Post your response to the question, “To what extent is mixed methods research simply taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together?” Next, explain the types of research questions best served by mixed methods research. Then, explain one strength and one limitation of mixed methods research. Finally, provide a rationale for or against the utility of mixed methods research in your discipline.

Post your response to the question, “To what extent is mixed methods research simply taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together?” Next, explain the types of research questions best served by mixed methods research. Then, explain one strength and one limitation of mixed methods research. Finally, provide a rationale for or against the utility of mixed methods research in your discipline.Post your response to the question, “To what extent is mixed methods research simply taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together?” Next, explain the types of research questions best served by mixed methods research. Then, explain one strength and one limitation of mixed methods research. Finally, provide a rationale for or against the utility of mixed methods research in your discipline.

Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

Lab10 bonding and property of water

n this investigation, three types of chemical bonds will be investigated: ionic, covalent, and hydrogen. In a series of activities, some of the properties of water will be tested and the molecular interactions at play will be examined.

In the first activity, the solubility of covalent and ionic substances in polar solvents is investigated. The physical properties of adhesion and cohesion of water due to hydrogen bonding is examined in the second activity. In the third activity, we investigate density and miscibility, and in the final activity, we observe the high heat capacity of water.All labs must be written-up as Formal Lab Reports and have the following sections:

· Purpose
· Experiment
· Data and Observations
· Calculations
· Conclusions
· Lab Question Answers
· References
Labs must be submitted as a single uploaded file

the manual must be one of the references

Develop a proposal for a research study using an Integrative Medicine modality of your choice. Base your selection on an area where a lack of evidence exists – this could be usage patterns, special populations, a specific clinical condition, or cost benefit. Describe the objectives, background, study design, methods, and outcomes of your study. 5-10 pages 12-point font 1.5 space.

Develop a proposal for a research study using an Integrative Medicine modality of your choice. Base your selection on an area where a lack of evidence exists – this could be usage patterns, special populations, a specific clinical condition, or cost benefit. Describe the objectives, background, study design, methods, and outcomes of your study. 5-10 pages 12-point font 1.5 space.

Develop a proposal for a research study using an Integrative Medicine modality of your choice. Base your selection on an area where a lack of evidence exists – this could be usage patterns, special populations, a specific clinical condition, or cost benefit. Describe the objectives, background, study design, methods, and outcomes of your study. 5-10 pages 12-point font 1.5 space.

Gendered assessments of microfinance have often come up with contradictory conclusions. Critically assess and compare examples of such contradictory findings to explain why this might be the case.

The best way to answer the paper is to look at case studies of microfinance and find points of difference between them and what they have concluded (what it does for gender equality, for example).

We then explain why these differences exist- it could be due to time, methodology employed, research design, methods of investigation used, questions asked by the researcher, etc. Then we EXPLAIN, critically asses and COMPARE between examples- why this might be the case.

Therefore, we find differences in the conclusions and what they have “found” and see whether it is a result of HOW they have have looked for the information.

Case studies can be used outside the ones provided, there are many microfinance cases in Bangladesh. The articles attached are a good starting point for understanding the academic writing style and theories to be employed.


Hi, this critical report is to write an ANALYSIS OF HABITS AND DIETARY INTAKE that I have completed on myself. attached is the template to complete this assignment in it under part 2. I have filled in part 1 and made some statistics and all what you need to do is part 2 which is to analyze that with 800-1000 words. I have attached some supported materials that I used during this exercise to just be familiar with how we did that. Again the name of the file that you need to work on it is Portfolio 12345.

Hi, this critical report is to write an ANALYSIS OF HABITS AND DIETARY INTAKE that I have completed on myself. attached is the template to complete this assignment in it under part 2. I have filled in part 1 and made some statistics and all what you need to do is part 2 which is to analyze that with 800-1000 words. I have attached some supported materials that I used during this exercise to just be familiar with how we did that. Again the name of the file that you need to work on it is Portfolio 12345.

How does mathematics support children’s language in early years setting OR how mathematics support children social interaction

This module is titled enquiry based learning
Q- how can maths help children to become an enquiry based learning
Q- how practitioners help or support children problem solve mathematics
How children access mathematics resources in setting
Q- what resources are available
Q- how children us e the area

Key readings
Hayes, C., Daly, M., Duncan, R., Gill, R., and Whitehouse, A. (2017) Developing As a Reflective Early Years Professional: A Thematic Approach, St Albans: Critical Publishing
Read Chapter 1 ‘The nature of reflective practice’

Week 10: Approaches to small scale investigation
This week we will find out
• What is action research?
• What is case study?
What is Ethics?
• Codes of practice
• Importance of ethical research
• Principle of informed consent
You will find this week’s reading on the Reading List
Key readings
British Educational Research Association (BERA) (2018) Ethical-Guidelines-for-Educational-Research, available at:

Week 11: Data Gathering Methods

This week we will

• Explore methods for data collection
• Revisit briefly the importance of observation as a means of data collection
• Examine what an interview is and how to structure it
• Revisit the importance of journaling

You will find this week’s reading on the Reading List
Key readings
Magnusson and Marecek (2015) Doing Interview-Based Qualitative Research: a learner’s guide, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Read chapter 5 pp. 52-57 on ‘Designing the interview guide’

David leat on enquiry based
Beckley et al (2009) 189/190

Case Analysis – Airport Emergency Planning vs. Strategic Tactical Operations

Refer to 14 CFR Part 139.325
from the GPO U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Develop a case analysis on this topic:
Airport Emergency Planning is a vital responsibility of an airport, not to mention a requirement per 14CFR Part 139.325. Strategic Tactical Operations (STO) as conducted by an airport ARFF unit is how emergency response protocol is established and implemented. The two concepts should be used concurrently.
Read through the Airport Emergency Planning vs. Strategic Tactical Operations Analysis for Case Analysis #2 (attached) to be familiar with a case analysis on this topic. You are to use that document for guidance only, as you should develop your own case analysis.
Refer to the Certified Federal Regulation (14 CFR Part 139.325) and independent reading material.

In a 2-3 page paper, the equivalent of 500 words, please provide a case analysis for this ARFF scenario as follows:
Review materials from the provided and outside sources regarding the case analysis
Diagnose the case (identify the issue/problem, define the significance of the issue/problem)
“Size-up” the case (determine the influence of the issue/problem, decide what was done well, and identify what could be improved)
Provide recommendations (identify courses of action; what would you do differently?)
In your case analysis, include these elements:
Significance of the problem
Two alternative actions
Two advantages and disadvantages per alternative action
References page

Please provide 3 sources from Google Scholar

Describe 3 objects that represent your past, your present and your future?

My past is a blank white paper, because my life is boring , afraid to get out of my comfort zone, lack of passion, confidence and knowledge. My present is a key, unclock the door to new opportunities, overcome my fear, out of my comfort zone, want to try and learn new things. My future is a syringe, because I want to become a asethic nurse, I love doing injection and make people more beautiful so they have more confidence. Please write a good introduction and conclusion about how people get to know me through these objects, Please write a good introduction and conclusion about how people get to know me through these objects

lab9 gas law

Students assume the role of a chemical engineer as they design a less expensive and less toxic automotive air bag restraint system. Students are introduced to a model air bag that is inflated using a simple CO2 generating reaction in a plastic bag.

In the first activity, the volume of carbon dioxide needed to fill the bag at room temperature and pressure is calculated using a balanced chemical equation, stoichiometry calculations, and the ideal gas law.
In Activity 2, the calculated amounts of reagents from Activity 1 are tested and the air bag is activated. Several tests are performed until the correct amount of reagents is determined.
For the final activity, the quantity of reagents required to fully inflate an actual driver’s side and passenger’s side air bag is calculated.

All labs must be written-up as Formal Lab Reports and have the following sections:

· Purpose
· Experiment
· Data and Observations
· Calculations
· Conclusions
· Lab Question Answers
· References
Labs must be submitted as a single uploaded file

this manual must be as one of the reference

samsung smartphone marketing plan

Company name: Samsung
Product: Samsung Galaxy s10

This is my paper requirement:
The paper needs to contain the following information. Please use the following template and include the following bolded section headers in your paper.
Executive Summary
• Company
• Product
Target Market- Discuss the Target Market for the Product, including how you arrived at that Target Market (such as Demographics, Psychographics and Synchographics)
Marketing Mix- Describe the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) for the product, including a deep dive on each of the 4 Ps. Please justify how you arrived at your marketing mix. For example, don’t just describe the price, but describe your pricing strategy.
• Product (features that are in the product)
• Price
• Place
• Promotional strategy
Environmental Variables- Describe the Environmental Variables (Competitive/Technological, Social/Cultural, Legal/Political and Economic) that affect the product and any marketing mix changes needed to adapt to the environmental variables.
• Technological/Competitive
• Social/Cultural
• Political/Legal
• Economic

I already made the outline. Please follow it and the paper requirements to do this project.
(this is my professor comments for my outline:
Target market needs work.
Explain what the smart features are
Pricing also included segmentation
Explain place strategy selective?
Environmental variables are way too vague- what political issues? how does changing economy affect you?)

Feel free to change to make the project perfect if necessary.
