Elements of a Control System and the Minority Equity Participation Plan

For this paper, I have to apply the Elements of a Control System discussed in Chapter 8 of the Finkler, et al. textbook the Minority Equity Participation Plan discussed in “The Portside Plan” case study by Leigh and Blakely. Please explain how a person would employ a performance audit to address the issues posed at the end of the case study. Explain if a nexus exists between downtown development and the proposed development fee OR are the fees anti-development? Also, consider how a performance audit might investigate whether the plan violates City of Richmond v. J.A. Crossen Co.For this paper, I have to apply the Elements of a Control System discussed in Chapter 8 of the Finkler, et al. textbook the Minority Equity Participation Plan discussed in “The Portside Plan” case study by Leigh and Blakely. Please explain how a person would employ a performance audit to address the issues posed at the end of the case study. Explain if a nexus exists between downtown development and the proposed development fee OR are the fees anti-development? Also, consider how a performance audit might investigate whether the plan violates City of Richmond v. J.A. Crossen Co.

infant to toddler fine motor and gross motor

Consider the many developmental milestones of infancy and toddlerhood and list examples that highlight how the environment stimulates or undermines early development. For example, provide examples of how parents can support intermodal sensitivity through certain kinds of communication., be sure to discuss how you could apply research strategies to understand these developmental milestones.

Consider the many developmental milestones of infancy and toddlerhood and list examples that highlight how the environment stimulates or undermines early development. For example, provide examples of how parents can support intermodal sensitivity through certain kinds of communication., be sure to discuss how you could apply research strategies to understand these developmental milestones.

Social Media having an overall positive impact on today’s youth

Theory – 1 – 3 sentences of theory/background establishing the academic/research nature of your study (cited)

The rationale for conducting your study. 1 – 3 sentences (cite a ‘knowledge gap’ in the academic literature).

Hypothesis and Related Research Questions framing your study. State your Hs.

Methods used to gather and measure data. Outline your Research Design and proposed materials, instruments, population, and analysis. A paragraph or two

Current ‘observations’ (results) for your data. Display your data in a Table, Figure or Quoted Responses. Appropriate Data Displays to address your Hs and/or RQ.

Any references as appropriate…

-Data was collected using a “Qualtrics” survey https://umasslowell.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_40fQp68S25nSKih

Theory – 1 – 3 sentences of theory/background establishing the academic/research nature of your study (cited)

The rationale for conducting your study. 1 – 3 sentences (cite a ‘knowledge gap’ in the academic literature).

Hypothesis and Related Research Questions framing your study. State your Hs.

Methods used to gather and measure data. Outline your Research Design and proposed materials, instruments, population, and analysis. A paragraph or two

Current ‘observations’ (results) for your data. Display your data in a Table, Figure or Quoted Responses. Appropriate Data Displays to address your Hs and/or RQ.

Any references as appropriate…

-Data was collected using a “Qualtrics” survey https://umasslowell.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_40fQp68S25nSKih

( Axial Age Idea)

Please read the writing assignment carefully. Everything you need to know to be able to write the paper have been uploaded. This paper count 50% for my final grade, please take it seriously. You need to compare the thinker’s ideas discussed in the documents. You need three similarities and/or differences that they share. But, no, not all five documents have to be used for EACH topic you discuss. For example, if you want to use religion as one of your topics, you can use it to compare two authors who share similar ideas on the topic. Not all of the authors discuss this so you should find another topic they do discuss and then compare that to another author so you can use all of the documents in a meaningful way.
So two sources might cover the role of religion in one’s life, two sources might cover how to obtain wisdom, two or three sources might cover the role of politics, etc. By the time you are finished, I assume that each thinker will have been discussed. “

Discussion 7.1: Whistleblowing

Identify an actual or potential situation that did or could result in the need for whistleblowing. Put yourself in the situation as the nurse and describe the steps you would follow and the potential repercussions you might face.

Identify an actual or potential situation that did or could result in the need for whistleblowing. Put yourself in the situation as the nurse and describe the steps you would follow and the potential repercussions you might face.

Identify an actual or potential situation that did or could result in the need for whistleblowing. Put yourself in the situation as the nurse and describe the steps you would follow and the potential repercussions you might face.

Finance and Sustainability

Dear Writer, as last time, in this essay you have to write a summary of the guest speaker (Brendan Pastor from UN) event we had in class this week. Unfortunately he could not come so our professor did the presentation on his behalf. So please when referring to him, mention Professor Werner please, not Pastor.
I will upload the links for the video recordings in the chat.
For your convenience, in few hours I will also attach the SLIDES he used during the class. But PLEASE WATCH the FULL CLASS before writing the summary.
Once again, you worked really well for the last essay, please keep up the good work!
Please do not hesitate to ask me if you need further information

semi-annual financial reporting

Evaluate the benefits and the costs associated with a possible move to a six-month reporting frequency. You may use sources from popular press and academic studies to back up your arguments. Please cite appropriately. Include in your answer your opinion and recommendation regarding this proposal. Limit paper to 700 words. Professor asked me to rewrite, please write based on the comment.

Evaluate the benefits and the costs associated with a possible move to a six-month reporting frequency. You may use sources from popular press and academic studies to back up your arguments. Please cite appropriately. Include in your answer your opinion and recommendation regarding this proposal. Limit paper to 700 words. Professor asked me to rewrite, please write based on the comment.

visual analytics and big data management

the project requires the use of the software SAS JMP13, it entails using the software to analyse a data set that i will attach below. after conducting a few statistical and visual analytics on the data set, a 2000 word report is supposed to be written. pls find the documents required below, including the official brief. the data sets were not able to e uploaded due to their JMP format. pls ask the writer to contact through email for the particular data sets required for the project

the project requires the use of the software SAS JMP13, it entails using the software to analyse a data set that i will attach below. after conducting a few statistical and visual analytics on the data set, a 2000 word report is supposed to be written. pls find the documents required below, including the official brief. the data sets were not able to e uploaded due to their JMP format. pls ask the writer to contact through email for the particular data sets required for the project

The role of DNA repair in resistance to topoisomerase inhibitors and nucleoside analogues

The role of DNA repair in resistance to topoisomerase inhibitors and nucleoside analogues

The literature view should review background published research literature relating to the specific research topic chosen.
The format of the review must follow that of a full review published in the Journal Cell.

  • Word count, excluding bibliography, must be included on the first page of the document
  • A list of 4 Key words (for database searching)
  • 5 figures.
  • A maximum of 100 references are allowed and not less than 30 references

Guidance for Formatting:

  • Double sided, A4 paper size, 2.54cm, top, bottom, left and right margins
  • Main text, and figure legends Arial 10-point font, single-spaced text
  • All pages numbered
  • Single-column format for cover page, title, references, footnotes, figures and tables.
  • Two-column format for summary, introduction, results and discussion sections. See below for help converting text into columns with Microsoft Word.
  • Once you have completed your report, select text to be converted to columns
  • Click on “Format,” and then choose “Columns” from the drop-down menu.
  • Select two columns and equal column width with spacing of 0.5 cm


The structure of the research paper

  • Introduction (here you should introduce the main headings listed bellow linking them together to give the reader a hint of what will be discussed in details after. So use 300 words only in here.
  • DNA damage, repair and cancer (you should use subheadings and you should introduce the role of MRN (Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1) complex while you are explaining within DNA damage, repair and cancer. (read the articles uploaded to discuss this in full scientific details, you have to reference everything, do not use short sentences, do not use no-sense sentences. see the following graph to explain it in full details and you can see the reference of this figure uploaded .


  • Role of DNA repair in resistance to topoisomerase inhibitors (very brief summary)
  • Role of DNA repair in resistance to nucleoside analogues (you have to be very scientific in details here as this is the core of the project)
  • Developing novel Mre11 exo- and endo-nuclease inhibitors (this is the core as well so be scientific )
  • Conclusion (Just a brief conclusion of the overall and the importance to study the title of this project).



Please read the slides uploaded with this to have clue what the research paper is about and you have to include all the above heading and explain them in scientific details.

Homeless Female Veterans

This final “Lessons Learned” paper will outline and provide an overview of the doctoral students
learning gained throughout the course about: a) the selected Grand Challenge, b) leadership in
the Grand Challenge, & c) leading public discourse and how these may be applied in the future.
The paper must be a minimum of five pages (no maximum) with a minimum of five citations.This final “Lessons Learned” paper will outline and provide an overview of the doctoral students
learning gained throughout the course about: a) the selected Grand Challenge, b) leadership in
the Grand Challenge, & c) leading public discourse and how these may be applied in the future.
The paper must be a minimum of five pages (no maximum) with a minimum of five citations.