Theater of the Absurd

Applying Martin’s Esslin’s analysis of the Theatre of the Absurd (in your textbook) and drawing from class lecture and Google Scholar or JSTOR and Supplementary Notes, Write at least 15 sentences. Cite at least two of the sources indicated in addition to the play listed. Make sure that your answer addresses all parts of the question selected.

In what way is Six Characters in Search of an Author the play about the problem of illusion and reality? What is “real” in this play? In what sense does the play anticipate the Theatre of the Absurd? (Refer to the class lecture, Martin Esslin’s definition of the Theatre of the Absurd and Supplementary Notes on the play.) Cite specific aspects of the play that illustrate the concepts.

Pharmacology and Physiology Concept Map

This is a concept map with a 750 word written description. Please carefully read the following.

The concept map requires the following (I will provide an example of a concept map and template). (Note: concept map must be made in word or powerpoint only):

1) Your Interpretation of ALL the patient’s risk factors (from the case-study scenario) and determine how these risk factors link and relate to the diagnosed disease/disorder using evidence based literature.

2) A step by step sequence of the links between the aetiology and the pathophysiology of the diagnosed disease.

3) A step by step description and outline of how the pathophysiology of the disease/disorder accounts for ALL the patient’s clinical manifestations (described in the case-study scenario).

4) An analysis and interpretation of evidence-based research to suggest appropriate diagnostic investigations and treatment modalities for the patient’s diagnosis (accurately linking these diagnostic investigations and treatments to appropriate points within the concept map).

For the 750 word explanation, please use the following as a guide:

1) Explain how ALL the patient’s risk factors (from the scenario) and aetiology link to and account for the disease’s/disorder’s pathophysiology (200 words approx).
– Include a brief description of the disease or condition (case study & research literature)
– Remember to use the patient’s name & relevant factors (from the case study)

2) Describe how the disease’s/disorder’s pathophysiology manifests to
produce ALL the patient’s clinical manifestations (from the scenario) (250 words approx)
– Detailed explanation of the causes of diagnosis (research literature)
– Remember to name all clinical manifestations (research literature)

3) Using evidence based literature justify your suggested diagnostic investigations and treatment modalities listed in the concept map on their relevance and appropriateness for the diagnosed disease/disorder (250-300 words approx).
– Remember to justify the diagnostic investigations and treatment (research literature).

Please reference the 750 word written explanation using APA 6 with in-text referencing and include a reference list at the end with the links/doi to the articles. You must use references within the past 10 years and from appropriate research articles/literature reviews. Please also do not exceed the word limit of 750 words for the written explanation. The concept map does not have a word limit.

book analysis

Q1: Using concrete detail from Chapter 3 and 4, describe a Third World agrarian imaginary. [250 words]

Q2: Describe some problems or paradoxes in the extension of fair trade to plantations? [250 words]

Q3: Describe the place of tea in the Gorkhaland movement [250 words]

Q4: How does the concept of justice differ across the movements described in the book. [250 words]

Q1: Using concrete detail from Chapter 3 and 4, describe a Third World agrarian imaginary. [250 words]

Q2: Describe some problems or paradoxes in the extension of fair trade to plantations? [250 words]

Q3: Describe the place of tea in the Gorkhaland movement [250 words]

Q4: How does the concept of justice differ across the movements described in the book. [250 words]

Design Basis

Application requirements represent what the product must do. The design basis represents what the product can do. Discuss the (4) views and why its’ important that they are developed concurrently by a cross-functional team representative of all applicable lifecycle phases.

Text Book:
CMII: The Path to Integrated Process Excellence
Edition: 1st ed.
Author: Guess
Year: 2013
Publisher: CMII Research Institute
ISBN: 9780972058223

Application requirements represent what the product must do. The design basis represents what the product can do. Discuss the (4) views and why its’ important that they are developed concurrently by a cross-functional team representative of all applicable lifecycle phases.

Text Book:
CMII: The Path to Integrated Process Excellence
Edition: 1st ed.
Author: Guess
Year: 2013
Publisher: CMII Research Institute
ISBN: 9780972058223

Writing Project 2: Using One Text as a Lens for Another Text-Demagoguery

Writing Project 2 Prompt: Using One Text as a Lens for Another Text

DUE DATE: Sunday 4/14 at 11:59 PM via Turnitin on Blackboard

In Patricia Roberts-Miller’s text, “Characteristics of Demagoguery,” she identifies rhetorical characteristics she believes to be central to demagogic discourse. For this essay, you will use Roberts-Miller’s text as a “lens” on George Wallace’s 1963 inaugural speech.

Your essay should be:
6 to 8 pages in length and contain a properly MLA formatted works cited page (does not count for the 6 to 8 page count requirement.)

-Provide an introduction that includes the rhetorical situation (context about the topic, who the author is, where and when the speech occurred, who you think the intended audience might be, the purpose of the text) a brief synopsis of the author’s main claims, and a thesis that informs your reader about the characteristics of demagoguery that you will be discussing and the relative effectiveness of the argument as a whole for an intended audience.

-In your body paragraphs you will, examine the speech at hand, exploring how—or to what extent—George Wallace displays demagogic characteristics (i.e. “heavy reliance on polarization”). You will discuss examples—extracted from the speech—of these characteristics, explaining why it may have been used in relation to the speech’s context, as well as its possible effects on the intended audience and your evaluation if this certain type of demagoguery might/might not be effective at persuading the intended audience.

-Within this, you will utilize at least two of the following four verbs: Extends, Complicates, Challenges, Illustrates

-You will discuss the ways in which George Wallace extends, complicates, challenges, and/or illustrates characteristics of demagoguery by citing Patricia Roberts-Miller to prove your case.

-Identify one rhetorical strategy within the speech that you believe to be reasonable or ethical. You will pull an example from the speech that indicates the use of that particular strategy, support your reasoning as to why it is a legitimate strategy, and evaluate its effectiveness in supporting the argument.

-Identify one fallacy within the speech and analyze how this fallacy is working in the argument and whether or not you think it would be effective for the intended audience and why?

-Provide a conclusion that summarizes the work that you have done thus far in order to remind your reader of your main points. Commentary on discoveries made throughout the essay as well as the importance of conducting the analysis. Demonstrate forward thinking to answer the big “So what?” question, or: Why is this topic important to consider for the future consequence of our society?

-Consider these questions to enrich your choice for analysis: Who is the speaker’s primary audience? What are they trying to persuade readers of and why? What beliefs or ideas does the speaker take for granted (or assume that the audience will agree with) and how do these assumptions influence the persuasiveness of the overall argument? In what ways are these appeals based on assumptions the speaker makes about that audience? How does their effectiveness change when read by a wider audience? How do rhetorical choices (the way the speaker frames the issue, constructs analogies, addresses the audience, characterizes the opposition, builds rebuttals, creates pathos, etc.) impact the persuasiveness of the overall argument?

Rubric – Writing Project 2 – Lens Assignment

Introduction (10% – 10 points)
Body: Analysis (60% – 60 points)
Conclusion (20% – 20 points)
Mechanics (10% – 10 points)

Predator-Prey Interaction Model under Climate Change

Model: Predator-Prey Model
Method: Lot ka Volterra equation
1. Model the developed Lot Volterra equation by change in the form of the model and see its impact on the result of population: For example, snowshoe hare’s re-productivity in winter is zero. The global warm has made the summer longer and winter shorter. Separates the equation into two parts one for summer and one for winter.
2. The report should have 6 parts, Abstract, Introduction, Model and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.
3. Refer to this two pieces of references, and contain at least six references in the report.
4. Use of Matlab and Maple language, please attach the code. And put the result such as tablets or graphs in the report.

Two Pieces of References that may use: [uploaded]
( user name for Journals UChicago: m75liu password: l191024 )

Data Analysis Assignment

Please write a story/scenario or address a problem in the selected dataset. The selected dataset is Excel Sheet with orange label I uploaded. In doing it, you should expand what is given, create your own data/variables derived from the dataset.Please write a story/scenario or address a problem in the selected dataset. The selected dataset is Excel Sheet with orange label I uploaded. In doing it, you should expand what is given, create your own data/variables derived from the dataset.

 One page word document (approximately 500 words) report on the story you told or the problem you have addressed regarding the database you used and specific characters of the database and the objective and motivations behind choosing this dataset

Strategic Audit

I need this strategic audit report about a publicly held company. The companies that I cannot use are Tesla, Red Bull, Starbucks, Amazon, Apple. I would like to know what company you choose before you start it. This paper should be 6-9 pages, single spaced. I have attached the information about the structure and what it should be included in each section, as well as tables from my text book that you need. Because some sections requires to refer to certain tables from the my text book. each section is supposed to be a page long excluding tables and graphs, Conclusion and recommendation 1-2 pages. It has to be original and I will place an order for originality report. Please make sure you follow the structure of the paper and include information needed for each section. please include tables if needed. please read the structure step by step and follow the directions given. Thank you so much

Market research report on British airways or any uk based company but please refer back to me for the choose company

Individual report

· 2,750 – 2,850 words (excluding references)
· Have a cover page
· Double space or 1.5 space your work.

Topic: Research and analyse Company Y in terms of its market / marketing environment and CSR practices

* Students can select a company (Company Y) that suits their interest
* Company Y CANNOT be the same company Related to BMW GROUP
* It is essential that you select a company that has presence in the UK and / or focus on UK market

Assessment criteria

Introduction of Company Y and its recent performances

Macro environment analysis

Industry structure analysis

Strategic position analysis

Applying an additional appropriate analytical tool of student’s choice

Discuss the ethical issues Company Y are facing (or might face in the near future) and evaluate its CSR practices


Presentation characteristics

Structure and layout

Referencing and research


Assessment criteria explained:
Demonstrate knowledge about Company Y’s recent performances (e.g. marketing and financial performances)
Examine the macro environmental issues that has potential impact on Company Y’s marketing performance with examples and evidences (Recommended analytical tool: PEST/PEEST/PESTEL)
Examine the industry-level issues that has potential impact on Company Y’s marketing performance with examples and evidences (Recommended analytical tool: Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain analysis)
Examine Company Y’s strategic position with examples and evidences (Recommended analytical tool: SWOT / perceptual map)
Examine Company Y’s marketing performance with one other tool of student’s choice (e.g. PLC, BCG Matrix, 3Cs, Ansoff Matrix).
Evaluate Company Y’s current CSR practices and discuss whether these practices are sufficient for the ethical issues that Company Y are facing or might face in the near future.
Conclusion- An overall summary of Company Y’s future (3-5 years) prospect.

-Referencing and research
Appropriate referencing method was used (Harvard style preferred)
Reviewed a diverse range of literature / material (e.g. journal articles, books, trade magazines, and newspaper)

-Structure and layout
Whether the guideline (word counts, layout) has been followed
Whether the report is structured and presented in a logical, professional and consistent manner

Benchmark – Researching Audit Issues Case Study

For this assignment, choose one of the three cases provided in the “Topic 6 Case Studies – Researching Audit Issues” resource and complete the assignment according the directions provided below for the one case you have selected.

Assume you work for the firm and that your manager has requested you draft a professional memo for the file to support the firm’s position. For the case you have selected, determine the auditing issue applicable, based on the facts presented. Once you determine the auditing issue, locate the applicable Financial Accounting Standards (FASB) or American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) standards associated with the treatment of the issue. The memo should accomplish the following:

Summarize the auditing issue.
Present the rules as per FASB or the AICPA.
Provide a conclusion as to the action necessary to fix the auditing issue.
The memo should be a minimum 500 words, and address the firm’s position and give your recommendation. You may use the “Memo Template” for this assignment.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, any documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.