The Ghost Story in Medieval and Early Modern Culture

The Essay Question is: ‘Our ship made the outer limits, the Ocean River’s bounds, where Cimmerian people have their home – their realm and city shrouded in mist and cloud’ (Homer, Odyssey). What is the significance of the spaces in which ghosts appear?

The Essay does not necessarily need to focus on Homer’s Odyssey as it is a Medieval course, however the quote above is intended as a starting point. It would also be good if the essay involved multiple texts from different authors. I will supply an additional file that gives a list of texts covered on the course which is sorted into time periods and topics from the Ancient world to the 17th Century, and another file that outlines the basic requirements of the essay and other essay questions. (If the writer feels more comfortable writing on any of the other essay questions provided, that is perfectly fine). I can also provide extra extracts from texts discussed on the course for each time period at a request. This essay needs to be absolutely plagiarism free, as it needs to pass the Turnitin plagiarism checker.

What does people think about the aesthetic labour, mainly on the image, when they are recruiting?

Assignment part 2 needs to be done
Compiled data from questionnaires and interviews
Data Analysis plan
Data analysis (2000words)
Conclusions and recommendations from the gathered data (500 words)
Executive summary (500-750words)
Need to use SPSS, Anova, and T test for the results

Comment from assignment 1
As marking is anonymous for all students, please note that you should not include your name on future assignments.

Aestheic labour is an appropriate focus for this unit. The literature review uses various sources to provide an overview of literature on aesthetic labour. As well as giving the research background, your literature review should show what is currently missing from existing research that makes more research necessary, and explicitly say why your research question is important and interesting. Although some of this is implied in your literature review, it is not explicitly shown.

Although your research question’s focus is appropriate, the question itself is broad and it is difficult to tell whether it matches your research instruments. The research question sounds as if it is looking at the views of recruiters, rather than the people being recruited. As this doesn’t match your questionnaire and interview questions, I wonder whether this needed reworded for clarity.

Your interview questions are open and appropriate for analysis. The questionnaire is not yet well suited to the analysis you need to do for this unit. As we will need to conduct t-tests and ANOVAs on the data you collect, your questionnaire needs to:

1) include a question which allows participants to be split into two groups (e.g. travelled with friends/travelled alone).
2) include a question which allows participants to be split into three or more groups.
3) include questions that allow a numerical mean to be generated for all participants.

The best way to meet requirement three is to include several questions with the response options “strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree”. In your questionnaire, you might be able to adapt your yes/no answer questions fairly easily to be answered with this scale. This would ensure you can conduct the analysis needed for the unit on your questionnaire data.

Adults vs Children: Emotional Processing & Coping Methods

“Adults vs Children: Emotional Processing & Coping Methods”

****The goal is to see how different mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc. affect children and adults with both their cognitive and emotional processing and their coping mechanisms; if they have similar or different ways of coping in a 15-22 page research paper.****
(Attached are the references that will be used for this paper, the paper instructions, the outline and a sample paper.) Please use the references attached, do not add any more than what is given unless you think it would be best to. No plagiarism. Please be sure to cite correctly. Be sure the paper is properly written, makes sense, sticks to the goal and is full of information.
Please do not disappoint, this entire paper is worth my entire grade and I am paying a big amount for it. Thank you!

Values and policies in the treatment of terrorism victims

give a background of what fairness and effectiveness means according to Saudi Constitution, Islamic law and International treaties.
This should include basis of fairness and sources from which its provisions are derived, definition and its impetrative that leads to what is called effectiveness.

These values should be applied to terrorism victims – what is fair and effective in relation to victims?

based on human right theory in which victims have the right to 4 elements when the state is dealing with terrorism ( right to planning to avoid being victimized; right to proportionality in operational interventions; right to investigation; right to compensation, examine minimum standards to which victims should be treated according to international treaties, agreements and the national constitution. There may be competing values eg economic costs mean other priorities in social spending may be affected; the fairness of criminal trials of suspected terrorists must be considered.

please use fair language not too simple not too complicated or difficult.
Use OSCOLA referencing style
use clear and good structured

Our work in this unit looked at the alignment of Information Technology and organizational strategy. Ideally they should line up and support each other. Sometimes it happens, other times, not. We want to put you in that first group – where technology supports organizational strategy and organizational strategy is furthered by information technology.

Our work in this unit looked at the alignment of Information Technology and organizational strategy. Ideally they should line up and support each other. Sometimes it happens, other times, not. We want to put you in that first group – where technology supports organizational strategy and organizational strategy is furthered by information technology. So your assignment this week is – in an essay of at least two full paragraphs but no more than four, describe an organizational strategy of your choice in a health care organization, discuss how IT can further that strategy if implemented correctly, and how IT could hinder that strategy. As always, more explanation is better! Surprised Remember to cite at least one reference in your response!

Please submit your response to this assignment on or before 11:59 p.m on Sunday of this week.

Professional Athletic sponsorships with the alcoholic industry

Hello, My paper is for an undergrad, this paper is for a marketing class in which I must show understanding of all I have learned therefore I must present research works and references. The subject explores the relationship between professional athletes and the alcohol industry via sponsorship. the negative-positive and the hypocrisy of being able to consume alcohol while at sports events but the issues of athletes straight up endorsing the product. Must be APA with references. There is a section in which I must conduct a survey to collect data and must explain my methodology, the results must be examined and explained. I will upload slides that explain how the essay must be organized. I also uploaded what I have started but feel free to change edit that, I uploaded it for familiarization

Competitive Advantage at McDonald’s: Quality

The McDonalds case offers us a view on many issues. What is our brand identity? Who are our target customers? Why do those customers buy?

Let’s first look at each from three perspectives:

1. McDonalds in the early Kroc years.
a. What was the value proposition offered by McDonalds? What brought customers (repeatedly) in the door?
b. What did the SWOT analysis look like at this time?
2. McDonalds in the Skinner years (c, 2003)
a. Had the value proposition changed?
b. How does a SWOT analysis look different?
c. What do those changes suggest about the need to adapt?
3. McDonalds (2017)
a. How does a SWOT analysis look different?
b. What do those changes suggest about the needing to constantly challenge your value propositions for your targeted markets?
(NOTE: Copy/paste each question followed by your developed response. Do this throughout the course for all discussion threads.)

The theory of compartmentalization helps to explain the “rise” of the modern nation state from 1714 to 1918. In this essay I will explain how this occurred by focusing on four major developments in Britain, France and Germany during this period

check the last page i uploaded please.
Possible topics;
-Government and Administration
-Fiscal – Military State
-Empire Building and War
-Social Welfare
-Inclusiveness (from the middle classes to working people)
-Education and Religion
-Print Media
-Technical and/or Technological Developments
-Industry, Trade and Commerce

check the last page i uploaded please.
Possible topics;
-Government and Administration
-Fiscal – Military State
-Empire Building and War
-Social Welfare
-Inclusiveness (from the middle classes to working people)
-Education and Religion
-Print Media
-Technical and/or Technological Developments
-Industry, Trade and Commerce

check the last page i uploaded please.
Possible topics;
-Government and Administration
-Fiscal – Military State
-Empire Building and War
-Social Welfare
-Inclusiveness (from the middle classes to working people)
-Education and Religion
-Print Media
-Technical and/or Technological Developments
-Industry, Trade and Commerce

Data Analysis Project – Research Methods in Political Science

For the most clarity, I have attached the document given to me by my College instructing me exactly what is expected of me in this assignment. It lays out how the essay should be constructed and what it should contain. This is an academic paper of 2000 words, but it also includes many elements from STATA that have to be embedded within the document e.g. a stata regression table would be pasted into the word document.

I am very confused about this topic myself, and I am hoping the attached document is sufficient in making clear what needs to be done.

With regards to sources, I have stated a preference for Harvard but please feel free to use as many sources as are necessary. I generally go for the 8 – 12 band, especially for a 2000 word essay. The assignment has stated that the dependent variable will be perceptions of electoral integrity index devised by the Electoral Integrity Project. I’m not exactly sure if the Independent Variables have to be sourced from there too? It will likely all make sense in the attached document. I have also attached the Quality of Governance codebook which I think is where you need to source variables from, I am unable to attach the QUALITY OF GOVERNANCE dataset for STATA —- I’m not sure how vital this is? Please let me know. It may be available elsewhere.

Foundations of Inquiry

In this task, you will identify a healthcare problem and develop a question that can be informed by evidence. You will identify a single intervention and then search for five research articles and two non-research articles that support that intervention.

In this task, you will identify a healthcare problem and develop a question that can be informed by evidence. You will identify a single intervention and then search for five research articles and two non-research articles that support that intervention.

In this task, you will identify a healthcare problem and develop a question that can be informed by evidence. You will identify a single intervention and then search for five research articles and two non-research articles that support that intervention.