Facilitating administration and control

Write essay on one of the four ‘Research themes’ (Facilitating administration and control) provided in your book (pp.185-190). Explain the research theme and why you think more research should be conducted on this topic.

Write essay on one of the four ‘Research themes’ (Facilitating administration and control) provided in your book (pp.185-190). Explain the research theme and why you think more research should be conducted on this topic.

Write essay on one of the four ‘Research themes’ (Facilitating administration and control) provided in your book (pp.185-190). Explain the research theme and why you think more research should be conducted on this topic.

Listen and Reflect on audio of Stars and Stripes Forever By John Philip Sousa

1. Please go to youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mRn9chmRAY and listen to the song Stars and Stripes Forever- John Philip Sousa and answer the following questions.
a. How does Sousa make use of the resources of the wind band; in other words, what makes this music particularly well suited to the wind band?
b. Conversely, what are some features of this music that might survive if it were played by any other instrumental combinations mentioned in the text in relations to Sousa’s march El Capitan.
c. In other words, what are features of this music are entirely independent of the sound of the wind band.

Risk Factors

Use the last two years of financial statements for Amazon.com, Inc.
1. Analyze the income statement for any potential risk factors and compliance issues with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or International Financial Recording Standards (IFRS).
2. Analyze the risk factors and compliance issues with GAAP or IFRS on the balance sheet.
3. Analyzes the cash and revenue of the company for potential risk factors using the internal control
4. Using the internal control, analyze the cash and revenue for potential risk factors:
A) What risks need to be documented?
B) How does this information compare to the company or industry averages, or the company’s past performance?
5. Explain the audit universe and how you identified it.
6. Based on your analysis of risk, devise a sampling program for the audit universe.
7. Choose the most preferable audit testing procedures that could be used in the field, based on the audit universe items sampled in this situation.

Narcatics questions

Narcotics Control: How the U. S. and other nations began the fight against narcotics kingpins, cartels, and organized crime.
Lessons readings…………..Grillo, I. (2013). Mexican Cartels: A century of defying US drug policy. Brown J. World Aff., 20, 253.

Gootenberg, P. (2007). The “Pre-Colombian” Era of Drug Trafficking in the Americas: Cocaine, 1945-1965. The Americas, 64(2), 133-176.

Meyer, P. J., & Seelke, C. R. (2011). Central America regional security initiative: Background and policy issues for Congress. Current Politics and Economics of South and Central America, 4(4), 721.

Rankin, M. (2010). Andean cocaine: The making of a global drug. Journal of World History, 21(3), 566-568.Narcotics Control: How the U. S. and other nations began the fight against narcotics kingpins, cartels, and organized crime.
Lessons readings…………..Grillo, I. (2013). Mexican Cartels: A century of defying US drug policy. Brown J. World Aff., 20, 253.

Gootenberg, P. (2007). The “Pre-Colombian” Era of Drug Trafficking in the Americas: Cocaine, 1945-1965. The Americas, 64(2), 133-176.

Meyer, P. J., & Seelke, C. R. (2011). Central America regional security initiative: Background and policy issues for Congress. Current Politics and Economics of South and Central America, 4(4), 721.

Rankin, M. (2010). Andean cocaine: The making of a global drug. Journal of World History, 21(3), 566-568.

Intelligence Revolution- How Ebay will Evolve

Define how the brand- Ebay will evolve in the next 5-10 years as the marketplace makes radical changes.
Make sure to have ownership of several key terms: (a) Information Revolution, (b) Intelligence Revolution, (c) Internet of Things, (d) Big Data, (e) Artificial Intelligence, (f) Augmented Reality, (g) Virtual Reality, (h) robotics, (i) drones, plus a few other terms that help explain how the brand’s consumer marketplace is changing.
Explain (a) the projected changes in the overall global marketplace during the next 5-10 years [NOTE: This is a global view of all marketing for all products world-wide–it does not relate only to your one featured brand] and (b) how the brand you are featuring could respond to the predicted changes in order to remain a leader in their competitive industry.

PLEASE USE GRAPHICS throughout paper

Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics

Search the GCU Library and find one new health care article that uses quantitative research. Do not use an article from a previous assignment, or that appears in the Topic Materials or textbook.

Complete an article analysis and ethics evaluation of the research using the “Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics” template. See Chapter 5 of your textbook as needed, for assistance.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Please follow the template provided as well. My Student portal login at Grand Canyon University is: sbernard5@my.gcu.edu
Pssd: Yv031560

Exemplar Essay, Patient Experience, Intro + planning completed already (provided). Reflective Journal based upon Patient experience (attached details of experience (does not inc. everything, Example Essay provided by institution includes additional details about the patient- must be read – ‘Michelle’s Story Section’ of Exemplar essay) Exemplar essay subheadings are to be followed, as per requirements.

Exemplar Essay, Patient Experience, Intro + planning completed already (provided).
Reflective Journal based upon Patient experience (attached details of experience (does not inc. everything, Example Essay provided by institution includes additional details about the patient- must be read – ‘Michelle’s Story Section’ of Exemplar essay)
Exemplar essay subheadings are to be followed, as per requirements.

Introduction is Completed (in ‘Intro_Discussion_planning Doc provided)
Discussion on why Reflective practice is important to me (Plan included)
Discussion on governance and practice frameworks (Plan included)
Gibbs Reflective cycle is to be followed (subheadings for paragraphs)
1. Patients Story (description) – Use Exemplar and Details pages to retrieve info).
2. Feelings (retrieve from Patient details – Exemplar essay, doc’s)
3. Evaluation (Exemplar essay & Patient exp. doc’s)
4. Analysis
5. Conclusion
6. Action Plan Included Planning for this paragraph in Planing Doc
References must be included (requirements sheet provided APA method)
No plagiarism should be included (as per requirement – checked for plagiarism through Uni system)

For this week’s assignment, you will assume the role of CEO to describe a change you want to implement in your company (either the one you work for now or a fictional firm in an industry you are interested in).

For this week’s assignment, you will assume the role of CEO to describe a change you want to implement in your company (either the one you work for now or a fictional firm in an industry you are interested in).
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to address your senior staff, directors, managers, and supervisors. Include the following:
Provide a brief overview of the change that you want to implement and the reason for the change. In order for your organization to consider designing a change strategy, your change should be one that you believe will face significant resistance from people within an organization, often because it threatens the existing organizational culture. An example of an appropriate change is a major change in an organization’s structure, a significant technological change introduced into the work process, or a significant change in compensation systems. Generally, the more detail you offer about the change, the easier the rest of the assignment is to complete effectively.
Examine Kotter’s and Lewin’s recommended change models. Document how they may help implement the change within a diverse working environment.
Identify two other change models, and then explain the processes of each.
Choose one (or more) of the four models to best help implement your change, and then defend the model(s) choice.
Discuss in some detail your change strategy planning process for using the model(s). This is an excellent place to use elements you found in this week’s assigned readings.
Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately. Add audio to each slide using the Media section of the Insert tab in the top menu bar for each slide.
Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.
Upload your document, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button.

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Soil Microbial Counts

The conclusion must contain:
1. check if the soil density [er gram of each microorganism is accurate and most be compared with there typical range in the soil.
2. check if the result is reliable
3. the biological significance of examine a soil sample
4. the importance of microorganisms in the soil

The conclusion must contain:
1. check if the soil density [er gram of each microorganism is accurate and most be compared with there typical range in the soil.
2. check if the result is reliable
3. the biological significance of examine a soil sample
4. the importance of microorganisms in the soil

The conclusion must contain:
1. check if the soil density [er gram of each microorganism is accurate and most be compared with there typical range in the soil.
2. check if the result is reliable
3. the biological significance of examine a soil sample
4. the importance of microorganisms in the soil


Prepare a write-up about gasoline to include following points:
• Types and chemistry.
• Properties.
• Specifications.
• Production.
• Market – this section should focus on the country of Mexico and provide information for that country of production volumes, market size, typical refinery product distribution, etc.
• Blending.
• Challenges.
Include Introduction and a conclusion.
It MUST demonstrate the evidence of critical analysis and literature survey to include recent technologies and new research. The book will ONLY serve as a starting point.
The write-up should be 5-page long excluding the title page but including references, figures, tables, etc. No limit on words, but the font must be minimum 11 Arial and 1-inch margins all around.
Use the textbook and at least 12 other relevant, updated and reliable scientific sources for a master’s level.
Textbook: Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics J. H. Gary, G. E. Handwerk, M. J. Kaiser, 5th Edition, 2007, CRC Press.