Marketing Excellence Southwest Airline

Evaluate the case study Market Excellence Southwest Airline, and respond to each of the questions below using both theory and practical managerial thinking as well as supporting research.

1. What is the product and service model of Southwest? Who is their primary target market, and how is Southwest positioned with this group?
2. What is the pricing strategy of Southwest compared to other airlines? Is this a differentiating factor?
3. What risks does Southwest Airlines face both from a macro and micro environmental standpoint?
4. Can Southwest continue to thrive as a low-cost airline when tough economic times hit or as other airlines mimic its business model?

In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case study should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not counting the title and reference pages).

A Program for Children or Young Adults

Assessing the needs of the community and creating programs and services addressing those needs are a critical part of librarians and information leaders working with children and young adults. This assessment task requires you to identify a specific subgroup of children or young adults and their needs and to design a program targeting those needs.

AUSTRALIAN COMMUNITY and for Young adults (Teenagers)Assessing the needs of the community and creating programs and services addressing those needs are a critical part of librarians and information leaders working with children and young adults. This assessment task requires you to identify a specific subgroup of children or young adults and their needs and to design a program targeting those needs.

AUSTRALIAN COMMUNITY and for Young adults (Teenagers)

Integrated Model Budget

You will complete the first seven components of the Sorenson-Goldsmith Integrated Budget
Model, a Site-Based Decision Making process described in Chapter 3 of Sorenson and
Goldsmith (2018).
For each component, make sure you answer the underlined questions. Feel free to address other
questions in the prompts. You should have approximately 1-2 paragraphs for each section (four
sections total).
Component 1 and 2: Defining and Selecting Stakeholders
Reflect on the stakeholders represented in your school’s site-based decision-making team. Who
do you think should be represented on the school’s site-based decision-making team and why
(provide a bulleted list and at least one paragraph to describe your answer)? Are there individual
roles that you would consider adding or removing? Is one type of role under- or overrepresented?
How are individuals selected to serve on your school’s site-based decision-making team and how
do you think stakeholders for each role should be selected? For each role that you have
identified, how many individuals would be recommended for that role? What types of
individuals do you think should be represented in each role? Consider the fact that emphasizing
diversity on the site-based decision-making team will help the team reflect your school and
community population. How will you accomplish this diversity? Finally, does your school
currently offer training to site-based decision-making team and do you have recommendations
about adding or removing training? How long do you recommend that committee member terms
Component 3 and 4: Data Gathering (Needs Assessment) and Analysis
Briefly describe the data used to support the needs assessment in your school’s Campus
Improvement Plan (CIP). Do you feel sufficient data has been collected and analyzed to assess
the needs on your campus, given the recommendations presented in Sorenson and Goldsmith
(2018)? What data would you recommend be included in the needs assessment component of
your school’s CIP (consider both categories of data, as outlined in Chapter 2 of SG and the
specific sources of data, as outlined in Chapter 3 of SG)? What data might need to be
disaggregated? What conclusions can be drawn from the data presented in your school’s CIP? Is
there any data missing from your school’s CIP that may help determine the extent to which your
school is accomplishing its mission and vision? Download additional data about your school
from the Texas Education Agency website that you feel might be relevant to your school’s needs
assessment. Create APA-formatted tables to display this information. You may include the data
you used in Assignment 2.
Component 5: Needs Prioritization
What needs are identified in your school’s Comprehensive Needs Assessment? Are there other
needs that you may consider adding? What do you see as the highest priority needs for your
Component 6 and 7: Goal Setting and Performance Objectives
Review the goals and performance in your school’s CIP. Do you feel that the fulfillment of your
school’s performance objectives would address the school goals (i.e., how well are performance
objectives tied to the goals? Provide specific examples)? What other performance objectives
would you consider adding to better align the performance objectives to the goals?

Provide critical thought and insight in to answering the following questions

Read the “Missing Boxes in Central Europe” case. Based on what we’ve learned so far in the course, be able to provide critical thought and insight in to answering the following questions:
1) Clearly identify and characterize the main actors and their roles.
2) Prepare a flowcharts depicting the physical and communication flows
3) Prepare a solution based on the problems and root causes identified in your analysis of the case and defend that solution.

Required format:
• Microsoft Word document (No PDFs or other file types please)
• Upload file to Canvas (No email submissions please)
• Times New Roman 12pt. font
• Maximum 4 single-spaced page in length


Pick a President Paper – Students will select a US President (and their administration) to evaluate. The purpose of this assignment will be for students to address multiple aspects of a president, their policies, the political climate of their administration, and their successes. In this course, we will examine how different presidents (and their administrations) serve as models for deeper analysis. This is your opportunity to evaluate a president. Upon selecting a president for examination, students should then address the following questions –
1) What was the historical period of your selected president? Does the historical period complicate the president’s ability to initiate policies or present a policy agenda?
2) What was composition of the US Congress at the time of your selected president? If this was a period of divided government, did the US Congress impede the president’s policies? If so, did the president then act to place a check on Congressional power?
3) What would scholars argue were the most important successes of your president’s term in office? Why were these noted accomplishments or successes?
Students will be asked to write 1,500 words (roughly 6 pages in a Word document) to address these questions. Students should use a variety of sources for this project. Books, memoirs (if your selected president wrote one), journal articles, newspapers, speeches, and documentaries should be consulted. While there are no restrictions on how many of each type of source is use, the assignment requires the demonstration of at least 10 scholarly sources. Students that do not demonstrate the use of at least 10 sources will receive a grade no higher than a C. Furthermore, papers that cite unsuitable sources (those not deemed scholarly) will receive a grade no higher than a C on the assignment. Students should ONLY consult books and scholarly journal articles (articles accessed by using the databases from the college’s library website). Scholarly journal articles are those sources located in JSTOR and Project Muse (the databases housed on the library’s website).
The instructor has provided a Tips for Success Guide for the location of suitable sources. This can be found in the Student Guides and Supplemental Information folder on Blackboard.
In order to successfully complete this assignment, students will be asked to submit a preliminary bibliography of intended sources. Submission of the bibliography will allow the instructor to ensure that your sources are suitable for the project. Students that fail to submit a bibliography will have their Pick a President Paper decreased by 10 percentage points. Each source will be graded separately upon this bibliography. Points will be lost per entry of an unsuitable source.



You will further investigate and analyse the organisation you studied in assignment one. TTask
You will further investigate and analyse the organisation you studied in assignment one. This time you will produce a detailed report which demonstrates the research undertaken, critical analysis of the business and application of models of strategy and ideas from the current literature.
Your report should reflect in detail on the current opportunities and challenges faced by the business. Secondly, it should provide a critical evaluation of the strategic assets, competences and capabilities and commentary on whether or how these may provide sustainable competitive advantage.his time you will produce a detailed report which demonstrates the research undertaken, critical analysis of the business and application of models of strategy and ideas from the current literature.
Your report should reflect in detail on the current opportunities and challenges faced by the business. Secondly, it should provide a critical evaluation of the strategic assets, competences and capabilities and commentary on whether or how these may provide sustainable competitive advantage.

Grant proposal for Hypnosis related project

Task ● Write a research proposal for a 4-month project
Your task is to write a detailed plan suitable for a four-month research project. The research plan should take the form of a grant application with the following sections: a summary, a rationale section (including relevant literature review), a methodology & work plan (with timeline → Gantt Chart, within the 5 page limit), and an economic and/or societal impact/ benefit section (at least one paragraph). These sections are of equal weighting in terms of importance. You must also provide a reference section. ● The methodology and work plan section must describe the proposed methods and analysis at a sufficient level of detail to enable others to follow the work plan. The proposal must be written for readers with a good knowledge of psychology but who may not be experts in the topic area.
Additional information:

• demonstrate awareness of ethics
• You should demonstrate that you know (1) what data you will get and (2) how you will process and analyse the data.
• You can, of course, propose a qualitative project, but as with any quantitative project you need to identify the gap in the literature and you need to justify your approach/methods/analysis, etc.
• The ‘Societal/Economic Impact’ section needs to be at least one paragraph long, but should not be longer than half a page. The focus should be on the rationale, approach, and methodology
• Plan the time and submit a short written project report (a few pages) at the end of the project
● You provide a strong rationale (theory!) ● You provide hypotheses ● Material & Methods Section ● Define precisely what data you will collect ● How data will be processed ● How data will be analysed (including design of study, what inferential statistical analysis you will use, and why)
Submission format ● The Case for Support must be no more than 5 pages of A4, single line spaced, Times New Roman font size 12 with 2cm margins. You should present a separate Reference section summarizing any additional resources you have cited in your assignment, presented in APA format ● The Reference section does not contribute to the 5 page limit.
Judging criteria for grant proposal
Applicant must be eligible to apply (e.g., based at university, contract that outlives project, qualifcation, …) ● Proposal must fall within the remit of the funder (criteria for specifc calls) ● Proposal must adhere to funder guidelines (page limit, font size, etc) ● Project must be original ● Project must be signifcant ● Project should clearly demonstrate use of sound scientifc methodology (approach) ● Applicant should demonstrate expertise in the feld (can be trusted to deliver ) ● Project should be situated in a suitable research environment ● Project should make benefts for society/economy clear (impact) ● Proposal should provide good value for money, although no money should be requested.

I’m open to any suggestions you may have for research topics incorporating hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Happy to discuss further

professional development

Review the characteristics of successful professional development programs. Interview your principal or the person on your campus responsible for professional development activities. Compare the characteristics for successful programs to the items you discover during your interview. Are they congruent? If not, how are they different? Write a summary and reflection (250-500 words) of the interview experience including what you learned (Hint: Graphic organizers illustrating congruence and differences are appropriate)

Review the characteristics of successful professional development programs. Interview your principal or the person on your campus responsible for professional development activities. Compare the characteristics for successful programs to the items you discover during your interview. Are they congruent? If not, how are they different? Write a summary and reflection (250-500 words) of the interview experience including what you learned (Hint: Graphic organizers illustrating congruence and differences are appropriate)

Week 7: Our Future Leaders


This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).
• CO5 Apply improvement methods, based on data from the outcomes of care processes, to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO 8)

In Huston’s (2010) brief, but impressive article (required reading this week), the author outlines several leadership competencies that EVERY nurse leader will need for 2020. That year is not too far in the future, is it?
1. Select one of the eight leadership competencies Huston described and relate it to your own leadership of nurses and nursing. This should promote a robust discussion as we come from different clinical and nonclinical perspectives.
2. Discuss how the BSN-prepared nurse can assist a nurse leader in the budgeting process by contributing data readily available to the staff nurse.
Huston, C. (2010). What skills will the nurse leaders of 2020 need? (2010). Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 16(6), 14–15. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

United States History

For your term paper choose ONE of the following three questions:
1. Some European settlers used the term “savages” to describe the indigenous peoples of North America. Choose three different
Native American tribes to show how this label is untrue and unjust.
2. In what way can the War of 1812 be considered a coming of age story for the United States?
3. How did the United States justify and achieve Manifest Destiny?
You must incorporate at least one primary source and three secondary sources into your essay, and be sure to properly cite any
material you use, using the Chicago Manual of Style. For more on this see:
PLEASE use 1 primary source and 3 secondary sources and include a works cited with the sources. You may choose only 1 of the questions above to write about