Digital Technology and Sociology

In 3-5 pages please do the following:

How has having access to digital technology positively contributed to increasing employment?
What role has digital technology played in increasing levels of unemployment?
Discuss some of the structural changes and workforce changes that organizations have had to make in the last 5 years to account for advancements in technology? How has this impacted society?
Make sure to use a minimum of 3 credible references. Include an APA formatted reference page.
Make sure to include a title page.In 3-5 pages please do the following:

How has having access to digital technology positively contributed to increasing employment?
What role has digital technology played in increasing levels of unemployment?
Discuss some of the structural changes and workforce changes that organizations have had to make in the last 5 years to account for advancements in technology? How has this impacted society?
Make sure to use a minimum of 3 credible references. Include an APA formatted reference page.
Make sure to include a title page.

Week 6 Lab Experiment

I submitted scan 53 and 54 Chapter 16r and scan 55 Design on experiments pg 333 Reading the material and the instruction sheet that you can use to complete this assignment Click on the clink link on the instruction sheet to participate in the experiment and use the templet ( blue Letter) to answer the questions.
This week you will begin a two-part lab that serves as your Major Project for this course. Please read through the instructions carefully and post your questions in the Discussion area for this week. One very important aspect of being a Researcher is being able to be meticulous. This means you must check and double check your work, especially when working with numbers. As you know, reporting false information can make an enormous impact in the behavioral and medical sciences and is grounds for serious ethical violations.

Investigating the Effect of Religiosity on Moral Decision Making via Trolley Problem

It is a study produced by four people as a group but the final lab report must be written individually. I have attached all of the necessary documents you would need.

Tittle: Investigating the Effect of Religiosity on Moral Decision Making via Trolley Problem

You can find ALL the documents necessary in this link (Please let me know if you have problems accessing the files):

In the attached documents you will find:

1. Instructions given by the university on the lab report.
2. The Project Outline, which was initially submitted at a group to the university, it outlines all the main factors regarding the study (Aims, Hypothesis, Methods, Materials). This document should be a guideline, please change the words in order to avoid plagiarism, and expand on it by including several more references in the introduction and also try elaborate in other aspects.
3. Clean Data Document, which outlines the changes that were made when we initially received our SPSS data. Please use this information where suitable.
4. SPSS OUTPUT, which includes all the data of the research which needs to be analysed and discussed (E.g. does the data match the hypothesis, limitations, recommendations for future research, etc.). It includes the Chi Square (Control for Religious), Logistic Regression (Control for Religious) and Descriptive Statistics.
5. Most recent lab report with my tutor’s feedback, which I have received a 68/100 for.

This website outlines exactly how an APA Lab report should be written, please follow exactly:

I have also attached the files on here incase you cannot access through the link.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any problems accessing these folders. This is a final report and must be done at very high standard.

Esterification of acrylic acid

1. Experiment purpose: Briefly prepare the purpose of the experiment
2. Experimental process
3. Results of experiments
4. Reviewing the results of experiments
5. References: Reference forms of the Chemical Engineering Council should be uniformly attached
I want you to
Write within four pages except the cover
If the content of the site surveyed is included, it will be reflected in the evaluation.
Each part shall not have its contents duplicated
Detailed assessment items are notified at the time of the experiment.1. Experiment purpose: Briefly prepare the purpose of the experiment
2. Experimental process
3. Results of experiments
4. Reviewing the results of experiments
5. References: Reference forms of the Chemical Engineering Council should be uniformly attached
I want you to
Write within four pages except the cover
If the content of the site surveyed is included, it will be reflected in the evaluation.
Each part shall not have its contents duplicated
Detailed assessment items are notified at the time of the experiment.

Secondary School Appeal Statement

i am looking for a 2 pagers substantial statement to put a positive argument to the school and appeal team with the intent of a successful appeal and to secure a secondary school place.

here are the full details and i will enclose all the evidence to support stage2 of the appeal process.

Bucks Grammar school exam score:
134 (qualifying score was 121- bucks don’t count child just need to qualify by getting 121 or above)
Schools applied and rejected for:
The royal latin school- Buckingham
Alyesbury High School
Sir Henry Flyod – in Alyesbury
Reason for rejections: The place i live in did come short of distance admission rule by the following distance
( i am out of county and catchment to begin with- so the admission rule is – 6 Any remaining places are allocated to out of area children according to distance between the family’s normal home address and the school’s nearest gate – straight line distance is used.)
This year The Royal Latin School were able to offer down to the distance rule to a distance of 7.629 miles. Your home address is 7.863 miles from the school. This is why we were unable to offer a place.
This year Aylesbury High School were able to offer down to the distance rule to a distance of 12.959 miles. Your home address is 13.602 miles from the school. This is why we were unable to offer a place.
This year Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School were able to offer down to the distance rule to a distance of 13.365 miles. Your home address is 13.545 miles from the school.
Ground of Appeal:

All these schools have gone over net capacity in last 10 years and their ofsted or people performance has not impacted and hence i would ask how would it do this year by giving one extra place

headteacher letter around gifted and talented, the recommendation of the suitability of grammar schools
CAT4 report – in the 10% of national level (evidence CAT 4 report)
The child is working with a software company startup company, she had a huge recommendation letter on her ability to help teams on Design thinking concepts (Evidence: Geris software company letter of recommendation)
Programming and algorithmic approach on robotics programming (evidence: Programmes child wrote and her paperwork)
Prepared to move out of the current house and get closer to the schools i am appealing for
Please advise the feasibility or chance of successful appeal and based on that we can proceed to the next steps.


Consider the differences in counselling young people and adults. Which would be the sorts of issues that might cause a young person to seek counselling and which would be the most appropriate approach for the counsellor to take?

Assessment criteria
Tutors use the general criteria found the Education Programme Handbook, as well as the following criteria that are specific to this module:

• ideas and comments that draw on the relevant literature;
• evidence of sustained critical thinking
• appropriate use of theories
• evidence of substantial and critical reading
• clear, well organised work based on an appropriate selection of material
• an integration of theory and practice
• appropriate academic rigour

Latest revision comment
Assessment criteria
Tutors use the general criteria found the Education Programme Handbook, as well as the following criteria that are specific to this module:

• ideas and comments that draw on the relevant literature;
• evidence of sustained critical thinking
• appropriate use of theories
• evidence of substantial and critical reading
• clear, well organised work based on an appropriate selection of material
• an integration of theory and practice
• appropriate academic rigour

Work Measuremets and Ergonomics

Select and answer any TWO of the following three questions. You may begin your answer with a very brief summary of the concept mentioned in the question but the
majority of your answer should be an explanation of how that concept is applied to the company specified in the question.

Question One: Completely and thoroughly explain how Elements could be defined to create labor standards for a company that makes light fixtures, such as table lamps, ceiling lights, and outdoor lights. Be specific in your answer and identify as many
different specific examples as you can on how Elements could be defined for the different operations that are required to make light fixtures.

Question Two: Completely and thoroughly explain how Work Sampling could be used to establish labor standards for a company that makes medical products. Be specific in your answer and identify as many different specific examples as you can where Work Sampling could be used to establish engineered standards for the different operations that are required to make medical products.

Question Three: Completely and thoroughly explain how Time Study could be used to establish labor standards for a company that makes soap products. Be specific in your
examples and discuss specific applications to specific operations that are used to make soap products.
****( Sample labeled Exam 2 of how the instructor likes the paper to look and details of explanation of questions)
Please read the rubric completely it’s also attached labeled syllabus****** (All your answers must be single spaced. Times New Roman type font must be used. 12 Point type must be used. 5. Standard one-inch margins must be used.
If you use information from an internet website then at the end of the paragraph include the following (complete internet web address copied and pasted from the web browser and the address link should be clickable so the instructor can click on your link and immediately access the internet document that you used.) If you copy and paste an image, or a table, from an internet website then include a reference to that website immediately below the image or table in your answer.
Every paragraph in your answer should contain documentation at the end of the paragraph that references the material you used to write that paragraph.

Exam Grading Rubric: Your answers to each exam question should include information from a variety of sources as explained above.
If you do not provide notes to your references at the end of each paragraph in your answer to an exam question then you will receive a very low grade on that question.
If you answer a question briefly and you provide very few supporting facts then you will receive a very low grade on the exam. If you provide an extremely long answer to a question but your answer only includes one or two relevant facts and you simply discuss those facts in great detail then you will receive a low grade on the exam. Students who provide and discuss more relevant facts that are directly related to a question, and who document their answers with references to a variety of relevant internet websites, will receive a higher grade on that question compared to students who provide fewer relevant facts.
If you provide a good answer to a question that includes several relevant facts, and you discuss each of those facts clearly as they specifically relate to the original question, and you provide notes to your references at the end of each paragraph in your answer to each question, then will receive a higher grade on the exam.
Your grade on each question will be based on whether or not your answer clearly demonstrates that you understand the concepts in the original question, and your answer has directly applied those concepts to the company or organization specified in the original question.
**** You might have to insert a study like the sample solutions for work measurement and analysis. Please keep in touch and ask questions.

MARKETING for small business

You are creating a 4 minute video!


Pick a small business or nonprofit organization, preferably one you care about.  (Perhaps owned or run by a family member or friend [or yourself]).


Pick a SMALL business or nonprofit—preferably one that you know well or care about. Please DON’T PICK A FRANCHISE OR MAJOR CHAIN!  (Also, no bars or pizza restaurants!)

Why small?  You have more of an ability to learn about it, see its strengths and shortcomings, and develop a better marketing program for it.


Then, clearly connecting what you are saying to the concepts or examples from the book or guide sheets, describe their marketing shortcomings—what are they doing wrong, and what might be improved?


Treat this much like you are a marketing consultant – identify what they are doing now, and what in your opinion they should consider doing from a marketing perspective.  As you do  – be sure to explain why they should follow your recommendations. You must cite examples from the course to support your recommendations.

Don’t use these exact words, but you might say something like:


Chapter 5 describes (and clearly explain a point from the chapter) and Acme Fabricators is not thinking about this.  They could market better if they worked on this by (and discuss a solution).


You could describe 3, 4, or more problems where the business could benefit from the concepts in the chapters and their solution.


You only have 4 minutes!  So don’t spend a lot of time describing the business!  A picture (video) is worth 1000 words.


Use the course tools, from the marketing mix (4 Ps) to the advertising, promotional, and other concepts we discuss in the course. How should the small business or nonprofit innovate their marketing?



Two last things:  1)  Maybe they need a new sign, but don’t spend time on it.  It’s not a concept in the course and we won’t give credit for it.  2) we’d really like it if YOU would appear, at least for a moment or two, in the video!






this is my preferred business in Tuscaloosa, AL


if you have a better choice in the states of AL, CT, or NY that will be fine too as long as it is within the parameters of the assignment







WHAT I NEED IS THE SCRIPT AND RESEARCH DONE for the above video I am too shoot.

Sources to be used

Marketing 14th Edition

ISBN-13: 978-1259924040

ISBN-10: 9781259924040








Market Structures: Prices and ouput decisions

The Module 4 Assignment is a written essay. There are two sections with questions that need to be answered in detail. Each section has its own word count requirement. It is expected that you will provide an analysis that is supported with research from credible academic resources.
Section 1 Questions
(25 words per question) 1. What are the primary elements of market structure?
2. Describe the monopoly market structure and provide some examples.
3. How are barriers to entry and exit similar? How are they different?
4. From a social standpoint, what is the problem with monopoly?
5. Describe the monopolistically competitive market structure and provide some examples.
6. Describe the oligopolistic market structure and provide some examples.
7. The statement “You get what you pay for” reflects the common perception that high prices indicate high product quality and low prices indicate low quality. Irrespective of market structure considerations, is this statement always correct?

Section 2 Market Structure Concepts:
Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false and explain why. (25 minimum words per question)
A. Equilibrium in monopolistically competitive markets requires that firms be operating at the minimum point on the long-run average cost curve.
B. A high ratio of distribution cost to total cost tends to increase competition by widening the geographic area over which any individual producer can compete.
C. The price elasticity of demand tends to fall as new competitors introduce substitute products. D.
An efficiently functioning cartel achieves a monopoly price/output combination.
E. An increase in product differentiation tends to increase the slope of firm demand curves.

Section 3: Monopolistically Competitive Demand:
Would the following factors increase or decrease the ability of domestic auto manufacturers to raise prices and profit margins? Why?
(25 minimum words per factor)
A. Decreased import quotas.
B. Elimination of uniform emission standards.
C. Increased automobile price advertising.
D. Increased import tariffs (taxes).
E. A rising value of the dollar, which has the effect of lowering import car prices.
Submit your assignment as a Word document and upload it for the Module 4 Assignment. (Use the sample paper template provided).


PLEASE Read the Articles
Market Structure: Meaning, Characteristics, and Forms

Market Structure: Meaning, Characteristics and Forms | Economics

Market Structures

Market Structures

Perfect Competition

Perfect Competition

Economics Basics: Monopolies, Oligopolies and Perfect Competition


Monopolistic Competition

Lachs, when abstract moralizing runs amok

All you have to do is read the article and come up with 3 strong debatable/discussable questions. Make sure each questions is at least 3-4 sentence long. Don’t come up with simple basic questions. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.

All you have to do is read the article and come up with 3 strong debatable/discussable questions. Make sure each questions is at least 3-4 sentence long. Don’t come up with simple basic questions. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.

All you have to do is read the article and come up with 3 strong debatable/discussable questions. Make sure each questions is at least 3-4 sentence long. Don’t come up with simple basic questions. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.