Film Analysis Assignment

Formatting: double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.

For this project, students will write a 5-7 page paper that provides an analytical response to a film chosen from one of the films screened for class. Papers must bring together ideas from the readings done for class with an analysis of a film and the most successful papers will make use of the theoretical ideas we read and discussed in class to construct an original argument about the film, the ideas themselves, and/or the cultural context.

Your film response MUST make reference to at least one of the films that we have discussed in-class as well as at least one of the readings that has been assigned for class. You may not reference any film not listed on the syllabus for this assignment.

When you select from one of the readings, please bear in mind that you must demonstrate your understanding of the main arguments and ideas from that text and then use those ideas to analyze the film of your choice and develop an original argument about the film, the theoretical concepts, and/or the historical context.

You may contrast two films and/or two theoretical texts in your paper, although it is not recommended to include more than two films or texts in your analysis given the short length of the paper.

Please note that we only watched clips from the full-length films in class and you should watch the full version of the film on your own so that you can accurately discuss the film in your paper.

***************Summary: Each paper must analyze at least one film and reference at least one course text
Don’t just analyze each one separately, link the ideas together!*************

Screenings: Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960)

Course Texts to use:
Sigmund Freud, Excerpts from The Interpretation of Dreams
Laura Mulvey, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”

Argumentative Essay

In this unit’s discussion, you spent time discussing the value of Wikipedia for college students and analyzing various arguments on the issue. Hopefully, you began to see that the subject of Wikipedia is a complex one, with many informed perspectives, angles, and positions. Now, your job is to develop your own position on Wikipedia by entering the critical conversation with an argumentative essay of your own.

In this unit’s discussion, you spent time discussing the value of Wikipedia for college students and analyzing various arguments on the issue. Hopefully, you began to see that the subject of Wikipedia is a complex one, with many informed perspectives, angles, and positions. Now, your job is to develop your own position on Wikipedia by entering the critical conversation with an argumentative essay of your own.

My Leadership Seeds

This assignment is very loaded. I propose you open the instructions as soon as you receive the order. The paper is based on the leadership framework of the 12 seeds. However, we are only required to write on 3 of the 12 seeds while providing linkages to the rest of the 9 seeds. Please open the course outline for the question on pages 7-10 as well as the GSB FT MBA FT for the full instructions.

This assignment is very loaded. I propose you open the instructions as soon as you receive the order. The paper is based on the leadership framework of the 12 seeds. However, we are only required to write on 3 of the 12 seeds while providing linkages to the rest of the 9 seeds. Please open the course outline for the question on pages 7-10 as well as the GSB FT MBA FT for the full instructions.

Psychedelic and New Drugs

The paper details are under “additional materials”. Please write the essay based on the provided material plus 2 external sources. This essay is a reaction/response essay to the provided material.

The paper details are under “additional materials”. Please write the essay based on the provided material plus 2 external sources. This essay is a reaction/response essay to the provided material.

The paper details are under “additional materials”. Please write the essay based on the provided material plus 2 external sources. This essay is a reaction/response essay to the provided material.

The paper details are under “additional materials”. Please write the essay based on the provided material plus 2 external sources. This essay is a reaction/response essay to the provided material.

Family witnessed resuscitation at the Accident and Emergency Department

Acute & Critical Care

Description of Summative Assessment
The assignment for this course is a 1940-word ‘critical analysis’ of a clinical practice issue. One aspect of clinical practice should be selected. Critically appraise the evidence relating to the issue and explore the role of the multidisciplinary team and the impact on patients and their families.
Suggested Assignment Structure The assignment should commence with an introduction, outlining the background and stating the aim. The literature search strategy should be summarised, leading onto the main section within which the literature-base is critical analysed and discussed to address the aim. Conclude with key recommendations for practice and research.

Intended Learning Outcomes
1. Characterise and critically appraise the processes of holistic systematic assessment of acutely ill adult patients.
2. Critically examine the evidence base in relation to current treatment modalities for patients requiring multi-organ support.
3. Analyse factors contributing to physical and psychological morbidity in the critically ill and critically appraise the interventions aimed at reducing occurrence.
4. Critically appraise the strengths and weaknesses of a collaborative approach in the delivery of effective care to the critically ill adult.
5. Critically reflect upon current and future clinical practice and policy in relation to the evolving evidence base.

Topic: Family witnessed resuscitation at the Accident and Emergency Department
Reference Style: Harvard

Latest revision comment4/6/2019 10:05 pm:
I checked the references and saw that many articles were based out of UK, however at the inclusion criteria you include UK studies. like Soleimanpour.
Moreover, many studies include ICU units as well like Brasel’s study.
In adition this paragraph is out of topic as we do not discuss about out-hospital or education of family.
From another perspective, the inclusion of family members during CPR could help save lives in the event of a cardiac… access to specialist equipment.
the critical discussion needs to adress the aim of the barriers of the FWR implementation at ED. Pleade include articles only for ED
04/06/2019 22:21 PM: at the barriers include please lack of policies, organization of the hospital and education.

Lab Experience for Single Subject Design

Please read the rubrics the at the end of the page and understand the instructions answer the specific questions as the professor has instructed for the best possible grade and follow the direction as they have written. I also submitted the scan for chapter 12.

Dear writer, make sure to take the survey. I am
a female User name is, (norma Moralesand please follow the instructions especially Research
Question Write a GOOD research question that would be appropriate for this study.
Hypothesis Write a GOOD alternative and null hypothesis that could fit this experiment.

IV= report the IV; identify the IV as categorical (nominal or ordinal) or continuous (ratio or interval scale)
DV= report the DV; identify the IV as categorical (nominal or ordinal) or continuous (ratio or interval scale)

CV = Report any possible CoVariates that are included in this study. (Note that this would appear as a variable not included as
part of the experiment, but asked in the study as the variable could
possibly interact with the IV and DV.)

Hello to complete the survey part of this order my
user name is password is

Issues in Financial Reporting and Analysis

The company need to do research is – National Australia BK, Hang Seng Bank Ltd HKG
please write why the disclosure list answer is yes or no.

The company need to do research is – National Australia BK, Hang Seng Bank Ltd HKG
please write why the disclosure list answer is yes or no.

The company need to do research is – National Australia BK, Hang Seng Bank Ltd HKG
please write why the disclosure list answer is yes or no.

The company need to do research is – National Australia BK, Hang Seng Bank Ltd HKG
please write why the disclosure list answer is yes or no.

APA “Find the Errors” Task

Write: Using the Week 1 APA Unformatted Example EssayPreview the document, complete the following task:

Using the “Track Changes” function located under the “Review” tab at the top of the Word document with the unformatted essay, identify as many APA formatting errors as possible (there are at least 25 errors).
Using the “Comments” function, correctly write out the APA rule that applies to the identified errors. You do this by highlighting the word, words, or error and clicking on “New Comment” located under the “Review” tab at the top of your Word document. A comment box will pop up at the right of your paper for you to write the rule to the error.
Do not comment on repeat errors. For example, if two citations have the same formatting mistake, comment on only one of them.
Note that there are some capitalization and punctuation errors that you may correct through Track Changes, but they are not the focus of this exercise.
Before you submit your written assignment, please save this document as a PDF using the following instructions:

After you have saved your document on your desktop, open it up and click on the File menu
Click on “Save As”
You will see a drop-down arrow below the title of your document. Click on the arrow to see the different formats that you can save the document in.
Look for “PDF” and click on it.
Click “Save”

What’s driving the increase in housing costs in Berkeley? Supply or demand or what? InstructionsFiles (1)Chats (1)

The data should be about this topic:

California & SF Bay Area: Population trends. In- and Out-migration of US residents versus immigrants, fx trends of both.

Please find data beginning from 1900 about population trends in San Francisco, Berkeley and California. Please cite the sources. There should be 3 data sets. One for San Francisco, one for Berkeley and the other one for California.

And please, include this data

Then do this.
Now that you’ve found data and gotten feedback, you will write a paragraph about it. You will want to address these things:

1. What do the data say?

2. What do the data mean?

3. What do your data tell us about why housing costs in Berkeley have increased?

Determine Wages

Option #1: Determine Wages

A crew of five carpenters and two laborers will be used to build a concrete structure. Work is scheduled for 10 hours/day on Monday through Friday and 8 hours on Saturday. Overtime at a rate of one and one-half will be paid for all hours over 8 hours/day on Monday through Friday and double time for all Saturday work. The base wage, taxes, and insurance rates are given below. Calculate the hourly, weekly, and monthly cost for the crew.

(See attachment for the table with all factors)


You will deliver both:

An Excel spreadsheet to include:

Tables of all information (data) given in the problem, formulas that reference cells thus creating dynamic formulas that will change if the information in the tables changes and the final answer highlighted in yellow.

Show all of your work (at each step).

A two-page narrative to describe your findings and interpret your results:

Follow APA format

Include a cover page and reference page.

Support your work with at least two peer-reviewed, credible, and current scholarly articles.