Any article current within two months of publication from the Wall Street Journal, the economist, or the New York Times.

How professor wants it written (ARTICLE REVIEW)
One or two paragraphs with Title of article, author, publication date, briefly explain their publication. Does not want the tittle or any that I stated above in bullet proof like a regular essay.
Two to three paragraphs- statement of the authors goal on writing the article. What he/she is trying to accomplish, state the objectives for written article.
Two to three paragraphs- Did the author achieve their goal on what their stating or were some not achieved at all. Were the conclusions valid or can I show where he/she edged a point. Explain in detail to back of my point of view. Should not praise or condemn without proof.

Applying and Sharing Evidence


Application and implications for practice come from the interpretation of meaning from research findings. Communicating and using research evidence is an expectation of a BSN graduate.
• Select and describe one of the conclusions from the required article from the Week 6 assignment that you found interesting and applicable to practice. Describe how you would apply the evidence to improve nursing practice. Explain your answer.
• Discuss ways you would disseminate research-based evidence; how would you share with your peers? Include your thoughts on why it is important for you to be involved in communicating and applying nursing research evidence.


This is a discrete event simulation course work, using Witness software i am to create a model and optimize the profit for the plant. A manufacturing plant that produces gearboxes has to be designed and optimized.each gearbox is composed of two gears, two bearings and one casting.(Note- I have created the model already and only need the report) Write a report describing your model and present results on a series of tests on the model. In your conclusions, present an evaluation of the model in the light of all the assumptions made and what limitations they place on the model. The report must be in the form of a standard technical report or article

Engineering. Research Installation of Charging points of electrical vehicles at a business

The Topic is sustainability.

And the assignment outline is to ‘research installation of charging points of electrical vehicles at a business’

The business can be any. But a college or university would be a good choice.

I believe it will be around 5000 words.

Items that will be required for the project write up:

· Strategic Planning

· TQM (Total Quality management)

· Engineering social and ethical responsibility

· Decision making and risk management tactics (business risk assessments, money)

· Technical report writing, investigative field study and appropriate presentation skills

A small break down of items required for the project to hit all the criteria:

· Proposal brief

– Define your chosen topic area and provide plan (gant)

– Provide a written outline of proposal

– Describe how you will do it.

· Planning (basic gannt chart) research plus proposed installation

· Organise meeting

· Services what / when / how

· Stakeholder meetings who are they?

· How you are going to get people to change and accept (managing change)

· Risk analysis (risk of project going wrong)

· Tell the business how to do the project, who to contact how to do it what labour you need etc.

· Change management theory. Back up assignment with this.

· Project life cycle

· Show you can make a decision – come up with options (financial, environmental)

· Show you have used a diagnostic tool such as – (mind

· Define leadership qualities for the project. (someone with good client interfacing skills)

· Qualities a project leader should have – experience etc

· Define project

· Why do projects fail – lack of communication, budgets may change, scope may change

· Reflect at various stages – go back to project life cycle

· Generate a list to tick things off – project life cycle

· What do I require to do the job.

· Paragraph on sustainability, also go into it in conclusion

· Delivery plan

– Detailed breakdown

– Challenges planned and unforeseen

– Assessment of feasibility

– Responsibility for completion

– External & internal pressures , costs impact on other services etc

– Impact on stake holders

– Performance measures

– Project team management strategies

– Start time end time of individual tasks / project

· Motivation – maslow

· Self-evaluation – see what could be done and could I make it better

The Impact of Super Events: The Case of the Olympic Games in Sydney and Athens

This chapter is to provide the findings and interpretations.

It is recommended that the following questions be answered in this section:

Is the material carefully examined and evaluated?
Is the material adequately interpreted and used?
Are the frameworks from the literature effectively used?
are new conceptual frameworks developed?
How effective are they?This chapter is to provide the findings and interpretations.

It is recommended that the following questions be answered in this section:

Is the material carefully examined and evaluated?
Is the material adequately interpreted and used?
Are the frameworks from the literature effectively used?
are new conceptual frameworks developed?
How effective are they?

Bechdel, Alison. Fun Home. Seattle: Mariner Books, 2007.

Respond to the following questions with short answers. Where appropriate, use quotes from the novel to support your answers. Each correct response is worth 10 points.

1.)Bechdel talks a lot about how her father was gay, but seems to gloss over the pedophilic nature of his relationship with her babysitter. Why do you think this is?

2.)The artistic style of the book is very simple: pen drawings similar to newspaper strip comics. Does this enhance or detract from the story? How?

3.)What role does literature play in this book?

4.)Bechdel claims that there was something entirely fictional about the life her family led. What does she mean by that?

5.)Bechdel clings to the notion that her coming out caused her father’s suicide because that cause and effect relationship provided a tenuous but real connection with him. What is at stake in that connection for her? Is this idea consistently developed in the novel?

6.)What methods does Bechdel use to interrogate the past, and why? For example, her close examination of the photo of Roy on pages 100-101.

7.)Bechdel describes her own style as one of “cool aesthetic distance” (67). What does she mean by that? Do you feel that is true about this memoir? After all, she does portray her own blood spattered on the page. . . .

9.)Do you think Bechdel uses Fun Home to draw her father closer to her? Explain.
In your opinion, what passage reveals something deep about this book?

10.)Bechdel seems to want to judge her father and to resist judging him, perhaps most notoriously on page 100 (where she asks the question about whether she’d react to the picture of her father and Roy if the lover were a teenage girl instead). What are the apparent limits of her investigation of her past, and her father’s past? How does she address or justify those limits?

The color Purple by Alice Walker

topic :” how would you describe Nettie and Celie’s relationship”

i dont know how to send e book to you, there is a movie about this book. if you need any additional info, email me

Write a 2 page (plus a works cited page) essay on your topic of choice.
Be sure to include quotes from the text to support your argument.
Obviously, follow MLA guidelines

topic :” how would you describe Nettie and Celie’s relationship”

i dont know how to send e book to you, there is a movie about this book. if you need any additional info, email me

Write a 2 page (plus a works cited page) essay on your topic of choice.
Be sure to include quotes from the text to support your argument.
Obviously, follow MLA guidelines


Format: 6-8 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1” margins, numbered pages, information at the top of the first page as it appears on this page, add a title to your essay that is relevant to your paper (Final Essay is not an acceptable title), use spell check and grammar check to make sure that your writing is as polished as possible, use direct quotations with parenthetical references in proper MLA format, and attach a Works Cited page in proper MLA format at the end of your paper.

Essay Questions (be sure to address both questions within your paper): In what ways is the issue of morality at stake in both Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness? How might those 2 texts be connected in relation to the theme of morality, and what is the significance of that connection?

Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness are the only 2 sources that can and must be used for this paper. You will need to use an effective amount of direct quotations from those 2 texts in order to support the claims that you make in your paper, and they must be cited and documented in correct MLA format. Be sure to be consistent with your use of direct quotations. Any claim that you make about a text needs to be supported with a direct quotation from that text. However, like all papers in this course, this writing project must be primarily based on your own opinions, ideas, and arguments. And related to that, I don’t want you just regurgitating the issues that we discussed in class. I welcome you to build on the issues that we covered, but be sure that you go far beyond what we discussed in class in terms of this essay and what you discuss in your paper. Please also keep in mind the context and purpose of this assignment. It is not a personal essay, and it is not a critical response paper. That implies that the personal pronoun ‘I’ will not be used in this essay, as this is more of an academic assignment. Also, be sure to avoid the use of contractions, and use language and academic conventions appropriate for a formal essay. Again, this paper should be based on your own opinions, ideas, and arguments, but those fundamental aspects should be effectively presented within an academic essay. As has been discussed in class, don’t just restate the essay topic as your central argument/thesis. Your central argument/thesis needs to go beyond the essay topic, and you must craft a more specific approach and central argument/thesis within those more broad essay questions. It’s not just about making connections between the texts within the scope of an answer to the essay questions—although that approach would at least be a good place to start when attempting to generate a more specific paper topic for this assignment—but it is also about what you do with those connections in relation to their significance, and how you discuss them within a more specific argument that addresses the essay questions. So be mindful of these issues as you prepare for and execute this assignment.

Critical Response #8 What does the darkness represent in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness? What are some of the many ways in which darkness is symbolized in the story? Be specific, and use direct quotations to support your claims.

Critical Response #8
What does the darkness represent in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness? What are some of the many ways in which darkness is symbolized in the story? Be specific, and use direct quotations to support your claims.

Please write a critical response based on this question. Your paper should be 2-3 pages long (meaning at least 2 full pages), double-spaced, with 1” margins using Times New Roman 12 point font, and it should conform to the Critical Response Papers Rubric handed out in class and also available on Blackboard. You must also use at least 4 direct quotations from the novel to support the claims that you make in your paper, cited with parenthetical references in correct MLA format “like this” (Conrad 17).

This paper is due in class on Monday, April 29th.

Critical Response #7 In Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, why did Dr. Jekyll go to such great lengths to protect Mr. Hyde? And go beyond the more obvious response that Hyde is actually a part of Jekyll, so he must protect him in order to protect himself. Jekyll seems to be protective of and obsessed with Hyde even beyond all of that. Is Stevenson making any sort of commentary on society by depicting Dr. Jekyll as being so obsessed with Mr. Hyde?

Critical Response #7
In Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, why did Dr. Jekyll go to such great lengths to protect Mr. Hyde? And go beyond the more obvious response that Hyde is actually a part of Jekyll, so he must protect him in order to protect himself. Jekyll seems to be protective of and obsessed with Hyde even beyond all of that. Is Stevenson making any sort of commentary on society by depicting Dr. Jekyll as being so obsessed with Mr. Hyde?

Please write a critical response based on this question. Your paper should be 2-3 pages long (meaning at least 2 full pages), double-spaced, with 1” margins using Times New Roman 12 point font, and it should conform to the Critical Response Papers Rubric handed out in class and also available on Blackboard. You must also use at least 4 direct quotations from the novel to support the claims that you make in your paper, cited with parenthetical references in correct MLA format “like this” (Stevenson 17).