Creating Your Ideal State

Your country just overthrew its dictator, and you are the newly elected President. Unfortunately, due to the divisions in the country and the years of war, economic, military, and political structures are non-existent. A group of loyalists to the old dictator have been detonating bombs, murdering civilians, assassinating leaders, and terrorizing towns with help from a neighboring country’s dictator.

Create a comprehensive plan for your new government. While creating this government identify the governing style, functions of various branches of government, principles that govern leaders, the maintaining of public good, which economic structure is most beneficial to your citizens, at least two domestic programs, ways to create national unity, ways to combat terrorism and violence, and international organizations to join. (See rubric for specific ways to meet the requirements of the paper.)
Paper headings:

Introduction (1 paragraph)
Introduce your country
Briefly outline all of the parts of the paper
Domestic Concerns (1-2 pages)
Identify governing style and principles that correlate to this style
Identify the branches of government and its functions
Development of two public good domestic programs and how they will meet the public good
Economic structure and reason why this should be used
Socializing citizens is noted with rationale for how it creates national unity
Foreign Concerns (1-2 pages)
Two international organizations are noted, one for economics and one for security
Descriptions of both organizations
Rationales for joining these organizations
Steps to joining
Two ways your country will combat the neighboring country’s terrorist threat and the domestic threat
Two ways these will be effective
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
Summarize information
Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

Bechdel, Alison. Fun Home. Seattle: Mariner Books, 2007.

Submit a rough draft of Essay #3 for credit.

Choose one topic from the choices below and compose a 500-700 word essay, including three credible and cited sources:

Write a comparative character analysis of Alison and Bruce Bechdel; make sure the essay addresses why and how the comparisons/contrasts are significant.
On page 125, she wonders what would happen if everyone told the truth. Does she tell the truth in this memoir? If her use of figures like Gatsby is an effort to tell the truth, why does she choose to tell the truth through these metaphoric texts?
Bechdel describes her own style as one of “cool aesthetic distance” (67). What does she mean by that? Do you feel that is true about this memoir? After all, she does portray her own blood spattered on the page…
Fun Home is in many ways a book about identity; write an analytical comparison of Alison’s self-realization and self-definition with another figure or character from a text we’ve read this semester.
Analyze the role of the Bechdel’s literal house and its metaphorical significance.
Analyze gender roles in Fun Home.
Free Choice: Develop your own essay topic and thesis based on Fun Home.

The challenges of leadership practice in the 21st century

The challenges of leadership practice in the 21st century

One of the most important challenges for current and future business leaders involves finding the thinking space and courage to keep the long view in mind for their organisations.
Leaders are increasingly in the public eye, with numerous stakeholder groups enforcing their entitlements. This challenge becomes increasingly important and difficult as business practitioners rise through the ranks of their organisations and take on more general management and strategic leadership roles.
You are required to continue further exploration of the ideas and issues as it pertains to leadership. You will explore challenges and opportunities to improve leadership practice and analyse the advantages of effective leadership practice. You will also evaluate how leaders manage teams and how teams shape the requirements for effective leadership.

• Reflect on the specific challenges of global leadership.
• Consider how each of your chosen cited articles discusses the meaning, influence and importance of leadership.

In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
• Analyse the challenges and opportunities to improve leadership practice with regards to your identified global challenge (difficulties involved in communicating, motivating and managing within the new geography due to language and cultural barriers and finally monitoring and tracking performance as the distance factor severely challenges same). In your analysis, explain the advantages effective leadership practice would bring to the meeting of that challenge. Additionally, explain how each of your chosen articles relates to your analysis.

• In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
o Why did you choose this global challenge and these two articles?
o What specific leadership practices and behaviours might help you overcome those global challenges and create opportunities?
o How do the two leadership articles relate to the challenge you have identified and how can they help meet the challenge?
o How can leadership practice be improved in general?

When writing your responses, you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.


one peer-reviewed academic journal article and one professional or trade journal article . These articles should be related to leadership theories and frameworks (the academic article) and leadership practices (the professional or trade journal) that you think are relevant to one of the global challenges AS FOLLOWS: difficulties involved in communicating, motivating and managing within the new geography due to language and cultural barriers OR finally monitoring and tracking performance as the distance factor severely challenges same. The articles must have been published within the last two years.

The Economic Viability of Mars Colonization

The assignment is a research review. I have included the instructions for the paper in the uploaded files section of your website, and some starting sources for articles for the literature review portion of the assignment (but feel free to use other resources). Additionally, be aware that I do not necessary need all of the requested pages but do try to fill out at least three.

The assignment is a research review. I have included the instructions for the paper in the uploaded files section of your website, and some starting sources for articles for the literature review portion of the assignment (but feel free to use other resources). Additionally, be aware that I do not necessary need all of the requested pages but do try to fill out at least three.

History of sexism and gender roles in the family

The research paper needs to have an introduction, main body, conclusion and reference page. You must clearly describe the sexist gender roles in family structure and the impact on children and families on society and the history behind it. The must include at least 2 references.

The research paper needs to have an introduction, main body, conclusion and reference page. You must clearly describe the sexist gender roles in family structure and the impact on children and families on society and the history behind it. The must include at least 2 references.

The research paper needs to have an introduction, main body, conclusion and reference page. You must clearly describe the sexist gender roles in family structure and the impact on children and families on society and the history behind it. The must include at least 2 references.

Health law

Answer the following questions in essay format:

1. Explain the AHIMA Data Quality Management Model
2. Describe the dimensions of data quality.
3. List and describe the key elements that should be included in an information security plan.Answer the following questions in essay format:

1. Explain the AHIMA Data Quality Management Model
2. Describe the dimensions of data quality.
3. List and describe the key elements that should be included in an information security plan.Answer the following questions in essay format:

1. Explain the AHIMA Data Quality Management Model
2. Describe the dimensions of data quality.
3. List and describe the key elements that should be included in an information security plan.

Class Discussion Quesion 15 – NU 631

Discussion Prompt [Due Wednesday]

Select ONE of the questions listed below and create a substantive initial post. Please post the question number you chose in the title of your post. (i.e. Question 2 Health Policy)

1.In the AANP (2012) Health policy brief: Nurse practitioners and primary care: “advocates say changes in federal and state laws are needed to remove barriers to the provision of primary care by nurse practitioners. By contrast, some physician groups are opposed” (p. 3). What are the professional implications of this statement? What are the practice requirements in your state? Why is it important for advanced practice nurses to remain aware of and engage in health policy?
2. How does health promotion integrate within the Affordable Care Act? What opportunities and challenges do you anticipate related to this integration?

The challenges of leadership practice in the 21st century

The challenges of leadership practice in the 21st century

One of the most important challenges for current and future business leaders involves finding the thinking space and courage to keep the long view in mind for their organisations.
Leaders are increasingly in the public eye, with numerous stakeholder groups enforcing their entitlements. This challenge becomes increasingly important and difficult as business practitioners rise through the ranks of their organisations and take on more general management and strategic leadership roles.
You are required to continue further exploration of the ideas and issues as it pertains to leadership. You will explore challenges and opportunities to improve leadership practice and analyse the advantages of effective leadership practice. You will also evaluate how leaders manage teams and how teams shape the requirements for effective leadership.

• Reflect on the specific challenges of global leadership.
• Consider how each of your chosen cited articles discusses the meaning, influence and importance of leadership.

In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
• Analyse the challenges and opportunities to improve leadership practice with regards to your identified global challenge (difficulties involved in communicating, motivating and managing within the new geography due to language and cultural barriers and finally monitoring and tracking performance as the distance factor severely challenges same). In your analysis, explain the advantages effective leadership practice would bring to the meeting of that challenge. Additionally, explain how each of your chosen articles relates to your analysis.

• In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
o Why did you choose this global challenge and these two articles?
o What specific leadership practices and behaviours might help you overcome those global challenges and create opportunities?
o How do the two leadership articles relate to the challenge you have identified and how can they help meet the challenge?
o How can leadership practice be improved in general?

When writing your responses, you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.


one peer-reviewed academic journal article and one professional or trade journal article . These articles should be related to leadership theories and frameworks (the academic article) and leadership practices (the professional or trade journal) that you think are relevant to one of the global challenges AS FOLLOWS: difficulties involved in communicating, motivating and managing within the new geography due to language and cultural barriers OR finally monitoring and tracking performance as the distance factor severely challenges same. The articles must have been published within the last two years.


Epic Theatre

Drawing on your lecture on Epic Drama, Supplementary Notes and articles available on Google Scholar or JSTOR, answer the following question; write at least 15 sentences. Cite at least two of the sources indicated in addition to the play listed. Address all aspects of the question.

How does the play Mother Courage and Her Children represent Epic Theater? Discuss “alienation effects” used in Mother Courage. How do locality and historical time contribute to the play’s message?Drawing on your lecture on Epic Drama, Supplementary Notes and articles available on Google Scholar or JSTOR, answer the following question; write at least 15 sentences. Cite at least two of the sources indicated in addition to the play listed. Address all aspects of the question.

How does the play Mother Courage and Her Children represent Epic Theater? Discuss “alienation effects” used in Mother Courage. How do locality and historical time contribute to the play’s message?


Please write a critical response based on this question. Your paper should be 2-3 pages long (meaning at least 2 full pages), double-spaced, with 1” margins using Times New Roman 12 point font, and it should conform to the Critical Response Papers Rubric handed out in class and also available on Blackboard. You must also use at least 4 direct quotations from the poem to support the claims that you make in your paper, cited with parenthetical references in correct MLA format. Be sure to list the line numbers of the quotations rather than the page numbers in your parenthetical references, with line breaks represented by slashes in the quotation: “‘Lie close,’ Laura said, / Pricking up her golden head:” (Rossetti lines 40-41).