group therapy

Group therapy for sex offenders -History of group therapy for sex offenders-when it began, why it was started and who first implemented it. Can include different classifications of sex offenders or different group therapy settings -prisons, clinical, out patient etc
Include the advantages and disadvantages of group therapy for sex offenders, and reasons it is preferred over individual therapy
Identify the different methods of therapy (i.e. cognitive behavioral, dbt etc) most used methodology and why? Discuss specifics on curriculim and content from group therapy meetings and assignments/homework given by therapist.
Considerations and qualifications for the therapist leading a sex offender groupgroup, methods/ techniques/ or challenges for the therapist

Group selection citeria for creating a group -identify the similar or differentiating characteristics when creating the group, co-occuring disorders amongst sex offenders,

Identify the typical duration and frequency of of group therapy meetings for a sex offender along with statistics (how often do they go to meetings, drop out stats, correlation of meetings with reoffending.
Present day 2019 protocols and current overall success rate of group therapy for sex offenders. Conclusion emphasizing if group therapy works/ does not work for sex offenders why or why not. Considerations to be made. Please include one case study involving sex offenders in group therapy and the therapist. This will be used for a crtiical thinking discussion

Electronic Health Records in Healthcare Information Technology (HIT)

The TERM PAPER is just that – a term paper. Not a research paper, not a book report. It is your chance to further explore a topic in Information Systems for Healthcare and explain it back to me in your own words and voice. Search the table of content in your book and pick a topic. Then pull up the Rutgers online library and find the journal articles (Please see attachment for Journal articles). You should have 3 to 5 peer reviewed journal articles. If your articles are not peer review you will be docked 10 points for each reference in addition to the point criteria in the term paper rubrics. There should be no quotes ( Quoting is using the authors own words exactly), as this paper is in your own words and voice. This paper will be graded with rigor so get it right. Expect your grade to change a full letter grade or more if you do not put real effort into writing a quality paper, following the template, following the rubric and getting it in on time.
Please use APA 6 style guide and check your work for syntax and grammar errors. I do not want to decrement your grade for silly errors that can be resolved with a spell checker. All papers upon submission will be processed through Turnitin. Hence, use the case study threads to practice writing in your own voice to avoid plagiarism.
Term Paper: This assessment will give you a chance to deep dive into a topic related to Health Information Systems. You may select a traditional HIMS or HIT topic or a topic that addresses Health Care Delivery Systems, Healthcare Governance and Compliance with Information Systems, Clinical Delivery Systems, etc.
This assessment will give you a chance to deep dive into a topic related to Health Information Systems. You may select a traditional HIMS or HIT topic or a topic that addresses Health Care Delivery Systems, Healthcare Governance and Compliance with Information Systems, Clinical Delivery Systems, etc. There is a Term Paper Rubrics and Term paper template posted in the announcements.
• The paper will be 4 pages NOT counting cover page and reference page.
• Minimum of three heading titles, for example: Introduction, Body(Name of topic) and Close.
• No more than 14-15 lines in a paragraph.
• File naming will be: LastName501_410_TermPaper – 5 points will be subtracted for not following the file naming convention.
• Use APA-6 ( (Linkstoanexternalsite.)Links to an external site.) and check your work for syntax and grammar errors. I do not want to decrement your grade for silly errors that can be resolved with a spell checker.
• All papers upon submission will be processed through Turnitin. Hence, use the discussion to practice writing in your own voice to avoid plagiarism.

Please use Journal Articles as sources or References to write the term paper. The Peered Review Journal Articles are attached below. They are pulled from Rutgers Library. Please also see the Rubric and guidelines attachment to write an excellent paper. Thank You.

Comparative Essay: compare and contrast two key theorists’ views on the supernatural and then use these views to interpret a specific supernatural phenomenon

This essay asks you to compare and contrast two key theorists’ views on the supernatural and then to use these views to interpret a specific supernatural phenomenon.

Below is a list of seven individuals who have signicantly influenced how scholars think about religion and the supernatural. Choose TWO of these figures, compare and constrast their approaches to the supernatural and then choose a case study to demonstrate how each scholar might interpret belief in the supernatural in a particular context.

1. Carl Jung

2. Sigmund Freud

3. Clifford Geertz

4. E.E. Evans Pritchard

5. Émile Durkheim

6. E.B. Tylor

7. Mircea Eliade

The choice of case study is up to you. I have given a few broad examples below – you may choose to pick either a broad case study such as ‘witchcraft’ or be more specific such as ‘the Lancashire witches of 1612’. If you choose a broad topic you will need to ensure that your analysis is still tightly constructed and not vague or overly broad. Sometimes choosing a specific topic can make your own work more precise.

Examples include:

Demonic possession (either a specific case, or more broadly)

Witchcraft (either a specific trial, pamphlet, accusation, or in a specific country or geographical region, or more broadly)

Vampires (in the 1730s)


So you could, for example, write an essay comparing and contrasting Freud and Geertz’s views on the supernatural in general and then use your understanding of their views to demonstrate how they might interpret belief in witchcraft (either in general, or in a particular instance).

All sources must be referenced using Chicago style footnotes. In-text citations are not allowed. Please refer to the links under ‘Assessment’ for instructions on how to use Chicago style footnotes.

Criteria and Marking

Your essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:

1. Ability to construct a well-reasoned argument.

2. Depth and breadth of understanding of central issues.

3. Ability to form a well-structured essay.

4. Engagement with academic sources and evidence.

5. Insight and/or creativity in interpreting texts or constructing a point of view or argument.

6. Capacity to produce a coherent and well-written essay using correct grammar and syntax.

7. Appropriately referenced, as per discipline conventions.

– 5 sources: 2 for each person (primary + secondary), 1 for case study
– Chicago style footnotes and bibliography
– choose specific case study for more detail

Issue in financial reporting and analysis

1. excel for group work
2. Question
Please do question (iii)
(iii) Discuss the extent to which company disclosure/recognition practices seem to differ by countrylevel factors and by firm-level differences. Do company-level factors or country-level factors seem to be more important for your companies in explaining disclosure and/or recognition differences? Are your findings similar to those reported in the literature, examples of which are given in the readings for this assignment?1. excel for group work
2. Question
Please do question (iii)
(iii) Discuss the extent to which company disclosure/recognition practices seem to differ by countrylevel factors and by firm-level differences. Do company-level factors or country-level factors seem to be more important for your companies in explaining disclosure and/or recognition differences? Are your findings similar to those reported in the literature, examples of which are given in the readings for this assignment?

Enterprise Architecture

My Company Overview:

Specs-Hill is a technology-oriented company that is located within the US and deals with artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and eCommerce. Initially, it was operating only within the US, but recently, the company wanted to expand its operations to the international market. The rapid shift from domestic to multinational corporation demands an upgrade of its information security for the purpose of integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation, and availability.
The need for information security in the Specs-Hill Company
Information security is a critical part of any company. A company has strategies that help it thrive but are held securely. The sensitive information about the Specs-Hill Company needs to be held more secure and out of reach from rivals.

1. Discuss how you can automate Specs-Hill company as well as revamp its information technology (IT) infrastructure.
2. Identify positive and negative aspects of the selected model in relation to the operational health of the organization.

3. Create a complete company profile for Specs-Hill.

4. Evaluate the current enterprise system architecture (ESA) for Specs-Hill.
Develop a course of action based on the resources that ESA supports and are used at Specs-Hill
As a consulting company, you need to discuss how you will automate the
company as well as revamp its enterprise software nervous system. Identify positive and negative
aspects of the selected model in relation to the operational health of an organization. Further
interviews, observation, visiting sites, questionnaires, or surveys may be needed as fact-finding
analysis that will help in the ESA evaluation stage. After fact-finding is complete, the course of
action is designed. Once the design is reported to Specs-Hill then other things such as
price and charge or quotation should be set.
The architecture system has to be evaluated and then demonstrate the availability of the
enterprise software. The company can outsource, design from scratch, buy already existing
software with the code and modify it, or buy off the shelf. The software will run on the listed and
needed hardware discussed the in the next section.

3 References

Homeland Security

Please answer the following question in half a page the other half respond to student I.E. do you agree or disagree with their post to same question below. Reply as if you are speaking to in student in person.


In your opinion, what are the major challenges and obstacles to providing defendable, actionable analysis to homeland security decision makers at state level, and how to overcome them?

Justin POST

The major challenges and obstacles to provide defendable, actionable analysis to homeland security decision makers at the state level, is the sharing of information to develop into a complacent state from the public consciousness, resulting in organizations to falter back into a pre-9/11 position (CSIS 2013). In 2013 the Center for Strategic and International Studies determined the following: “In order to prevent this from occurring, DHS needs to be a forceful advocate for the continued, and potentially even expanded, sharing of intelligence and information (CSIS 2013).” A significant challenge and obstacle at the state level consists of working within a constrained budget while providing valuable shared information for homeland security decision makers. The federal level of government has the resources to successfully conduct intelligence operations and achieve superb information sharing and homeland security initiatives. The state level is operating under a constrained budget and less resources. For state level governments to overcome a constrained budget and positively influence public consciousness, the need for innovative thinking is necessary. A way to mitigate this is to prioritize risk to develop more funding towards the expansion of increased intelligence collection capabilities amongst States. Within these capabilities a direct relationship between Federal and State analyst should be formed through the same clearance and vetting process to ensure a seamless transition of information is formed and actionable analysis to homeland security decision makers is more effective.

Cultural Interview

Conduct a structured interview of a colleague who has two or more characteristics difference from your racial/ethnic, cultural or socioeconomic status and write a paper on your interview. Write a summary and reflection (250-500 words) of the interview experience including what you learned, what was enjoyed. The interview write-up must: include findings of the interview, the areas of difference between the interviewer and interviewee, reflections on your experience conducting the interview, how you determined what questions to ask, and what parts of the process made you uncomfortable.
Based on the interview above, write a summary and reflection (150-300 words) reflecting on the experience and describing how an instructional leader must work with faculty to ensure that diverse perspectives are respected in your future school.
Consider course standards related to Equity and Cultural
Course Objectives:
State Standards State Rules 290-3-3-.48 Instructional Leadership
(c) Equity and Cultural Responsiveness. Effective instructional leaders strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student’s academic success and well-being. Prospective instructional leaders will be prepared and able to:
1. Ensure that each student is treated fairly, respectfully, and with an understanding of each student’s culture and context.
2. Recognize, respect, and employ each student’s strengths, diversity, and culture as assets for teaching and learning.
3. Ensure that each student has equitable access to effective teachers, learning opportunities, academic and social support, and other resources necessary for success.
4. Develop student policies and address student misconduct in a positive, fair, and unbiased manner.
5. Confront and alter institutional biases of student marginalization, deficit-based schooling, and low expectations associated with race, class, culture and language, gender and sexual orientation, and disability or special status.
6. Promote the preparation of students to live productively in and contribute to the diverse cultural contexts of a global society.
7. Act with cultural competence and responsiveness in their interactions, decision-making, and practice.
8. Address matters of equity and cultural responsiveness in all aspects of leadership.

Responsiveness in the development of interview questions and reflection development.
Submit both write-ups in one file aptly identifying each portion of the assignment.

The person I interviewed is an African American Male
I am a white female.


Explain the various prayer styles we have discussed in class. Why even pray in the first place? Which style would be most comfortable for you to utilize?

Explain the difference between a Prophet, Saint (Communion of Saints, Canonized Saint, Patron Saint). Why is the BVM considered the greatest saint in the Catholic faith? What charism does St. Francis possess that inspires you at this university? Write a little bit about a saint who serves as an inspiration in your life (you can use outside resources for this question, but you must cite your references). How does this saint’s life inspire you?

Please view attached files. This is the information that is allowed to be used. Sources are needed so please site the documents.

Company Websites and How They Market to Consumers

Hello, I copy and pasted the assignment and additional instructions from the teacher below. Thank you for your services!
Review 10 company Web sites within one or two industries. One possibility is to examine Web sites in the travel industry. How do they induce consumers to place an order or book a trip? What seem to be the key elements of a Web home page and the entire Web site which are designed to grab and hold consumers’ attention? Provide suggestion for creating a company Web site that will encourage purchases/orders. How can you assure consumers that this is a good way to buy your product or service? Propose a Web site design for a fictitious or a real company, detailing the critical elements.
Please include an additional listing of any references or supplemental materials used. Feel free to use whichever reference style you prefer. If you reference information from the Web or from any other sources (e.g., journal articles, library books, textbook), make sure that you do not copy the material verbatim (i.e., copied exactly from the original word for word). You should paraphrase (i.e., write in your own words) the information.

geo 5

Format as follows

Reading is from Lesson 5 Please use reference below as one of your references.

Thomas, G., & Van Otten, G. (2019). | GEOG 571 Intelligence Analysis, Cultural Geography, and Homeland Security. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.


Given what you have learned about the U.S./Mexican border region, present a logical analysis/synthesis of the probable long-term geopolitical outcomes of the current U.S plan to build a massive border wall designed to keep illegal immigrants from crossing into the United States, and current American enhanced efforts to deport undocumented immigrants.
Your grade will depend on demonstrated mastery of the subject matter, clarity of thought, and the application of spatial concepts and thought. Your submission should not exceed three pages in length double spaced standard font (approximately 750 words).