Project Management Plan: Cost, Procurement, Resourcing and Engaging with Stakeholders

For your first assignment you completed part of a Project Management Plan, focusing on scope and time. For this assignment, you continue your work as a Project Manager on the same case study you worked on for your first assignment, and this time, focus on planning and managing cost, procurement, resourcing and engagement with stakeholders and communication

For your first assignment you completed part of a Project Management Plan, focusing on scope and time. For this assignment, you continue your work as a Project Manager on the same case study you worked on for your first assignment, and this time, focus on planning and managing cost, procurement, resourcing and engagement with stakeholders and communication

Find and write down your “Overall Composite Score”, You MUST include this score in your essay reflection! (see additional material for chart)

Step 1: Find and write down your “Overall Composite Score”, You MUST include this score in your essay reflection! (see additional material for chart)
Step 2: Reflection Paper: Write a 350 word self reflection paper addressing the following questions.
a. What was your “Overall Composite Score”?
b. What do the results mean to you?
c. What can you do to improve them?
d. Identify at least 3 areas of wellness in which you need to improve.
e. Paper should follow proper APA or MLA format. Papers are expected to have been proof read and absent of any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.Paper should follow proper APA or MLA format. Papers are expected to have been proof read and absent of any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.

Project Management Plan: Cost, Procurement, Resourcing and Engaging with Stakeholders

For your first assignment you completed part of a Project Management Plan, focusing on scope and time. For this assignment, you continue your work as a Project Manager on the same case study you worked on for your first assignment, and this time, focus on planning and managing cost, procurement, resourcing and engagement with stakeholders and communication

For your first assignment you completed part of a Project Management Plan, focusing on scope and time. For this assignment, you continue your work as a Project Manager on the same case study you worked on for your first assignment, and this time, focus on planning and managing cost, procurement, resourcing and engagement with stakeholders and communication

Thesis Question: Does “Brother Eagle, Sister Sky” represent authentic Native American beliefs?

“Brother Eagle, Sister Sky” Research Essay Guide 1“Brother Eagle, Sister Sky” Research EssayThesis Question: Does “Brother Eagle, Sister Sky” represent authentic Native American beliefs?Prewriting and Research1. Read “Brother Eagle, Sister Sky” illustrated by Susan Jeffers from the Files section of Canvas. a. Take notes on the themes that appear in the text.b. Note a few quotations from the book that best capture the themes, but do not worry about recording page numbers as there are none.2. Next, read the 1854 speech published by Henry A. Smith in 1887 as reproduced by Frederic James Grant in 1891. Original Source: Frederic James Grant. History of Seattle, Washington. New York: American Publishing, 1891. 434-436.a. Log into the Library through your Atlas account and search “Answering Chief Seattle” to find the book by Albert Furtwangler. Use the blue hypertext next to “Links” to open the eBook. Then click, “Read Online” or “Download Book”.b. The full speech by Chief Seattle is on pages 12-17 of “Answering Chief Seattle”.c. Take notes on the themes that appear in the speech.d. Note at least three quotations from the speech that best capture its themes. When quoting from the speech in your essay, attribute the quotes to the original 1891 source by Grant and do not worry about citing page numbers.3. Read Chapter 1 of “Answering Chief Seattle”, pages 3-12.a. Select one sentence by Albert Furtwangler that captures his main purpose in writing a book about this speech and be sure to record the page number in which your selected quote appears.b. Feel free to note any other sentences that capture Furtwangler’s thesis.4. Read Chapter 2 of “Answering Chief Seattle”, pages 19-46.a. Take notes and identify three main reasons why Smith’s account may be suspect.b. Note at least three quotations from this chapter that capture the reasons noted in the previous step.c. Next, take notes on how Smith’s speech became “Brother Eagle, Sister Sky” from 1887 to 1992.d. Make sure to note quotations and page numbers that might help you elaborate on this 100-year transformation. See pages 25-27.5. With the above research completed, write out the biggest thematic differences between the 1854 speech and “Brother Eagle, Sister Sky”.6. Read “Case Study: Black Elk and Red Cloud, Speeches from the Sioux” and write out your thoughts on Jeffers’ claim on the last page of her book.7. Read “Case Study: Metea and Simon Pokagon, Speeches from the Potawatomi” and write out your thoughts on how Native American voices have been shaped by white authorship.8. Read the introduction of “Native Religions of North America: The Power of Visions and Fertility” by Ake Hulkrantz (1-19) from the Files section on Canvas and take notes on important claims made about all Native American beliefs.

Business Research

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

This assignment requires 2500 words and APA references format.

Clinical Reasoning 2

The objective of this assessment is to discuss your ideas related to a focused health
assessment of your case study patient. A focused health assessment concentrates on a
specific area of concern, for example if a patient is breathless, then your assessment
should include a respiratory/cardiovascular and functional assessment. From the
attached case studies, select one case that you find interesting. Your case study will
include a number of findings that will assist you in discussing your case study patient.
Your case study should include the following;
1. Describe the sequencing of your proposed assessment.
2. In relation to the health history, what questions will you ask? How do these inform
your proposed assessment?
3. Analyse the findings of both the health history and the focused health and clinical
assessment and relate these findings to the underlying disease pathophysiology.
4. Formulate the nursing interventions for your selected patient using appropriate
evidence based nursing literature to support your care decisions.
It is essential that a clear relationship between the health history, the assessment and
the process of care be outlined in your case study. Your case study must demonstrate
your clinical judgment.

Gun Control Debate

A paper that talks about how gun control would help the United States in many ways more than one.

An introduction that includes a hook, background on the issue, what the problem is, how we know this is the problem, and solutions that have been proposed.

Talk about how more gun control would reduce gun deaths. Include statistics, facts, and a story that illustrates the phenomena

Talk about how high-capacity magazines should be banned because they too often turn murder into mass murder. Include statistics, facts, and a story that illustrates the phenomena

Talk about how guns should be harder to acquire and how the process makes its way to easy to buy a gun in the US. Include statistics, facts, and a story that illustrates the phenomena

Talk about how Civilians, including hunters, should not own military-grade firearms or firearm accessories. Include statistics, facts, and a story that illustrates the phenomena.

Talk about how Countries with restrictive gun control laws have lower gun homicide and suicide rates than the United States. Include statistics, facts, and a story that illustrates the phenomena.

Talk about how gun control laws would reduce the societal costs associated with gun violence. Include statistics, facts, and a story that illustrates the phenomena.

Talk about the many solutions to the problem of gun violence. Include an example of how it would work, an example of a solution that has been tried, and an example of how it would benefit the United States and its citizens.

A conclusion that summarizes the arguments made and show the wider implication of the arguments.

Please include URLs if applicable and an annotated bibliography.

Thank You!


Using A and others v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2004] UKHL 56 (also known as the Belmarsh 9 case), critically evaluate at least two jurisprudential approaches covered on this module. [100% of marks]
Can you please evaluate the Justice and Positivism approaches, and if there is enough word count can you also discuss sovereignty. In addition, can you please try to incorporate the theories mentioned in the PPT in the essay as well.
Also please write the body paragraphs only (without an introduction or a conclusion).Using A and others v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2004] UKHL 56 (also known as the Belmarsh 9 case), critically evaluate at least two jurisprudential approaches covered on this module. [100% of marks]
Can you please evaluate the Justice and Positivism approaches, and if there is enough word count can you also discuss sovereignty. In addition, can you please try to incorporate the theories mentioned in the PPT in the essay as well.
Also please write the body paragraphs only (without an introduction or a conclusion).

Comparative financial statement analysis

Write a five- to seven-page comparative financial statement analysis of the three companies listed below, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In this analysis, you will discuss the financial health of these companies with the ultimate goal of making a recommendation to other investors. Your paper should consist of the following sections: Company Overview, Comparison of Accounting Methods, Ratio Analysis, Final Recommendation, Conclusions. You will also submit an appendix as a separate document. Additional research may be necessary to provide company background information, or to support your analysis and recommendations. Your paper needs to include a minimum of two scholarly, peer-reviewed, and/or credible resources in addition to the textbook as references.


A design check sheet, or checklist, is a tool for you to use when evaluating learning events. It should reflect your personal style of working and preferences. The purpose of a check sheet is to prompt you to look for elements of accelerated learning, and how they work together, in the lesson. Your check sheet should reflect the 4P model, intake styles, and at least three other accelerated learning concepts.

A design check sheet, or checklist, is a tool for you to use when evaluating learning events. It should reflect your personal style of working and preferences. The purpose of a check sheet is to prompt you to look for elements of accelerated learning, and how they work together, in the lesson. Your check sheet should reflect the 4P model, intake styles, and at least three other accelerated learning concepts.