The use of audit and quality management systems within occupational health

Please critically appraise the purpose and importance of having a robust quality management and audit system within an occupational health service. Please identify the key processes and procedures that you would undertake to implement this system taking account of the notion of developing an Service Level Agreement and then implementing it within a workplace.
Please support your findings with evidence and references


CHARTERED MANAGEMENT INSTITIUTE., 2014. Managing Projects. [online]. Corby: CHI. Available from: 035-Managing_Projects.pdf

COOMBS, J., 2018. Introduction to Clinical Audit in Occupational Health. [online]. Havant: Working Well Solutions. Available from:

CORDALL, G., 2019. Service Level Agreements. [online]. Available from: Agreements.pdf

HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE., 2019. ISO 45001 Occupational health safety management standard. [online]. London: HSE. Available from: [Accessed 26/03/19]
Guidance on the provision of Occupational Health Services for Higher Education Institutions. [online]. HEOPS. Available from: Health_in_Higher_Education_Institutions_v14.pdf

PATON, N., 2012. Creating service level agreements for occupational health. [online]. DVV Media: Sutton. Available from: occupational-health/

ROYAL COLLEGE OF NURSING, 2019. Quality Improvement. [online]. London: RCN. Available from: improvement

SEQOHS., 2019. The Standards. [online]. London: RCP. Available from: [Accessed 26/03/19]
SLA TEMPLATE.COM., 2019. Service Level Agreement (SLA). [online]. Available from:

SUTHBRIDGE, R., 2019. Ethics guidance for occupational health professionals. [online]. London: Croner-i. Available from: articles/ethics-guidance-occupational-health-professionals?product=133

TEMPEST,E., 2012. How to draw up SMART objectives that will work. [online]. London: Nursing Times. Available from:

TJALVIN, G. AND MOEN, B., 2019. Organisational models for occupational health services. [online]. University of Bergen: Future Learn. Available from: countries/0/steps/13157

WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION, 2002. Good Practice in Occupational Services: A Contribution to Workplace Health. [online]. Copenhagen: WHO. Available from: &isAllowed=y

Organic Food vs conventional food

Research report about how organic food is not worth wild compared to conventional. comparing pros and cons

Research report about how organic food is not worth wild compared to conventional. comparing pros and cons

Research report about how organic food is not worth wild compared to conventional. comparing pros and cons

Research report about how organic food is not worth wild compared to conventional. comparing pros and cons

Research report about how organic food is not worth wild compared to conventional. comparing pros and cons

Research report about how organic food is not worth wild compared to conventional. comparing pros and cons

color perception in infancy

Color Perception in Infancy

As Santrock mentions in the text, the visual system continues to develop after birth. It appears that experience is necessary for visual development to progress, and recent research suggests that experience may be equally important for color perception. In one study, infant monkeys were raised in a room with only monochromatic illumination for almost a year (Sugita, 2004). These monkeys were able to match colors after extensive training, but their judgments were significantly different from those of infant monkeys who were not raised in the same environment. This suggests that early experience is important in the development of color perception.

Research with human infants suggests that although human newborns (ranging from 1 to 7 days of age) are able to discriminate between certain colors, their ability to discriminate is vastly different from that of adults (Adams & Courage, 1998). The excitation purity levels that were necessary for infants to detect a difference between the colors green, red, and yellow from white were significantly higher than those necessary for adult perception. This research suggests that neonatal color vision is quite poor.


Adams, R. J., & Courage, M. L. (1998). Human newborn color vision: Measurement with chromatic stimuli varying in excitation purity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 68, 22–34.

Sugita, Y. (2004). Experience in early infancy is indispensable for color perception. Current Biology, 14(14), 1267–1271.

Design an experiment so that you could test this theory with different age ranges of babies to asses the progression of color perceptionMake sure you pay attention to the research basics from Chapter 1, and clearly include your i.e., independent variables, dependent variables). You must include a clear theory and hypothesis – and clear method for testing.

Think about using toys, bedding, easy to access household things to manipulate for your experiment

See the extra slides for chapter 5 to help you decide how/what to choose for your experiment.

Use theory to support your experiment and make sure you support your theory with empirical support.

Be critical thinkers!

This assignment is worth 25 points. Approx. 1000 words (excluding references) is ~ 4 pages in length.
Follow basic APA formatting i.e. 12pt font (Times or Arial), double spaced, 1 inch margins. You do not need a cover page but you must cite references in APA style.
Be clear, and concise, but thorough in order to expect full points.
Use three (3) peer reviewed journal articles to support your arguments/claims. The book can be used as an extra resource (the book also provides several resources to look up).


Do some Internet research and find an organization that is working on the issue of trash in the United States. It can be a national or a local organization. In your essay, define the trash problem in the United States. Describe the organization you found (who founded it, what is their mission statement, and what do they actually do), describe the possible impact of the work of this organization, and give your opinion on the work this group is doing. Lastly, briefly describe your own ideas about what we can do about our trash problem.Instructions
Do some Internet research and find an organization that is working on the issue of trash in the United States. It can be a national or a local organization. In your essay, define the trash problem in the United States. Describe the organization you found (who founded it, what is their mission statement, and what do they actually do), describe the possible impact of the work of this organization, and give your opinion on the work this group is doing. Lastly, briefly describe your own ideas about what we can do about our trash problem.

Information in order description

Instructions: STEP ONE: Read and compare 3 versions of the Little Red Riding Hood story. 2 of your versions MUST be those included are attached. Your third version MUST be a modern/recent publication found in print. You may NOT use an online version of the story. Write a one-page, five paragraph critical analysis of how the story has changed over time, focusing specifically on gender norms and sexual references.
STEP TWO: Search the internet for IMAGES of Little Red Riding Hood. Choose your favorite 2 images and provide a one-page, 5-paragraph comparative critical analysis of your choices. Create an introduction that generally discusses gender and sexual folklore as you now understand. Then create a claim about the role of Little Red Riding Hood images in supporting or challenging gender and sexual folklore.
Consider: Why did you choose the images, what messages (i.e. about gender or sexuality/hereoes and heroines) are conveyed via the images, what cultural values are portrayed via the images, which images are most dangerous, negative, or progressive? Think critically. “I like it” is not an appropriate response.
At the close of your comparative analysis, conclude about how images like those you chose of Little Red Riding Hood work in our culture to support and/or challenge gender/sexual norms and values.
MLA format,

Analyze a passage of The Wars by Timothy Findley to consider one or more larger themes of the novel.

Topic is a starting point for your own investigation. You are expected to develop a thesis supported by textual evidence and argumentation. Secondary resources may be used but are not required. The essay must show a clear understanding of the novel and should include direct quotations from the novel for evidence. Essay should also include strong topic sentences and strong arguments. Arguments should be heavily elaborated and essay structure must also be very strong. All sources must be cited in MLA format and sources should be scholarly articles and essays preferably. The novel itself must also be a work cited in MLA format. I understand this service comes with a free plagiarism report, but I would still like to reiterate the importance of original work in that absolutely no plagiarism will be tolerated. There is no limit on sources, however there is also no minimum. I will also add some links that are useful for summary of the novel and theme(s) that can be discussed.

Communication Criticism Research Paper

Please skip the school and name, do not need to include it on the first page.

Instruction is in the PDF file, please also provide sources in this research essay.

sources requirement:
Scholarly sources include university press books and academic journal articles
 High quality sources include books, textbooks, scholarly articles, magazines, newspapers, vetted
websites, etc.
 Conference papers, dictionaries, Wikipedia, Encarta, social networking sites and similar resources do
NOT count as scholarly or high-quality sources.
I will provide the 100-word description essay in the word file and the link of the artifact:

My keyword for this assignment is Feminism.
Please let me know if needed to add papers.
Thank you!

“A State Homeland Security Plan to Work with Federal Entities during times of Crisis”

Please read attachment assignment and format. THANK YOU

Your assignment is to write a term paper, advising the governor — in the form of a proposed plan — about how best to prepare the state for an imminent pandemic, or bio-terrorism incident, that threatens millions of citizens.
Your paper is to be a plan. As such it should provide guidance on how the state should best prepare for an imminent pandemic, or bio-terrorism incident. The plan should contain the provisions of law or policy that pertains to the federal assistance, the specific request that should be made to address this sort of threat, and the procedures used to request it.
(Length: 2,000-2,500 words, font 12, APA citation style, 2 inch sentences, first sentence of each paragraph indented)
Measure of Success:
To successfully complete this graded assignment, the term paper must analyze and articulate an understanding of the major federal entities studied in this course, and the procedures for the state to react with them.
One page on procedures for using the Guard, or DoD forces to assist state civil authorites
One page on how the state could comply with PDD-21 and the NIPP in the sector of ESS. Should there be established an Office of Infrastructure Protection within the state?
What else should the state include in a state homeland security strategy?
Opportunities for enhancing overall preparedness in the area of receiving grant funds.
Challenges to gaining access to these federal capabilities.
Obstacles to gaining access to and using federal assets.
One page on a plan to attract more IC assets to support to Fusion Centers, including advice on which intelligence would be useful to have represented in the state.

Cigarettes and other nicotine sources should be illegal

I. Exordium (Introduction)

A. Inquisitive, Paradoxical, Corrective, or Narrative
B. Know the audience (demographics)

II. Narration (a statement of fact)

A. Thesis Statement
B. Summary of the Argument
C. Define terms
D. Background Information

III. Confirmation (Proof)

A. Evidence (text and documentation)
B. Witnesses (quotations and paraphrasing)
C. Tortures

IV. Refutation

A. Accept valid criticism
B. Discredit the critics
Begging the question
Argument ad …
Red Herring
Complex Question
Post Hoc Reasoning

V. Peroration (conclusion)

A. Summation
B. Example of your position working properly

A. Accept valid criticism
B. Discredit the critics
Begging the question
Argument ad …
Red Herring
Complex Question
Post Hoc Reasoning

V. Peroration (conclusion)

A. Summation
B. Example of your position working properly

Film paper

Please take these 10 key terms and concepts and apply them to the film “Office Space”. Describe how each term or concept was used or dealt with in the film by giving specific examples from the film. Make sure fully develop the example by giving not generalizing about the film. The best way is to put actual dialogue from the film into examples. EACH EXAMPLE SHOULD BE AT LEAST THREE FULL TYPED LINES! Need to give TWO examples for each term. (uploaded word file)
Here is the link to watch Office Space:
Thank you so much!Please take these 10 key terms and concepts and apply them to the film “Office Space”. Describe how each term or concept was used or dealt with in the film by giving specific examples from the film. Make sure fully develop the example by giving not generalizing about the film. The best way is to put actual dialogue from the film into examples. EACH EXAMPLE SHOULD BE AT LEAST THREE FULL TYPED LINES! Need to give TWO examples for each term. (uploaded word file)
Here is the link to watch Office Space:
Thank you so much!