Hegemony and False Consciousness

Please look at the formulating research topic file and rubric.

1.Formulate a research problem in the field of education to which you will apply either or Hegemony and False Consciousness.
2.State the Purpose of the Study
3.State the overarching (central) research question to mirror your purpose statement
4. Formulate specific research questions using theory contructs
5.Provide a brief overview of the theory. The theoretical overview should include the following information:
– Philosophical, ideological, socioeconomic, or political context that gave rise to the theory
– Proponent(s) of theory
– logical evolution of the theory (if applicable)
– main tenets or constructs of the theory
– arguments used by scholars in support of opposition of theory
– how the theory has been used as a framework in the literature (review 2 studies not older than 6 years)
– how the theory is suitable as a framework for your study
6. Conclusion

Writing Assignment Exam 3 – Rancière, Nancy, Massumi Due 4/11/2019

Writing Assignment Exam 3 – Due 4/11/2019

Rancière, Nancy, Massumi

6-8 pages double-spaced with the usual formatting and uploading guidelines.

After studying the Structuralist and Poststructuralist discourses on the nature of signification in language, subjectivity, and social apparatuses/ideologies, our more recent string of texts have spiraled us back to three interlaced issues: (a) How does ‘sense’ (meaning) happen? (b) How are ‘we’ involved in the making or finding of sense? (c) How does the ‘aesthetic’ relation to sense focus these very issues and promise a better ‘making sense’ of ‘sense’? The questions amount to matters of ‘meaning’ on both the Ontological and Practical levels – how sense ‘is’ and how it ‘works.’

Rancière considers society in terms of the ‘distribution of the sensible’ and the unique modes of aesthetic-political ‘dissensus’ that, through the function of art in the ‘aesthetic regime,’ can reconfigure the situation on behalf of human equality. Nancy burrows beneath all of this to account for the broader phenomenon of ‘sense’ itself, and for the way we are (and art is) positioned on the threshold between (a) the old ‘transcendent’ guarantors of ‘sense’ and (b) a more primordial and affirming return to the ways in which the immanence of the world holds a life of dynamic and non-subjectivist sense. Massumi’s case for an ‘activist philosophy’ of the ‘occurrent arts’ focuses on the relational nature of perceptual/artistic ‘events’ and human experience overall, and on how the process-nature of such events consists in their being at once virtual, potentializing, abstract, sensible and nonsensuous, political, and even ‘immediate’ in their meditational qualities.

Perhaps we could say that where Rancière explores the aesthetic regime’s role in dissensus, Nancy explores the role of art’s ‘fractality’ in relation to awakening the second kind of ‘sense,’ and Massumi explores how pre-cognitive events are figured as perceptible semblances across a process that reminds us of how ‘technologies of existence’ are at once creative and political. It would be misleading to say the three projects are perfectly linked. But it is true that each project speaks to the issue of ‘sense’ by way of speaking to the nature of ‘art,’ and vice versa.


What are the most important ways in which each of the three projects unpack the issue of ‘sense’ (broadly including the ‘sensible’, the ‘event’, etc.) and also call for an ‘activism’ (activating, etc.) on its behalf. What are some ways they overlap or differ in this regard? In view of these comparisons, what do you think are the projects’ best insights, problematic claims, and what further insights would ‘you’ as artist-philosophers add to this question of activism and sense?


-I mean ‘activism’ in the spirit of activating – animating something central to the life of sense.

-Feel free to include an artist/artwork in the discussion to help address either part of the question.

Felony Disenfranchisement Policy Paper

The student will research a federal, state or local public policy issue that attempts to solve a problem and prepare a short policy paper on that issue. The paper should be approximately 20 pages, typed and double-spaced.
You can use some popular media (newspapers, magazines) sources in your essay as well as web based information. You are also expected to include scholarly references as well. See the following web site as a resource -http://library.kentlaw.edu/buslib/pubadmin.htm. The policy paper should be at least 15 pages, double- spaced.

An excellent paper will incorporate concepts from class readings and class discussions.

The policy paper should follow this specific outline:
Background Information

 Description of the issue, including data illustrating the extent and historical view of the issue.

 What problem does the issue concern? What is the significance of the problem?

 Identification of key actors/players/stakeholders and their importance and priorities in regard to the issue.

Summary of Policy Alternatives
 Briefly describe the different alternative policy responses to the issue that have been proposed.
 What are the results of prior efforts to deal with the problem? Be sure to discuss alternatives that have not
been successful, including the reasons for failure.

The Future
 Provide your own analysis of what the prospects are in the future for dealing with the policy issue. Attention should be given to fiscal issues.

Link to Public Administration Principles:
 Discuss which public administration principles this issue illustrates. The paper should incorporate concepts
from class readings and class discussions.

 All sources, including legislation, Web sites, etc. must be properly cited.

Comparing Networking Sites

Comparing and contrasting professional networking sites LinkedIn and Ryze incorporating insights gained from the course materials from the week.

Comparing and contrasting professional networking sites LinkedIn and Ryze incorporating insights gained from the course materials from the week.

Comparing and contrasting professional networking sites LinkedIn and Ryze incorporating insights gained from the course materials from the week.

Comparing and contrasting professional networking sites LinkedIn and Ryze incorporating insights gained from the course materials from the week.

Comparing and contrasting professional networking sites LinkedIn and Ryze incorporating insights gained from the course materials from the week.

Comparing and contrasting professional networking sites LinkedIn and Ryze incorporating insights gained from the course materials from the week.

Design the Network Addressing Schemes

Please read the template very carefully. This work is a continuation from my last assignment which I have attached as well here. Also very important YOU NEED TO DO THIS ASSIGNMENT USING MICROSOFT “”VISIO”” OR OTHERWISE I WOULD FAIL IT! If you don’t have that program in your pc let me know as I can provide you with the program for free. Thank you please do your best!

Please read the template very carefully. This work is a continuation from my last assignment which I have attached as well here. Also very important YOU NEED TO DO THIS ASSIGNMENT USING MICROSOFT “”VISIO”” OR OTHERWISE I WOULD FAIL IT! If you don’t have that program in your pc let me know as I can provide you with the program for free. Thank you please do your best!

Virtues and Ethical Leadership

We might also consider that how ‘morally right’ is defined has some cultural relevance to it. And yet, there are basic behaviors that are ‘good’ for people in any culture, and others that are bad. Perhaps the challenge of global leadership is developing an instinct for that which is virtuous and leading perspective through a lens of right reason.
‘Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.’ -Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics (350 BCE) (Stanford, 2018)

‘Lead them with virtue and regulate them by the rules of propriety, and they will have a sense of shame and, moreover, set themselves right’. -Confucius (551-479 BCE) (Resick, C.J. et al., 2011)
Underlying the notion of moral leadership are virtues. Aristotle’s explanation of virtues is indirectly supported by scientific research too in that repeated actions condition the mental wiring of the brain for that to become a more permanent behavior. Practical wisdom (prudence) must be present for a seemingly virtuous act to truly be virtuous, which is simply balanced reasoning (being wise). In this 21st century, we have lost sight of this as people have lost sight of virtue, confusing it with rights. For an act to be truly virtuous, all virtues need be present. For example, for an act to be prudent it must have temperance. The reasoning in daily choices develops into practical wisdom which turns to serve future choices. The heuristics of our decision making are formed, and we are more likely to use ethical reasoning the more often we do so. In the process, one builds a personal brand of integrity and consistency regardless of the situation.


Lifespan development and theoretical approaches. Early years. Scotland based

Can you add more information/words to this please?
Provide a clear definition of lifespan development and why it is important to research and understand theoretical approaches to child development

Provide a brief explanation of neuroscience and evaluate how this supports children’s brain in their first three years of life

Can you add more information/words to this please?
Provide a clear definition of lifespan development and why it is important to research and understand theoretical approaches to child development

Provide a brief explanation of neuroscience and evaluate how this supports children’s brain in their first three years of life

Can you add more information/words to this please?
Provide a clear definition of lifespan development and why it is important to research and understand theoretical approaches to child development

Provide a brief explanation of neuroscience and evaluate how this supports children’s brain in their first three years of life

Human Resource Management

**Employee Separation and Retention
**Employee Benefits

You will develop the portfolio in the form of a training manual for CT Enterprises, a utility trailer manufacturing and production company. See the handout in the handout section regarding company information.

Based off the other Portfolio’s, provide a detailed description of the pay structure for the various departments and positions. Provide pay ranges for the various positions in each department.

You will also provide a summary of benefits for all employees. You may want to review some websites of various companies, which will help you in preparing your list.
Remember, this plan will include all work units, not just production. Remember, the legal components of this process.
Remember, you are writing what could be used as a policy guide in the HR Department at CT Enterprises.

Cisco Network Proposal Part 1

You have been recently hired as a network administrator for the xAcme Technology Trade School. The school realizes that the local systems administrators need help implementing certain technologies at each of the remote locations, as well as final WAN configurations. Out of the network administrators on staff, you have been asked to move the Cisco Network Proposal forward. With your background and skills, you will design, implement, and assist in configurations to support xAcme’s topology.

Technologies to implement will differ from site to site, as administrators have begun topology implementations. You will be provided the overall topology as well as certain device configurations in order to determine the best course of action per site/challenge. In addition to helping the school configure its network, xAcme requires that all new network administrators obtain their CCNA certification within 60 days of being hired. You are excited about starting this project but realize creating a schedule to help balance your work and home life will be the key to success.

Your proposal will be submitted in three major parts:

  • Springfield Device and STP Configurations (i.e., Part 1)

Existing VLANs

Remote locations vary in terms of size and requirements. Some implementations will require current site router/switch-running configurations, which will be provided. All sites will use the following four VLANs, but you will need to configure only what is asked per site (some assumptions will be made).

  • Existing VLANs, per xACME:
    • Faculty VLAN
      • used by faculty on-site for all office locations (non-instructional communications)
      • total devices per site will vary
    • Administrative VLAN
      • used by staff on-site for business administrative communications
      • total devices per site will vary
    • Academic VLAN
      • used by faculty and students for classroom labs and instructional communications
      • total devices per site will vary
    • Server VLAN
      • used by IT staff for all technology/management communications
      • total devices per site will vary

The types of devices per site will be the same; however, the number of deployed devices may vary (all documented in the xAcme educational topology).

Routers Per Site:

Cisco 2800 Series Integrated Services
Interfaces Ports Available 4 Fast Ethernet Interfaces
(Per Router)
2 Serial Interfaces
(Per Router)
fa0/0 s0/0/0
fa0/1 s0/0/1

Switches Per Site:

Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series
Ports Available 96 Total Gigabit Ethernet
Ports Per Switch
Module 1 = gi0/1 – gi0/24
Module 2 = gi1/1 – gi1/24
Module 3 = gi2/1 – gi2/24
Module 4 = gi3/1 – gi3/24

Note: Device type will not impact your configuration commands and implementation of ALL required technologies will use Cisco IOS commands/concepts learned in our TestOut lecture(s). Standard switchports will be configured and used as trunk OR access ports, and DCE ends should be noted when configuring serial ports per router.

Springfield Site Device and STP Configurations (Focus on the Springfield Site Only)

Required Implementation: Device hostnames, banners, secured passwords and spanning tree protocol.

  • Device Configurations: Implement device hostnames to match the xACME educational topology labels. Provide a template and sample configuration for the MOTD banner and login banner (wording and implementation) for one of the switches. Keep this generic, as it will be implemented on all switches in the xACME educational topology. Lastly, include the configuration steps for implementing device passwords on both console port (out-of-band communications) and VTY (Telnet/in-band communications). All passwords should be encrypted.
  • Spanning Tree Protocol (STP): Briefly explain the advantages and purpose of the STP. Administrators are having a difficult time placing switch 1 as the root. Provide a sample configuration for implementing SPT on the switches. Choose the mode you feel would be best suited for the environment and justify why. Switch 1 will need to be the root switch in the Springfield topology. Consider any security measures that can be implemented to protect the devices from bogus BPDUs.

Note: When approaching the spanning tree challenge, do not concern yourself with the multiple VLANs at this time. Focus simply on the default VLAN1, which is the active VLAN that all ports belong to in this topology at this time.

  • Please refer to the following configurations:
    • SpringfieldSw1
    • SpringfieldSw2
    • SpringfieldSw3
    • SpringfieldSw4


System Safety Engineering

Design a system safety program plan for a bulk tank railcar off-loading facility for hydrocarbon products that has the following features:

one railcar switch located next to an interstate highway,
capacity to off-load liquid hydrocarbon products,
two 500,000 gallon bulk liquid storage tanks for liquid hydrocarbon products,
two diaphragm pumps with piping between the off-loading station and the bulk liquid storage tanks,
one off-loading station (single-sided) that is elevated 12 feet from the ground, and
one switch engine for staging railcars at the off-loading station and at railcar storage tracks.

Step 2: Then, using the CSU APA style example paper as a formatting guide (including title page, abstract, body, and reference page) linked here, include the following:

Design a minimum of a seven page system safety program plan with a minimum of five scholarly sources (books and articles, and at least one from the CSU Online Library) using the following level one headings:

Defined Objectives
System Description
Hazard Identification
Hazard Analysis
Risk Evaluation
Hazard Controls
Verification of Controls
Risk Acceptance
Safety Control Structure Diagram (see these instructions in the paragraph below)
Planned Periodic System Review
Design a safety control structure diagram for your work system, and embed it within your system safety program plan as the content for your ninth level one heading.