
Taking into account recent development in warfare, such as highly trained special forces or the development of drone warfare, do you think that the War Powers Resolution is enough or even appropriate in regulating the power of the US President to wage modern wars? only 2 paragraphs please

Taking into account recent development in warfare, such as highly trained special forces or the development of drone warfare, do you think that the War Powers Resolution is enough or even appropriate in regulating the power of the US President to wage modern wars? only 2 paragraphs please

Taking into account recent development in warfare, such as highly trained special forces or the development of drone warfare, do you think that the War Powers Resolution is enough or even appropriate in regulating the power of the US President to wage modern wars? only 2 paragraphs please

Creating a Complete Picture for Effective Instruction

To prepare:

Review the following:
Chapter 11 in the course text
Chapter 4 in the Bambrick-Santoyo (2010) text
The video Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: Bethel School District—Data Influences on Instructional Decisions
The video Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: Spotlight on data—Analyzing and Sharing Data and Making Decisions About Next Steps
The video Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: Leadership Challenges in a Changing Society

Consider all types of qualitative information that may impact understanding of existing gaps in quantitative data.
Consider the following scenario: As a new CIA district leader, one of your first tasks might be to review quantitative district data on student achievement. There has been a significant drop in reading and writing scores in the district in the past 5 years.

Write: Explain the qualitative data you would need to better understand the gaps in student achievement. Include an explanation for how andragogy would be used to work with teachers.
Support your recommendations by citing sources in your response.

Bernhardt, V. L. (2016). Data, data everywhere: Bringing all the data together for continuous school improvement (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Chapter 11, “Strategies for Teachers: Using Data to Improve Teaching and Learning” (pp. 87–94)


DuFour, R., & Fullan, M. (2013). Cultures built to last: Systematic PLCs at work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

Dufour, R. (2015). How PLCs do data right. Educational Leadership, 73(3), 22–26.

DuFour, R., & Reeves, D. (2016). The futility of PLC Lite. Phi Delta Kappan, 97(6), 69–71.

Dunn, K. E., Airola, D. T., Lo, W-J., & Garrison, M. (2013). Becoming data driven: The influence of teachers’ sense of efficacy on concerns related to data-driven decision making. The Journal of Experimental Education, 81(2), 222–241.

Knowles, M. S., Holton III, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (2015). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (8th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011k). Data-driven instruction and assessment: Spotlight on data—Analyzing and sharing data and making decisions about next steps [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011d). Data-driven instruction and assessment: Bethel School District—Data influences on instructional decisions [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011h). Data-driven instruction and assessment: Leadership challenges in a changing society [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Putting It All Together

To prepare
Read this week’s Learning Resources and review the feedback you received on your problem and purpose in the Week 6 Discussion.

Write a summary in which you do the following:

Explain the progress you have made on your Service Learning Strategy Project component of your Learning Outcomes Project.Explain the progress you have made on your Service Learning Strategy Project component of your Learning Outcomes Project.
Share with your peers your insights on the project, including the obstacles and problems you might anticipate.
Explain the progress you have made in identifying a problem, connecting it to the curriculum, and planning for a rigorous service-learning experience.

Thiessen, D. (2007). Curriculum and social change. Curriculum Inquiry, 37(4), 299–302.



Literature Review TBI (veterans)
Things to do
1. Introduction must 1 page
1. Describe TBI
2. Types of TBI
3. Veterans affected
4. Literature review utilize

2. Independent variable must be neuro-behavioral sequelae of TBI must two pages with
Biological environment and situational
TBI and the biological cause and neuro-behavioral damage to this population and the aim to determine if a 8 week mindfulness course can reduce the score of neurobehavior symptoms otherwise known BTIS
3. The independent variable must consist therapeutic mindfulness
a. Classes and compare results, did work or did not work? Why and why not?
b. How many veterans were in the study?
4. Literature reviews must include:

1. Study Authors & Date
2. Purpose of Evaluation or Research
3. Sample Size & Description
4. Comparison Group Description
5. Evaluation/ Study Period
6. Variables of Study
7. Research Design and Description
8. Summary of Findings
9. Additional Information

Problem/Solution Research Essay. For this research essay, you will choose a problem to discuss and analyze its causes, effects, and possible solutions. Topic is “Climate Change”.

You will need to find and incorporate at least three sources into this essay based on the research methods discussed in class. Your paper should be a minimum of three pages not including the sources cited page. The writing should primarily be yours; only use source material to support your own ideas. Therefore, you may have no more than three citations per paragraph (quotation, paraphrase, or summary).

You will need to find and incorporate at least three sources into this essay based on the research methods discussed in class. Your paper should be a minimum of three pages not including the sources cited page. The writing should primarily be yours; only use source material to support your own ideas. Therefore, you may have no more than three citations per paragraph (quotation, paraphrase, or summary).

Scorecard – Portfolio Assignment 5/ Strategic Mgmnt in Health Care

The goal of this assignment is to create a scorecard for your case study and is the fifth step in your strategic management portfolio. While the scorecard is just one part of a portfolio, it provides a communication and measurement tool to help the company or organization being studied monitor and maintain their strategic plan.

When you submit this assignment, you will add the Scorecard to the Action items and Strategic Analysis, Competitive Advantage, SWOT analysis, and Values, Mission and Vision Statements you submitted earlier for a combined product. You can also make any changes to the previous assignments for a chance to get some work re-graded and improve it along the way! Please make sure to submit amended work under its original submission tab to prompt a regrade.

Here is one example (of the MANY ways) you can craft a scorecard!

Public Sector Human Resources Management

A Word About Case Studies
The purpose of a case study is to provide a thorough analysis of a situation or observation (case). A case study is an empirical investigation which provides an analysis beyond what might normally be observed on first impression. In this exercise, you will be asked to read a particular case study in public sector human resources. Based on this case, you will then perform a task appropriate for someone working in a public or non-profit setting. In essence you are doing a simulation. At the end of this project you will be able to demonstrate that you can perform a particular function as a public sector or non-profit manager as partial fulfillment of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree at California State University, Long Beach.
General Instructions and Grading Rubric
The case “Some Counselors Are More Equal Than Others,” is posted on BeachBoard. Read the case carefully then write a professional memorandum recommending a specific course of action. The memorandum is a specific personnel action that you are initiating as an executive or analyst within the human resources department as Hearing Officer/Fact Finder. This will involve a high level of analytic, evaluative, and decision-making skills. You must do this, hypothetically, in your official capacity with the State of New Mexico. If you need help writing a memorandum, then Google or purchase a reference manual providing such information. If you want another source for writing a memorandum, you can also go on BeachBoard where the Case Studies are located, and under “Documents” download The Electronic Hallway, “Writing Effective Memoranda: Planning, Drafting, & Revising.” The memorandum must be exactly 10 pages in length and double-spaced.
Working with whatever memorandum style you choose, you will need to address the document to the State of New Mexico: (1) issue being addressed, defining the problem, or problem statement; (2) facts on all sides of the issue, historical chronology; (3) positions of the Union and the Human Services Department; (4) issue analysis based on the strongest and weakest points regarding Rose Paddock’s case; and (5) Hearing Officer/Fact Finder (which can literally be you or your Committee) recommendation at the end of the case study. Your recommendation can side with the employee association (union), the state, or be independent from the two. Whatever recommendation you arrive at, it must be based on the known facts, explicit policy (e.g., MOUs, state policy, handbook, etc.), case law, and federal law. If policy alternatives are recommended, then appropriate policy goals, procedures and strategies related to public sector human resources need to be made explicit. You can use the text we used in class, Public Human Resource Management, by Kearney and Coggburn as a reference for this and to cite case law and federal law if needed.
Your memorandum format should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following elements:
Issue Identification
Facts of the Case
Positions of Parties Involved
Issue Analysis

Risk Management Report

Assignment: Find a scholarly article (See attached) that discusses how the design of a product or system incorporated (or was modified or enhanced to include) features or subsystems that mitigate the risks associated with manufacturing, operating, maintaining, or disposing of that product or system.

The article must be in English and have appeared in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal since 2009. FYI, an Example Risk Management Report.pdfPreview the document is available (see attached); this report is based on an article reviewed by a student in 2017: Thieme Utne RESS 2017.pdfPreview the document No student may use this paper this semester.

Every student must discuss a different paper; claim your paper on the Risk Management Paper Signup (a discussion).

A. Complete the potential problem analysis process (cf. Section 9.2 in the textbook attached) using the information in this article.

B. Write a short, professional report that cites your article and describes your application of the potential problem analysis process. The report should have (1) a brief description of the system or setting and (2) a separate section for each of the following questions:

1. What were the potential problems? What are their possible impacts? (List as many as possible.)

2. Which potential problems were the highest priority? Which factors (probability, seriousness, and invisibility) made these the highest priority?

3. What were the possible causes of the high-priority potential problems? Which causes were most likely?

4. For each high-priority potential problem, what preventive actions were taken (if any)?

5. For each high-priority potential problem, what contingency actions were planned (if any)?

6. What triggers and monitoring systems were implemented?


Part 1: Preparation:

Case Study on:

READ the article. Find out what it is made of, where it is produced and sold, who buys it and why. As you read, think about what point the article is making and their conclusions about the significance of this food.

RESEARCH online: these articles are very short, so you might have to do a little more research to find out about this food. For example, the article on Italian chocolate eggs doesn’t say where the chocolate originally comes from (HINT: it doesn’t come from Italy!). You might have to Google more to find out. It’s OK to use Wikipedia or any other site for this. Read about the history of the ingredients or the product, and the place where it is produced or sold. You might be surprised—things that seem pretty boring, like chocolate or bananas, have a very violent history.

Part 2: Write up your findings
Include the name of your food in the title. Answer the following questions (use the headings I have below):

SUMMARY: Briefly summarize the article you read. Which food was the article was about? What was the argument or main point of the article? Did the article leave you with more questions? What else would you like to know about this food or its significance? Include the link to your article. (3-5 sentences)

COMMODITY CHAIN: In this section, I want you to make a commodity chain of your food. A commodity chain is a description of the life of your product from production to consumption. Include the packaging and ingredients in the chain. You might have to do extra Internet research to figure out this information about your food. Where is it produced and by whom? How is it made? Where is it sold and by whom? Who buys it? When do they buy it? What do they do with it? You don’t have to cite any sources for this part because it is general information, but rephrase everything in your own words. Make sure you include where ingredients originated (for example if you google “where did oranges come from” it tells you China, India or Southeast Asia)
If your food is a vegetable (like a potato), your commodity chain might be simpler at the beginning, but get more complicated at the end. But if your food is a final product (like wine), you might have to be more complicated at the beginning of the chain when you talk about the ingredients and packaging, etc.
You can do this commodity chain in a few different ways. You could draw a picture of it (and label it), make an outline in bullet form, or write it out in a paragraph. Make sure you include the names of the countries where it goes during the commodity chain. If you draw a picture, upload it with your post.

CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: This should be the longest section of your post. Here is your chance to analyze the cultural significance of your product and tell us what YOU think. To do this you could refer to something you discovered while making your commodity chain, doing online research, from the article, or potentially from what you have observed as a consumer of this food. Do your friends or family consume it? Why? You could talk about the history of your food and how it has changed over time (or if it is new, why it is popular now) Choose three of the topics from the list below and write about the significance of this food in relation to the points you choose. Write this in your own words, but you might want to cite an article for this part (if you got the idea from another article). (Choose THREE points and write 3-5 sentences for each point. Put the key term in bold or underline it.
Colonialism (was/is this produced in a colonial relationship? What are the implications?)
Slavery (was/is this produced with slave labor? What are the implications of that?)
Migration (did migrants bring this food? Did they change it?)
Health (obesity, Genetically modified foods, etc)
unconscious taboo (look at the lecture for more information)
cultural reproduction (look at the lecture for more information)
Nationalism (do certain groups claim this as a national food? What are the reasons for that? What does that do?)
War (Does this cause wars or come out of a war zone?)
Cultural change
Power hierarchy
Reciprocity and gift giving (is this given as a gift? What is the meaning of it?)

Commodity Chain: Who produces sushi and where does it get sold? Who buys it and why? How does the value get determined? When do people eat them? Who does not eat them?

Cultural Significance: Politics: The global popularity of sushi rose along with the economy of Japan. By the 1980s, sushi had gone from being an unconscious taboo food in the U.S. to a prestige food valued for it’s connection to Japan. I see a connection between politics and food in that Japanese political connections with the U.S. made it’s cultural products more popular than those from China, which has a different relationship with the U.S.

Globalization: When people from the U.S. purchase and consume sushi, they feel like they are participating in globalization because they see it as a global food. The producers also feel like they are participating in globalization through selling them (and having a global job). The irony is that many blue fin tuna are caught in the U.S., and only shipped to Japan to become “authentically” Japanese and accumulate value. This shows us how “authentic” food is not natural, but naturalized.

(Your answer would be longer than this. It is just a quick example)

REFLECTION: What is the most interesting thing you learned or realized from doing this activity? What did you learn about globalization or the connection between food and culture? Write 1 paragraph.

Labor relations

You will see three files named Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3. Read all three pages and write a report answering the questions in Page 3.
Report should be typed double spaced with 1″ margin all around. Report should be thorough, well organized, and reference supporting materials should be provided from the textbook or other sources.

4. The whole report and proper citation must be provided according to the APA format.You will see three files named Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3. Read all three pages and write a report answering the questions in Page 3.
Report should be typed double spaced with 1″ margin all around. Report should be thorough, well organized, and reference supporting materials should be provided from the textbook or other sources.

4. The whole report and proper citation must be provided according to the APA format.