parenting and child relationship

Guide line for the paper.
• Section 1: The first section entails finding a news article that concerns that particular topic of parenting of the week that is under the textbook attachment chapter. So, for example, if the chapter 11 is about Parenting in Single-Parent Family systems, please find articles concerning parenting in single-parent families. The news article should illustrate how the concept is manifest in contemporary society. Do NOT use articles that are based on informational websites about that particular topic. An example of this would be an article that discusses parenting in single families in much the same manner as the textbook(Bigner, J. & Gerhardt, C. (2019). Parent-child relations: An introduction to parenting 10th Ed. Pearson: Boston, MA.)
, identifying common characteristics and theories concerning that topic.
(need one articles corresponding to chapter 13 topic)
There are several limitations to the article.
-First, the article MUST be recent, meaning that is was published no earlier than January 1, 2018. Articles published before January 1, 2018 will not be accepted for credit. You cannot submit an article that was originally published before January 1, 2018, and then revised after that date. The original article must be published after that date.
-Second, you must attach the article link under the reference/work cited to be able to open the original link articles you found.
-Third, your article should have the date published clearly marked, the source of the article, the topic which article applies to, your name, and lastly, a critical question at the end of the paper related to the articles/topic you wrote about. Articles missing any one of these items will be returned with no credit. For example, the critical question you want to ask should NOT BE “Do you agree or disagree with the article?” OR “Do you believe the article is accurate or not?”
For example, a critical question might ask SHOULD BE, “how do we address this diversity issue?”

Section 2: Writing at least one and half page of summary that includes each chapter and the article you have chosen for that chapter. This one and half-page summary should include a basic summary of the article and how concepts, ideas, theories covered for that topic in the chapter apply to the article( it must apply to the article). In particular you should read the article with a critical eye: for example, does what the author of the article say about parenting in single parent families reflect the research in this area? Do you think what the author proposes is correct or not (support with material from the textbook)? You should question the author’s assumptions and conclusions. This summary needs to be included for each chapter.
3. write few sentence of what you agree with the article and topic of the chapter that is realted to the article you picked and be thoughtful about your responses.
—please follow the strict guideline to write the essay. If not followed the paper will be result in failed grade.–
1 Use the simplest form of a word. 2.Use the simple, common words we use when we speak. 3, use the shortest, strongest, simplest form of verbs. 4. use active rather than passive verbs.
5. do not use foreign words unless you are absolutely sure that all of your reader will understand them
6. do not use any word unless you are absolutely sure that you can define it.
Thank YOU for your help! =)

Making a comment on Digital Humanities Education and Pedagogy

Highlight one key issue confronting the adoption of Digital pedagogy in Universities and the wider public

Use the reading for the comments with references from the reading.


Chapter 16: Melanie Kill, Teaching Digital Rhetoric: Wikipedia, Collaboration, and the Politics of Free Knowledge

Sean Michael Morris and Lora Taub-Pervizpour, Ethical Online Learning: Critical Pedagogy and Social Justice

Matt Vetter, Theresa McDevitt, Dan Weinstein and Ken Sherwood, Critical Digital Praxis in Wikipedia: The Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon

Highlight one key issue confronting the adoption of Digital pedagogy in Universities and the wider public

Use the reading for the comments with references from the reading.


Chapter 16: Melanie Kill, Teaching Digital Rhetoric: Wikipedia, Collaboration, and the Politics of Free Knowledge

Sean Michael Morris and Lora Taub-Pervizpour, Ethical Online Learning: Critical Pedagogy and Social Justice

Matt Vetter, Theresa McDevitt, Dan Weinstein and Ken Sherwood, Critical Digital Praxis in Wikipedia: The Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon

Directing the Intelligence Operation

Project 2 Directing the Intelligence Operation


No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.

Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations. Cite your references!

Project 2: You (the student) are Commander of the Western District in Big City, USA. You received the murder crime statistics (See Table 1 – Western District Murder Chart for 20xx) from your LE intelligence analyst for your statistics but you are not satisfied with what you were provided.

In your position as Commander of the Western District you have decided to direct your LE intelligence section to provide a much more comprehensive report. You (the student) are going to write a requirement directive (like a memorandum) to the LE intelligence analyst section to provide more information. Your directive to the analyst section should be at least 1000 words and cover at least eight issues covered during the past three weeks in class.

Asking the right questions


Written and oral communications

LE databases

Use of intelligence

Problem solving

US Constitution

Law enforcement


Release agreements

Vetting information

Intelligence failures

Fusion center

Intelligence outcomes

Information sharing


The directive to the LE intelligence analysts should include the following:

1. Identify the potential value of this current information from an intelligence and LE perspective.

2. Identify additional information (collection and research requirements) that you need for this report to help in your decision making for resource allocation and conducting operations.

3. The directive should state which Federal, State and local LE resources, databases, internet sites and organizations the analysts should consider researching to gather information.

4. Explain in the directive that various type of security, legal or privacy obstacles they may encounter in trying to get this information.

5. This requirements directive should include the questions you want answered and type of analysis you expect.

Postmodern Artifact Paper

Select an advertisement (media or print) that illustrates some form of postmodernism and analyze the artifact beginning with the following questions in a 3-page analysis:
1. What element(s) of the artifact display characteristics of postmodern thought?
2. Based on the postmodern characteristics you’ve observed in the artifact, what do you think the author/creator intended?
3. What response did the artifact invoke in you when you first observed it?
Spend time in your analysis discussing the strengths and weaknesses of using a postmodern approach to the artifact. Conclude your analysis by discussing the appropriate biblical response to such an artifact. For instance, if you chose an advertisement that overtly promotes relative moral values, how should a Christian respond to it?

The Trail of Tears and Indian Removal

find two scholarly book reviews for each of your books and use the reviews to evaluate the book. The book reviews should come from academic journals. Then use your evaluation to write a 1-2 page page explaining if the book is an authoritative source.

Your evaluations should address the following questions:

What do the book review authors think of the book?

Do the book review authors agree on the book?

If they disagree, what do the book review authors disagree on?

What do the book review authors praise about the book (these can be different)?

What criticisms of the book do the book review authors make of the book?

As you conduct your evaluation on the book reviews themselves, you should also take a moment to find out more about the book author and the book review authors. This does not need to be extensive, but you should try to answer some of the following questions.

Do the book review authors hold an academic position? If so, where?

Where was the book review published?

Does the book author hold an academic position? If so, where?

Has the author written any other works?

Who published the book?

Is the Publisher a legitimate publisher?

What is your book about?

The purpose of answering all these questions is to answer the ultimate question:

Is this a scholarly and authoritative source?

Papers should be formatted around a thesis statement (aka, an argument)
You also MUST include citations and a bibliography.

Patient Education

Imagine your supervisor has asked you to develop a patient education tool for new medication starts in your current area of practice. This tool needs to provide important information to the patient, yet be concise enough to require no more than one page.
Review the suggested list of possible topics in Part 1 of the Requirements and then search the Capella library and the Internet for supporting resources. You will need to provide support for the information you choose to include in the patient education tool.
Complete both Part 1 and Part 2 of this assessment. You may submit both parts in one document or submit them as separate documents. Be sure you complete both parts!
Submit a total of 4–5 pages. Write no more than one page for Part 1. Write 2–3 pages, plus a separate reference page, for Part 2.
Part 1: Patient Education Tool
Complete the following:
Choose one of the following topics as the basis for your patient education tool:
Antibiotics (Amoxil/Amoxicillin) for pediatric ear infections.
Statin therapy (Zocor/Simvastatin) for a newly diagnosed patient with hypercholesterolemia.
Antihypertensive (ACE inhibitors/Lisinopril/Zestril) for a patient who was discovered to have hypertension at a health screening at work.
Drugs for treating gastric acidity (Proton pump inhibitors/antacids/H2 blockers) for a patient complaining of chronic indigestion and heartburn.
Ear drops or eye drops (or both) for an elderly patient.
Any newly released medication for a patient in your area of practice. This might be a new drug for diabetes, hypertension, or arthritis or a new antibiotic.
Include the following in your patient education tool:
Explain appropriate use of the medication.
Identify specific factors (age, access, culture, and so on) that may affect the efficacy of the medication.
Describe possible chemical interactions, side effects, or other negative reactions patients need to be aware of.
Explain correct handling, storage, and disposal of the medication.
Include any other information you feel would be beneficial and promote patient safety and quality outcomes.
You may format Part 1, the patient education tool, any way you wish, but be sure it is logical and understandable by the typical patient who would use it. Feel free to include pictures or diagrams to reinforce the information.
Part 2: Evidence-Based Practice
Provide evidence for the information you included in the patient education tool:
Explain how the information in the patient education tool promotes patient safety and quality outcomes.
Explain how the patient education tool adheres to the principles and practices of cultural competence. In other words, is the tool appropriate for all cultures, genders, ages, et cetera; or could it be easily adapted for specific needs?
Format Part 2 according to APA guidelines. This is not a document you would provide to a patient but, for this assessment, it will provide faculty with the academic and professional principles necessary to evaluate your work.
Additional Requirements
At least 2 current scholarly or professional resources.
For Part 2 only:
Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced font.

Create your problem and purpose statement for your proposed quantitative study

This assignment is part two of the assignment written ID#2764398572. Please let me know if you can reference the information from the ID I provided.

Now that you have determined a research problem worth studying and you have provided a background to the problem, it is time to create your problem statement and purpose statement for the study. If you chose the qualitative Critical Thinking Assignment in Week 1 (I did choose the qualitative study). This should be no more than one paragraph and it should include one to two sentences from outside peer reviewed sources regarding what the problem is as well as a general problem statement. Your problem statement needs to be very specific and very narrow in scope. It must directly align with the research topic and background of the study that you wrote about in week 1. This should be no more than one paragraph, and it should include one to two sentences from outside sources regarding what the problem is, as well as general problem statement (overall general problem) and a specific problem statement (narrowed down in focus and scope for your specific proposal).

You will then create a purpose statement for your proposed study that states what the purpose of the study is, who the participants are, what the geographic location is for the study and how , what your planned methodology is. For the study, what your planned methodology is for the study, and how the study will help applied business. You must make sure that your purpose statement

Your paper should be 1 to 2 pages in length excluding the reference page (at least 3 peer reviewed references. Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from relevant rrsearch research concepts.

What Makes a Resilient City?

Research Essay


PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT: The purpose of the assignment is to allow you to research a topic of your interest related to course concepts and themes, and to construct and support an argument about your research.

YOUR TASK: Choose or compose a research question related to sustainable development. (If you cannot come up with one on your own, see below for possible research question suggestions.)

To answer your research question, undertake research to find at least 3 secondary sources on or about your topic.

Your answer to your research question will be the foundation for your essay’s thesis (a central claim you will make and then prove in the body of your essay).


SECONDARY SOURCES: Secondary sources are non-fictional articles or essays on the topic of your choice written by experts or those with the authority to write on the subject.

You must refer to at least three acceptable secondary sources in this essay to help prove your thesis—avoid Wikipedia and other sources that are not credible.


ESSAY FORMAT: You must organize your response in essay format (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) and according to APA or MLA format (click here for APA and click here for MLA).

In your introduction,

  • first introduce your general topic by introducing the topic, defining any key terms, and providing some historical context.
  • then transition to your thesis by starting to explain what specifically you will be discussing about your topic (your research question)
  • then present your thesis (the central claim you’re making about your topic—it is, essentially, the answer to your research question)
  • and finally, introduce the three major pieces of evidence, discovery, or discussion you will develop in the body of your essay to prove your thesis.

 The body paragraphs,

  • each body paragraph should develop in detail one of the three major pieces of evidence, discovery, or discussion you outlined at the end of your introduction.
  • Get into detail in the body paragraphs by making a clear assertion, providing evidence (through textual examples and/or quotations from your sources) and explaining how this evidence helps to prove your thesis.


In the conclusion,

  • restate your thesis and supporting evidence
  • provide a provocative final thought




What makes a RESILIENT CITY?


Feminism in the story Lanval by Marie de France

taking english literature course that requires a thesis-based close reading in depth paper about something we read or discussed in class. I chose feminism shown in the Lais of Marie de France, but ONLY “Lanval,” not the whole Lais. This was a topic of my choosing so i might be the only one talking about this. I want to put in discussions about the “male gaze” and the difference between the fairy queen and Guinevere. I also wanted to talk about the writer Marie de France herself and how she defies gender stereotypes of her time in a way that’s different than modern day. She is able to glorify women’s ability to control men through beauty, intelligence, and grace without having them be strong and manly in a sense. I want to provide a sense of stength in a women’s power and how it is ok that it is different than man’s because even though men idealize and objectify women, in the end, just like the fairy queen, it does not matter. I want to include how guinevere calls lanval a homosexual and how it shows that a man’s weakness is when he cannot have a woman..
I also did write a little bit for reference if you wanted to just looka t it and go off.
“At the time “Lanval” was written, the issues of male-power and feminism were not of great importance or conflict. Women were objectified and idealized to be behave a certain way in order to fulfill their duty as women. What makes Marie de France so different is that she has the ability to take these stereotypes and use them in a way that glorifies women’s ability to control men through beauty and intelligence. It also shows that she is aware of men idealizing women, acknowledges it, and writes to overcome it. ”
it’s very poorly written but gives an idea of what I want.

write a critique form essay about the interview:”Hannah Arendt “Zur Person” Full Interview”

write a critique form essay about the interview:”Hannah Arendt “Zur Person” Full Interview”

Write the Critique

1. Introduction
Start by introducing the work you are critiquing. Assume your audience has not come across the work before. The readers of your critique do not know the author either. Also, state the work’s context. The introductory paragraph should end with what some instructors call ‘thesis statement.’ It is a sentence summarizing your evaluation of the work as positive, negative or mixed.

2. Summary
Give an overview of the main ideas of the work. The key points you will highlight form the basis of your critique. This is what you will ‘criticize’ in the next paragraph. Make sure that you mention all the main points.
Note: You might be tempted just to state your ideas of interest in the critique, which is not professional. Your critique should be fair and honest.

3. Critique
This is the body of your work. It should, therefore, be a comprehensive assessment of the item you are critiquing. Your critique should not be inclined to the negative opinions only. It should address both the achievements and failures of the creator. Some of the guiding questions and statements to consider in your evaluation are as follows;
Were the objectives of the work achieved?
Are there assumptions made by the author and how do they affect the effectiveness of the work?
For a creative work, state the styles and techniques used by the author and how or whether they assist in attaining the objective of the work.
For a critique of a research paper or a media item, assess the data collection methods that were used.
Are the author’s claims well supported? Is there enough evidence for the claims?
The body of the critique depends, therefore, on the type of work being assessed. The work can be a song, a film, an article, a research paper and so on.
Your assessment should be having examples from the item you are critiquing to support your judgment. Evidence from external sources should be included too and cited accordingly.

4. Conclusion
It should be concise, indicating your overall assessment and the reasons for your judgment. You may also suggest improvement recommendations to the creator of the work. Below the concluding paragraph, add a reference list for all the citations included in the critique.