
I need you to watch this video in the first link and also read the second link. Within the screenshots are my assignment and another small reading on one of the authors. I need a comparison and you can add an opinion. I need a comparison. It is better explained the first screenshot I uploaded.

Zig Zag: 8 Steps to Creativity for Anyone

I need you to watch this video in the first link and also read the second link. Within the screenshots are my assignment and another small reading on one of the authors. I need a comparison and you can add an opinion. I need a comparison. It is better explained the first screenshot I uploaded.

Zig Zag: 8 Steps to Creativity for Anyone


Step 1: You will select a literacy topic or literary topics of your choosing (considering your diverse talents and ways of learning you may want to focus on one specific literacy issue, or you may just want to read various empirical articles of interest to you that relate to literacy issues, in general). You may use the indexes and bibliographies of your two course texts, or other literacy texts and their indexes to find topics and/or empirical articles of your own choosing.


Step 2: You will select a minimum (you can choose more if you would like, the first five will be graded) of five articles that report empirical evidence. This means the article must report on research that includes (at least) a literature review section (and sometimes a theoretical background section), a methodology section (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods; survey(s), interview(s), observation(s); etc.), participants (or if you are reading a lengthy type of literature review, the empirical articles used within the literature review would count as the “participants”) (N=1 or more), and results or findings.


For this annotated bibliography you cannot use reports or articles found on general internet websites (unless you can access the particular article to an approved journal title). The focus for this particular annotated bibliography is for you to experience reading academic, peer-refereed journal articles (i.e., that have been blind reviewed by academic professionals). You will need to utilize research journals that appear on the Annotated Bibliography-Journal List  (if you want to use an article from a journal that is not on the list, please send your article and journal information to your professor or academic associate for approval).


You may begin your search for empirical articles in academic journals focused on second language learning and teaching such as TESOL Quarterly, Modern Language Journal, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Testing, Applied Linguistics (Oxford), System (Elsevier), Language Teaching Research, and Foreign Language Annals, among others. Here are some articles that serve as examples that provide empirical evidence and have been blindly peer reviewed (and you may include them in your selection of five articles if you wish):


Carhill, A., Suarez-Orozco, C., Paez, M. (2008). Explaining English language proficiency among adolescent immigrant students. American Educational Research Journal, 45(4), 1155-1179.

DiCerbo, P.A., Anstrom, K.A., Baker, L.L, & Rivera, C. (2014). A review of the literature on teaching academic English to English language learners. Review of Educational Research, 84, 446-482. DOI: 10.3102/0034654314532695

Gu, L. (2015). Language ability of young English language learners: Definition, configuration, and implications. Language Testing, 32, 21-38. DOI: 10.1177/0265532214542670

Kleinsasser, R. C., & Liu, M. H. (2013). Context perspectives in a Taiwan junior high school. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 34, 143-153.

Liu, M. H., & Kleinsasser, R. C. (2015). Exploring EFL Teachers’ CALL Knowledge and Competencies: Inservice Program Perspectives. Language Learning & Technology, 19(1), 119-138. [Special Issue “Teacher Education and CALL”]

Umansky, I. M., & Reardon, S. F. (2014). Reclassification patterns among Latino English learner students in bilingual, dual immersion, and English immersion classroom. American Educational Research Journal, 51, 879-912. DOI: 10.3102/0002831214545110

Yoon, B. (2008). Uninvited guests: The influence of teachers’ roles and pedagogies on the positioning of English language learners in the regular classroom. American Educational Research Journal, 45(2), 495-522

Polycentric or Geocentric?

Look realistically at corruption, particularly in the emerging markets (EM) as these developmental markets are where the greatest business opportunities are abounding. Nigeria, for example, has been reported for many years to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Transparency International measures these Even with the reformation of its financial institutions after the banking scandal approximately a decade ago, problems remain institutionalized in its government and systems. It isn’t the desire of the people nor their cultural way, and yet systemic in the society. This is true of many EM’s.

This brings us to the global leader who is outside this culture now doing business in this culture. Should the office abroad take a polycentric or geocentric approach to management?
Some of the perspective-building pertains to definitions. For example, bribery might be seen as a gift that is intended to generate an outcome that otherwise wouldn’t happen without it; this is true but narrow and simplistic definition. Perhaps the difference between bribes and gifts is the intent to manipulate the people and the final accomplishment. For bribes can be given not just to generate an immediate action or outcome. They can be given to build loyalty, reciprocity (there is an old saying “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”), and generally condition the person for future behaviors too.
Therefore what type of approach an organization, and its leaders, should take to such situations?


Data Analysis Project – Research Methods in Political Science

For the most clarity, I have attached the document given to me by my College instructing me exactly what is expected of me in this assignment. It lays out how the essay should be constructed and what it should contain. This is an academic paper of 2000 words, but it also includes many elements from STATA that have to be embedded within the document e.g. a stata regression table would be pasted into the word document.

I am very confused about this topic myself, and I am hoping the attached document is sufficient in making clear what needs to be done.

With regards to sources, I have stated a preference for Harvard but please feel free to use as many sources as are necessary. I generally go for the 8 – 12 band, especially for a 2000 word essay. The assignment has stated that the dependent variable will be perceptions of electoral integrity index devised by the Electoral Integrity Project. I’m not exactly sure if the Independent Variables have to be sourced from there too? It will likely all make sense in the attached document. I have also attached the Quality of Governance codebook which I think is where you need to source variables from, I am unable to attach the QUALITY OF GOVERNANCE dataset for STATA —- I’m not sure how vital this is? Please let me know. It may be available elsewhere.

Journal Entry #4

We all like to think that we work for organizations that have high ethical standards, but when we begin reading about whistleblowing, we realize that there are often situations that occur that could or should have resulted in a whistleblowing situation. In your final journal entry, describe how ethical principles of your organization (or an organization you have worked for) impacted the care of patients positively or negatively.

We all like to think that we work for organizations that have high ethical standards, but when we begin reading about whistleblowing, we realize that there are often situations that occur that could or should have resulted in a whistleblowing situation. In your final journal entry, describe how ethical principles of your organization (or an organization you have worked for) impacted the care of patients positively or negatively.


1.use in US English
2. Analyze the play. Include an analysis of the theme, literary elements, significance; include any facts about the author, his/her life experiences that are germane to your analysis.1.use in US English
2. Analyze the play. Include an analysis of the theme, literary elements, significance; include any facts about the author, his/her life experiences that are germane to your analysis.1.use in US English
2. Analyze the play. Include an analysis of the theme, literary elements, significance; include any facts about the author, his/her life experiences that are germane to your analysis.1.use in US English
2. Analyze the play. Include an analysis of the theme, literary elements, significance; include any facts about the author, his/her life experiences that are germane to your analysis.

Common Law Assignment


  1. This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark for this subject.
  2. Your assignment must be submitted by 11.59pm (midnight) on Sunday 14th April.
  3. All questions must be answered.
  4. With regards to formatting, your assignment must be typed with 1.5 or double spacing, and with margins of at least 2cm on all sides. Size 12 font must be used.
  5. The task is a common law assignment, so you are NOT required to discuss any legislation at all. It is essential that you cite relevant authorities (cases) wherever possible to support your reasoning in each answer.
  6. Your work must be appropriately referenced, using footnotes. Where you state a legal principle, which comes from a case, you must provide a citation to the relevant case. If you are stating a legal principle that is covered in the textbook or lecture and which does not have a relevant case provided in the textbook, you should cite the textbook. You are not expected to use any materials beyond the lectures and the set textbook. But if you do, you must provide appropriate citations. No bibliography is required. Format your citations according to the citation guide at the end of this document.
  7. Your assignment must be 1,500 words or fewer, excluding all footnotes. This word limit is strict: there is no 10% leeway. You must state the word count on the front page of your assignment. (If you fail to provide this, the marker will be forced to estimate the word count, and this may lead to penalties.)
  8. You must also state the details of your seminar on the front page of your assignment. This includes the day and time and location of your seminar, and the name of your seminar leader.
  9. Assignment submission is electronic only (will be made available from early April), via the link on LMS. Do not email your assignment to your campuses’ seminar leaders or the subject coordinator. Your assignment will not be marked unless and until you have completed electronic submission. You should receive an email receipt confirming your submission. You are responsible for ensuring submission is successful. Should any technical problems arise, if you cannot provide an email receipt we will assume that you never attempted to submit any assignment.
  10. You can only submit your assignment once. Submission is final. You will not be able to access your Turnitin originality report. Teaching staff will be checking these reports.
  11. You must not plagiarise. To avoid plagiarism, make sure you acknowledge all your sources with appropriate citations. You may discuss the questions with other students, but all written work must be your own: do not show anyone your written work for this assignment, and do not view anyone else’s. Academic misconduct is taken extremely seriously at La Trobe University. Further information about plagiarism and academic misconduct is provided in the Subject Learning Guide.
  12. Further information about policies on late submission, applying for an extension, etc. is available on the LMS, and in your Subject Learning Guide.


Julie owns and runs a small traffic management business called Round-The-Bend. They use signs and barriers to safely divert traffic around roadworks, construction works or emergencies on roads.  On Monday, Julie receives an email from Simon: ‘Are you available in the first week of February? We will be carrying out some earthworks around 50 Main Rd and need someone to divert traffic.’ Julie responds immediately: ‘I don’t have any jobs booked in the first half of February. How big a team do you need? If you can say what hours you’ll be doing the earthworks, I can give you a rough quote.’ Simon then replies on Tuesday: ‘We’re working on a pretty big stretch of the footpath – around 20 metres long. We’ll start at 6am and go until 10pm, each day until the job’s finished. It’ll probably take 3-4 days, I’d say.’ Julie then emails back: ‘Sounds like we’d need a team of 4 people. We’d need an extra half an hour before you start, to set up, and an extra half an hour at the end to pack up and ensure everything is left in a safe condition. We charge $340 per hour for a job this size. Our calendar tends to fill up fast, so you need to let me know soon if you want to book the job. I can only hold the first week of February open for you until the end of this week.’  After Simon reads the email he contacts several other traffic management businesses to get more quotes for the job. He discovers that Julie’s quote is the best but gets delayed with other matters rather than responding to her straightaway. Concerned that maybe she doesn’t check business emails on the weekend, Simon gets her mobile number from the website for Round-The-Bend and sends her an SMS at 6am on Sunday morning: ‘Simon here. It’s a YES for the Main Rd job in February!’

  1. Is there a binding agreement between Simon and Julie, for the job in February? (4 marks)

The same week, Julie gets a call from the Berrytown local council about an upcoming ‘Easter Eggs Hunt in the Park’ event. Peter from the council tells Julie that they have sourced a range of local businesses to volunteer their services for the event, since it is the annual charity fundraiser, for the community’s wildlife sanctuary. “Everyone in the community is pitching in – we just need someone to manage all the traffic on the day! It gets very hectic and we open up part of the local football oval to accommodate all the extra parking.” Julie says she is willing to help. “Wonderful!” says Peter. “We don’t have much to offer in return – only a small Easter hamper of goods donated by local businesses.”  “That’s fine,” replies Julie.  The day before the Easter in the Park event, Julie realises she has accidentally double-booked her team. She calls Peter: “I’m so sorry but we won’t be able to help with the Easter event tomorrow after all!” “What?” replies Peter. “You can’t back out now – we have a binding agreement. You can’t simply change your mind!”

  1. Is there a binding agreement between Peter and Julie, for the local fundraiser job? (5 marks)


After a job Julie sends her invoice for $2300 to the client, Tina. It states that it is payable within three business days. But two weeks later, Tina still hasn’t paid. Julie calls her to follow up. “Yes, I know, you’ll have it soon” says Tina. But another two weeks go by and still she hasn’t paid. Julie decides to show up at Tina’s business to demand payment. Tina says she doesn’t have the cash to pay the whole account right now. “That’s hardly my problem! What do I have to do to get you to pay?” says Julie.  Tina responds: “Well, you could try taking me to court… but it wouldn’t change the fact I can’t pay you right now. How about this instead?” Tina then suggests that she pays Julie what she can right now, which is $1500, and then also provide her with a personal reference to Tina’s aunt Tania who works in state government. “Tania manages projects every month which need traffic management. You’ll have more jobs than you know what to do with! Tania trusts me; she’ll be happy to use your service.”  Julie reluctantly agrees.

  1. Is the new agreement between Tina and Julie legally binding? (5 marks)

Julie is attending a statewide trade show, displaying the signs and equipment that Round-The-Bend use and showing video footage of their traffic management in action.  Michael comes up and chats with her about the business and the kinds of job that they take on. He explains that he’s looking for a traffic management team to help with an unusual project, working in conditions of low visibility on a steep mountain.  “Hmm, that does sound tricky,” says Julie. “But I know how we can do it. We just need to get some special electronic equipment to go with our traffic lights. It can keep the whole system connected and then we can pre-empt the problem of the limited visibility. We don’t normally need such a system, but for a job like yours I think it would be a good solution.” “Great! I have been trying to find a business that will take this on. It sounds like you will be able to handle it well,” says Michael. “Yes, we can handle it. But I’ll need you to set out all the details in writing – you can send me everything via email or fill out the form on our website. Here,” explains Julie, as she hands over a business card. “No problem, I’ll do that by tomorrow,” responds Michael, as he takes the card and puts it in his pocket.  But three days later, Julie still hasn’t heard from Michael. She’s wondering whether to go ahead and order the special equipment and electronics needed to take on this unusual job. She looks up the details of Michael’s business, and calls him. She asks if he’s still interested, and reminds him that there are extra details, like dates, location, and hours, that he needs to indicate on the form. “Yes, we’re definitely still interested! I’ve just been too busy to fill out the online form this week. But we’re on for the project. So, do what you need to do, and you’ll have all the details from me soon,” says Michael. Julie goes ahead and orders the special equipment, which costs $3,000. A week later, the online form still hasn’t been completed. Julie calls Michael but he doesn’t answer. The next day she receives a voicemail from him saying that he’s no longer going ahead with the project.

  1. Can Michael be ‘estopped’ from saying that he has no agreement with Julie? (6 marks)


Guide to citation for the common law assignment  

Legal citation is different to other styles of citation, such as Harvard or other in-text citation. Legal citation involves providing the most relevant legal authority for any statement of legal rules or principles. Citations are provided in footnotes. (If you’re working in MS Word, simply go to the ‘References’ tab and click on ‘Insert Footnote’.)      For the purposes of LST2BSL Introduction to Business Law and Ethics, we do not expect you to learn the Australian Legal Guide to Citation, which is the usual approach to legal citation in Australia. That Guide is incredibly complex. Instead, you can simply follow these instructions for citations in your common law assignment.       As stated above in the Assignment Instructions, where you state a legal principle which comes from a case, you must provide a citation to the relevant case. You are not expected to read the cases themselves: as long as a case is summarised in the textbook, you can cite the case itself. An example of this would be if you said this in your assignment:      If a letter of comfort includes statements which are not promissory, then it probably was not intended to be legally binding.1      Alternatively, you could mention the case name in the sentence of your assignment itself, and just put the case citation in a footnote, like this:      As in the case of Commonwealth Bank of Australia v TLI Management Pty Ltd2 a letter of comfort with only non-promissory statements was probably not intended as legally binding.      Either way, we expect you to provide a citation to the relevant case for the legal principle you are stating.       If you are stating a legal principle that is covered in the textbook or lecture and which does not have a relevant case provided in the textbook, you should cite the textbook. An example of this would be:      If an agreement is executed as a deed then there is no requirement for both parties to provide consideration.3       Please also note that you are not expected to use any materials beyond the lectures and the set textbook. But if you do, you must provide appropriate citations. No bibliography is required. Finally, remember that footnote citations do not count towards your word count, so don’t hesitate to provide citations for any statement of legal principle. If in doubt, provide a citation.



1 Commonwealth Bank of Australia v TLI Management Pty Ltd [1990] VR 510.   2 [1990] VR 510.   3 Michael Lambiris and Laura Griffin, First Principles of Business Law (Oxford University Press, 2017, 10th edition) 83.

Placement Report – Fashion & Marketing

This is a placement report in the fashion design and marketing fields.

In the attachments,
1. is the requirements – I only need you to write approx. 1650 words including figures and photos (such as online store photos, SWOT/GBP, you can check the sample documents)

2. are the sections that I need you to write: those with triangle
to clarify, they are: section 2.1/2.3/2.4/2.6/3.1/3.2/4.1/6.1/6.2/6.3.
Please include the collaboration between the companies erdem and h&m. ERDEM ( embroidery brand) is the main brand I am working on.

3. samples: please include simple photos and figures as is in the sample documents

4. Please include the reference links in a separate page

5. this will be submitted to turnitin

Make a Case for Diversity and Inclusion Officers in K-12 Schooling-Literature Review

a. You have a draft of this written already in your first assignment, where you laid out the topic you would research.
b. This is an overview of your topic
i. What your interest in the topic is (could be in first person but doesn’t have to be)
ii. An overview of what the literature reviewed shows (your thesis, or the basic story you are telling, if you like to think of it as a story)
II. Your method of doing the literature review:
a. Tell how you did the search, and how you decided what to include and what to exclude.
i. This should include how you located the articles and books to review
1. Using library search resources—e.g.,
a. what research databased you used
b. your search string for those data bases
2. Using works cited from sources you found relevant
ii. This might include the range of years you reviewed, languages. You can talk about this in terms of delimitations of the research

b.“Delimitations” are the boundaries you have set for the study, or what you decided to include and what you decided to exclude. It is useful to YOU to state this, so when you come back to the review, you know what you did; it is also useful to the READER to know what is included and what is not, and keeps the reader from criticizing you for leaving out things that you had good reason to leave out.
c. In our readings, see Bottiani et al. (2017) example of how to describe how you did your literature search, you method (p. 371).
III. The body of the paper:
a. Start by telling how the body is organized—an intro to this section.
b. This should be organized by themes or concepts or uses of the literature—see diagram from overview assignment repeated here and/or discussion in the NCSU overview suggested above for ideas, but you create organization that makes sense to you, for your topic and purpose
c. Remember, throughout the body, that since a lit review is your own understanding and organization of the literature, you need to tell us what that is—have a conversation with us about what you’re talking about next and why
d. In general, this should communicate the relationships between the sources—the relationships you are recognizing and explaining, in terms of how they relate to each other and how they relate to your interests in the topic
e. Discussion should include summary and quotations from the articles and books reviewed, and these should have correct in-text citations using APA or Chicago
f. See Granello (2001) for discussion of how to move from summarizing to evaluating. IV. IV. Conclusion:
a. Summary of what you have shown that the literature shows—the conclusion to your story
b. Suggestions for what research this would lead you to do
c. Suggestions for further literature review work you see the need to do

Payout Strategy

In the supplemental readings you saw some examples of firms that have announced dividends, stock splits, and reverse stock splits. The assigned research paper reading looked at firm’s decisions and what factors appear to affect payout decisions. For this activity you will write a short one page to one and a half page paper on a firm of your choosing meeting the following criteria:

Publicly traded
You can provide a link to the firm’s profile and financial summary (similar to what can be found in Yahoo finance (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). Note: this can be other websites and non U.S. stocks can be used as well

An announcement that a firm has split, repurchased, dividend, or other payout discussed in the module’s readings in the past 3 months. The announcement could include the announcement of a firm cancelling their dividend payments as well as the various payouts.

For the selected firm provide a brief profile of the firm including the primary businesses/industry of the firm. Provide an overview of the industry. Address issues such as whether the firm is considered being in a growth industry, mature industry and the role/impact your firm has on the industry.

Discuss the payout strategy selected by your firm. What did the firm announce? Why did the firm make the announcement? Based on your study of dividends and other payouts does the strategy make sense? What signals is management sending with the announcement? Do you agree with the decision? As a shareholder would you be pleased with the announcement? Why or why not?