Strategic Managment – Cooperative Strategy

Identify an organization (apple, IBM, Google….) that uses a cooperative strategy. Discuss the strategic alliance that the organization used and the risk they faced using it. Describe what you suggest the organization should use to manage this cooperative strategy.Identify an organization (apple, IBM, Google….) that uses a cooperative strategy. Discuss the strategic alliance that the organization used and the risk they faced using it. Describe what you suggest the organization should use to manage this cooperative strategy.Identify an organization (apple, IBM, Google….) that uses a cooperative strategy. Discuss the strategic alliance that the organization used and the risk they faced using it. Describe what you suggest the organization should use to manage this cooperative strategy.

Project Management – Unsuccessful Projects

Write a three-page summary of the project “Denver Automated Baggage Fail”, including the reasons why you think this project failed. Also, include project lessons learned and record how lessons learned were used to inform projects. How does this compare to what was discussed in this unit? Articles and work cited attached, feel free to add additional if needed.

Write a three-page summary of the project “Denver Automated Baggage Fail”, including the reasons why you think this project failed. Also, include project lessons learned and record how lessons learned were used to inform projects. How does this compare to what was discussed in this unit? Articles and work cited attached, feel free to add additional if needed.

Policy Issue Analysis

Policy Issue Analysis Case Study for PPA 697 (AY 2018-2019)
The case study for Policy Issue Analysis (PPA 670), “Devising State Policy on Compact Fluorescent Lamps,” is posted on BeachBoard. Students will prepare a comprehensive policy analysis of a public problem involving the benefits and drawbacks of compact fluorescent lamps to recommend a course of action to prevent environmental and health harm. You are in the role of a policy analyst for California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control; therefore, it might help to consider the audience for whom the analysis might be prepared.
Students must follow these instructions, instead of the case study guidelines (pages 11-14) although useful information to inform your analysis is provided on these pages. Students should adhere to the grading rubric below and have clearly labeled sections of the paper. Thorough policy analysis papers generally comprise five to seven single-spaced pages. Final case studies must be submitted on BeachBoard in Microsoft Word format. At a minimum, the paper must include a problem determination, stakeholder analysis, problem formulation, policy alternatives, alternatives assessment, and a conclusion and final recommendation. You do not need to research any outside or additional information for this policy analysis.
Grading Rubric
Required Sections
Instructions and Evaluative Criteria
Problem Determination
Provide an overview and a policy problem statement.
Identify and discuss each stakeholder concerning the problem including their position and relative influence.
Problem Formulation
Describe the boundaries of the policy problem such as the location, length of time it has existed, and events that have shaped the problem. Also, describe the role of government and any other significant policy actors in putting this problem on the public agenda for a policy solution.
Policy Alternatives
Present several policy alternatives (new or the alternatives from the case) including the stakeholders who support and oppose each alternative. Discuss the projected outcomes, and the (a) benefits and (b) risks or costs of each alternative.
Alternatives Assessment
Delineate the techniques or criteria that will be used to analyze the alternatives. Display the results of your analysis to clearly illustrate how the alternatives compare with each other according to your assessment techniques or criteria.
Conclusion and Final Recommendation
Recommend a final policy solution that is based on the results presented in the alternative assessment section and include a conclusion.
Completeness and Quality of Writing
Fulfill the requirements thoroughly and ensure the paper is well-organized with minimal errors.
Total Possible Points

Pay Structures (Human Resource Course : Compensation and benefits)

Well-designed compensation plans have pay structures which outline the pay range for positions within the company based on several factors. Consider the pay structures of a particular compensation plan and how internal equity contributes to the design. In 1,000 words describe how internal equity may or may not contribute to the formulation of pay structures. Are there other factors that also contribute? Does your employer (past or current) have a compensation plan? How many positions are there within your pay structure?

Support your paper with course materials and at least three (3) additional sources. Use correct APA format throughout. Required word count does not include the reference page. A title page and abstract are not required. Consult the Writing Assignment Grading Rubric to ensure you are meeting the assignment’s criteria as this information and the rubric will be used to assess your work.

1st Amendment to the US Constitution. What are the different clauses to the 1st Amendment? Give some historical background to each of the clauses—how did they come about and how have they changed over the years? What are some significant cases that have developed the 1st Amendment? What are some current issues that are affected by the 1st Amendment?

Business Law 210
Instructions: Write a six (6) page research paper on one of the topics listed below. In order to receive full credit, you must discuss each of the sub-topics that go along with the main subject. Please try to write in an informative factual manner, based on your research findings—I am not looking for a flowing editorial of your opinions on the subject matter.
You will be able to find most of the information you need to complete the task online, in the library or in a law library. Focus on academic journals, websites, informative and/or governmental websites for your research. Try to stay away from business or websites whose goal is to solicit business as they are geared towards sales rather than providing accurate information.
While I do not have a preferred format (e.g. AP style), I do expect that your paper is original. Quoting is ok, but I do not want you to cut and paste other people’s work—you must cite your quotes. I have a pretty good eye as to what a student in your position would write versus a law professor and/or attorney. Plagiarism will result in zero credit for the assignment, a F in the course, and I will report you to the dean’s office which may result in your expulsion.

Financial Returns and Capital Constraints on Netflix

Principles of Finance

In order to be successful, companies must leverage their spending in ways that will add to their value and propel them in the marketplace. In this portion of your report you will use the skills and content you mastered in your Adaptive Coach this week, to analyze the business conditions and begin to create the big financial picture of how the chosen company is spending their money and managing their investments in the future value of their organization through purchases and research and development.

Include the following content in this section.

1) Formulate the expected financial returns on Netflix and associated risks by completing the following calculations.
Calculate the Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
Calculate the Constant Growth Stock Valuation (CGSV) and compare it to the current stock price. In addition to, your analysis should include the last three years comparison of the return on equity and industry average, highlighting the trends and possible reasons for the changes in the trends.

2) Research your company’s industry and evaluate what type(s) of capital constraints your company must consider in order to be competitive in the market. Explain the appropriate financial techniques that would be used in this evaluation.

use of recycled material in construction

article must be in reference to the attached document (use of recycled material in construction)
It must include:
– Abstract (Provided succinct summary of the project, highlighting the significance, overall aim and research questions of the research. Also,
provide a good summary of background information)

– Introduction/ Background (A clear and concise
introduction that
covers all the
information, such
as, background
significance and
application of
research, and
overall aims.)
– Materials and Methods (Insightfully
identifies a valid
research approach
and study design;
with a concise and
discussion of all the
concepts and
principles to justify
the choice of the
methodology and
design Insightfully
identifies a range of
data collection and
analysis methods
that can collect and
elicit sophisticated
information to
answer the research
hypothesis; with a
concise and
justification for the
– Results and Discussions (All results are
presented using
graphs and tables
and are adequately
Presented the
results and
discussions in a
structured way that
is easily readable
and understandable.
Results and
presented indicate
significant amounts
of work. Visuals
presented are both
innovative and

– Conclusions (All results are
presented using
graphs and tables
and are adequately
Presented the
results and
discussions in a
structured way that
is easily readable
and understandable.
Results and
presented indicate
significant amounts
of work. Visuals
presented are both
innovative and

parenting and child relationship

Guide line for the paper.
• Section 1: The first section entails finding a news article that concerns that particular topic of parenting of the week that is under the textbook attachment chapter. So, for example, if the chapter 11 is about Parenting in Single-Parent Family systems, please find articles concerning parenting in single-parent families. The news article should illustrate how the concept is manifest in contemporary society. Do NOT use articles that are based on informational websites about that particular topic. An example of this would be an article that discusses parenting in single families in much the same manner as the textbook(Bigner, J. & Gerhardt, C. (2019). Parent-child relations: An introduction to parenting 10th Ed. Pearson: Boston, MA.)
, identifying common characteristics and theories concerning that topic.
(need one articles corresponding to chapter 13 topic)
There are several limitations to the article.
-First, the article MUST be recent, meaning that is was published no earlier than January 1, 2018. Articles published before January 1, 2018 will not be accepted for credit. You cannot submit an article that was originally published before January 1, 2018, and then revised after that date. The original article must be published after that date.
-Second, you must attach the article link under the reference/work cited to be able to open the original link articles you found.
-Third, your article should have the date published clearly marked, the source of the article, the topic which article applies to, your name, and lastly, a critical question at the end of the paper related to the articles/topic you wrote about. Articles missing any one of these items will be returned with no credit. For example, the critical question you want to ask should NOT BE “Do you agree or disagree with the article?” OR “Do you believe the article is accurate or not?”
For example, a critical question might ask SHOULD BE, “how do we address this diversity issue?”

Section 2: Writing at least one and half page of summary that includes each chapter and the article you have chosen for that chapter. This one and half-page summary should include a basic summary of the article and how concepts, ideas, theories covered for that topic in the chapter apply to the article( it must apply to the article). In particular you should read the article with a critical eye: for example, does what the author of the article say about parenting in single parent families reflect the research in this area? Do you think what the author proposes is correct or not (support with material from the textbook)? You should question the author’s assumptions and conclusions. This summary needs to be included for each chapter.
3. write few sentence of what you agree with the article and topic of the chapter that is realted to the article you picked and be thoughtful about your responses.
—please follow the strict guideline to write the essay. If not followed the paper will be result in failed grade.–
1 Use the simplest form of a word. 2.Use the simple, common words we use when we speak. 3, use the shortest, strongest, simplest form of verbs. 4. use active rather than passive verbs.
5. do not use foreign words unless you are absolutely sure that all of your reader will understand them
6. do not use any word unless you are absolutely sure that you can define it.
Thank YOU for your help! =)


Read, summarize, explain, and evaluate the main points of each of the assigned chapters (chapters 12-15) in a minimum of 6 paragraphs. Do not simply cut and paste from the reading, but summarize the main points in your own words.

The chapters to be summarized include:

CHAPTER 12: Marriage Equality

CHAPTER 13: Bioethics

CHAPTER 14: The World as We Found It

CHAPTER 15: Critical Thinking and the Good Life

Read, summarize, explain, and evaluate the main points of each of the assigned chapters (chapters 12-15) in a minimum of 6 paragraphs. Do not simply cut and paste from the reading, but summarize the main points in your own words.

The chapters to be summarized include:

CHAPTER 12: Marriage Equality

CHAPTER 13: Bioethics

CHAPTER 14: The World as We Found It

CHAPTER 15: Critical Thinking and the Good Life


i already began the essay 10 page research paper i just need pages left, i need to add more on these topics, so a introduction and thesis , biography is not needed. the only topic i havent done is shakespeares comedies but the other two i need more added
1.) shakespeares comedies (write about his comedies)
2.) how shakespeare and gave us an insight of society at the time
3.) shakespeares significance and influence on the world you can add his death and what happened to his legacy

i already began the essay 10 page research paper i just need pages left, i need to add more on these topics, so a introduction and thesis , biography is not needed. the only topic i havent done is shakespeares comedies but the other two i need more added
1.) shakespeares comedies (write about his comedies)
2.) how shakespeare and gave us an insight of society at the time
3.) shakespeares significance and influence on the world you can add his death and what happened to his legacy