EFQM model application on The Squire Hotel (description in case study)

Your Brief

You are a member of the Executive Management Team for the Squire Hotel Group – (See case study at the end of the document) for background information and consider some of the key issues.
The Chief Executive of this Group of hotels has recently attended an Executive Seminar on the EFQM Excellence Model and was impressed with the holistic approach that the model takes to managing, measuring and improving organisational performance.

In view of this, the CEO has asked you to research, critically evaluate and make recommendations in a report to her on whether this EFQM Model can provide a framework for improving organisational performance at the Squire Hotel Group. As part of this report, the CEO is interested to learn whether other service organisations are using this approach and how successful the approach has been in driving organisational improvement.

WBS and Gantt Chart

All the tasks are broken down into their lowest levels and follow the sample format for the WBS. Documents are attached as an appendix to a professional paper. The Gantt chart shows all major project tasks using EXCEL and following the sample. All tasks are labeled. The document is attached as an appendix to a professional paper. There should be a professionally written 2 page paper to explain the WBS and Gantt Chart as well. There should be 3 scholarly articles within 5 years. The rubric is attached along with the project scope and charter & communication plan. My PICO question is: (P) In hospitalized patients, above 65 years of age, (I) does purposeful hourly rounding (C) compared to not doing hourly rounding (O) reduce the number falls from 6 per week to 2 per week (T) within a three months period?

Science in the news

Science in the News. 3 Separate articles 1-2 pages per article.
Every day we as a society we are exposed to science. With today’s constant stream of news and media we have daily report on a variety of important scientific matters relevant to local, regional and national levels. The reports influence public perception of scientific advancements, opinions, and investments that greatly impact our society. Understanding the language of media and science is essential to evaluate information that you hear or read. The goal of this assignment is to explore media items with scientific themes in order to expand your knowledge of scientific information, to learn to think scientifically, and to connect your knowledge of science to local issues of community importance.
a summary of the article (paragraph 1) opinion (paragraph 2) and answer the questions below (paragraph 3) surrounding a current news article (you choose the article) regarding topics in the area of community health, public health initiatives, or any other topic related to the course content (published within the last 2 months).
1. Paragraph 1: Article title, source, and summary of content
2. Paragraph 2: Opinion of the article and why you chose it.
3. Paragraph 3: Critical Thinking: do you agree or disagree, was the information accurate, was the article misleading/bias, describe the scientific stats and language used in the article, where is the data coming from, was it just percentages used?

How has U.S. Military Airpower impacted the nature and the character of war?

Draft and submit a 1,250 to 1,600 word paper addressing the following topic: How has Airpower impacted the nature and the character of war? Support your analysis with information you use and cite from the sources provided in this order. The paper template is provided in the uploaded files, along with all sources required for using in finding references and cited material to support the paper. I have attached 7 sources total to use.

Draft and submit a 1,250 to 1,600 word paper addressing the following topic: How has Airpower impacted the nature and the character of war? Support your analysis with information you use and cite from the sources provided in this order. The paper template is provided in the uploaded files, along with all sources required for using in finding references and cited material to support the paper. I have attached 7 sources total to use.

Teaching Creatively and Teaching for Creativity in the Kindergarten in Conception of Sustainable Development Education


The name of the Action Research Project: Teaching Creatively and Teaching Creativity in the Kindergarten in Conception of Sustainable Development Education.

On ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: check the instruction given by my teacher for this project.
The writer must get in touch with me before he starts writing.The course name: EDUCATION & SUSTAINABILITY

The name of the Action Research Project: Teaching Creatively and Teaching Creativity in the Kindergarten in Conception of Sustainable Development Education.

On ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: check the instruction given by my teacher for this project.
The writer must get in touch with me before he starts writing.

Employment Categories

For this assessment, write a 3–4-page analysis in which you complete the following:

Describe each category of worker (full- and part-time employees, independent contractors, temporary employees, interns, students, volunteers, and partners).
Include an analysis of the pros and cons of each type of worker, from an employer’s perspective.
Select and describe a type of business. Describe the ideal proportion of workers (full- and part-time employees, independent contractors, temporary employees, interns, students, volunteers, and partners) and include a supporting rationale.For this assessment, write a 3–4-page analysis in which you complete the following:

Describe each category of worker (full- and part-time employees, independent contractors, temporary employees, interns, students, volunteers, and partners).
Include an analysis of the pros and cons of each type of worker, from an employer’s perspective.
Select and describe a type of business. Describe the ideal proportion of workers (full- and part-time employees, independent contractors, temporary employees, interns, students, volunteers, and partners) and include a supporting rationale.

Wk6Assignment: Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project Write-Up

prepare for this Assignment, consider the process by which you chose and conducted your interviews, including any inisights gained through the coding and theme analysis process. How does the analysis impact your perspective of the chosen business problem, and how would you change your interview questions if you were to replicate this project?

By Day 7
Submit a 5- to 7-page synthesis in which you detail the process and results for your small-scale qualitative research project. Your synthesis should include the following components:

Background of the Problem
Research Problem
Interview Questions
Data Collection (Interview Transcripts)
Data Analysis (Coding and Theme Analysis)
Presentation of Findings
References (in APA format)
Note: Be sure to use the Small-Scale Qualitative Project Write-Up Template to complete this Assignment. Also, refer to the Week 6 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work. For each page of your paper, you must include a minimum of two APA-formatted scholarly citations.

You will now be composing a Program Evaluation Article Critique on a scholarly source by Debus-Sherrill et al. (2017) obtained in TCSPP’s library database on inmates in prison. The Debus-Sherrill et al. (2017) article that you will be critiquing is an empirical study, is less than 10 years old, and has the following APA sections (i.e., an Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Evaluation Findings, Discussion, and References). This article is included below along with the sample article by Smith et al. (2015) that was showcased in the Module 6 PowerPoint.

You will now be composing a Program Evaluation Article Critique on a scholarly source by Debus-Sherrill et al. (2017) obtained in TCSPP’s library database on inmates in prison. The Debus-Sherrill et al. (2017) article that you will be critiquing is an empirical study, is less than 10 years old, and has the following APA sections (i.e., an Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Evaluation Findings, Discussion, and References). This article is included below along with the sample article by Smith et al. (2015) that was showcased in the Module 6 PowerPoint.

Paper Information

Minimum of 2-3 pages (not including the Title or Reference Page).
Completed in Microsoft Word.
Follow the APA Publication Manual’s writing style and formatting guidelines (use objective 3rd person language),
Include a Title page, text pages, and Reference pages.
You should write at the graduate level, displaying critical thinking, paying attention to cross-cultural and multiple perspectives, as well as focusing on grammar and writing mechanics.

Be sure to include the following areas in your Program Evaluation Article Critique:

Introduction: address the program evaluation research questions;
Methodology: discuss the sampling strategy, program evaluation measures used, and procedural format;
Results: relate the statistical analyses to the program evaluation research questions;
Discussion: address the conclusions of the program evaluation study noting limitations, validity issues, and application to counseling practice
Reference page

Perform analysis on Union Pacific

*I need help answering the discussion question below***
Research Union Pacific Railroad (you are encouraged to use a myriad of reputable sources, including the company’s website.) Perform an analysis of the social/demographic, technological, economic, environmental/geographic, and political/legal/governmental segments to understand the general environment facing Union Pacific. Describe how Union Pacific will be affected by each of these external factors.*I need help answering the discussion question below***
Research Union Pacific Railroad (you are encouraged to use a myriad of reputable sources, including the company’s website.) Perform an analysis of the social/demographic, technological, economic, environmental/geographic, and political/legal/governmental segments to understand the general environment facing Union Pacific. Describe how Union Pacific will be affected by each of these external factors.

Road Traffic Noise

I want you to research on different types of Noise Mitigation Schemes that have been carried out in the UK. The schemes should be under (Noise Barrier Installation, Road Surfacing Schemes and Traffic Management e.g. speed control) etc. The research should be done in a tabular form please. For each case study, I want you to discuss why it was initiated, the location, when it was carried out, the noise level before and after the scheme, the number of people affected within the area the scheme was carried out, the total installation, maintenance and life time cost of the scheme. You should also briefly speak about how the scheme will be maintained. Please you need to do at least two schemes for each (Noise Barrier, Road Surfacing, and Traffic Management). I have attached a table below which you should use in carrying out the report please. It should be just two pages and in tabula form. Please you should include references within the whole report. All your figures, number of people etc should be referenced and you should explain how you approximated number of people affected. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. After you complete the schemes for each mitigation measures, I want you to write briefly about how cost effective those road schemes are based on noise LEVEL reduction or people impacted (USE WEBTAG FOR THIS). Please this report should be carried out properly and in detail.