The PERC model

In a Microsoft Word document, write a three to four page paper in response to the following:

You must be doing something right because the politicians in Raleigh would like you to testify one more time. The budget writers are having difficulty balancing the revenues coming in with the expenditures going out. Many of the fiscally conscious representatives are willing to shut down many of the 74 State Parks, Areas, Lakes, Rivers and Trails. The state parks employ about 400 people and host more than 15 million visitors each year, according to the North Carolina State Parks website. Shutting them down is politically risky and an alternative is needed.
The Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) in Bozeman, Montana has published a case study comparing two public parks called, A Tale of Two Parks. Use the questions provided on the assignment to help guide your testimony to the committee.
In your testimony (again limited to no more than 4 pages) to the politicians in Raleigh, you will need to find a way of taking the PERC model and making it applicable to North Carolina. How can the PERC model benefit North Carolina and help maintain a balanced budget? The legislators will want to know if this is something that can be applied across the board to the entire department of parks and recreation or to just a subset. If it is a subset, what are the limitations? They will also want to know if there will be immediate benefits or whether these benefits will be far into the future. To help further the debate, a recent article in the Carolina Journal Online addresses the possibility of charging an admission fee to enter state parks.
3. Your paper should be written in APA style with appropriate references and bibliography.

Please refer to this link and additional materials for references. Please include and use these three references.

State Park System Could Pay Its Own Way

In the United States, we often learn early American history from the perspectives and experiences of the original British settlers

Write an essay that addresses the theme below. Remember to include an introduction, complete with a thesis statement, and a conclusion, which briefly restates your arguments and highlights the larger importance of your findings. Be sure to use a few quotes to substantiate your arguments. Always cite all direct quotes and paraphrases from the works of others. Include a Works Cited page. Your paper must be double-spaced, use 12-point type, Times New Roman font, and standard margins.

Use the chapters you have read so far in Our America to answer the questions. Use of internet sources is not acceptable!

Assignment: In the United States, we often learn early American history from the perspectives and experiences of the original British settlers – following them from their first journeys to the Americas, to the establishment of English colonies, through the American Revolution and early republic, down to the 20th and 21st centuries. Felipe Fernandez-Armesto proposes a different approach to the study of United States history. What does this author say is limiting about our traditional ways of teaching and reading about US history? What kinds of problems can the traditional focus cause? What alternative does he propose? Finally, choose an example of story from the book and explain how, in your view, the author succeeds (or not) in his goals and describe how students of history can benefit from books like Our America.

I already purchased the book and sent it to you guys.

Prisoner’s Dilemma

Write a paper on the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Give a numerical example and show how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 15)

Write a paper on the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Give a numerical example and show how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 15)

Write a paper on the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Give a numerical example and show how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 15)

Write a paper on the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Give a numerical example and show how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 15)

Write a paper on the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Give a numerical example and show how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 15)

Strategic View of Bargaining

Write a paper explaining the strategic view of bargaining. Present a numerical example and discuss how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 16).

Write a paper explaining the strategic view of bargaining. Present a numerical example and discuss how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 16).

Write a paper explaining the strategic view of bargaining. Present a numerical example and discuss how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 16).

Write a paper explaining the strategic view of bargaining. Present a numerical example and discuss how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 16).

Write a paper explaining the strategic view of bargaining. Present a numerical example and discuss how each player would make decisions. (Chapter 16).

Are there any circumstances where suppressing one’s right to freely express or criticize an idea is appropriate?

Be sure to clearly define the dialectic you’re engaging with (the main issues in the debate) and to pick a side by clearly providing an interesting, defensible, manageable, argumentative, and focused thesis. Be sure to also consider the best arguments against your thesis and why your view is superior.

Be sure to clearly define the dialectic you’re engaging with (the main issues in the debate) and to pick a side by clearly providing an interesting, defensible, manageable, argumentative, and focused thesis. Be sure to also consider the best arguments against your thesis and why your view is superior.

Be sure to clearly define the dialectic you’re engaging with (the main issues in the debate) and to pick a side by clearly providing an interesting, defensible, manageable, argumentative, and focused thesis. Be sure to also consider the best arguments against your thesis and why your view is superior.

Prisoner Dilemma

Review Chapter 15, Table 15.4, Prisoner Dilemma. Suppose the game starts with both Jesse and Frank planning to “Stay Mum” in the lower right cell. Discuss how each player would evaluate the situation and decide whether to change decisions. If each player makes decisions to minimize the penalty, in which cell will this game end? Is there a Nash equilibrium?

Review Chapter 15, Table 15.4, Prisoner Dilemma. Suppose the game starts with both Jesse and Frank planning to “Stay Mum” in the lower right cell. Discuss how each player would evaluate the situation and decide whether to change decisions. If each player makes decisions to minimize the penalty, in which cell will this game end? Is there a Nash equilibrium?

Here are some questions/prompts to help you with your FIRST RESPONSE. You can incorporate more than one in your response or use it as a platform from which to extend your post. You are not limited to these questions: -Comment on the ubiquity of m/o. Were you surprised at how prevalent m/o are in our environment, in/on our bodies? Was this a new concept for you or were already aware of it?

Here are some questions/prompts to help you with your FIRST RESPONSE. You can incorporate more than one in your response or use it as a platform from which to extend your post. You are not limited to these questions:
-Comment on the ubiquity of m/o. Were you surprised at how prevalent m/o are in our environment, in/on our bodies? Was this a new concept for you or were already aware of it?
-Comment on your understanding of beneficial m/o before/after reading these articles, using specific examples
– Which article did you find most interesting/why?
-Is it important to identify/characterize the m/o in our homes, on our bodies? Why/ why not?
-Will this knowledge of biodiversity in your environment affect your daily life? How? Are there any habits that you will change?
-Why should architects and engineers have an understanding of the biodiversity of m/o? How might they have an effect on human health?
-The author (Michael Pollen) of “Some of my best friends are germs” considers himself to be a superorganism. Do you? Did you before these articles? What was your attitude about the m/o on/in your body? Before/after?
-One of the scientists in the article inoculated his newborn’s skin with vaginal secretions. Would you have thought about the benefits of this prior to the article? Would you ever request this “procedure” after having read the article (if you are ever in this situation)?
-Comment on microbial diversity in the gut (in general; Western gut vs. less industrialized populations)
-Will this article have an effect on your own diet?
-There are so many interesting things to study as a microbial ecologist. If you were one, what would you be most interested in researching?
-Comment on the possible correlation between microbes and stress levels, temperaments
-Comment on labeling m/o as “good” or “bad” (H. pylori)
-How do antibiotics and antimicrobials affect our microbiota? Were you exposed to a lot of antibiotics during your youth? What are your thoughts concerning the research finding antibiotics in meat, milk, surface water? Where is this coming from? What can you do to prevent this?
-What is your attitude regarding Antimicrobials/Disinfectants? Do you use antimicrobial soap? Will you continue to use it?
-Comment on the association between mass-produced, highly processed foods and your gut microbiota
-Do you regularly take pre/probiotics? Will you now? Why/why not?
-Comments on fecal therapy? They have a pill form now. If you were faced with intestinal issues, would you ever consider this as a treatment?
-Did you previously think about “managing” your microbiome? Will you now? What might you do/change?
-What would a meal that is beneficial to your lower GI tract look like?
-How could bacteria in our guts potentially affect our mood?
-Could it be possible that exposure to antibiotics early in life could affect one’s mood/temperament as an adult?
-Comment on the possible relationship between intestinal m/o and obesity risk.
– What was opinion of the hygiene experiment article? Would you ever consider using living m/o vs. soaps/body wash?
-How has our society’s attitude towards m/o changed from their discovery to now? (what types of m/o were initially being studied? Has this changed at all?)
-Comment on Whitlock’s study (AOBiome- hygiene experiment). How did he initially test his “clean dirt” theory? Opinion?
-Will this article change the way you care for your skin microbiome? Did you think about your skin microbiome prior to reading this?
-“The skin microbiome is the wild frontier”Fischbach. If given the opportunity, what would you research regarding skin microbiota?
-How could knowledge of skin microbiota correlate with wound healing, inflammatory skin disorder and other infectious diseases?
-What is your opinion of the FDA regulations/recommendations regarding antimicrobial soap?
-Opinions/Comments on the Triclosan article


please note that, the previous writer did a horrible work and I got a really bad grade from that paper ,now I am submitting a rewriting in order to improve my grade. I hope you will really improve my grade dear writer.
See attachments please, I attached the horrible work that was done by the previous writer then the professors feedback, also the assignments.The readings you ca find on the internet. If you do not find them please txt me I will scan the book and send it to you , please note that the assignment must be done before april 10

Strategic View of Bargaining

Review Chapter 16, Section 16.1, Strategic View of Bargaining. Discuss the recent National Basketball Association bargaining. In this case, each party needed to decide to either “bargain hard” or “accommodate.” What can we learn from this case?

Review Chapter 16, Section 16.1, Strategic View of Bargaining. Discuss the recent National Basketball Association bargaining. In this case, each party needed to decide to either “bargain hard” or “accommodate.” What can we learn from this case?

Review Chapter 16, Section 16.1, Strategic View of Bargaining. Discuss the recent National Basketball Association bargaining. In this case, each party needed to decide to either “bargain hard” or “accommodate.” What can we learn from this case?

Workday Inc. Background and Research and Critique

Please reference the attachments it is very important for this paper. I have attached my first paper for a reference as well as the guidelines of how the paper needs to be written. Submit the background for the problem and your research and critique of innovative technologies.
Milestone One: Background and Research and Critique
In Module Three, you will submit the background for the problem and your research and critique of three innovative technologies that have the potential to address the specific business scenario identified for the final project. You will identify the technologies that you considered, document the advantages and disadvantages of each technology relative to the business scenario, identify which technology you have selected for the scenario, and provide justification for your selection. Your submission should include the critical elements from sections I and II above. This milestone will be graded using the Milestone One Rubric. For Milestone One, you will submit the background for the problem and your research of three innovative technologies that have the potential to address the specific business scenario identified for the final project. You will identify the technologies that you considered, document the advantages and disadvantages of each technology relative to the business scenario, identify which technology you have selected for the scenario, and provide justification for your selection. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: (Note: Please use the numbered title in this paper for each section) 1. Needs and Challenges: What is the need or challenge of the organization? What are potential ways to address that need or challenge? How can it be improved? 2. Innovative Technologies: What are three innovative technologies that can be used to address the needs of the organization, and how do the technologies address the needs? 3. Assessment: What is the cost? What does implementation involve? Who/what will benefit? Which stakeholders will be affected by a new technology adoption? What supports for implementing new technology will be necessary for stakeholders? Is this a cost-effective solution? Be sure to comprehensively address each component of the assessment for each of the three innovative technologies. 4. Selection: Based on the assessment, which innovative technology best meets the organization’s needs and why? Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One should follow these formatting guidelines: 5–7 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format.