plan to run your airline. Support your plan with at least three referenced sources. This section of your strategic plan must include all of the following:
An analysis of key elements to consider in business decision making and planning. (Consider, for example, how the internal and external environment may influence your strategies.)
An analysis of different strategies you could use and a rational for your selected strategic approach.
An analysis of the functional interrelationships that may influence organizational success. (Consider, for example, how marketing decisions may impact fleet decisions.)
A strategic plan to guide your decision making and an action plan for getting your desired results. (Consider, for example, specific metrics and/or milestones that will help you determine your effectiveness.)
A communication strategy for your team. This should be a paragraph or two telling how your team intends to communicate, such as group discussion forum, e-mail, Skype, et cetera, to discuss things and work on decisions.
This is a great chance for your team to be creative! Design a logo, develop a slogan, and so on. You are not required to follow any particular format. However, your airline’s strategy should look professional and address all the elements completely. Review the Airline Strategy: Sample Report document given in the resources just to get an idea of the content required.

Your airline’s strategy should be a fairly detailed report of approximately 5–10 pages. You must use references or citations from at least three professional or industry-related resources within your report. Be sure you follow APA sixth edition guidelines for all citations and references.

Project Management Plan: Cost, Procurement, Resourcing and Engaging with Stakeholders

For your first assignment you completed part of a Project Management Plan, focusing on scope and time. For this assignment, you continue your work as a Project Manager on the same case study you worked on for your first assignment, and this time, focus on planning and managing cost, procurement, resourcing and engagement with stakeholders and communication

Latest revision comment
04/10/19 04:28

For new writer:
Please follow revision comments from C, paying attention to the following points failed by previous writer:
(1) in Budget/ cost management:There is no mention of how budget costs estimates were gathered
(2) there was no table of future operating costs
(3) the section on the planning stage was in the wrong sector
(4) there was no make/ buy analysis in the procurement management section.
Note: revision comments clarify instructions provided in file “Gf9m5PCwpwb1EG9XyJgwVosLWYX7URUBcFes”.

Evidence based report writing

Develop a 4,000-word evidence-based report exploring a contemporary issue/problem in clinical/professional practice which should provide robust evidence to enable key stakeholders to consider your findings in terms of practice development.

Your ‘in-text’ citations and final reference list should be written in APA 6th (Harvard) style

• Formative Feedback – 400 words to: Present the background to the practice/professional issue
• 400 words to: Critically appraise one piece of literature with the use of an appropriate tool (for example Critical Appraisal Skills Programme – CASP)

Prepare your report in a way that could be used to present the findings to colleagues in your clinical/professional area. Your report does not have to be a case for change but should provide robust evidence to enable key stakeholders to consider your findings in terms of practice development.

Your report should follow the following structure:
1 Introduction
Identify a contemporary practice / professional issue. Present the background to the practice/professional issue, along with the scope of the report. Provide a rationale for your choice.
2 Literature: -Search strategy and review
Utilising an Evidence Based Practice search tool (for example Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome PICO) Obtain, review and analyse critically the best available evidence to address the issue/problem including research, policies and guidelines: inclusion/exclusion criteria; critical appraisal of literature with the use of an appropriate tool (for example Critical Appraisal Skills Programme – CASP)
3 Key Findings
Critical discussion of key findings from identified body of literature
4 Potential implications for practice
Discuss the impact of your key findings
Describe how you are going to disseminate your findings to key stakeholders
Identify recommendations which could be made based on your findings
Explore how these recommendations could be facilitated or constrained from being implemented in your practice area
5 Conclusion
Reiterate key points

Latest revision comment4/10/19 3:18pm
Please let the writer be aware that it is a summative report that should be evidence based. The title is Vaccine hesitance. Parents refusing vaccination for their children. The report should be written to someone in Authority, in this case the ward manager was selected. Every aspect of the report should be backed by up to date evidence using the APA Harvard 6th edition format of referencing. For 4000 words essay, the reader would like to see adequate referencing. Critical appraisal of the literature found to be relevant should be include.
Please let the writer look at the assignment question which I originally uploaded with the order

Research essay about retail small businesses and entrepreneurship

Can you please write a research essay about a retail company i’d like to make it is solely dedicated to mens and womens shorts (unisex) and it’s called Stubbies. How will it be successful? how will I manage to be independent? how can I be an entrepreneur?. Please make sure the resources are strictly newspapers or from RIT library. Just type in Google RIT library and use their search engine to find 3 Scholarly peer review articles, 3 Reputable newspaper articles, and 2 Journal articles. I attached a few resources at the bottom of the order description, however, if you’d like to add more which I suggest if you may, only use RIT library and reputable newspaper articles. And may I please get the first page and references page by this sunday (14th of april) as the teacher required us to submit the 1st page and references page of the research essay. Thank you 🙂

Micro Economics Research Project

This is part 2 of the research project. You finished part 1 already. The file I provided has all the requirments. Keep in mind that the company I chose is FedEx and the time line you will be analyzing is 1970-1980. The compeitors should be the same as the ones previously mentioned in part 1. Please no sources such as journals or books. Only sources that are easy to access

This is part 2 of the research project. You finished part 1 already. The file I provided has all the requirments. Keep in mind that the company I chose is FedEx and the time line you will be analyzing is 1970-1980. The compeitors should be the same as the ones previously mentioned in part 1. Please no sources such as journals or books. Only sources that are easy to access


In your role as a Digital Marketing Executive for a chosen organisation, you have been asked to prepare a project portfolio for your Marketing Manager to recommend appropriate digital technologies to improve customer acquisition and conversions through the use of digital marketing.

In your role as a Digital Marketing Executive for a chosen organisation, you have been asked to prepare a project portfolio for your Marketing Manager to recommend appropriate digital technologies to improve customer acquisition and conversions through the use of digital marketing.

In your role as a Digital Marketing Executive for a chosen organisation, you have been asked to prepare a project portfolio for your Marketing Manager to recommend appropriate digital technologies to improve customer acquisition and conversions through the use of digital marketing.

Critical Analysis Essay- Short Story- A Wall of Fire Rising- What is the relationship of the couple and how does it affect the family as unit?

English 1302 Instructions for the Critical Essay

Write a typed, double spaced critical essay of no fewer than 1000 words (about 3-4 double-spaced pages), in which you demonstrate how an author of one of the stories we studied develops a theme or a character. Discuss how the author uses literary devices and techniques to achieve this purpose (symbolism, irony, setting, characters, title, imagery, plot, etc.). You are to consult no secondary sources for this assignment. Essays that do not make the word count will not receive a passing score.

If you choose a thematic analysis, you are to hypothesize about a possible theme in one of the stories, and show how the author develops it.

If you choose a character analysis, you are to hypothesize about the motivations, type(flat, round, static, dynamic), and importance of one of the characters in one of the stories.

Type your word count at the bottom of the last page. (1000 words are required for a passing score.) Submit your essay to SafeAssign on Blackboard.

Include a MLA Works Cited page with documentation information for your primary source (the short story or story excerpt).

Use present tense to discuss literary content…for this Critical A and Research Essay. This is important.

Include MLA parenthetical citations in your essay when you quote from your story.

-Ex. (Hawthorne 355). Use the author’s last name only the first time you
quote from his/her story.

Use a Times New Roman 12 point font, follow MLA line spacing, and margin requirements.

Development Strategies:

-Each body paragraph should deal with a single supporting point to be illustrated with several specific examples (quoted lines, words, and/or passages) from the story. The supporting points must be chosen from the attached list, and they must be mentioned by name in the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

Ex. One strategy Poe uses in developing his theme is symbolism.

-After each example is given, explain its importance to your point and how it relates to your thesis.

-Don’t assume that the reader will understand your points and examples without your explanations.

-Use the present tense when describing events in the story.

Ex. In “Young Goodman Brown,” Faith attends the satanic ritual.

-Don’t simply summarize the story. This is not a book report. Discuss only those parts of the story that relate to your thesis, and show how they relate. Assume that your reader has read the story, and provide specific examples (quotes) to support your assertions.

-Use only the third person point of view in your discussion.
(no “I think,” “In my opinion,’ “When you read,” etc.)

-Avoid the informal “you.” Be formal, natural, and clear in your writing style.

-Avoid defining literary terms (symbolism, irony, foreshadowing, etc.). Simply discuss the terms as they appear in the story. Assume your reader knows what they mean.

-Avoid the obvious. Suggesting that Emily in “A Rose for Emily” is crazy or that Elisa in “The Chrysanthemums” likes flowers is neither insightful nor meaningful. The questions are “Why?” and “To what end?” Be creative and original. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

-Include a thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction.

Ex. (Thesis statement for a thematic analysis):

In “Young Goodman Brown,” Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the
symbols of the _______________, _____________, and
______________ to suggest that all people contain elements of
both good and evil.

Ex. (Thesis statement for a character analysis):

In “Young Goodman Brown,” Nathaniel Hawthorne uses ____________,
_____________, and _____________ to develop Goodman Brown as a
dynamic character who is unable to accept the reality of sin in the lives of
others and himself.

Possible Topics for Critical Essay (KC)
No more than 4 students can have the same short story. You will post your selection on Blackboard under Discussion at the Critical Analysis Essay thread. Click on create thread. Your name will automatically show up. All you will need to do is entitle your thread with the name of the short story that you want. Once you have made you selection, you may not go back into the thread and make a change. You should be able to see your peers’ choices and therefore know which stories are already taken. Blackboard Discussion threads will also record date and time so everyone will know when a particular short story is no longer available. Meaning once 4 students have already selected a particular story, it is no longer available. This should keep things fair and equitable.

(The following are not thesis statements. They are questions to help you arrive at and develop your own thesis statement.)

“The Cask of Amontillado”

-How does Poe develop the theme that revenge may destroy the victim and the avenger?

-How does Poe develop the theme that revenge can/can’t be achieved with impunity?

-How does Poe develop the theme that pride is a destructive force?

-How is Montresor developed as an insecure, round, and static character racked by guilt?

-How is Montresor developed as a round and static character consumed by pride?

-How is Fortunato developed as a round and static character whose vanity and pride causes his undoing? Throughout

“A &P”

-How is Sammy developed as a round, dynamic character who learns a truth about adulthood?

-How does this story demonstrate the negative results of naïve thinking and acting?

-How is Sammy developed as a round, dynamic character who learns to sympathize with others and realizes the sacrifices justice sometimes requires?

-How is Sammy developed as a round, dynamic character who learns to view women as more than sex objects?

-How is Sammy developed as a round but static character who deals with personal insecurities by objectifying others?

“Story of an Hour”
-How is Mrs. Mallard developed as a round, static character who feels trapped by life’s circumstances?

-How are gender strategies at work in this story?

-How is Mrs. Mallard developed as a round, static character who feels oppressed because she is a female?

-How does Chopin demonstrate the value of finding the paradox of life’s circumstances?

-How does Chopin demonstrate the results of emotional and physical sterility in marriage?

“Wall of Fire Rising”
-In “Wall of Fire Rising,” in what way is Lili’s son symbolically similar to the hot air balloon? What does each represent for Lili, for Guy?
-What value does setting have for the central conflicts in “Wall of Fire Rising”?
-What is the relationship of the couple and how does it affect the family as a unit?
-Why does Danticat put so much emphasis on the idea that the son has been given the role of Boukman?

“The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket”
-What might the grasshopper and the bell cricket each come to symbolize in the story?
-Some critics of this story see the revelation of the theme(s) at play toward the end of the story. What might the theme(s) be?
-How are the prevalence of images useful to the telling of the story?
-How might the juxtaposed generations in the story support (or disconnect) to the message/theme presented?

“Good People”
-How does the author use a single episode to illustrate life choices? Think about direct and indirect characterization.
-Examine the description of the setting and its subtle yet significant existence within the plot structure. How or do these situations give insight to something potentially powerful?
-How is Lane developed as a character torn between his identity as a Christian and his identity as a young male?
-Should readers consider gender differences as the characters approach the decision that is at hand?

“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”
-In what genre might this work be classified? What are the conventions that support this classification?
-How does the author incorporate religion (or religious beliefs) into the story?
-How are the behaviors of the townspeople characterized (practical, simple, thoughtful, individualist, other)? -How do these characters effect how the way story is told?
-Evaluate the setting and its contribution to the story.
-Explore the descriptive language used by the writer and discuss.

“The Shabbat”– character analysis (chapters 1-4)
Marjane is the youngest main character presented in the short story unit.
How is her age significant? (Think about what she does as well as her influences.)
How does the author present the protagonist?
As these chapters are from a larger body of work (in graphic novel form), some analysis can be considered based on the visual images provided. What insights accompany the illustrations?

“The Shabbat” – thematic analysis (chapters 1-4)
Multiple thematic options seem to weave their way through the novel with some presenting themselves in this early chapter.
Explore a particular theme (potential options are listed below) and synthesize literary elements to prepare an analysis of the chapter.
• Religion
• Death/Violence
• Child-times/War-time

SEE PAGE 1323 (top) to see examples of an in-text and Works Cited citations.

Formula for Paragraph Development

Introduction (5-7 sentences)
(Options listed below. Choose one. Do not provide a summary of the
story in this paragraph.)
-Provide an important quote/passage from the story that relates to your
thesis, and elaborate on it.
-Discuss the title and its implications to your thesis.
-Discuss the reader’s possible expectations about the story based on the
title or its opening.
-Discuss the general type of story (genre).
-Discuss the value or importance of the story’s theme.
-Discuss possible initial reactions to reading the story.
(Smoothly transition into the thesis statement as your final sentence of
this paragraph)

Body Paragraphs (8-15 sentences)
Step 1. Provide a topic sentence (What is this entire paragraph
Step 2 Introduce your first example.
Step 3 Provide a specific example from the story (quote).
Step 4 Explain how the specific example relates to your thesis.
(Really analyze the words in your examples. How and
why is the author using them?)

Repeat steps 2-4 until your point is fully made.

Step 5 Closing sentence (Make a general point about the topic, thesis and
examples in this paragraph.)

Conclusion (5-10 sentences)
(Options for development listed below. Choose one.)
-Close with another quote/passage from the story.
-Elaborate upon the last few lines of the story, and discuss how
they relate to your points.
-Discuss the value of the story and its themes to the
reader/society. How might it change opinions/viewpoints?
-Discuss how the story stands out from others like it.
-Discuss how the supporting points in your discussion make the story
more effective.

Supporting Points to Develop into Body Paragraphs

(You must choose from the list below to develop each body paragraph. Be sure to mention to supporting point by name in the topic sentence of each body paragraph. These points may also be used to introduce and explain examples in body paragraphs.)

Plot (conflict, climax, resolution) Foreshadowing

Point of View Flashbacks

Symbolism Tone (Narrator’s Attitude)




Character Names

Character Actions

Character Statements

Character Descriptions (Appearance/Personality)

Character Thoughts

Story Title

Literary Devices



Strategies for Signaling Quotations in Literary Essays

In the literary essay, you will need quotations from the text of the work that you are examining. Be sure that you enclose these borrowings in quotation marks as you gracefully introduce them or integrate them into your own sentences. Each quotation must be attached to some kind of signal and a parenthetical citation should be given. Points will be deducted for any quotes that are not signaled and documented appropriately.

1. Use explanatory words to set-up the quote (Brown states, Johnson says,
Wilson wrote,). Explanatory words before a quote should always be followed by a
comma (outside the quotes). Those at the end of a quote should be preceded by a
comma (inside the quotes).

Ex. “In walks three girls in nothing but bathing suits,” Sammy declares in the
exposition of the story (Updike 1).

Ex. At the climax of the story, Faulkner’s narrator reveals, “The man himself lay in
the bed” (96).

2. Create an embedded quote. Use the word “that,” or simply make the quote flow with the grammar of the sentence. No comma is needed in this case. Use brackets “[ ]” to make changes in a quote so that it will fit into the grammar of your sentence.

Ex. Jim reveals his true feelings about his interest in Alena when he states that “[he]
was moved even more by the sight of her bending over the box in her Gore-Tex
bikini . . .” (Boyle 465).

Ex. Because Goodman Brown becomes “more conscious of the secret guilt of others” (332),
“[a] stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not desperate man did he become . . . (333).

3. Use a colon (:) after a complete sentence that sets up a quote.

Ex. At the end of “Soldier’s Home,” the narrator states the following regarding Krebs’
resignation to his unfulfilled life: “He would go over to the schoolyard and watch Helen
play indoor baseball” (Hemingway 170).

Ex. Another important aspect of setting is the description of Emily’s home: “It was a big,
squarish frame house that had once been white . . . on what had once been our most
select street.” (90).

4. Use an offset for quotes of four lines or more. Indent each line of the quote ten spaces. Double space the quote, as with the rest of the essay. Do not include quotation marks. Place the period before the citation.

(Be prepared to explain the entire quote. Don’t use long quotes to “cushion”
your word count.)

Ex. In the opening of “The Birthmark,” the setting provides a context for Aylmer’s
obsession with achieving perfection through science:
In those days when the comparatively recent discovery of electricity and other kindred mysteries of Nature seemed to open paths into the region of miracle, it was not unusual for the love of science to rival the love of woman in its depth and absorbing energy. The higher intellect, the imagination, the spirit, and even the heart might all find their congenial alignment in pursuits which, as some of their ardent votaries believed, would ascend one step of powerful intelligence to another, until the philosopher should lay his hands on the creative force and perhaps make new worlds for himself. (Hawthorne 344)
Other Strategies to Remember:
1. When referring to the author of a story, use his full name, his last name, or “the author.”
Ex. Updike writes, “. . .
Ex. John Updike writes, “ . . .
Ex. The author writes, “ . . .
Not: John writes, “ . . .
2. Discuss the contents of the story in present tense.
Ex. In the story, the narrator offers a grotesque description of Emily.
Not: In the story, the narrator offered a grotesque description of Emily.

3. Use the word “reader” when referring to the one experiencing the story.
Ex. Because of Poe’s imagery, the reader can experience the scene.
4. Refer to the narrator of the story as “the narrator,” not “the author.”
Ex. At the end of the story, the narrator says that Elisa is “crying weakly–like an old woman.”
5. After you have identified the title of the story in the essay, don’t repeat it.
Simply refer to the story as “the story.”
6. After you have identified the author by his/her full name, don’t repeat it. Simply
refer to him/her as “the author” or by his/her last name.

Outline for Critical Essay

Introduction(What will you discuss?):











Thesis Statement (Mention the title and author (if you have not already done so) your supporting points, and the main point/thesis of your essay.)





(There is no requirement concerning the number of examples in Body Paragraphs. Remember, though, that you need well-developed paragraphs of approximately 8-15 sentences each. There is also no requirement concerning the number of body paragraphs. You should write an essay of at least 1000 words and with at least 3 body paragraphs in order to have a well-supported, credible essay.)

Body Paragraph I. (Discuss your first Supporting Point)

Topic Sentence: (State the Paragraph’s General Topic/Supporting Point.)



Example #1 Set-up: (Introduce your first example from the story.)



Example #1: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #1: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Example #2 Set-up: (Introduce your next example from the story-with transition.)



Example #2: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #2: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Example #3 Set-up: (Introduce your next example from the story-with transition.)



Example #3: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #3: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Closing Sentence: (Draw a conclusion based on the contents of the paragraph.)



Body Paragraph II (Discuss your next supporting point.)

Topic Sentence: (State the Paragraph’s General Topic/Supporting Point-with transition.)



Example #1 Set-up: (Introduce your first example from the story.)



Example #1: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #1: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Example #2 Set-up: (Introduce your next example from the story-with transition.)



Example #2: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #2: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Example #3 Set-up: (Introduce your next example from the story-with transition.)



Example #3: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #3: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Closing Sentence: (Draw a conclusion based on the contents of the paragraph.)



Body Paragraph III (Discuss your next supporting point.)

Topic Sentence: (State the Paragraph’s General Topic/Supporting Point-with transition.)



Example #1 Set-up: (Introduce your first example from the story.)



Example #1: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #1: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Example #2 Set-up: (Introduce your next example from the story-with transition.)



Example #2: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #2: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Example #3 Set-up: (Introduce your next example from the story-with transition.)



Example #3: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #3: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Closing Sentence: (Draw a conclusion based on the contents of the paragraph.)



Body Paragraph IV (Discuss your next supporting point.)

Topic Sentence: (State the Paragraph’s General Topic/Supporting Point-with transition.)



Example #1 Set-up: (Introduce your first example from the story.)



Example #1: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #1: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Example #2 Set-up: (Introduce your next example from the story-with transition.)



Example #2: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #2: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Example #3 Set-up: (Introduce your next example from the story-with transition.)



Example #3: (Provide a pertinent quote from the story.)



Explanation #3: (Explain why the example provided is important.)



Closing Sentence: (Draw a conclusion based on the contents of the paragraph.)



Conclusion: (See the choices on the instruction sheet for closing thoughts on the




